HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-17, Page 7REV. R. G. 11/ae31111AN
Mothers' Auxilldry I old iWorksbort
Plan for Banquet pr'IsriLizIletbrifthotra44,..g.:13t
CROWNED QUEEN •Mingbatrt abbaurrZiirtr5
ornmao, vvvollEsimx, xvoituAsY Z,
Men Teachers' 4440441Pu, Wel«.
corned- over SO teachers: at W.H.Da
last week, when they heir] a '"woric
shop". There were both aftern0Q4
and evening' sessions, with supper
served in. the. cafeterla.• 1?)0
rnernhers of the Winghant teaddng.
Results from a circulated' clues-
Weekly. EucAre
yoRDwzoll - Twelve tables of
progressive euchre were in play at
PordwIch community hall on Tiles-
day night. Wirinere were; high
lady, Mrs. Ernie Dinsmore; man,
Robert Cnrtright; consolation, Mrs..
Enarna Williamson and Clarence
Grant; most lone hands, Leon
Those in auarge were Mr. and
Mrs. Wray Cooper and Mr. anti
Mrs. Stanley Bride.
Mr. and. Ma, Peter Chioniey and
janey, of Port Colborne, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
at Brussels destroyed by fire Tues-
day afternoon. Damage to the
Itntle.lge store, a funniture store
and hotel was estimated at $3v,000.
-Advance-Times photo.
•;.‘0111)WICIII "Refugee:" was
the theme of the Wernen's Mis-
sionary Society of Fordwioh United.
Church- when they met for' the
February meeting at the home of
Mrs_ Crosley Sothern. Mrs. Stanley
Bride presided. Twenty-nine
hers nnsWered the roll call, with en
Item on refugees.
Mrs. Crosley Sothern ,read the
'inmates. A vote of thanks was ex-
tended to Mrs. A. F. Gardner for
printing the. programs. Mrs.- Ken
Graham and Mrs. Wray Cooper
were. appointed -to arrange for the
spring Thankoffering and tile: sup-
ply committee will look after the
annual St, Patrick's supper.
Mrs. Ira Schaefer read a letter of
thanks from the Fred Victor lVfis-
sion for a bale sent. Mrs. Emma
Collins is the shut-in for the month.
Mrs. P,lmma, Williamson offered
Mrs. -Glen Johnston was leader of
the worship service anti Mrs, John
Craig react a meditation on the
Lordls prayer which Miss Minnie
McElwain sang as a solo.
Mrs. William Campbell, Mrs. Mel.
Taylor, Mrs. William MacDonald,
Miss Minnie McElwain and Mrs.
Russell Nichol told of 'conditions
under which the refugees have been
living, of their homes and what the
United Church is doing to help,
and a challenge to -try and do move,
Only nine mothers of Wingham's
.Scouts and Cubs •turned out to- the
Meeting in the Legion Home on
Thursday evening. Mrs, DeWitt
Miller, president, conducted the
Meeting. The secretary, Mrs. John.
Strong, read the minutes and called
the roll. Mrs. Miller announced that
the next meeting would include
Aid collecting of the annual fees, Bonaire showed that the teachets
fifty cents per member. felt there was a. need for proles.
Mrs. Miller, Mrs. D. Crothers, sional training for teachers; While
Mrs. Percy Clark and. Mrs. Riels- they are teaching, eepeclaily In
ardson had preViouely offered to arts and crafts, Brig and 0904
look after the lunch for the Cubs' studies.
tobogganing party. The leaders A lecture was given on writing
have since decided •that there are in grades one to eight, :and &pupa
too many boys in the two Packs to were formed to hold disetissiOn On
allow proper supervision for safety. writing.
DIED RUTLVD01,:', is shown above the youngsters of Pack B on
. [The original volunteers will feed
as he watched Ills dry goods ii'xire Thursday evening, February 18th,
and the necessary supplies needed
were discussed. Mrs. Del Ewing,
Mrs, John Langrldge and Mrs. Ross
Gordon volunteered to look after
the party for Pack A, which will
probably be held „the following
The main topic of the evening
was the annual Father and Son
banquet, and the date was set for
Thursday, March 31. It was decided
to send notices to the fathers so
that the ladles would know how
many to expect. Last year they
Prepared -for a far larger number
than attended. The menu was plan-
ned and the women Present volun-
teered for the major reeponsibila
ties in organizing the dinner.
FORDWICH The Ladies Acacia
ary bf Howich Legion met in the
egion robins for the February
Meeting. The Zone Commander,
Mrs. William McCann, installed the
officers for 400:
Prealei en t„ Mrs. Jiwit
Vice pre:Attila:4, Mrs, Harry Tem-
pi-emu, Mrs. Defeatist Graham;
secretary, Mrs. William Austin;
set. at artrn;„ Mrl. Emma William-
son; standard bearer,. fvfr,i,
Moore; ,.oldies'; !mites, ,Men. Jack
Clark, Mrs. Vernon Clark; good
cheer, 'Mrs. Retie, Newton, Mrs.
William Austin, Mrs. Earl Moore;
executive Mrs. Ross Ding, Mre,
Annie Burris, Mrs. ittata Newton.
Plans were' ditNuased for the
zone rally on May 11th, which is
to he held in Gordo. Plans were
made to remember one -01! the
members in hospital. A donation of
$20.00 was voted to the scholarship
fund, also to the elderly -citizens'
home in Clinton, to help buy a
screen for entertainment, as whop
they have gatherings and 'picnics,
moving pictures are taken and this
provides them with a tot of pleas-
ure seeing themselves on the
Two new members were Initiat-
ed, Mrs. Earl Underwood and Mrs,
Ken Underwood. The mystery prize
was won by Mrs. Vern. Clark, do-
nated- by Mrs William McCann.
A letter was read from a member
Who is wintering Jn ',Florida. A
social half hour was spent over
the tea cups.
' •
Three Teams Play ,
On Friday Night
PORDWICti - The annual ice
carnival was held Saturday night
in the local arena with a splendid
- attendance, beginning with a girls'
hockey game between iViolesworth.
and Ford-with with the former win-
ning 4 to 3.
Miss Anne Simmons, 13. years old,
was crowned queen.
Prize winners were: Pre-school
girls in costume, Anne Simmons;
pre-sehool boys, 1st, Donald- Wit-
son. 2nd, Bruce Rattan; girls' fancy
costume, 1st, Nancy Gedeke, and,
Elaine Faust; boys' fancy, 1st,
Bobby Lambkin, 2nd, Bobby Gib-
son; comic costume, 1st, Donald
Mahoke, 2nd, Lorraine Gedcke.
'Character costume, 1st, Charles
Gibson, 2nd, Elaine li.'eiffer: fancy
ladies' costume, let, Marjorie- Keil-
fer, 2nd, Anne Sieves; fancy gents'
eostume, 1st, Warren 74urbrigg, 2nd,
Gordon Koster; grids' character,
1st, Larry MeDermitt„ 2nd, Gordon
Kaeter; beet clown, Donald Wilson.
National costume, 1st, Douglas
Gibson, 2nd, Helen Johnston; best
skating counle, Mrs. Jack Wilson,
Warren Zurbrigg; figure skating,
:1st, Anne Steevee and. Helen John-
ston, 2nd, Marjorie and Georginia.
Keiffer; eldest couple on skates,
Igfre. Jack Wilson, Mr. Zurbrigg;
persons coming furthest, Mrs. John
Baker, of Listowel, and Austin
Stinson, alarriston; best valentine
-costume, :1st, Itaren Keiffer, .2nd,
Marie Gedcke; largest family in at-
tendance, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer
The winner of the door prize was
John Gamble. Races were also held
and later everyone enjoyed skating,
bringing a very successful evening
to a close,
Judges were: Mrs. Gordon Greif„
Mrs. George Gibson, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Wright all of Wroxeler.
Miss Marilyn Armstrong, of
Teachers' College, Stratford, visited
over' the week-end with her par-
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Arm-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown visited
with relatives in Toronto over the
Mr. :and: Mrs. Alex Wray and
family, of Toronto, visited relatives
in the community one day last
Mr. Don Bridge- spent a couple
of days last week in Montreal. -
Miss Lorie Bidden, of Harriston,
visited over the week-end With her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. :Stan
Mr. and Mrs, 'Carl - Stewart and
Douglas, of Listavvci, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vittie,
Mr. Cecil Lynn,' of Orillia, spent
a couple of days last week with
Mrs. Lynn and children,
' Messrs,aliarold Pollock, Royden
Devitt, Scott Clarkson, Anson
Rattan -and Stanley Zurbrigg at-
tended a turkey supper held. in St.
James Church in Exeter one night
last week. This was .sponsored by
the men's club of Exeter And plans
are under way by Fordwich United
Church to form, one here. This is
interdenominational -and anyone
can belong.
Mrs. Dora Ridley anent two days
last week in Komoka at the borne
of -Mr. and Mrs. George Bolander.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goldrich, of
London, 'were week-end visitors at
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Demerling •
Mrs. George Ashton SPeat sever-
al days fruit week at the Mime of
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells in Lomita
Mr: and Mrs. Olen Marlin and
Linda spent the week-end in Dray-
ton at the home of Mrs. Martin's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson (hin
ninghum, who were celebrating
their 25th wedding anniversary.
Mr. and: Mrs, Noah Mies attended
the funeral on Saturday at Walker-
ton of the latter's aunt, the lute
Mrs, Susannah Hossfield,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig and
Ma and Mrs. Arnold J)oig spent
one day last week at the home of
Mr. and -Mrs. Donald Dols in Galt.
Mr's. Itosri Doig remained foe a
week's visit,
Mrs. Walter liainstocdt left last
week -to spend a month in Windsor
at the home of Mrs. ,John Lynn,
Mrs. Norman Harding visited
with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Wray,
who is -confined: to Victoria Hos-
pital 'in London, where site under-
went surgery.
'Mr. and Mrs, Doug Wildfang, of
Toronto, visited over the week-end
with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Simmons.
Mr, and Mrs, Bob Campbell and
family were Kitchener visitors on
Saturday. • „ Miss Jeanne Drown spent tile
week-end with her friend, Miss
Ann 'Miller. •
Miss Nancy Sotheran, of Kiteh-
ener, spent the week-end with her
narkta Mr. and Mrs Bill Sotheran.
and Mrs. John Baker, of
lastowel, visited one night last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Mr, Don McDermitt, of Water-
loo, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Me-
Mr. Ian Pittendreigh, of London,
visited over the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Pit-
PORDW10.11 • The intermediate
-hockey team journeyed to Drayton
n Friday night where they won,
the Score being 8-7.
Two games were also played in
the Fordwich arena:. Pee Wees
Fordwich 10, l?,elmory 0; bantams
loordwieli 7, Belniore These
lames were played on Friday night•
Club 20 Meets
BELGRAVE--- Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Gras-by welcomed the members
of 01tib 20 to their home on Thurs-
day evening, when an enjoyable
time was spent playing progressive
euchre, High prizes were won by
Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler and James
H. Coultes. Consolation prizes went
to Mrs. Harold Vincent and Ken-
neth Wheeler, A lunch was served.
New Bank Branch
Spends. 40 Years
in Social Work
At the annual Meeting, of the
Children's Aid Society of Huron
County last week, Mrs. Mary Chaf-
fee resigned as- director, having
reached retirement ago. Mrs: OW-
fee has completed 40 yeara of eo-
eial work, 211 of which have been
spent in Huron. She, came here in
190 as the first social worker, She-
has been able to see the whole pic-
ture of social work unfold and
has helped the HUren Society to
the scope it has reached 'today.
The board of directors considers,
it to be very fortunate in being
able to announce the appoihtrnent
of Rev.' Robert G. MacMillan,
. moderator of the Presbyterian
Synod of Hamilton and London, as
I the new director, the appointment
to take effect in Oc.,tober. •
Mr. MacMillan has been ,presie
dent of the board for the past eight
years. He has become very Inter-
ested in the probleMs of the youth
of today, and Is at a personai Sacri-
fice accepting this 'challenge; which
has been offered to hint
For the past 12 years 'he'has been,
minister of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich, during, which
tithe the congregation has increas-
ed to almost 1000 members, and a
new building has been erected ared
paid for. -
He has always shown. a keen in-
terest in the welfare of tile, county
and will take over his new. posiltion
well qualified tax undertake the late
portant work 'tarried' en •by the
Children's Aid. Society of, Huron
. ,
'Open at Unionville THE KITCHEN SINK
PORDWIOH--St, Anne's Guild of
Trinity -Church met for its Febru-
ary meeting at the rectory in Got-
rie with the president, Mrs, Wel-
lington Hargrave, presiding, Mis$
Beatrice Wade read the Scripture
lesson. The roll call 'was answered
by 12 members with a verse on
The study book was taken by
Mrs. Don King and Mrs. Jack King,
Plans were made to eater to a ban-
quet early in March and a' bazaar
will also be held in October. Menr.
bers were reminded of the World
Day of Prayer to be held Friday,
March 4, in Trinity Church. A new
study. -book, "Together We Praise
Him",,.was purchased.
Mrs', Peter Brown gave a reading-
"Recipe Collection". Rev. E. Atte
well spoke a few minutes to the
group and some plans were -made
for -the centennial, which will be
held this summer. The meeting
closed with prayer` and Mrs. Lyle
Simmons conducted two -contests.
The Wieners were Mrs. Jack King
and Miss Beatrice Wade. Lunch
was served by the hostess assisted
by Miss Ethna Foster.
50 Lashes Penalty
For B-ad Driving
, The attention of drivers -is
swirtii•egtPUlaAtIoti4nse .pleseiribti% 'h3g pen-
alties for over-turning a car in
, orcausing collision with an
If it is proved that the accident
arises from bad driving, or neglect
in detecting mechanical deficienc-
ies in -the car, for the first offence
the driver is liable to: (a) sus-
pension of driving privileges for
one year; (b) fifty lashes in front
of a large group of other drivers.
The :Ontario Safety League be-
lieves that many drivers here will
be glad to be reassured that these
official regulations apply only in
Saudi Arabia.
Bridge Club
There were five tables in: play at
the -bridge (nub on Thursday even-
ing. Winners were: North and
South, Mrs. W. Houston, W. H,
French; 'tied for second, Mrs. (1.
Cameron, Mrs. A,- R. DuVal; Miss
C. ISbister, J. A. Wilson; third,
Mrs. H. Campbell, H, Swift,
East and West: First, Mrs. G.
Godkin, W. Laidlavv; 'Mrs. D. B.
Porter, Mrs. P. A. Parker; third,
Mrs. J. H. Crawford, A. M. Forbes,
No longer can it be said that
etterything but the Ititehen, airile
has been modernized for•the house-
wife. Sit 1960 the up-to-date home
will have colorful perspex sink.
A , translucent, smoke grey sink
sounds exotie-there's a. touch of
the film star's bathroom about it.
However, the price of the maw
acrylic sink is down-to-earth. It's
about: the same- as stainless steel,
and as it's easy to install it takes
less time and labor costs.
Actually the smoke grey effeat
is obtained froM black through
Which the light shines. The set*
Canadian manufacturer who
putting it out has six other celors
in his range, Another company is
planning to eeneentrate on. White
only, A perspex is available in
some 57 colors the range : may be
extended in the future.
Great interest has already been
shown by the building trade, arid
in particular by the trailer Maas-
m rears Old
The first Girl Guide Company
in Canada -was formed in 1909 in
St. Catharines, Ontario, and re-
gistered - in England early in 1910.
By 1917 the Movement was suf-
ficiently strong to be granted an
Act of Incerporation by the
Government of -Canada,
Repair Projectori
Now Available
Wingham and Dletrict Film
Council met on Monday evening
with eleven present and Envoy
Newman presiding. Robert Taylor,
N.F.B representative of Hanover,
was present to help with problems.
Since no annual meeting had
been called, the present ;officers
will remain in office 'until the end
of this term, August 31st.
Regular group meetings will be
held on, the 2nd Mon,day of Sep.
temper, and the first Monday in
November, February and June. The
election of officers wilt take place
at -the June meeting to a.seume
duties September 1st, each year. An
extra meeting will be :held, to for-
ward this year's program and 'se-
lect a nominating committee, etc.,
on April 4th.
It was noted that the film coun-
ell had been lax in sending out
reminders that fees become due in
September and all, organizations in.
terested in maintaining this ser-
vice in the community are asked
to forward their fees to Mrs. H.
Burrell or Mrs. W. Harcourt :as
soon as possible, and to appoint
two representatives -and two pro-
Envoy Newman reported that
the projector had been out of order
for some time but had -been ser-
viced at nonSitteinable''Catist
carried a year's guarantee. As
coon as a small part is received, it
would be usable. Since billy 15%
of membership fees can be retain-
ed by local council,, the secretary
was asked to contact the Rcreation
Council for .assistance in meeting
the cost of upkeep,
Alvin Higgins was appointed to
check the projector regularly and
arrange a refresher course for all
former projectionists to learn to
operate this different projector,
and conduct training classes for
new operators. Anyone interested
should contact him direct,
Mr. Taylor brought, special
catalogue of films suitable for
church groups which ara:available
in Hanover at no extra cost to
member organizations, These have
-been mailed to many but others are
Open house was held recently
•.sat the new branch, of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce; at 'LT/limo/Me,
located on No. I Highway, west of
Kennedy Road. Over 200 guests
were received during the evening
by ,the manager, L. F. Watkins
and the accountant, Bruce Edgar,
together -with their wives,
The visitors were taken through
the new building and shown the
many :modern methods used in the
banking system, including the new
vault, safety deposit boxes, mobile
teller's' units and night -depository
Light refreshinents were served.
There were many beautiful floral
tributes, Which added considerably
to the beauty' of the occasion. The
Unionville Boy Scout Troop was in
charge of parking the ears.
Mr. Edgar has only recently been
:transferred to the 'Unionville
branch, He is the son of Mrs.
Murdie Edgar of Brussels and his
wife is the former Frances New-
than, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris. Newman of town. • :miring iris silk hat are Editine, Iiiefferi 6, of Wing-
ham, left, and Lynn Johnston age 9, .of Fardwitih,
BEST DUESSED GEM-Warren Zurbrigg, of Clif-
ford won the prize for the best dressed gent on the
ice, at the Fordwich Carnival last Saturday. ALI-
BR M VALENTINE-tittle Wirth .Kietfer, seven years olds of
Wilighani, wen the prizii for the hest Valentine 'thattinte at the kW-
AVIeh Cariald..*CarliiViil photos by Mandl.
Wits CARNIVAL, t/OttDI.Aittle Ann Shotnons,- Tive yents. 01d,
carnival Queen. &he happy young rinos,, Who lives in Porthrielt is
shOWtt abOVit lit Valentine 'footnote.
11101 lIZST pre.,sehool age v4041040
chile kbrdsvith Carnival WAS Won
by bonald age eytit Votd.
Wish with. tiro (unfit showtt
ittST frifitilig Skating eon*
at the Vordwlelt lee thnuivel
last Saturday evening, were Ann
Stooveey stOuding and Helen Ofeints-
`COSTUME WINNEPrite fOr lousy Areas -fostunto went to if-yoet,-,
elosot old Nancy Gledeke iitiiil Benald agcy 7 Meth of liartzville) Won
the nen& costume prize as a heedless skater, 1414 eolith* brought
good deal of applation front the over SOO attending this shows