HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-17, Page 4T1,41 Win W teSday. Feb. 17,. *660 ,,i,„.,,aiiiii.,,,„,,,„,„.,,,.„,„,„..,,,,,,„.„,....iiiwommoi,,,, i i .'i.. . . SPECIAL. . a a iLOW PRICES El a . on i. fi SHOULDERS' OF PORK ,1 i SIDES OF PORK AN 1.,..RGE.IRs. CUTS I j LARGE CUTS ' OF BEEF 1 iii AT REDUCED PRICES '.4 t ji GROUND -BEEF ' . 3 lbs. $1.25 II - ...............w...,-.~..,.... . ii lill LOtkridie's Butcher Sho.0.1.. . 7/111111111111111111181111111111.911111131113101 1 11111 11111 1 111111111131111111 '131111111111 111111111 01 1 11011111 4 ........ iiiiiiiiiiiii 1111141 i 4 lllll 111111111141111111111114.11.1111(14 lllll ..... 1411.1011111 lllll 111111.4 lllll ll llllllllllll Save INtione by PREPAYING N • plWINGISAM It( VitIlAjZii k0u490.Okeiiil )549 .......... Town Of Wingham -1960 Taxes, Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1960 taxes np to 80 per cent of 1959 taxes, Discount ,at the rate of 3/,' per cent, will be allowed on payments Thade in February. Prepayments of taxes must be made at. the Town Treasnrcr's Office, Town i-Tall. WILLIAM RENWICK, TfeaSurer, Town -of Wingham. COMINO EVENTS AiTI#AND LODGE 119, I.O.OJ'. ill meet on Thursday, Feb, 18th, 3,30 p.m. General business. N. (Laughlin, N.G.; M. Taylor, R,S, • — UCHRE PARTY at Lower Town School, Friday, February 19th at 8.30, Admission 35c. Ladies with lunch free. ° CE17b FEMALE WANTED , OMEN WANTED full or part time to demonstrate home pro- duct. Must be married and own their own home. AgeS 22 to 55 years. Commission. Write to PURITY, 781 Warden Ave:, Scarborough, Ont. 10-17-24b TTENTION HOUSEWIVES:— Avon Cosmetics are in demand more now than ever before, You can earn money selling AVON during hours to suit your con- veniende, No experience neces- sary. Write Miss Mosher, Man- ager, Box No. 86, Owen Sound, stating telephone number. 10-17-24b WANTED OOD USED sawdust burner wanted, Phone 1411.13 Teeswater, 17;24* LOST • TIRNIPEIRS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF UOWIOK TENDERS Applications will he received by the Clerk up to 4 p,m., Friday, March 4th, 1960, for an Inspector , to supervise the Warble Fly Spray ing program, in the Township of Howick for the year 1960, Duties to commence April 1st. Salary to be $1.25 per hour and supply own transportation, Any application not necessarily -accepted, J. Harold Pollock, Clerk Gorrie, Ontario, 17,24b TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Clerk up to 4 pan„ Friday, March 4th, 1960, for Warble Fly Spray- ing in the Township of Howick 'for the year 1960. Tenders to state price per head for warm and ordinary water. Spraying to commence April 11th. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted, .1. Harold Pollock, Clerk Gorrie, Ontario. 17,24h TENDERS WANTED EAST WAWANOSII Tenders will be received on or before March first at one o'clock by the undersigned for a ,Warble Fly Inspector, he to provide MS own transportation;, a sprayer operator and a operator's helper, tenders to state on the hour basis: The lowest or any tender not necessarily -accepted. February 6, 1960. R. H. Thompson, 17,241) Township .Clark. 100414014111gMt WANVIDD Cdi1SY;lEG,) WOMAN wilt lannteltIontit,IsteretalSr eoufde. 'ffitrito, Bros Attnerice-Tintes„ BULK OF CAMPAIGN , FUNDS FOR RESEARCH At the sixth annual meeting of the Muscular Dystrophy Associ- ation of Canada, the -association's president, ,Arthur Minden, Q.C., said thqt the accelerating rate of research into the nature of such neuro-muscular ailments as- mus- cular dystrophy is proving valu- able, "Every discovery, no matter how small, is a step towards total -un- derstanding of the cause of inns- eular dystrophy,- and, already., many, parts of the jigsaw puzzle have, been fitted 'into place, We have reached the • position where most of• the unfrintful line's of investi- gation .have' -been discarded -and-we are now able .to concentrate the efforts of great number of hril- liant scientists in the Most prorn-, ising areas of research. Reviewing the campaign and. the progress o f • scientific research sponsored by 1VIDAC, Mr, Minden said that the bulk of the $315,000.00 raised this year would again , go into research, and that he was glad to see,fun&raising costs had been kept to a minimum: Turning to -the chief -supporters of -the fund raising drive, the fire fighters. of Canada, Mr, Minden said: "The inexorable advance -of science is justifying the high hopes of this group who never for a moment thought that the problem would not finally be licked. They are -looking forward to a day in the not too distant future when they Can add the victory over muscular dystrophy to their list of honors." Helping -the firemen in this year's campaign were hundreds of chapter . members, in, addition to 130 service clubs and organizat- ions, including Boy Scouts and- Girl Guides, ilili.111111111.111..11111.111111111111.1•11111111111. A. II. MCTAVISII BARRISTER; SOIACITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 28 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every WeditesiLi afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. wanielommtur Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hoorah, 11.0. OPTO1VIETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario J. W. BUSIIFIELO Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eter. Money to Loan Oftie&--Meyer Block, winghon WELLING ON FIRE Insutance, Company Eat. 1840 An all Canadian Company which, lute faithfully served its policy holders for Over a century. Head Offite a Toronto C. Montano Insurance Agent* Wingliant hAVILLER, IVINTOSH & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 13e11 Telephone Building WALKERTON J. E. Kennedy, B.Ed., B.A., C.A., r, Resident Mgr. Telephones! Business 633; Residence 106 Aye You Intereited in a 'Business of Your .4 g• Own If so, Iitite's how I can help 'require an Implement' Dealer fOr. Magian* and vicinity. My company is Natio:tally known whit a full thie of the most Modern farm and -light industrial equip- ment. 14tRE9S WHAT WE HAVE' TO OFFER: Highest; eortanission in the industry; Terrine volume boetis set up, Traders of all sizes in gas and dieriet Pull type and self-propelled combines. Shut& finance plans to easiat in retail selling. Complete line of -haying, tillage and seeding maim:Wilt. A COMIPLttill ,CONSIONIM CONTRACT ON MA0131NIN „ rentattt INVOIMATiON AIRI'L'Y': BOX 93, WIN.614AM AI 'VANcE.101ti'S Chester R, Patterson Lived in Wingharn Chester Reiland Patterson died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on. Thursday, in his 66th year, He was a former resident of Wingham and lived some years ago on Minnie Street, where Hugh Sinnamon now lives. He was with the ONB.. He is survived by his wife, lVfar- garet (Conlin) Patterson, four sons and five daUghters. Requiem high' mass was Sung in St. Patrick's Church on Monday morning of this week and inter- ment was in St. Peter's Cemetery, The Liquor Licence Act, 1950 Licensing District Number 2 TAKE NOTICE that The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League 'BratIch No, 180' of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, will make application at a Special Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Collodion Legion. Rail, 48 Ontario Street, in the City of Kitchener in the County of Waterloo on Friday the 4th day of March, 1900, at the hour of 10.30 o'clock in the fotenoon for the issuance Of a ' "CLUB LI- CENCE" (Restricted) for the sale and consumptioni of beer and Wine with meals and beer witholit meals in an establishment Classified as a club." for the following 'premises: The Canadian Legion British Em- pito Soviet) League Iltimelt No. 180 premises at John and Conte Streets, In the Towit of Wingham, in the Coital/ of Any person resident In the licens, ing*,:distriet may 01)leet t 0 the application, and the' grounds of objection - in writing shell he filed With Mr. R. IL Trott, Q.C. 'the deputy registrar Of the licensing district, whose address is Duhicer Building, Sidle 402, 2:61 Ring Street West, KITCHENER, Out, at least ten -days before the meeting at Which the' application is to he heard. Dated at Winginun this 27th day of January, 1960, The ,Canaditin Legion *Malt' Empire Service League Iltatich NO. 180 Wingham; Ontario. rTohn mut COMM Street:a, Wing. horn, Oh Carl 0. ' 16-111i FINANCING A CAR? Before you oily retir shout out Low Oost Vinaticing Serf ico With Complete Inatirlitiee CoVerage. ST'--WART A. gCorr *bon. 2ii ithigkeiti SALE LEE'S TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and Fishing License issuer. Phone 185, 3rrb MILK FILTERS for sale--"Rapid Flo", 6-inch, 85c; 614-inch, 89c. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb GOOD HARD maple stovewood for sale, in, truckload lots. Mac- Millan Bros., Lucknow, 6rrh 8 MILLIMETER movie camera for sale and light bar. Phone 61111I. 17* ELECTROLUX sales and service. R. E. Ruttan, Goderich, phene Goderich 1154 or Wingham 553w. rrb KITCHEN AND bedroom suites— wide selection at the Godfrey Sehuett Showroom at Mildmay, Convenient terms. Free delivery. 17,24b SUPER FOAM—Upholstery clean- er. Apply and let dry. Special for $1.49. R. A. Currie & Sons Furni- ture. - 10-17b BARRYMORE AND HA)tDINix carpeting and rugs. Wall to wall jobs expertly laid, See the com- plete range of samples including all wool Wiltons and .budget priced tough viscose. For an estimate without obligation, call N. J. WELWOOD, Phone 86 or 771. 27rrb ADDING MACHINES and Calcu- lators, Olivetti, famous for speed and durability; Olympia Type- writers, renowned for their in- terchangeability carriage, For prompt and efficient service on present equipment call Owen Sound Typewriter Co. Phone FR, 6-4841. rrb ;FILTER QUEEN SALES AND SERVICE—see Les Reynolds at McKibbons Drug Store, Wing- ham, Phone 53. Evenings phone 840.13. rrb ARMITAGES FREE PANT SALE of Bond Clothes. Suits that are made-to-measure and sold reg- ularly at $75.00 with one pair o trousers—now on sale at $59,7 with two pair of trousers. Or der your spring suit now, tat delivery in March, April or May ARIVIITAGE'S—Phone 172 1Vieres, Wear Dry Cleaner. rr MISCELLANEOUS SNOW PLOUGHING, phone 1079, Harold Congram. We now have . two tractors available. 27Marl6b FOR, PIANO TUNING, =steal in-. ili struments, accessories and re- w pairs at reasonable rates phone at Rose Mann, 735,1°4 Wingham. rrb Ai BRICK REPAIR SERVICE—Brick E cleaning and sandblasting, brick repair work. Agent for hot roof- .ing. Small and large work wanted. Free estimates. Write Fowler's Masonry Repair Service, Box 369, Mitchell. F1OA27b INCOME TAX RETURNS V{ If you are a farmer and haven't filed tax returns, my advice to you ls—do so. If you have filed• regularly, let me check your Capi- tal Cost Allowance (depreciation schedule). S..7. PYMM P.O, Box 74, Lucknow, Ont. A Public Accountant since 1944 20;3:17* NOTICE OF RATEPAYERS' MEETING The Morris Township School Area Board is calling a meeting of the ratepayers, of the Morris School Area in the. Township Hall, Mon- day, February 29th at 8.30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to ',discuss the building of a new class room in the Walton section in 1961. Also to discuss further G consideration of schools at a later date if found necessary, George Miehie, Chairman 0! Board. 17,24b LIVE POULTRY Picked up Thursday and Friday only during January, February and March, C. MICHEL — GORR11. • Phone. 21r21. , i r t , ) _ c ' • WATERLOO CATTLE I BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial insemination Service for'all Breeds of Cottle . .. Farmer owned and controlled Call us between • 7:30 and 10:0da.m. week days 1 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings at CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 or . . . Collect TEESWATER 126 DEADSTOCK WANTED - 3 - r 6 FARM SERVICE—Dead or crippl- 1 ed farni animals removed for sanitary disposal. NO REMOVAL CHARGE. Phone COLLECT i Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123w 1 or Durham ' 398. GORDON ' YOUNG (ELMIRA) LTD. rrb ' 4, J. b I; ... '0 DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We i have the fastest service and the highest Prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4,00 each and , 31ke lb. for good mink horses. , 24 hour service. Cali for long , distance OPERATOR and ask 1 for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge, Lorenz Stock Rehmval, Durham. rrb ' y........-.• 1) d d- is lb t, al 1. lb )y Dead Highest rounding sick or cattle; proper , day or exchange Call Long OR 3. ATWOOD cash For , .. night, WROXETER ACHESON'S Stock district disabled removal (at GEORGE prices the use no Distance ZENITH Service paid in sur- for dead; old, horses and fastest and of all animals, our automatic cost to you.) and ask for 34900 HISLOP 2 It 112 m rb ecl a- 1* II to mi Mn iy, ite i*8- 71n, — ad til IIK' • DEAD STOCK SERVICE . Highest Cash Prices For Old,Sick and Disabled Courts and Horses ' • fiCAD ATOM AT urmilitAt ' CASH.VALUE kteitne rhono Promotisr• ' Cal Collect .. 133 Bruce- Marlatt &UMW% OM • r Ont. ' ' - • 24 HOUR SERVICE 7 WINGHAM area a large long- eared black hound with some tan markings: Phone 1074w. • 17h PERSONAL HEUMATIC PAIN? If you suf- ter from backaches, lumbago, sciatica, try RUMACAPS today to help bring you prompt relief. Druggists everywhere. • 3,10,17,24h UCKNOW NURSING HOME— Finest nursing care. Warm, clean, excellent food. Fully ensed. Enquiries and inspection invited. Write H. M. -Green. Phone 129R, Lucknow. 20 Mani)* MONEY TO LOAN Unlimited Money Loans To City and Farm Folks. oney for anything and anywhere. Phone or write new. OPS INVESTMENTS LTD. 99 . Avenue Road, Suite 310, Toronto 5, Ontario. WA 2-2442. NOTICE TO CREDITORS N THE ESTATE OF ROBERT A. CURRIE ALL PERSONS having, claims gainst the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town, of., Hingham, County Of Huron, IvIer- hant, who died on the eighteenth lay of January, 1960, are required o file proof of same with the un- ersigned on or before the fifth lay of ,March, 1960. After that date the Executors vill proceed to distribute the state having regard only to the ilaims of which the'y shall then ave had notice. DATED at Wingham this 16th ay of February, 1960. RAVVFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 17-24 2b NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS C. VITTIE ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of Howick, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the twenty-sixth day of January, 1960, are required to file proof of saline with the under- signed on or before the fifth day of March, 1960. After that date the Executors will proceed- to. • distribute the estate having regard Only to the Claims of Which they shall then have had notice, DATED ,at Wingham this 16th day of Febrtiary, 1960', CRAWFORD •8t HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors, 17-24 2b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OP CHARLES ROBERT GATHERS ALL PERSONS having elaims against the estate of the above mentioned: late of the Township of Howielc, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the twenty-Seventh day of January, 1960, are required to file prod of Same with the undersigned on Or before the fifth day of March 1960. 'After that date the Executors Will proeeed to titstribute the estate having regard only to the elainis of WhiCh they shall then have had halm 'DATED at Wingham this 16th day Of February, 1990, sz:twvoAr) .st ITETRERANCITOX Ontario litolieltore for the Exeenters. 17,24% .611,13$ OF THANKS. I wish to extend. my :sincere thanks to the nursing, staff of Wingham Hospital and to Dr. me- Ribbon for their acts of kindness and care during my stay in hos- pital, It will always -be remember- ed.—Jas T. McFarlane., 17* We extend -our thanks to all our neighbours and friends Who showed such an interest in the opening of our new shop. We trust you will find it of -service to you as well as a pleasant place in which to browse, when you're on Wingham's main street,—Marg's Book and -Stationery—John and Doris Mc- Kibbon. 17h I would like to thank my neigh- bors and friends, for the gifts, flowers, cards. and letters sent toflowers, me while a patient in the Hospital. These kindnesses were deeply appreciated,—Mrs; Jimmie Currie. We would like to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to the Wingham Fire Brigade and the Salvation Army for their efforts during the fire last Saturday. Also our thanks to those who offered 'aecOlnragilation 'for our livestock, and' for the assistance tendered in getting the" animals under cover Saturday evening.-•Roy Adair and William-Hilbert. 17b • BIRTHS WALSH — At Wingham General Hospital, cm Tuesday, February 9th, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton "Walsh,,R.R. 4 ,Brussels, a daugh- 'ter, WENGER—At Wingham General -Hospital, on Thursday, February -''111.11, 1960, .to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger, Wingham, a daughter. BELL—At Wingham General 'Hos- pital, on.iThursclay, February 11, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, Blyth, daughter. SCOTT ,-.-- At Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, February 12, Mr. -and Mrs.• Kenneth -Scott, R., R, 1, Belgrave, a daugh- ter, KENNEDY—At Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, February 14th, .i960, -to Mr. and Mrs. Eug- ene Kennedy, Teeswater, a son. Mrs. Jas. Robertson Buried in Toronto. The denth"occurred at -the Abbey Nursing Home, 'Toronto; on Thurs- day, February 4th, 1960, of Ida Bertha 'Maguire, beloved wife of .Tames C. Robertson, 79 Earl Grey Road, Mrs. Robertson was horn on the fourth eon-cession of Howick Town ship, the daughter of the late John and Mathiida Maguire., Surviving -besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs. F. G. Max- well (Bessie); granddaughters, Lois Aim and Marilyn; sisters, Carrie, (Mrs. H., G. Woods, Fort Wiiiiam; Jane,'(Mrs, H. W. Demp- sey, Stratford); Mabel, (Mrs. W. Edgar, Wembley, Alta,); brothers, Benjamin, of Gorrie; John, of Clifford, `and Dr. W. L. Maguire, of Port Dalhousie. The body rested at the Trull funeral• home, where the funeral service was conducted on Monday by the, Rev, A. Gordon MacPherson, of Riverdade Presbyterian Church. Burial, was in Park Lawn Ceme- tery, Toronto. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1 o'clock on Tuesday, March 1st, 1980 for crushing and spreading of approxi. mately 10,000 cubic- yards % size gravel to be delivered anywhere in Township under the direction of the Road Superintendent, Con- tract to he completed by -September 30, 1960, A certified cheque for $300.00 to accompany tended • Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Stuart 1Vfe.Burney, Road -Supt., 17;24h Wingha,m, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Morris Township , • Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, 'March 7, 1960 for :the con- tract of supplying, crushing and hauling approximately 18,000 -cubic yards of -gravel for Morris Town- ship roads; crusher to be equipped with three- quarter inch _round screen. A certified cheque for $200 must accompany each tender. Lowest or -any Lender not necessarily ac- cepted. Gee. C. Martin, Clerk, 17,241b H.R. 4, Brussels. NOTICE OF APPLICATION REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW 3 BEDROOM brick house o Carling Terrace. Hot wate heating. Car port. Contac Harold Pocock, phone 576 or 591 17 EXCELLENT INCOME property Solid brick house. Choice resi dential location. Central. Bo: 94, Advance-Times. 17 CARS FOR SALE 1958 PONTIAC for sale. Auto matie, radio. Less than 12,00 miles. Mel Jerrnyn, R.R. Bluevale. Phone 53R12, Brussels 17 1953' HALF - TON CHEVROLE trek for sale. Good condition. ply tires, Heavy duty spring ••New racks. Full price $550.0 Phone 10E9 or 148. 1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FIVE PIGS for sale, 9 weeks ol also 5 chunks of pigs. Mrs. Ste. Marie, phone 725.11. 1 9 CHUNKS of pigs for sale. App Harold Casemore, phone 510w FOR RENT SELF-CONTAINED three room apartment for rent. Centr Also two heated, furnished roor and bath. Phone 127R. 1 TWO-STOREY house, Minnie S for rent. Three-piece bath. Go location, Possession March Phone 499 Or 1W, WANTED TO 'RENT HOUSE WANTED tb rent April 1st or before, Phone 194 A SMALL APARTMENT' want or two tombs With cooking fee Rtes. Apply Box 178, Winglia SALES- HELP WANTED, MAI, WAN'ITI>: Man for steady tree among 'Consumers in 1tur County. Permanent tenriecti with large intintifactitter. reliable litlatier considered, Wr #tOday. RaWleigh'S, DePt. 13"1 131, 4.05 Richelieu, Montreal. It KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE Diagonal Road Phone 355 Wingham mniamommamolesommommv•mosrmommomormg.......4ammoomom. ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Telephone jAckson 4-9521 P.O. Box 478 GODERICH, Ontario CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors,life. Wingham,, ' 48 J. IL CRAWFORD, Q.C. IL S. HETHEIIINOTON,,,Q.0, sm..s-vgvMstrtMnAWr WITH ALL OFFICE TYPEWRITER FEATURES • see it HERE today! Wingham Adance=Times Phone 890 Wingham • • .4,..A,A0-,1117:4-64-744:47,:•:::,,*4!:,„.. PORTABLE TURA