HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-10, Page 10Va. IVegii ate, Inebant nee-10111e% VVeditestill,Y, Veit 1% 1900 See: the lino. of wedding stationery at Advanoolitoes. E N see HERE to Y . FUTURA fa za PORTABLE eeeeeeeeekeeelleeze i KIND OF PORTABLE with all office typewriter features -ways are on via so au no. ma soi ion no ma no on no On no AA MA Al* AV AD WINGHAM ADVANCE,TIMES Phone 890 Winkham ECONOMY in PRODUCTION —71114.79 `— ECONOMY OF PRODUCTION COUPLED WITH MAXIMUM PRODUCTION IS MORE THAN EVER IMPORTANT FOR SUCCESS IN 'SIXTY ! ! ! Ontario poultrymen are properly concerned about the future of their butiness on entering the new decade — and this concern is shared by all thinking, progres- sive Canadian farmers as our agricultural economy grows with fewer farms producing more and more. Since feed expense is a major one, if's here that you can probably do most, fastest, to control expense. ' If you've not already done so start'thepOW decade, and that new flock right with A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Made! Whether you consider yourself a "Poultryman - Businessman" or a "Businessman Poultryman", you know perfectly well that "it's harder to make a buck" —comm - petition ny is simply getting tougher. You know too that to keep your poultry 1,peration successful, you must first REDUCE PRODUCTION COSTS while MAIN- TAINING OR INCREASING PRODUCTION* SHUR.GAIN 'CHICK STARTER INGM Win ham Feed Mill 3 w131rds of Promise" The Scouts ,will meet at Gorrie on Wednesday at 7.30 and the Group Committee will meet after the Scouts. On Sunday there Will be a special congregational meeting after the morning service for the purpose of electing an elder to complete' the term of the late Charles Cathers. The United Church Membership Class will begin on February 21st. It is important that prospective members get in touch with the minister before next Sunday so that details of time and place can be announced then.. ro Have Pert Pats WROXETER Weekl Card party 33n 1.1)1„1rs(10,ky night returning y PartY later- to the of Miss Jean PCs- PORDWIcH-- The weekly card party Weir held on Tuesday night with eleven tables. Winners we're: high lady, Mrs. John Leppington; high gent, Gordon Grelg; consola- tion, Miss Minnie MeXiwatne and Ira 'Schaefer. Mrs. Agnes Johnston received a. prize for being the eldest lady pre - sent. WRONETER—Mre..Gilhert How- es presided- over the February meeting of the WrOxeter Women' Institute, which was held at the Borne of Mrs. T. Burke, The motto, "Use the talents you possess, for the weeds Would be very silent if no 'birds sang ex- cept the best", was read by Mrs. H. Adams and prepared by Mrs.' Davidson, Everyone has talents, no matter how small. Use them, for everyone has a part to play. play. Plans were made to carry on whir:tee euchre parties every two Weeks. Mrs. Harvey Timm gave a. splendid paper on agriculture.. The roll call was naming a Can- adian bird and an exchange of home-made Valentines. The program committee for the year is Mrs, R. Wylie, Mrs. ee, Timm, Mrs. J. Simmoes, Mrs, H. Adams, Mrs. G. Order, Mre, L. Doll- ies, Mrs. A. Munro, Mrs. G. Howes and Mrs, T. Burke, Gate were presented for the Cancer Society. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Howes and the ineetieg, was elosed with the singing of the na- tional anthem. The hostesses were Mrs. Reidt and Mrs. Newton. The following is a poem with which Mrs, Timm ended her topic: Row to Get There Twe gay young frogs, from inland hogs; Had spent the night in drinking, As morning broke, find they .awoke, While yet their eyes were blinking, A farmer's pail came to the wale And caught them quick as winking, Ere they could gather scattered senses, Or breathe a prayer for past of- fenses; The granger grave—that guileless man— Had dumped them in the milk- man's can, The can filled up, the over down, They soon had started off to town. The luckless frogs began to quake, And sober up on cold milkshake. They quickly find their breath will stop Unless they swim up to the top. They swim. for life and kick and swim Until their weary eyes grow dim; Their muscles ache, their breath grows short, And, gasping, speaks one weary sport, "Say, dear .old boy, it's pretty - tough To die`so young. But I've enough Of kicks of life. No more I'll try it. I was not raised on a milk diet," "Tut, tut, my lad," the other cries, "A frog's not dead until he. dies.. Let's keep on kicking, that's my plan; We. may 'yet see outside this can," "No use, no use," faint heart re- plies, Turned up his toes and faintly dies, The brave frog, undaunted still, Kept kicking- With a right good will, Until with joy too great to utter, He found he'd churned a lump of • , butter, And climbing on that lump of 'grease He floated round with perfect ease. Moral— When times arc hard- no trade In town— Don't get discouraged and down; Taut struggle still—no murmur ut- ter A few more kicks may bring the butter. TWO NEW MEMBERS JOIN UNITED NS WROXE.TER, — The February meeting of the Wroxeter W.M.S. was held in the schoolroom of the ehureh -Thursday afternoon, When 15 Were present, including two new members. The meeting opened with music, With Mrs. las. Doig at the piano. The Worship service, arranged by Mrs. S. Hig- gins, Mrs. H. Patterson and Mrs. K. Edgar, Was conducted by the latter. The thong:, "The Lord's Pr.-lee-it", followed the form of ser- vice ie the Missionary 'Monthly. Mrs. Higgins presented the chap, ter entitled "NeW Patterns for Old", front the study book, "Africa Disturbed". 'A Meagre!), "Into A. Larger Life", depicting primi- tiv,e village and community life in Africa, where a community health anti betternterit tampaige was being tarried out by Drs. Gil- christ and Knight, was shown by Rev. J. E. Clarke, Mrs. George Mbson, eitizetiship convener, spoke on "World Re- fugee Year",„ and Mrs. a. Rowes, stewardship teltergier, read a let- ter deal* With the elleretttiert ter 1D6O, which is 00, an increase av- er )ant year. Plana were aaremmeed for the World bay of Prayer to ho held t in the ehureh schoolroom Ott • Ito, Verdi 4 et 3 p.rit., when Mti, SET 1960 SAURIES AT Pit COUNCIL A regular meeting of the How- felt Township Cotmell was held in the clerk's office on Thursday. All members were present and the reeve, Arthur Gibson, Was in the chair. The minutes of the last re- gular .nteeting Were read and on motion QV-McMichael and R. Gib- son, were adopted as read. Gibson -MeMiehael— 'Thou we join the Association of Assessing ()More of Ontario, MeMiehael-Gibeon '- That we give the St. John Ambulance It grant of $10,00, Haskins - Alien- That we give a grant of $25.00 to the Huron Cotte- ty Crop' and Soil Improvement As- sociation. Gibson-McMichael - That the tax collector's roll as returned_ to the treasurer be accepted. Allan -Haskins— That By-law No, 2-60 of the Township of How- l& for the year 1960, a by-law eet- ting the salary of the road superin- tendant as read the third time be finally _passed. Harkins - Allan — That By-law No: 3-60 for the year 1990, aeby-law setting salaries of officials, as read the third time be finally passed. Gibson -McMichael That By- -law No, 4-60, a bylaw setting the rate of pay for road account pay- roll employees, as read the third time be finally passed. Haskins - McMichael-- That we recpteSt the Department of High• ways to approve transfers of al- lotments in the 1959 road -ctepropri- ation as follows: $4,586,86 from Maintenance of toads, to construc- tion of roads, and $137.02 from maintenance of bridges to , con- struction of bridges Haskins- Allan — That we in- struct the road superintendent to call for tenders for crushing ahcl hauling gravel for 1960. • Allan-Haskins -- That we adVer- tise 'far tenders for Warble fly spraying for 1960. McMichael - Gibson — That we advertise for application's for in- spector for the warble fly spraying program for 1960.* Gibson - McMichael — That we apply to the Hydro Electric Power Commission for additional street lights for Gorrie as requested by the Police Village Trustees, Haskins-McMichael — That the road accounts as approved be paid, Allan --Haskins— That the fol- ,lowing-aceounte he paid: County of Huron, tax collection charges, $252.71; Baker Convalescent Home, account, $139.50; Association of Assessing Officers, grant, $15.00; J. H. Pollock; registration of vital statistics, $3,e0; Httion Crop and Soil Association, grant, $25.00; W. E. Whitfield, part salary, $75,00; J. H. Pollock, part Salary, $100.00; St. John Ambulance, grant $10,00; supplementary assistance, $20.00; relief accounts, $292.19; Art Gib- son, relief administrater, $27,15; Ivan Haskins, two hospital hoard meetings, $10.00; road account, $4417.49. McMichael -Haskins-- That we do now adjourn to meet again on March 5th or at the cell of the reeve. ArtherGibsen, Reeve I-larold Pollock, Clerk SEE COLOR SLIDES AT fiROUP MEETING FORbWICH—"The spirit of Man is the,candle. of the Lord," was the theme of the Woman's Association meeting of the Fordwich United Church; held in the Sunday School room. The ladies enjoyed quilting, Mrs. G. P. Johnston, president, and Mrs. William Campbell, sec- retary, were in charge. The 'meet- ing opened with a hymn and the, Lord's Prayer- in unison. Miss Nfirinie McElwain° read the Serip- ture and Mrs, William Wilson the comments, Minutes Were read artd approved and correspondence was read. After the business, Mrs. Moe Ratan showed slides of Elgin Rouse and Alma College, taken by her husband and elides of the Peace River district and Disney- -land, Cal., taken by Miss recite Vat-cling. These were very much enjoyed by all present, The meeting closed with prayer by the president, Mrs. N. Hard- ing, Mrs. IL Fraser and Mrs. P. Patterson served a delicious lunch. FORNICH Me. Ian Pitteddreigh of London wire a, Week-end visitor with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs, George Pit- Archie Miller -*in be the speaker, Jr lie March meeting will -he in' charge of Mrst George Galbraith and Mrs. Samos Sanderson, The meeting closed with the beeedictien pronouneed by Rev, Clarke, alleywhich the 4cotataittee in charge eerved lunch, MIVENTED WITH GIFT FROM CGIT FORDWIOli - - The Fort-N.4h C.G.LT• accepted an 'Invitation front the W.M.S, of the United Church to re-affiliate 'with them in their miselon work, The meeting open- ed with a slag-song led by Janet !McGregor. Audrey letittate pre- sided, Marjorie Connell and Sharon Pollock Were in charge of the.op- ening worship service using as the theme "The Church". Taking part in the re-affiliation serViee were Glenna, 'Hibberd, Patsy Harris, Mrs. Robert Gibson, Mrs. Stanley Bride, Janet-McGregor and Mrs, Harold Pollock., Dianne 'Carswell, .Joyce Greer, Truue Winkel, Jean , Siefert, Mar- garet Ann Wilson; presented the mission study on Africa, in review. Mrs. Clarence -Carswell set up an Interesting -display .of posters and work (Wee during the study. A gift': ev.as presented • to the W.M.Sete''aicr in the work' which is the SpOiel'objedt. of C.G.I,T. Mrs. .James Waerell was the gaest speaker. She used the theme for YoptheWeek, "Living at the Crosereadeee,Sayinge that every life shouldtt have, • a plan, ,and with, Clitist:da,the'Guide there would be when 114y,' presented themselves in onion. iinliliS.7 ,ear,t crossroads Dianneep,:argwell and .Atudrey.elut- tan enkerkeieede Wielieome contests. The W.MS served' hirich 'and the meeting closed with T,tps. teedreigh: Mr, ,,and. Mrs., Sack Wilding- of Torohto iddre week-end visitors with Mi.ilted-Mrs. Anon Demer- Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Wallace of Guelph vitiated a couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Har- per Woods. Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Hannan of Harriston eyiaited Sunday with Mr. and aVhs., Bob Campbell. Mrs. 'GeOrge Richards spent a couple of daYs With relatives last • u Week in Toronto. The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. Tom Hutehison irt the death of his mother, Mrs. Isobel Hutchison. Master Bobby Campbell under- went an appendectomy in Listotivei Hospital on Tuesday, Mrs. ,Ruby Forester al! Toronto Shoal the weelc-end at her home here. . Mr, Jack Foster of Stoney Creek • spent the week-end with Ins mo- ther, Mrs, Ruby roster. Miss Louise Browne of Toronto spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Browne. .Mr. and Mrs, Crosby Sothero spent _a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Camp- bell in Toronto, Mre, Harold Doig visited a couple of days last week with Mr. ;aid 1Virs, Harvey" Bride in Toronto. Master John Bolander of London is spending a couple of weeks with his eerandmothet•, Mrs. Dora Ridley, Mr. ,and Mrs, Prod Davidson of Wingliam. visited one evening last week with Mrs. Nina Armstrong. '.Mr. James Patterson visited one clay last week in London and Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt vis- ited in 'Kitchener with relatives One day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hibberd at- tended' the annual "At Home" of the Teachers' College at Stratford on Friday night. The Fordwich Intermediates. beat Drayton in Fordwich last week '21 to 4. The Bantams played in Kurtzville, losing 11 to 4. The A.Y.P.A. group of the Ang- lican Church enjoyed a sleigh ride ter, where a 'delicious lunch i.vas screed by the hostess, assisted, by Mrs. Ruby Foster and Mee, Peter Browne. Miss Ruth Hibberdje Confined to hOr home this week with mumps, YOUR JOB more eggs per dollar OUR JOB CHICKS bred. to lay more High production capnat be promised into chicks. It mast be built in. A IROE CHICKS-- and get the right ones• every time. Famous STONE'S, DEMLERCHIX, TRUE-LINES, .ROE RED and. SUSSEX CROSSES* Famed "HY-LAY" blood lines available and pro.* Yen at ROE FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO No high cost franchise: pm* HOLD WI MEETING WROXMF.ft—Twenty--tWo raem, AT BURKE HOME here attended the ,Buds of Promise • • • • • • - Mission Band meeting on Wednes- day in the church eehoeiroont. The children enjoyed an African game at the Opening of the meet- ing. quiet music was then played by the pianist, Mrs. H. Purse The call to worship was given by the president, Ann Ceibsee, -followed by the Mission Band hymn and Pur- pose. Dale McLean read the Seripture and Carol -Couplhnd gave the pray- er. The roll call was answered_ by a winter bird. Reports were given by all the Heralds, :Ronnie Elliott, Canada; Dale McLean, India; Murray Glee. son, Japan; Margaret Wright, Af- rica. A 'Valentine reading was given by Connie Clarke.. Carol Couplancl favored with a musical selection, Mtn. L. Townsend told the Stork from the study book on Africa, re- lating the hunting of Old Hippo. All enjoyed a new 'Valentine song. Th e monthly 'emagazines, "World Friends", were distributed. Names of pen pals were given to all mem- bers who wtsbed to make new friends.," The boys and girls enjoyed a treat of candy and entre provided by the leaders. go OVER 50 NEARS OF KNOW HOW. SHUR-GAIN is backed by experience, unmatched byl any other Canadian fertilizer manufacturer. CASH DISCOUNTS SHUR-GAIN SELECTED ,- GRANULATED ERTILIZERS,,fori re '‘Way. ahead! 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SHUR-GAIN proven for Canadian, e nclitions F=ERTILtz The Finest Fertirizers,rorlour :Good Eitth NOMA MUM liMiC * 4 TORONTO * iritAlitl