HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-10, Page 8isneatemsainsionsasesassalsasiallallmi nnwillIW T anks • TO OUR. MANY CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE HELPED MAKE OUR FIRST YEAR OF BUSINESS IN WINGHAM A SUCCESS. YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED. Farmers Outfitting Store OUR LARGE QUANTITY BUYING PERMITS US TO SELL CliF,APElft. Wingham Strathroy A 771 Page Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesda:y, Feb. 10, 1960- BILLY TO:TOUR AFRICA . . - The .14;i-Aox Presbyterian Church met at the manse on Wednesday with a ood: •attendance. .4'1w presklent, Afrs.. Bernard Thouuts, eondueted dvvotions and read a poem, "The Family of God". -Mrs. Harry Elliott road the f•ieripture and Mrs. Raymond .El !intt 4d. in prayeL The initutteti and the treasurer's report were read and adopted, The roll call was "Nance a, favorite llynin Ht lilertnedv gave the highlights *Valliftmeenstsgowawnwir SAVE TAX DOLLARS You can deduct from your tam- able income payments made on any of these Registered Retire- ment Savings Plans distributed by Investors Syndicate: Retirement Savings Catlin. sates —Fixed-interest, guaran- ,teed plans tailored to your .individual needs. Supplementary insurance available if desired. equity Retirement Plan --(1) Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd., a, balanced investment for stabil- ity and income, or (2) Investors Growth Fund of Canada Ltd.— an investment in equity securi- ties for capital growth. Combined Payment Plana—. A selection of plans which com- bine Shares of either inutualfand with Investors Retirement Certi- ficates. Thomas A. Jardin Phone 147, Winghtun, Ont. Emerson lye! Phone 334W, Harriston Investors ityndac§raei• Q , CANADA• tliailltike tad °Mau WirITIIP*6 Citicti•la Pttulpil Wei of the recent Presbyterial held. at Wingham. study of Africa was given by Mrs, William Eistott and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas concluded the mei1-• ing with prayer. 1n Ladies Aid followed with a business session. 11 itwit$,I. tittle was enjwed with refteshinenN. WM'S e7roup Studies Gradual Transition Prom Old to New Mrs. Alex Corrigan gave the chapter from the study honk, rim Disturbed", called "On a Bridge". With special reference to Liberia, the study showed the "bridge" as representing the grad, teal transition from the old to the new. The Christian ehureh 13 a large factor in tile. beginning of a better life for all. The ehurch helps - all who need and leads the advanee in education, agriculture and medical knowledge. The example of Chris- tian living is the greatest force af- fecting the lives of the people and the inconsistencies of Christians the greatest drawback. Pioneers Celebrate Anniversary in West A Mawer, t=ask., couple, Mr. and. Mrs. John Murray, celebrated the muniversaq- of their marriage reveal ly when they were mnests of Multi] at the home of their (laugh- ter, Mrs. `A. Menzies, of Central Etitte. Many of their neighhots noel iriendn called to congratulate tlitrin, anti they received a lovely gift tram their intiglibtirs in Mawer, enuple entertained the fat- lowic.z..; clay whoa a dinner was held at the Harwood Note) in Mteen jaw Their youngest 50n. tainabt, Ile et out from. Stoney Ore+ h to be' with his parents-, on niemorahle occasion. Their Men- ties and their son were also pre- sent, as well as Mr, Murray's sev- en Mothers and their wives, Ili's. Murray's sister and brother and • sev,,ral nieces and nephews. Many telegrams and messages were re- Ok=i ‘:•• $1. Mrs. Murray is the former Olive Ferguson of Wingham. 1.050 she went West for a visit and remain- ed there to teach ,school. She mar- ried her husband in Weyburn 50 years ago and since then they have lived at Yellow Grass and on a farm near Mawer. Mr, and Mrs. Murray are considered to be pio- neers of the Mawer distfiet and they still farm there. Mrs. Murray 1111f; several rela- tives mid many friends in this area. wilotrint Mr. Jack Griffith, Mrs. George Griffith, Mr. and Mrs, Ross San- derson and Mrs. William Hart mo- tored to Toronto on Thursday, when Mtn. James Sanderson, tvlio ham spent the pala few weeks here, left by train for I•ter lunnt iii Itmc- town Sask. Me. and :Al's. Ilseri 00$11VS were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr:1. Gordon Ifeath, Mrs. Lorne Matthews, Harold and Glen, Prestou, ,caul Mr. Henry Sage, Listaiwt I, were Saturda.5;. yr-- Rm.: at Ih-r,o Mr. and Mrs Moon Tngram and faintly hirat turd, :Trent ;Iiindav with 'Mr. and Mra. Richard Thy , ram. Miss Judy Wilt. Harriston, spoilt the week end with Ws Mantive A.M($$$ PhitVICr., Hanover, Spent Saturday with Mr. anti Mir• Fred Montgomery. Mrs. iiirw.h• win) ha% „been 3,-$tAtitir here, rt. turhed home Mrs. Nerve./ Who, Maori ,.,. Mr t;. i•illiott anti Mir,:, Hama :pent Thursday Landon. Miss Patti Hart, Litanwelr spent last week whit Mr.-andMrs, Team Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hymbnan, Carrie, Mr. and Niro. Bradley flat braith, 'Raven and Notheryll, ul Wingham, spent Tuesday with Mr. anti Mrs, James-ibmig, We arr.::my to repnrt "Mfrs, R. Newton, I Ito'linistress, is a patient in Wingham Ito:Tit -al, haw ing undergone sin appendectomy-rut Saturday evening. Friends .of Mr. Maurice Dennis will he pleased to hear that he ha:. been transferred to Pahnerstou Hospital from. London and we hope that be will be able' to return home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caudle, and Arthur spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert. Candle. ivies. Robert Ca ulle and infant, son. returned to their home here. Winners at at WI. euchre party on Thursday were: Ladies' first, Miss Verna Harris; second, Mrs. McCormiek; non's first., Mr. Neth- cry; second, C. Smith; 'door prize, Mrs. Heimnel; special bingo, ..enr- fee carafe, Allan MeNercher. • Mrs. Peter IVIcEwen Dies in Brantford Bt.T.myALL.7.,...A. recent. death in Brantford was that of Florence . Aitcheson, wife of Peter McEwen, She was born. in Bluevale, the daughter of the late .James Aitche- son and Agnes Niel-lardy and she spent her early life here, She taught school for several years at Bluevale and. Elmira. Alter her marriage she lived in .Stylbury. Parry Sound and, Dorset, her husband, being employed in the forestry department of the On- lade Government. They later re- Bred to. Brantford. The funeral service was cominet- od at Brantford by Rev. Dr. Johns- ton, of the Presbyterian Church, and temporary entombment watt in Wingham Cemetery on Tan. 20. The pallbearers at W11100.01 were Raymond Iatinit, Eldon McKinney, .lotto I., lVfeEwen, .ttuss Abraham, I.:tit-don Messer and Bob Arbuchte• Surviving besides her husband are two sisters, Mrs. William Ab raham of Bluevale and Nirki. James Cleghorn of -Brantford •and one boither, Karl, of Kitchener, nieces nn:1 nephews, Pamily Celebrates 4.7s1 Anniversary TiLuEv ALF, and Mrs. (16r- don Hall were honored on Satur- day on the occasion of their 41st wedding anniversary. The cele- bration was held at the home of their son, Will, with his 'family, where-a turkey dinner was served. others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Groves Saud of Akron, Ohio; Mr. and heirs. Jack Orvis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Casemore and family and Bob Hall, ale' of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and fain- ily of Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall of Wingham and Miss Eliza- beth'Brown,.of Blyth. A presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. Nall of a pair of table lamps from the family, BELMORE Mr, and Mrs. Clark Renwick of Belmore spent a day last week with her father, Mr. Fitch, at the home of Lloyd Montgomery. Decides To Buy Tables BtiUDIVALZ- The Woman's As- sociation met in the United Church on Thursday afternoon with the President, Miss Ruby Duff, in charge, and was opened with de- votions. After the reading of the minutes and the treasurer's. report some items of business wore discussed. It Was deckled to buy tables for the use of the Mission Band and Sunday School. • A plan for .assist- log !families in time of bereave- ment 'was decided; Owing to the' World Day of Prayer helot'; Mareh 'Itti, the W.A. meeting on March, 3rd was can- celled. Mrs. Elmer Sellers, and Ricky spent the week-end in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, J. V. Fischer visited, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fischer at Kitchener last week. Mrs. Charles Boman is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Mrs. Carl Johnston visited at Windsor last week. Owing to -the storm no service was hold in the Uniteil Church on Sunday. Next Sunday service will be held at 1t.:710 a.m, with Mission Band and Sunday School at 10.30. Attendance at the 'linked Church Sunday Schotil hi Increasing with an enrolment of over Ind. T111$ f1V- erage attendance for January was 4 ,i, • 77. Isfr, and Mrs, "Ed. Rohm,' and children of Erin Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horton, iv-..You are aging tilt, inert- gage plan of buying Your. horn YOU should know about oni special MORTGAGE. 'INSI1R. ANCF., Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER --Representative.," Canada Life WINGHAlVt,-ON.T. vuoot H J. MeMurray in the form of a. Panel dise ussion. Al: ilea was tier unknown continent for many yer, owing to the vastness of the S.1- liara lack of rivet's leading tide the interior, the equatorial climate and the fear •Call'.ed by the enritit, of the Arabs. Daviti. Livittgrloim was the first to make exiennive e7,plerations of the interior in lir, thriainnary zeal fur Christianizing the peonle and OnmhatAil,g the terrible' slave trade. This :manner the iamons• evangelist, Billy Ora- ham, will matte his first visit to Africa. BLUEVALK The W.M.S. met in the United -Church on Thuri-'lay with Mrs. John Wieltstead presid- ing. Reports were given by the Christian stewardship seeretaty, tiia Cayi Johnston, end the vow- munity friendship secretary, Mr-t. • daughter, 'Mrs. Menzies, Mr. W. J. Peacock. Some arranfie- merits were made for the 'World Day of Prayer. BLUEVALE lit THE TYPE om Pg llri 1111 irM I n li a a RITER MADE ESPECIALL FOR FAMILIES WHO HAVE LETTERS TO WRITE ANNIVERSARIES TO REMEMBER . . . AND THE COULD GO RIGHT ON OFF THE PAGE No matter how you. look at it Royal is the finest It is the Royal Futura Portable Typewriter, of course. The machine that will be a fried-and-true, old trusted friend of the family for years to come. The only portable in the whole typewriter business that has all the features and conveniences of those big standard office machines. The only one so feature-full automatic that if lets you put your effort info what you're writing rather than info the me- chanics of writing. That's why youngsters' grades often go up with a Royal Futura. And why shopping lists are legibly complete. Make sense? You ought to see it and try it at The Wingham AdyanceiTimes. P.S.—This is a BUSINESS typewriter, too . ready to get up and go with you wherever and whenever you need it! • a I a a a a a a a 'a a a HOMEWORK TO STRUGGLE WITH . BILLS TO PAY . SHOPPING LISTS TO • CREATE . . REMINDER MEMOS TO LEAVE FOR EACH OTHER . . INSTRUC- 1 t . TIONS -TO PUT IN THE MILK BOX . . . RECIPES TO COMPOSE . . MENUS TO PLAN . . . BIRTHDAYS AND LIST • our Royil. Dealer in Wingham: THE \ft/INGHAM ADVANCE.T1MES PHONE 890 Wingham dint.,