HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-03, Page 9tev,"•^V*.".... U ti U Live Better — Electrically . PHONE 474 - WINGHAM, ONTARIO • urke Electric ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE la 41i.."•• "fi Kids Need Good Lights Remove Fuse First Off-Center tight Kitchen Lighting , Tips If you replace an old fixture Specific- applications of off-cen- A single, ceiling fixture is 110 ,Make sure your children. ow with 0 new one, be sure you re* ter fl.Kture lighting; include the use proper room lighting longer considered ' adequate for when they move the circuit fuse first. The of fikturee to provide •drannitle the kitchen. For 'better working read or 40,,bonlework. Timi on the Eaeutrie service League recom- downlight on sofas,. chairs,. and I conditions and for safety, there eciling fixture for .general light, then use an off-center pulley or mends this as a safeguard against tables, and to provide spotlighting should be local -fixture lighting spotlight fixture. to cast light • 'shock The fuse is • re-ieeerted on pictures, art objects, and knicit- over the sink, range, and each the specific study area. When the job is done, knacks, counter. 0 oximoliniiiiiiiiiiiiipliciiiiiminuiiiimionimiopulimiulisomilimmilicimmiiiinvammilimiii .. . .. .. 111•11•11•31.1111011•111$111.wgihio•11111•111•11111111111r.la III i National 'Electrical VVeek it • . _,. ...: . Electrical Contracting INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL, HOME and FARM WIRING and LIGHTING — FREE ESTIMATES , • All Work Bonded and Guaranteed For One Year. U ;11 It Pays to Burm Larne Brand Appliances from Burke Electric . ALL 1959 APPLIANCES REDUCED TO CLEAR. _ ▪ . SAVE UP TO $170.00 ON, REFRIGERATORS, ELECTRIC RANGES, WASHERS, DRYER S, FREEZERS, ETC. Electric Motor -Saes and Service REPAIRS AND REWINDS TO ALL MAKES AND SIZES • U AA U U U U U a= SINGLE OR THREE PHASE.Aft. • — • Ill Authorized Distributor and Service Depot for eliVE MHO 11. LELAND, G.E. and BROOKS ELECTRIC .MOTORS n a n February 7 to 13 with Handsome Illustrated Control Panels • •F-- 25 * e m • n • if n n Featuring: Wash and rinse temperature combinations Aqua-Poise Tub Balancing System Full Power Triple rinse—with deep over- flow cleansing rinse Gleaming Pc;rcelain Top — with porcelain fib and collector tank Sa‘fety Spin Drying—fast 650 R.P.M. Vibration Limit Switch—protects machine against badly off-balance loads Full Hot Wash with only 10.2 gallons of hot water. Uses as little as 51/2 gallons for washing woollens WASHER $299.00 Model W-60 7 Heat Temperature Control — from "No Heat" to maximum heat of 185 degrees • Control-Air. System • Safety Door • Illuminated Interior • Porcelain Cabinet Top • Heater element. 4200 watts, 230 volts Pair 1 rut NO OUTSIDE FINANCING 4—You deal only With us DON'T Do It Yourself Times have changed, and sa has electrical wiring and its many new uses. No longer can a handy man make changes or extensions to your home's permanent wiring system. It's dangerous to life and house and could he costly in terms of equipment damage. Like surgery or dentistry, this is strict- ly a job for a specialist, and a little knowledge of electricity doesn't make a • specialist. So, call a I"HOUSEPOWER Specialist" (your electrical contractor) to check over your wiring and advise what you need to give your home full HOIJSEPOWER. Controls on Dryers Keyed tof.abrics 'This year's automatic dryers are hand-tailored to suit modern lab- rice and to save wear and tear on. a family's wardrobe, Manufacturers have developed a wide variety of drying cycles to provide the right temperature and iliac for every type of fabric on the market. Special low-ternper- ature, high air-flow cycles, for example, are featured for certain synthetic fabrics requiring careful treatment, Simple two-step settings are the preliminaries for working some dryers on the market, With one model, the first step is to set temperature controls marked by fabric names or requirements, and the second step is to set the proper time, With another model, controls are set for fabric and load size, and the machine auto- matically stops itself when the clothes become dry, In some new models, one-step controls are available. For ex- ample, you may press a button for the type of fabric and the machine does the rest of the thinking for you. Here are other features offered by some dryers today:. Wash-wear cycle provides dry- ing at correct temperature for synthetic fabrics, followed by a 10-minute fluffing and cooling-off period at room temperature. Separate air-fluff cycle without hruegas, t heat -e forc. blankets, pillows: shag 17-minute sprinkler cycle so that clothes come out ready for ironing. Sprinkler is filled through an opening in top control panel. Dry with heat and air with- out tumbling, Air drying with neither heat nor tumbling. Damp dry cycle for all fabrics. U U Every homemaker wants her Heavy. insulation keeps the out,- new home designed for function side cool and there is no soot to. as well as for beauty. She like- give extra cleaning chores, wise wants it equipped with appli- ances that lend a certain amount of attractiveness as well as pro- vide efficient service. One of the most important things to insist upon today is that the home be adequately wired for all the many electrical appliances abd housewares that go with to- day's smart living. Quality Homes Have an Electric Water Heater No new home is completely mod- ern without an electric water heater. Obsolete and old-fashioned models can't give you the service you need in a modern quality home. When you insist upon an electric water heater, your home builder knows the house must he adequately wired to assure peak performance for all electrical ap- pliances. The electric water heater comes in your choice-of two styles: round or table top. It may be installed anywhere in the house because it doesn't require a flue. It's flame- less and therefore sootless, Many people prefer to have their electric water heater in- stalled in the kitchen, basement or bathroom because these are the points Of greatest use. Because there's no long pipe run, heat loss is held to a minimum. Because there are no flues, venting or chimney connections, valuable space isn't taken up by extraneous equipment. The electric water .heater is so well designed and in- sulated that shelves or cabinets can be constructed above it for those who prefer installing their water heaters in a closet, base- ment or attic. DON'T change a fuse when your hands are wet or when you are Standing on a damp floor, and don't poke your fingers into the opening. DON'T use appliances, especiai- There's yourself Some Don'ts About Medallion Home Music.Conditioned Your Home Wiring 1With Addition of Stereo Hi-Fidelity The trend in Medallion Homes is to well-planned and attractive kitchens. Many boast the tlewz Built-in electric oven and surface units. These new built-ins provide the ultimate in mode ern design with a choice of decorator finishes to compliment any kitchen plan. The deluxe oven above features all-chrome oven interior, completely automatic clock control, eye-level control panel. Matching two-element top units with a handy built-in griddle-in-the-middle top off the extreme flexibility and convenience offered in this new.built-in kitchen. A choice of siX fitain exterior ovenfislAes is offered to go with any decor. no danger of burning on the tank exterior. VzeWinghamAairence-Tim,4,1g7edne3any, reh, nr4, Jew Pao An electric' water heater con- serves your money. If not. used, the remaining water stays hot for clays, An electric water beater keeps you entirely carefree. There's nothing to set, adjust, regulate or turn on and off except the tap, • By insisting upon adequate wir- ing% you will be able to have an clectrie water heater that assures your family of plenty of piping hot water. Your family will live better and more graciously in, your new hone when you heat water electrically, Modern electric hot water heaters deliver hot water up to six times faster than the old storage-type heaters twice their size, Silent, Clean, Safe 1007, Efficient Mire's what it will do for you: Rooin-by-Iteom Temperature Control — Each room has its own instant heating system and ther- mostat. Each room can be kept as warm as desired without over- heating the rest of the house. Un- used-rooms need not be heated. 2. No Flame — No Ash — No Furnace — Electric heat takes th.e furnace out of your home and puts it in the electric power plant miles away. There's no need to order or store fuel, The entire system's as, safe as an electric light. - 3. Complete Efficiency—No heat loss through chimney, pipes, or ducts. It eliminates the hard-to- heat problem. in areas such as bathrooms, nursery, basements, attics, enclosed breezeways and porches. Householder gets and uses all the heat he pays for. 4. It's Clean—It's Convenient.-- There are no radiators. You deco- rate and place furniture any- where. Square-foot building .costs drop by hundreds of feet other- wise wasted for the usual chim- ney,. heater, ducts, :Entire. house stays cleaner longer. 4, 11,8 clean—It's convenient — Adding an extra room or wing is no problem as to whether the present heating system can stand it. Just run a new electric cable — less than 1" in diameter — and hook in the new heat. Members of OEIVIA -- the na- tion's leading house heating equip- ment makers 'who joined to pro- mbtt• these efficient and economi- eel systems • recommend use of units in the wall, baseboard or ceiling. End Shaving Cuts Make-up mistakes and shaving cuts can he reduced with proper mirror lighting in the bathroom. General ceiling light should be supplemented by fixtures on both sides of the mirror. 1\itimmiiimiiiiiiii•11•1,11rilININI•11•11111111•11111111•111111111111411•1111111111111111iliiiii1•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11•111•1111111111111111111111111111.111tmlilwimiiiiilismiimitimilsiimillminaii1.111•1110111111111iiiir;";± n I I NOW! The ,Finest-in Automatic Equipment DE LUXE AUTOMATIC WASHER DE LUXE AUTOMATIC DRYER n Matching all of the other pace-setting features of the Medallion Mime is the modern emolument high-fidelity system, It makes the home n center of culture and entertainment. 11 Modern sterenphonie high fi- i of the original performance, al- &My can make your home a moat as if the orchestra were in cultural and entertailanont con- the sumo l'0001, - toe, Even monophonic` or one-chan- nel records sound infinitely better A stenosyetem n ,preduces an when played on a stereo system, actual musical pi•rferinanve as Little torrent Needed elosely as modern methods make it possible. This means that. dis- According; to the institute of lortion, noise and imbalance are Illielt Fidelity Manufacturers, one il for operated appliances (washer, almost totally cli)uinaled, Pre- of the ereateSt. advantages of high oil burner, freezer, etc.) to circuits Osier) components focus the nut; is fidelity vomponent systems is which also serve lights. It causes to suit your room zieouslice ani II flouts flexibility degn siedby .c xp Today's eomeprot; lights to blink annoyingly. = personal listening tastes. l whose eyes are as keenas their Mg .,--,........ Two Chanuels I'sed ears, most units will fit on a. = bookshelf, room thvider or table STAINTON FOR 'GUARANTEED -- IN ., by reisasting a performative oll Stereophonic ;,011 rid is ak'llivt%li top. They are reasonable to run.. Open Design Trend's SATISFACTION il▪ The need for good fixture light- two separate- el-1;111)1,1s. With all lt,?,x),(f-utlartleinliosicitiTtes, et),fonstililtete ntieessst HARDWARE right silles, At home, these left bulbs. or a traction of the current ing is becoming more pronoun ced orchestra, mivitephones wool•1 'be with the continuing trend to open placed , in front and at the left and electricity than two II50 Watt. ---erif design roosts and the use of tex- Easy ;Hine paytheOt.MeanS getato A ht. 0 WASH AND DRY .,,,,,-.. lured surfaces. Both open design iia and right sounds are piped from used by a 110118010d toaster, iii • SOVingS With datotealanda . tar you at . FARMERS SUPPLY +10USE The Simplicity Way ;,,.:Pi arid texture, are Tight-absorbing, sepaiel t r, we pnei e r end l ou d. mean years of music entertain* the record or tape throug,h two Best. of all, high fidelity systeMS il S T. A I. N.T 0 N ' 8 • PHONE 3.0 .. WINOHAAA iiii: and 'can . for mete than the Usual epeaker syeteans. Result: an un- fluent for every meMber of the = believably faithful reproduction family, tilingiffijoiffijoimillniiiiiiiii111•11111111011101111111111111111110111.1111•11011111111111111111111011111111.11111111,1111111111111.1111a111111101010•11111111•144111•11311111101•1111111400•1•Thim•10110•110:1 mYkotnt 'of 'fixture light. El .• Unmatched in Quality Regardless of Price SAVE $165.00 • Porcelain Cabinet Top This Beautiful Matching ONLY SALE. PRICE $499.00 DELUXE SIMPLICITY Special! Automatic Dryers Model D-60 Featuring: 7 Heat Temperature Control—all Temper- a ature settings are thermostatically con- trolled. The heat you need for any fabric from "No Heat" to maximum heat E. of 185 degrees. * Time control may be adjusted for any drying time to suit your type and size of load. A temperature for all fabrics. • Safety Door—machine shuts off complete- DON'T put in a new fuse or re- ly when door is opened—Provides posi- set the circuit breaker without five protection while loading first disconnecting lamps and ap- pliances which were. in use when * Automatic Overload Protector — 6i the service went, off. Otherwise, protection for motor means longer life la you may blow the new fuse, cause and trouble-free operation. the circuit breaker to trip out immediately. • Free-flow Lint Filter hos over 208 sq. in. DON'T blame the manufacturer of filtering surface !! or the dealer if your iron, toaster, jig electric sauce pan, etc., seem to heat slowly. Have your wiring checked first, U U ly portable ones, anywhere in moth of the bathtub. This includes 7.2 radios. it DON'T allow the installation n ja outdoor outlets, or outlets in, areas where the floor may become wet (basement or garages), without a firli grounding connection. Be sure lie the appliances connected to them iwa have a similar ;;rounding„ ire in the cord. !!! DON'T try to plug all your fe kitchen appliances into a sin.gIe outlet at one time, Spread them around among different outlets !" and different circuits if you can nil • DON'T connect stationary mo,, • $219.00 DRYER ONLY . , . , , , „ .