HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-03, Page 8Page, Tito Wag nn t4v ea-Timet;.Weileestlay, Feb. ard,.100 hat Can You tiy for a Nickel? ` Mra•0441;1111‘11.441/1161{4.0114 .11.1.1,161.111•4.010411066.64 WAN. 46101.1210. 41.1milf q Here is the Answer to your TV tube problems BRING THEN TO ALEXANDER ! HARDWARE FOR FREE TESTING SHOWN ABOVE IS OUR NEW DO4T.YOURSELF TUBE TESTER, WHICH ANYONE CAN OPERATE. Most TV and Radio troubles are caused by faulty tubes, that are easy to replace, when you can test them EE A T Alexander Hardware Phone 27 Wingbarn This az."..c.n...tic tester °will find troubles in all ordinary home and car radios and will test fuses and condensers. olia+0•111.11.010uWaHltuilfalisikimietbeircillulueveibekiviutuoinipo u: S A 11 I( S E 'are particularly work.. Pick a lamp that is tall 'enough and that has a shade big enough to ,distrib.ute light over the entire work area. For example, the height of a lamp from table top to the bottom of the shade should be 15-18". T,his provides for maxi- mum -light distribution while at the same time shielding your eyes from the direct glare of the bulb. The bottom of the socket should be in line With the bottom elge of the shade, A. proper shade for a table lamp of this type—would be about 15 inches across the bot- tom and at lept 10 inches across the top. "Bullet lamps" and other spotlight types, as well as -the old-fashioned gooseneck, are not recommended• for study desks be- cause they proVide a small, bright spot GI' light on. the work, -sur- rounded by comParative darkness. A light-colored blotter on the desk top will eliminate annoying reflections and at the same time reduce the contreist between a dark desk and light paper. Vor. easy reading, prop your book tin so that it is in a pin e parallel to your face, These tips from the Electrica Bureau of Canada will help ligle en the desk work , in your ,homt and lessen eye fatigue. For addi- tional lighting ideas, consult your local electric' light and power corn patty. good for desk selection and when reading. vision, partico• placemeni' is important to good Here's How You Can Cut Eye, Fatigue With Good Desk Lighting .. .. YES, MA'M , iF ITS AN APPLIANCE THAT . PLUGS IN , WE CARRY IT-- . CAUSE THIS YEAR EVERY"; ONE'S GIVING BETTER.' • ELECTRICAILW to rush la on 41111 The toulotry 7 to glve better electrieslly 0 .oirety.tift .o loiii ELECTRICITY SPARKS THE (etnatia ie a country of many electrical appliances, all aecont- Per:ants. The average family re- tpliehing household tasks for "next- fair. ntaff uf at leaet nine, some to-nothing" wages. From the honeee employ as many thirty. automatic "laundress" who does Servaele are ehean. One servant, the family wash for a cent a Ihlen enough foe ten load . . through the whole range lerge families •for as little as five • of eleaning and cooking help in effete. the form of Vflel111111 cleaners, (ea, littaginp. ieepe eee Ipolishers, stoves, refrigerators, from it titvr settee 111;41(juu tiwItTs, kettles and Where , . the laitisehold entertainment "staff" of radios, television and phono- graph , •Canathans get _ elec- trical eerviee in the home for lese money than any other people in OW kvtirld. hf/Itt hie diary'? Yet. in any l'Oillnionity today, i/H,e iall0 filets. For Canada le a. emit-dry id many gryvant eli`et deal fierVatl ti . 110 w,,r k ma not only in the helm- hat everywhere, the lift. • Canada's average lameehold &en- force -4,f Canadian economy, suniptiott oltlqrloity is the ndust r la ti ti o began hi. world's 4.00 161°- Canada with the birth of (let— watt hours. It is about 15% higher than that of the United States and many times greater than that of Russia. And, Cana- dians pay lease One killowatt hour (leas only IX cents per capita as agitinSt 2_0 eents in the United States, trieity. A Mania/it electrical energy awl the nee of Power equipment in indastly has inereased produe- tivity to the . point where it la the keystone of Canadian prosperity and progress. Wt- are no longer a pioneer nation of fishermen, lumbermen, miners and farmers. We arc an imbistriel nation, maintaining the setiond highest standard of living in the world. Where the development of elect:re- ity gave us the means to achieve it, the electrical industry gives us the leisure to enjoy it. Perhaps nowhere is the Itetual meaning of this high living stan- dard more apparent in tertus or actual enjoyment than in the home. liere the electrical industry - which provides the 'Canadian hoosehold - with its personal staff of "servants" ---- allows a way of life heretofore undreamed of in history. Surrounded as he is 'by his quick, efficient, obedient ret- inue, the ordinary Canadian house- holder is better served than many a wealthy slave owner of old ever dreamed possible. .Besides lighting, the average home is served by- nine or more crate an electric fan for 00 hours or a radio for 45 hours . , And still the miracles increase. With some 70 -home appliances available today the electrical in- (Wary promises even more won • (Wend ones to come. Some, like colour .TV, are already on the threshold of the popular market. Electronic cooking Is on the way Newt easier, faster ways of heat- ing and lighting our homes are moving up. Automation promises us a way of life which- only a few short years ago seemed an implatisible fantasy of science tion. • But what of the industry itself? Busy now drafting the electric and electronic marvels - of tomorrow, providing the accepted marvels of today, and sustaining the vast supply of aetannatie devices which power almost • every aspect of Canadian economy ,from factory to farm, the electrical manufactur- ing industry with its highly skilled labour forties or over 80,000. is a vital part of the -Canadian econ- omy. Through every segment of the industry, Canadians everywhere pejoy beeefits of better living; Utilities provide its with reliable low-cost power; the electrical manufacturers develop and build the 70 "servants" available to homeowners; appliance stores make purchasing convenient; Ca- adian Standards Association safe- guards the safety of' product designs; the electrical distributor assures the smooth flow of ma- terials all across Canada; the elec- trical contractor is responsible for 'installation; the inspector adds a further check on installation. / Good Venting Xitehen ventilation to reduce heat, cooking odors and smoke is a welcome feature in many up- to-date Medallion Homes There are several kinds of ventilating fans available, from very simple units easily fitted in windows to -decorative hoods over the range. Properly engineered and installed, they make the kitchen far pleasanter to work in and keep kitchen curtains, walls, and ceilings clean and bright beyond the norm, Suh Device Used. Among the newest ventilating devices are ones which purify the air and re-circulate it without ex- haust ducts, They are the same kind used on atomic submaripes and probably will be used as well when man starts making trips to ',be moon. Ventilating systems that re-use air without exhausting ;it, can save on heat in wjnter. Future models may incorporate a small air conditioner, or may vent the air to te central air conditioner, for cooling In the summer months. February 7th to 13th is Nation- al Electrical Week, marking' the 113th a n n i.ve r sar y of Thomas Edison's; birth. Edson brouelit electricity out of the laboratory and into practical use for the benefit of all mankind. He worked ontiringly to develop the first practical electric light MIK and with it, the equipment -needed to bring it into our homes, Edison founded an industry that has be- come one of the nation's largest and "mist vital ... ninclustry that has put the magic at elect deity to Worle.in a thousand ways that con- tribute to the strength and pros- yerity of the nation. An industry that continues to play an increas- ing part in 'Canada's development --providing equipment for four- fifth of all work in manufacturing for example. Yes, from forest And farm ta, end-prodoets, "electrielly builds jobs". So, during National Electrieal Week, this year, we salute the cient - seeing, and to the avoidance of eye fatigue. in schools and offices. A lot of it is done • right in ,your own. home —your children's homework, and a lot of grown-up !'paper-work", too. The Electrical Bureau of Can- ada, a national organization which fosters better use of eyes and light, suggests that the homemaker also give careful consideration to the environment in which, this critical "eye 'work" is conducted, Have a definite "study center," with quate desk or table space and the proper sort of chair to promote the good posture so necessary to comfortable eoncentration over long periods. Xnd aboye all, be sure that adequate and comfort- able light is provided. • Here aro some suggestions to improve. your study center Select a bulb that provides enough light, at least 150 watts is recommended ' for sustained ceritical seeing. Use a lamp that, provides good diffusion of light. Lamps that are , equipped with undershade diffusers world's most versatile servant . electricity, Electricity keeps you warm ie. the winter, cool in the slimmer, It tarns night into day at the flick of a switch. ,I•thrings. you. entertainment,. cooks' yoor food, does your washing and In so many ways makes your life easier and more enjoyable, Have you ever thought just how inexpensive all these electrical servants are, The average-size living room cap be vacunmed for about half a cent. With the flick of a switch, elece• ericity does a weeks wash for the average family for less than a n 1 ckel. National Electrical Week has been officially declared by many of our Premiers and Mayors ---- a salitte to the 200,000 skilled Cana- dians of the .electrical industry whose products and services are designed to serve thie. highly spe- cialized needs of our growing n a Hon , Gapa Lighting Has 3; Purposes The three , main purposes of adequate fixture lighting are: first, to cast• general room illumination; second; to provide light for cer- tain visual tasks such as cooking, reading, aewing;- and third, to pro- vide accent light to enhance ine terior decor, Wiring First Problem for 4 of• 5 Homes Whit four out of every five homes electrically undernourished, Holutepower becoMes the No, I project . most families enconeter wolomont. modernization Plans art` liousepower," one of the mai& prerequisites qualifying 0 home for the Medallion, should be planned by electrical experts to ,assure that your dreams of a mere erne- lent home becomes reality, . Refrigerators, freezers, auto- made washers, dryers ranges and ovens and all the other modern eeilVpriicanlnabetiorw-sai tv.theig's, tocalflu peak efficiency, • How -to Oft 'About It Once you have discussed that "'dream" kitchen. with your fam- ily, contact your local utility for planning help. They have experts who can advise on layout, esti- mate costs, tell you how to go about financing the job, Contact a qualified electrical contractor to do the actual work. Lighf Mirror — A dressing mirror is easier to use if it is lighted by fixteres each side and on top,`the Electric Service League advises. Lighted Sigo Polofs. Way Make it easy for your friends to find your home by installing an illuminated address sign the Elec trie Serviee Leagne advises. Ano- ther aid is a poS1.; lantern to light Ow way to your .front door. For .Childs. Safety For ebildren's rooms and halls, recessed baseboard fixtures are available which east° a soft glow at night without getting in an one's way, the Electric •Servi. League reported._ g,4 47 II: S.WitCh Automatic closet switches .a now available which turn on tl closet' light when you ofin tl door, tiirn it off when the door shut, the Eleetric Service Leaf> reported. In fact, as (1. Wtleox, presi- dent of tin, Canadian Electrical Manufacturer's Association re- cently pointed out, electricity is today's hest buy by far, Where the "good nickel cigar" has long since fluted into history along with the nickel tram fare and even the nickel 'phone calls, a nickel's worth of elmarleal ser- vice yieleis astonishing returns: "On the average farm, Mr, Wilcox reported, "it will pump about 1,000 galions of water, it will lift or carry 1,000 bushels of grain forty feet, it will brood 3 to 5 chicks. it will convey feed for 1,000 layers. for three days, or it will inflate about 50 auto- mobile or trailer tires. In the average home it will run a TV set for 17 hours, a refrig- erator for 3 days. It will toast 200 slices of bread, do 10 washes in an automatic machine, or op- It is these seven segments, to- talling almost 200,000 'Canadians which comprise the Electrical In- dustry, each in a different way dedicated to-helping us4Live Better --Electrically, Electrically today, Electrically tomorrow-- better and better all the time. Builders of schools and office buildings give careful considera- Kitchen Needs Lion. to proper lighting because they are ' well aware of its im- portance to comfortable and On- 'Electricity Builds Jobs" Thema. for •.• For All The Best in Electrical Appliances BE SURE TO VISIT FOR YOU'LL LIVE BETTER WITH FULL HOUSEPOWER. Make sure you are taking advantage of properly-planned, scientifically-designed full housepower. "Full housepower" means that sa`fe, complete wiring is installed in your home. It means that your home will be completely equipped with enough circuits, outlets and switches to handle future expansion and • additional, appliances. You'll better electrically today and in the future if you plan full housepower wisely now. Let us advise you on full housepower for your home. Norman Keating ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Phone 79 • NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK—FEB. 7—FES. 'I Wingharn Annipilimiiimmiiii1111111iEiilillimilililimininliimlinictinciiniiiiiiimmowimiliim11111inlimiliminsimnicianiilliffillil II Pattison Electric SERVING WINGHAM AND DISTRICT FOR 25 YEARS WITH THE FINEST APPLIANCES ELECTRICAL LIVING Spark your happiness in 1960 with A NEW ELECTRIC RANGE, 1 AUTOMATIC *s WASHER, DRYER, OR REFRIGERATOR FROM , the TOP SECECTION at our Showroom 'qmiflimmommAimilmitflimimmisMiu m miONAWMAAmiummiummimmaimummilimimMAAMimom el But all desk work is not done • •