HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-03, Page 6INDIVIDUAL PENSION PLANS Professional.. men, business men-.-, the SOW-employed — can still put Up tQl:0% of 1959 earnings* into a. personal pension plan and de, Ow* this amount from 1959: tax,. able income. But the time left to. qualify for tax exemption is short. The deadline for registering anew pension plan with the Government and. for making payment into the Plan. is February 29. Your Manufacturers Life rep- resentative is trained to provide a high standard of Retirement Plan- ning Service. Call him today for full information on our Registered :Retirement Savings Plan — how it is designed to guarantee you financial security after retirement .—and how your contributions ean be deducted from taxable income, *maximum— $2,500 W. B. CONRON, Diagonal Road, Wingham Telephone 722 Representing THE MANUFACTURERS 1"sul'AKct LIFE c°.PANY 712 ,41 FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the ineil With a young (ONSULT— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada. Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 162 •••••••.101. RirmIrt-lockachel • —tired out! —rest disturbed! ARE ALL WIVES FED Up? When they are troubled by backache, that tired out feeling or disturbed rest, many, many women turn to Dodd's Kidney Pills. These conditions can be caused by excess acids and wastes in the system and Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys and aid their normal action of removing these excess acids and wastes. Then life seems brighter, housework lighter! Why don't you, too, try Dodd's? 6a DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto Come in and see the new model Simca, now on display at Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, DeSoto and Simca Dealer Phone 710 Wingham ase...•."...0.•/•••••••••0••••••••.•••••••••• ' • • ,pc•,ti % ,,,,,,,,, . Famous Serta Stabilizer-Edge and Air Conditioned Border in the NEW Only Serta could bring you such value—and only during the Soda President's Sate! Authentic posture feotures! Matchless Serta quality! You could pay much more for a posture mattress—odd still not get superb steeping comfort like this! • Spetial innerspring construction for extra firmness, • Extra ulevelizing” layer, • Handsome heavy-woven fabric covet. • Multi-vent air conditioned border —lets your mattress actually breathe. a Famous Serta Stobiiizer edge will riot buckle, sag or bend. Available with comfort co-ordinated box spring at the ;Some low price. See it now. eeeleeeSifia. Xas4to tar, 1st: 4troilorianir THE SEPTA-POSTURE EACH P I,EC E -27'-‘737,-"Iiipmionimpopiopqrymegirps•iirrii-N• 7V,W•PMV-1-.W. 'moo to WhIgitana Advance-Times, Wednikiday, deb. 331, 1900 Act now Held First Euchre At No, 7 School TAX 'EXEMPT WHITECHURCII -Mr. and Mrs.. Calvin Robinson sponsored curlier last Friday evening in No 7 school, East Wawanosh, and eight tables were in play. Mrs, John MeRerney and Roy Robinson held high points, and Shirley McInnis and Bert Thompson held I ow points. All enjoyed the social time to- gether, as this was the first of the season. The teenagers attend- ed the United Church skating party in Beigrave rink Friday evening, when Bluevale and Wrox- eter young people were also guests. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Chamney are sponsoring a euchre in the school this Friday evening. Melly East Wawanosh friends regret the sudden passing of Mrs. Jesse Wheeler on Sunday in Vie- toria Hospital. and extend, urn- pathy to the bereaved husband and relatives. The students, James Cool- tes, Glen Coultes and George Proc- ter, were home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burehill sponsor the euchre in S.S, No. 9 East Wawanosh this Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Currie ited on Sunday at the home of her sister. Mrs. Edwin Day, of Gorrie. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Solennan and children of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie have the measles this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Willis of Gowanstown visited on Sunday ,with Mrs. D. Willis and the boys. Mr. Mere Seliolts has been un- der the iloctor's care and is a pa- tient in the Weigh= Hospital. Mr. and MI:H. Walter Arseott, Valerie and Andrea King spent the week-cod with relatives in Toronto. Sunday School. Annual Meeting WHITE cHtlea-- -The Cal vi n- Brielc United Church Sunday School held its annual business meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes on'Wednes- day evening with a good atten- dance. Gilbert Beeeroft presided for the election of officers: Supt., Norman Coultes; Assist.- Supt., Gordon MeBurney and Don- ald Dow; seeetreas., Murray Shiell; assistasecatreas„ George McGee. Teachers: Bible Class, Mrs, Ken- neth Mason; assist., Lawrence Taylor; St. Class, Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft, Mrs, Alex. Robertson; Jr, Class, Mrs. Clarence Chamney, Ivan Dow; Primary Class, Mrs. Gordon McBurney, Mrs. George McGee; Beginners' Class, Mrs. John Jamieson., Mrs. Ronald Coul- tes, and Mrs, Rutherford Reavie, This Sunday School has an av- erage attendance of 45, and also had a very successful financial year. Gibson.Ftsher Vows Chalmer's Church. WHITI1XN-Rift01-1 Yellow and white mums decorated Chalmers Presbyterian Church on Saturday for the wedding at 2.30 of Kath- leen Annetta, daughter of Mr. and, , Mrs. George Fisher of Whitecherell and William Wilfred Gibson, son. of Mr. and. Mrs. Marshall Gibson • of Ashfield Township, near Luck- now. Rev. R. T. A. Marshall of Strathroy and former minister of the church, officiated, Mrs. Johns- ton Coen presided at the organ and Miss Karen -Groskorth sang "The Wedding Prayer". Mr. Fisher gave his daughter in marriagm She , wore white chan- tilly ifIQC with seed pearl and se- quin trim, The gown was floor- length with a ruffle of sehiffli em- broidery on the skirt and a satin underskirt, and was fashioned with a sweetheart neckline and lily-point sleeves, Her shoulder- length veil hung from a coronet and she wore long nylon net gloves and white shoes. She, carried red Sweetheart roses. Miss Mary Fisher, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, wearing a 'red velvet street-length dress with a portrait neckline, white feather hat and white gloves. Miss Beatrice Gibson of Kitch- ener, sister of the groom, as brides- maid, wore a similar dress in sap- phire velvet, and also wore a white feather hat and white gloves. Doris Fisher was the flower girl and her costume was red velvet with matching headdress. All the bride's attendants carried white chrysanthemum nosegays. Allan Gibson of Ashfield Town- ship was his brother's groomsman. Gordon Fisher of Wingham and Don Gibson, Ashfield, brothers of the bride and groom, were ushers. Receiving in the hall of the church where the reception was held, Mrs. Fisher wore willow green crepe with matching accessories and a green feather hat. She wore a white carnation corsage. She was assisted by the groom's mother in brown and beige flow- ered crepe, beige feathered hat, matching accessories and a cor- sage of yellow mums. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson left for a wadding trip to the United States. The bride wore a red velvet dress, brown wool coat 'and matching ac- cessories. Mrs, Gibson was em- ployed at the Bank of Commerce in Wingham. They will live on the groom's farm in Ashfield, They.. were presented with a white Bible from the church. WHITECHURCH Mr, and Mr's. Jasper 'Snell and, children of Westfield visited on Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs,. E. Dow. Mrs. Dow, Nelson and Ivan, visited recently at the homy of her sister, Mrs. Hector Hamilton of Gorrie, as Mr. Hamil- ton has been a patient in Palmer-- ton Hospital for several weeks, suf- fering- from virus pneumonia. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held on Tuesday next at the home of the president, Mrs. Garnet Farrier. The district president, Mrs. Harvey MRS, HAN TIFFIN IS US, HOSTESS WIirmenuacH--. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the Un- ited Church was held on Wednes- day at the home of Mrs. l)an Tif- fin, with le ladies present and with the president, Mrs. Milian Moore, presiling and giving the -call to. worship. The theme was. "Are All Eeoteers?" Mrs. Moore gave a short reading 'and. read the Serip, ture lesson. Mrs. W. E. Farrier had charge of the meditation period, speaking oe missions having been a part of the church's life and doctrine down through the ages, Mrs. 13.14"s- sell Portion led in prayer, Mrs. Russell Chapman . gave a, reading, "We Are One in. Faith" and Mrs. E. H. Groskorth had charge of the chapter, "Hearth and Nome of the studs!. book, showing the change from when the chief- td;!, looked after their people, and th e eifference in social living now. Mrs. J. D, Deeeroft spoke briefly in the stewardship period on Re- fugee Year, and what it is •trying to accomplish, The roll call was answered by' the paying of fees. The society plans to have the three groups of the W.M.S. respon- sible for the devotional period of the meeting, and appointed Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Russell Gaunt, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft as leaders for this year. Mrs, Moore closed the meeting with prayer. Houston, will he present. Mrs.. Farrier and Mrs. Johnston Conn will demonstrate another supper dish and the roll call will he ans- wered by telling "Something I re- solve to .do, to be a better Insti- tute membee. All the ladies in the community are cordially in- vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and family visited on Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Robert, Chambers of Harriston. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Scott and sons visited on Sunday with her father, Mr. John A. Johnston, who has been bedfast for months at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Williams of Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Farrier and family of Kitchener visited on Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and other relatives here. Mrs, Ben McClenaghan has been a patient in Victoria 'Hospital in London over the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Carl MeClenaghan spent, Sunday in London. Mr, McClenag- han is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Parker, of Exeter, •.,Mr. Harold Gaunt of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaunt, Wingham, and with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt Miss Janet Gaunt of Hanover spent the week-end at her home here. Me Garnet Farrier made a busi- ness trip to Sarnia on Monday and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, who had been visiting for'the past month at the -home of her son, Mr. Jack Gilles- pie-, returned home with Mr, Far- rier, Mr. Garry Morton of Kincardine had charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church here. on Orin- day. Mrs, Vie tor Emerson epent, a few days. last week, with. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin of I. ngside, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, of Lang- eidm and Mr. awl Mrs. George . Tiffin, Lueknow, also visithd there, Many in this district were pleas- ea. to renew acquaintances with. Rev. and Mrs. R. T. A. Marshall of .Strathroy when 'Mr. Marshall officiated at the Gibson-Fisher nuptials in the Presbyterian Church here on Saturday. Mrs, W, Jacklin of Listowel vis- ited on Thursday at the home of her' daughter, Mrs. Archie .Purdon. Miss Marjorie Coultes of Wing- ham. Hospital staff, spent the week- end at her home here, Mr. 'and Mrs. H. D. McDonald of Teeswater, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulter. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coultes and. Diane visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes. Miss Gertrude Stewart reports that she left Auckland, New Zea- land. last -Week on a new ship, the Arcadia, and left Fremantle, Aus- tralia, last week to cross to Ceylon, going on a route which will take her through the Mediterranean Sea. She expects to he in England in about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coultes of Belgrave,. Mr, 'Rutherford Reavie was taken to London on Sunday and mitered Westrninster'elospital for a check- up, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CROWN Theatre Harrigan Telephone 152 Wed., TIMM, February 3 - 4. "THE YOUNG PHILADELPHIANS" Adult Entertainment A. Highly Interesting And Absorb- ing Drama Steering Paul Newman and Barbara Rush Fri., Sat, February 5 - 0 "THE LAST TRAIN FROM 'GUN HILL" A Suspenseful Big Western Starring Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn It's In Technicolor — Adult Mon., Tues., February 8 - 9 "HOLIDAY FOR LOVERS" Starring Gary 'Crosby, Clifton Webb and Diane Varsi Comedy and Romance in a 'Beauti- ful 'South-American Setting • • :41fin11mmemmillotimilimilmmilimmumnimmiumniminiumemomm11 mmummilmormileaM11! ATTENTION ,SWEETHEARTS! • Make this Valentine's Day eine she'll remember GIVE HER A ER MA "TRU-FIT' DIAMOND 11111t1S".0 ARE TRULY FMK RINGS GUARANTEED FOlet HIGH QUALITy OF myruniAL SUPERIOR CRAFTSMANSI-Iir PERFECTION OF CUT I t, ROI 1-1 I -Ss „WNW ittit/./ EWELLERY PHONE 250 WINGHAM, ONTARIO .,111,1,1111110111111111,1111111111111111111011111111111111111,111111,11111111„111,11111111111111111111,1,,1111,1111,11111111,1,111,1, 11 l at CRAWFORD MOTORS 1959 DODGE, 2-door A one owner ear in top shape 1958 DODGE 4-door . With VS motor and radio. 'Tills is Mei! a, one owner car and hi inexcelhast condition. 1958 PLYMOUTH 4-door With automatic and radio, clean throughout 1957 .DODGE 4-door sedan With VS motor, a good buy 1956 DODGE. 4-Door Sedan Motor just overhauled 1955 MERCURY 4-Door Sedan Automatic transmission, with radio • 1953 FORD 4-Door Sedan in good condition 1953 DODGE Club Coupe • TRUCKS 1957 DODGE 1/2-ton Pick-up V-li inotor, tong wheelbase 1953 FARGO 1/2-ton Pick-up IRITSPPMETRIMINIMO• 'e BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER with a QUILT M ATTRESSi AT A GENUINE SAVING! NEVER BEFORE A genuine, QUILTED Innerspring mattress of this quality at so low a price. Check these features: deeply quilted covering usually found on much more expensive mattresses in a beautiful paisley print pattern. Full coil, special Innerspring construction with crush-proof borders, cross-ventilation, easy-turn handles. Full or twin size. Matching box spring same love price. A special value of the Sotto President's Sale. See it today! Walkd Rome Furnishings \; Phone 106. S. J. Walker *Win him ....eisiseev•eNeetee