HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-03, Page 4iNge 0 "he Win ltsmAth 1 0- 1111C8. eduestlay, Feb, 3,'rl, 1060 on SHOULDERS OF PORK SIDES OF -PORK AND LARGER CUTS • • also LARGE CUTS -OF BEEF AT REDUCED PRICES U - FOR.SALE LEES. TAXI SERVICE and Hunt. ing end Fishing License issuer. 185. 3rrb CUP,L,MASTER Curling broaras— Genuine ,Curl-master in men's and ladies' models, $3,95 and $3,75. Stainton Hardware. 27b MILK FILTERS for sale---`"Rapid Flo", 6-inch, 85e; 6'4-inch, 89c. _Alexander's Hardware. Uri) HARD. MAPLE SLAPS and blocks, Phone Walkerton. 889W1. $3.00 per cord at mill. Val Weiler, Ltd., Formosa. 20:27:3b ELECTROLUX sales and service. R. E. Ruttan, Goderieh, phone Goderleh .1154 or Wingham rrb DARRYWR HINGB carpeting and rugs. Wall to wall jobs expertly laid. See the com- plete range of samples including all wool Wiltons and budget priced tough viscose. For an estimate without obligation, call N. J, WELWOOD,, Phone 86 or 771, 27rrb ADDING MACHINES and Caleu- lators, Olivetti, famous for speed and durability; Olympia Type- writers, renowned for their in- terchangeability carriage. For prompt and efficient service on present equipment call Owen Sound Typewriter Co, Phone FR. .6-4841. rrb FILTER QUEEN SALES AND SERVIOE—see Les Reynolds at McKibbons Drug Store, Wing- ham, Phone 53. Evenings phone 040 J 3. rrb 2O LITTLE PIGS for sale. Clar- ence Colley, phone 507w3. 3h BOY SCOUT UNIFORM for sale, size 14. Robert Jacklira, R.R. 1, Ethel. Phone 21r9 Brussels. 3'" 16 PIGS for sale, Ten weeks old. Robert Kreller, phone Wroxeter 101:211. AXMINS.TE-R rug for sale, 9%.' x9', with underpad. Phone 592. 3b TEACUP READING every after- noon and evening. Come and get your fortune told. It's lots of PORTABLE National milker, table model M-H cream separator, 1 set of Clipmaster electric clippers also 2,000 hales of hay for sale. Apply Harold Moffatt, R.R. 1, Bluevale. 34' • • ARMITACES FREE PANT SALE of Bond Clothes. Suits that are mule-to-measure and sold reg- ularly at $75.00 with one pair of trousers -now on sale at $a9.7 a, with two pair of trousers. Or- der your spring suit now, take delivery in March, April pr May. ARMITAGE'S -Phone 172 Men's Wear Dry Cleaners • n rrb GOOD:HARD maple stovewood for sale, in truckload lots, Mac- Millan Bros., Lucknow. errb ,ThICOME TAX RETURNS • If you are a farmer and haven't filed tax' returns, ray advice to you is--do so. If you have filed regularly, let me cheek your Capi- tal Cost Allowance (depreciation, seheddlel. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74, Lucknow, Ont. Public Accountant since 1944 20:3:17a nimm lllllllll witru lllllll ugmumuuuuuu lllllllll llllll VISIT It. A. CURRIE & SONS MEN DEPARTMENT Dining-room Table 3 leaves $10.00 Table Lamps $4.50 Plate Mirror, gilt frame $9.75 Living-room table, 29" high, walnut $6.95 Metal Smoker $2.50 2-pce Chesterfield Suite, good value $39/90 3-pce. Chesterfield Suite, (must be seen) $39.00 Coffee Table with glass tray, solid walnut $16.75 39" Spring-filled Mattress $6.50 Sprimig.filled Mattresses ("slew) $22,75 9-pce Diring-roorn Suite, walnut $125.00 APARTMENT or house wanted to rent by April let. Apply Box 792, Advance-Timea. FOR RENT FARM for rent, north half lot 4, concession 3, Morris. Apply P.O. Box 522 or phone 228 Wingham, SELF-CONTAINED three roomed apartment for rent. Central. Also two heated, furnished rooms and bath. Phone 127R. 3b SALES HELP WANTED, MALE RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full - time. Write at once. Rawleigh, Dept, B-453-189, 4005 Riell'eleata Montreal. 3b PERSONAL RHEUMATIC PAIN? If you suf- ter from backaches, lumbago, sciatica, try RUMACAPS today to help bring you prompt relief. Druggists everywhere, 3,10,17,24b __ CARDS-OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Murray Montgomery wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their neighbors, friends and rela- tives for the many acts of kindness, cards, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received in their recent sad bereavement. Spec- ial thanks to those who assisted in the home, Rev. Clarke, pallbearers and flower 'bdarers. 3° CARD OF frHANKS I would like to thank all those who sent cards, letters and flowers and to -all those who have helped in other ways while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. —Mrs. Jim Henderson. CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank our friends and neighbors for flowers and 'many acts of kindness during thank Mrs. Morrey and the nurs- ing staff at the hospital, Dr. W, A. 1VteKibbori and Dr. Alexander Nimmo.—Stafford • Bateson and family. 3* CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Finley wish .to say a special thanks to -our friends and neigh- bors for all their ,kindness and help during our recent sad be- reavement, 3°, . _ DEADSTOCK WANTED ._.„. FARM SERVICE—Dead or crippl- ed farm animals removed for sanitary disposal. NO REMOVAL CHARGE. Phone COLLECT Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123w or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG (ELMIRA) LTD. rrb DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We have the fastest service and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4.00 each and 3'he lb. for, good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call for long distance OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 4:3900, no toll charge. Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham. rrb ME'DOALFE--- At the- Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Metcalfe, R,R, 2, Wingham, a son, a brother for Scott and. Barbara. VAN LOO-, -At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Sunday, Jan, 31, 1960, to Mr. and -Mrs. Cor- nelius Van Loo, R.R. 2, Wroxeter, a son, COMING EVENTS COMING SOON—the semi annual wallpaper sale. The Wallpaper Shop. 27h MAITLAND- LODGE 119, 1.0.0.F. • will meet on Thursday, Feb. 4th, at 8.30 p.m. General business. N. McLaughlin,- N.G.; M. Taylor, R.S. . CE3b ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL . The annual meeting of the Wing- ham General Hospital Association will be held on Friday, February 5th, at 8 p.m. in the recreation room of the Nurses' Residence, at Wingham. Ali matters of business pertain- ing to the Wingham General Hos- pital Association 'including the el- ection of directors and other of- ficers and consideration of the By- Laws of the Hospital will be trans- acted. In order to cast a ballot in the election of directors a person must be a member of the,. Association. One year memberships may be ob- tained for the sum of one dollar ($1,00) from the Wingham Hospi- tal, the Secretary, the Treasurer, or a member of the Board of lair cetera. Everybody welcome! H. C. MacLean, President John Strong, Secretary. 20:27:3h TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR CARETAKER Tenders will be accepted until February 6th, 1960, for the care- taking of Wroxeter United Church. Lowest or any 'tender not necessarily accepted.—Jack Clarke, Secretary, Wroxeter, Ont, 27:3h • PERSONAL REXALL Healing Hand Cream is doing even more for hands than the scientists who developed it thought possible. Try a bottle today, only $1,00 at Mclaibbons, '27b LUCKNOW NURSING HOME— Finest nursing dare. Warm, clean, excellent food. Fully lic- ensed, Enquiries and inspection invited. Write H. M. Green, Phone 129R, Lucknow. 20 Mar.9e MISCELLANEOUS SNOW PLOUGHING, phone 1079, Harold Congram. We now have two tractors available. 27Marl6b FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, accessories and re- pairs at reasonable rates' phone Ross Mann, .735,14 Wingham. rrb NOTICE The Township of Turnberry will not be responsible for milk calls, mail boxes, cars, trucks and any obstructions interfering with snow- plowing conditions. WILLIAM MUNDELL, 27-3b Road Superintendent. LINE POULTRY • Picked tip Thursday and Friday Only during January, February and March. C. MICHEL OORRIE1 Phone 21721 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings at *CLINTON ZENON Colhed TEMINATili 126 IN MEMORIAM ETD—In loving memory of a dear Father and Grandpa, Wil- liam M. Reid, who passed away Feb. 7th, 1958. A day of remembrance sadly re- called, Without farewell he left us all. To be with us in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today, And 'while he lies in peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep. ---Lovingly remembered by Mild- red, Jack and Susan Hillman. 3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ELSIE A, LAMONT, late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Elsie A. Lamont, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to. J. W. ECK/- FIELD, Q.C., Solicitor for the Ex- ecutor of the said Estate, on or before the 8th day of February, A.D. 1900, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Es- tate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall 'then have had notice. . DATED at Wingham, 'Ontario this 16th day of January, A.D. 1960. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., WINGHAM, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. s20-27-3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS . IN THE ESTATE OF NIRENE WATSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Gorrie, County of Huron, Widow, who 'died on the second day 'of January, 1960, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed, on •or before the sixth day of February, 1960, After that date the Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall than have had notice, DATED sat Wingham this 19th day of January, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wing-ham, Ontario Solicitors for .the,. „Aaministrator 20-27-3h NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE Ole MARY McCALLIIM ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of East Wawanosh, Spinster, who died on the fifth lay of December, 1959, are required to file prow.' of same With the undersigned on or before the sixth -day of February, 1960. • After • that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to ' the claims of which she shall then have had notice. .. DATED at Wingham this 19th day of January, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingharn, Ontario Solicitors for the 'Executrix. 20-27-3b • ,* : NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELLIE RINGROSE ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, Widow, who died on the first day of January, 1960, are required to file proof of -same with the under- signed on or before the sixth day of February, 1960, After that date the Executrixes will proceed to -distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED, at Wingham this 19th day of January, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrixes. 20-27-3b NOTICE TO CREDITORS * IN TTIE ESTATE OF REBECCA WALKER RUTHERFORD ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Wroxeter, County of Huron, Mar- ried Wcarian, who died on the seventeenth day of November, 1950, are required to file Proof of seine with the undersigned on or before the sixth day of February, 1960. After that date the AdMinistra- trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the Claims of Which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 19th day of January, 1060, CRAWFORD & AtTI-TZPVGT011 Wingharn, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix. 20-27-313 FINANCING A CA-R/' Before you wily tsit about, Ohl Lew ,Cog. 1'111'010o*. Service- tool STEWART A. SCOTT; khaki got ortikkhuid Mrs, Laura Finley Died .10 London. Following a long illness Mrs. Laura Finley, died on Thursday in Egerton Private Hospital, London, 'She was in her alOth year. Mrs, Finley was born in Tilling- toe, Yorkshire, England, a daugh- ter of the late Thomas Calvert and Alice Smith. She came to Can- ada in .1858 and lived at Gorrie. She was married to Alonza Finley at Wroxeter on August 9, 1960, and has lived in Wingham for many years, until about six years ago when she went to London. Mr. Finley died Aug. 6, 1942, Sher was also predeceased -by a son, Tames, tied two daughters, Laura and Velma. Surviving are -Three daughters, Mrs, Arthur Wessell (Mary) and Mrs. Tom Smith (Ruth), both of Toronto and Mrs.- Arthur Furness (Florence) of Wingham; two sons, Edward of Wingham and Roy of London; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Kilden .of Yorkshire,. Eng., anti Mrs. Emily Kendel, Toronto, and a bro- ther, Fred Calvert of Tormito. There are 1-8 -grandchildren, . Mrs. Finley was a member of the Salvation Army and- service was held at the Citadel on Saturday af- ternoon with interment in the, Wingham cemetery. Envoy G.- Stanley Newman officiated. The. pallbearers were H. Brownlee, A. Pegeau, Joe Finley, Robert Fin-, ley, 0. Welsh and Dave Cuthbert- son, Native ,of Wingham Dies at Banff, Alta. James- Raby, well-known old timer of the Banff and Cochrane districts, died at the age of 71. Born in Wingham, Raby moved to the -Cochrane district in 1906, where he was a teamster for Brewsters Transports. He • was then caretaker of the Banff zoo for several years until he was placed in charge of the Cave and Basin up to' his retirement in 1953. A member of, the Canadian Legion,. he served in the First World War.' Mr..Raby is- survived by his 'wife, Myrtle Amelia; two sons, Murray- of Calgary and :fames of Ottawa; two brothers, William of Calgary and Clarence of Fort Frances, Ont. and four grandchildren. Mrs. Mabel -Hare of Kitchener is a cousin. Indian Version Of 23rd Psalm Of all the Psalms, the 23rd is perhaps the best loved and most' beautiful, The Paiute Indians who liVe on the reservation at Me- Dermit, 'Nev.: U.S.A. have written their own version. Put into words which have significance for the' Indian, the Psalm loses none of Its dignity. "The great Father above a Shep- herd Chief is, I am his and with him I Waht not. He throws out to me a rope and the name of the rope is love and he draws me to where the grass Is .green and the water not dangerous, and I eat and lie doWn and am satisfied. "Sometime, -it may be very soon, it may be a long time, he will draw me into a valley. It is dark -there het I. will-he afraid not, for it is in between those -mountains that the Shepherd Chief will meet me and the hunger that I have in my heart all through this life will he. satisped. "Sometimes any heart is very weak and falls down, but he lifts me up again and draws me into a good road. His name is wonder- ful. "Sometimes he 'makes the love rope into aa'whip, but afterwards he gives me a staff to lean upon. He spreads a table before me with' all kinds of foods, He puts his hand upon my head and all the tired is gone, My cup he fills till , it runs over, What I tell is true, I lie not. These „roads that are away ahead will .stay with me through this life and after; and afterwards I will go to live in the Big Tepee and sit down with The Shepherd Chief forever." DIED SCHMIDT, Peter Joseph-1n Sick Children's Hospital, London, on February 1st, 1960, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Schmidt Of Bluevale. The child was two weeks old, and was born January 19. Prayers will be said at Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, on Wednesday afternoon at 3.15, Bul'ial in the Wingham R.C. Cemetery, IN MEMORIAM MeCRACKIN—Tn. loving -memory a Alexander James McCrackin who passed 'away two years ago .February 4th, 1658, We lost -a Dad with a heart of ghld Who to us, Was more than wealth untold Without farewell be fell asleep With. only fond memories for us to keep. (ltd gave him to us, then took -him again, Obe:i..110!. best Dada; the. World eatitained,—Sadly missed by wife and -family. g* Word from Ireland Of Father's,Pa..ssing Mrs. George T. 'Currie- received Word ea the passing of her father, Robert Hobson, in portEidown, Ireland, on Monday -morning, He was in -his 80th year: There are two other daughters besides Mrs. Currie, both living -in Ireland, and two sons in Ireland and a son living in England. EXPLAIN CHANGES IN VETERAN'S LAND ACT President Jack Orvis conducted his first meeting on Tuesday eve- ning of last week when the Wing, ham Branch No. 180, Canadian Le, gion, met at the Legion Home. Harvey Fisher's name was drawn for the monthly membership draw but since he was not present the money was held over and next month's draw will be worth $30.00. The various committees, which had been set up by the executive were approved by the branch. Ap- proval was also given to support the annual Red Cross appeal in March, S, A, Scott gave a report on the plans being made for the branch bonspiel in Wingham on Feb. 10th, when rinks from Legion branches in the district will be entered. Corn, Robert Casemore explained- the changes in the Veterans' Land Act. Full-time VLA faimers are now eligible for loans up to $20,040 for the, establishment or comple- tion of economic family-sized farm units. A veteran seeking the full loan for initial establishment will be required to pay down $6,667, ma- king a total of $26,667 available ,for the purchase of land, buildings, stock and equipment. The pay- - ment plan calls for $1,100 each year. An already established VLA far- mer may -borrow, at 5 per cent in- terest, the difference betweep what -he still owes ,on his Part I con- tract, plus the amount of any Part III loan, and $20,000 or 75 per cent of the appraised value of his total security, whichever is the lesser. Loans may now be spread over a 30-year period, instead of .the pre- Vious 25-year maximum, The dead-line date has been set.for Sep- teinber 30, 1962. How Much time a veteran will have after this dead- line, to buy or build is not. yet known. Mr. Casemore also explained the home- construction assistance re- gulations to the 'breath. The amount now available has been raised from $8,000 to $10,000-, but the' down-payment remains. the same at $800. They -must 'build on eity-sized lots. The repayment of the loan is _taken over by Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora- tion and may be spread, over 30 years. 'The repayment -of credits is- not necessary for this assistance.: An estimated saving of $1,840 is made possible when th'e veteran is his own contractor, He must at-• tend a -construction course, unless he is already a qualified -builder. Classes will be arranged locally where at -least six eligible veterans desire a course. They eohsist of 20 Sessions, each session being 'two one-hour 'periods. If there are any veterans in, the vicinity who would like .1;nforma- tion -on .available 'assistance, they may contact ,Robert Casemore. Comrades A. M. Peebles, WaVen- Wyck and H. L. Sherboady were appointed as a delegation to ap- proach council in -regard to land- scaping -at the cenotaph and the, erection of bermanent steps. Theme Is Chosen For Farm Forum Highlight of the semi-annual meeting of National Farm Radio Forum, held recently in Toronto, was the address given by J. Alphonse Ouimet, president, Ca- nadian Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Ouimet outlined the difficul- ties inherent in satisfying the many different tastes of the Ca- , , nadian people and in producing programs which conform to every- one's personal set of standards. ,,He' showed how the CBC works with commercial 'broadcasters both in Canada and the United States, to bring quality productions to the average home. The meeting Went en to include several new proposals for Farm Forum. An executive proposal ad- vanced to the meeting recall/310nd- ecl a full scale. study -of rural adult education in Canada, to be conducted during the next Months. This idea was tabled until the annual conference in June. Television productions Were pre- sented 'by forums around Barrio and •Wingham, again this 'ye'tir. ,according to Ontario reports. Those projects are organized by a local toninaittee and include local pet,' SOnalitleS. Four productions were , presented oh. CICVR, Barrie, while Wingham Will present a total 'of 16 during the season.- fOr4v 19041' Fatte! Porton teaser' is DeVelOptnent; A Plan for Vanning suture. SPECIAL • LOW PRICES • • • • GROUND 'BEEF 3 lbs. $1.25 U Lockridge's Butcher Shop -14 --11111111111111111111111111911111111111111111111111b11111111MENIMMINIIIIIIIIIIIL111111111111111111111111111101111111111. • • llllllllll lllll llllllll 0110100111110 lllllllll 111111111 llllll 111111111111111111111111111001101011110111111011 l 1 lll lllllllllllllllll Save by PREPAYING:7 lllllllllll 7c41., INCUIIPWO ,/ ll ll • Town of Winghant 196 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on accon.)#t of `1960- taxes up to 80 per cent of 1959 Discount Kit the rate of 3y.; per cent, allowed on payments made in Vehruary. Prepayments of taxes must be made at jhe - To;Wn Treasurer's Office, Town Ilan., -• • WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, Town of Wingham.. • HERE today' see it PORTABLE.; UTU inrg, eceaeia.aWa, a.eaary eaaa-e:eaaarkeeeevaa :a-4$ aa:•-eaa,-...aiekaar v-R.tti.i.dtfaava WITH ALL OFFICE TYPEWRITER FEATURES Wingham AdanCe=Times Phone 890 , Wihgliam IlAmmak CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers; Solicitors, Et,. Wingham, Phone 48 J. II. CRAWFORD, Q.C. It. S. HETIIIIIRINGTON,,.QXL, J. N. BUSIIFIELD BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter-41very Wednesd../ . Afternoon, pan., or by appointment, Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Insurance Company Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Harriston, Ontario Mrs. Viola B. Homiith, OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 hasAi ail a Canadian faithfully served its holders for over a century. H. C.MaeLTIerLgi Head Office — Toronto Wingham Est 1840 Insianmranee Agency Company i hAVILLER, WINTON & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bd1 Telephone Building WALKERTON • Kennedy, 8,Ed., A.A., CA., - ResieleatMgr. Teleplionei! Business 633; Itesid4Q6 —ine WANTED TO RENT BIRTHS fun, Phone 247. 3b our recent bereavement -and while' Mrs, Bateson was ill. We also • ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices-paid in sur- rounding district fOr dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HISLOP WROXETER 2RI5 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and. Horses DEAD STOCK AT 11/(HIEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Collett A 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVIC HOUSE WANTED to rent by SHEPPARD—In Elgin General April 1st or before, Phone 194w. Hospital, St. Thomas, on Thera- day, January 21, 1960, to Mr, rr b and Mrs. William Sheppard (Marie Clair Hussey) of Aylmer, a son, Roger William. ROY N. BENTLEY *- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Telephone JAckson 4-9521 P. 0. Box 478 GODERICH, Ontario A. H. IlicTAVISII Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta: Money to Linn Office—Meyer Block, Winklmni• WELLINGTON FIRE 1'