HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-02-03, Page 1'.1.1FTY• YEARS AGO the interior of Mason's Book store looked like thie, The store will be torn down shortly to make room for a new bank, jack Mason, . present owner, provided the old negative for this feitture taken when the store woe operated y his father. The two people Could not be identified. emits Granted to Build w ew S rvice Stations V: TO BE TORN DOW.M.-.The eedil. Markley garage on the egonee Al flOsephine and Victoria Streets has been sold to 'the TeXare0 Oil to., and will he tern 'down in the nest fultitre. The stru'eture will he replaiod With a liew and Modern gervIce. slutiOlt4 Veined at seine '4350,000.—Advalice-TItnes photo. a With which is, amalgamated the GOrrie 4e. and Wroxeter News (MTA.1110,. ligtaNtliDAY, FEORVARY 3rd, 10011 BINC-LE COP= Valid. Sportsmen Plan to ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Perleetrian MASON BLOCK PALLS TO PROGRESS—Tbe Mason Mock, on the south west t.ornat• of Josephine and John Streets, will he 'torn down this spring to make way lot a new Toronto-Domittion Bank build- ing. The oldest business block in ,continuous use on the main street of Whighane the structure was special service was held in the .*Ingham Baptist • Church last 'Wednesday evening when the eon- gregatioe gathered to hid fare- Well La Dr. and Mrs. lerneet Pod- ley., Rev, .Donald Sinclair was the chairman, The • The opening song eervice was . .ied by Frank.Collar and Bruce • • 'F McLean offere prayer, Mrs, Mer- erected ht 1870 by the late Gleoi'ge Mason. The south .Cantelon 'sang a sofa, "I Walk half of elie building containing ilbson's book stern,,:Tor.iny where Jesus Walked". A has been „operated by the Mason family for 80 yearree.;enessagei based on Ae13,. chapter 3, ..the present proprietor, Jack Mason, has been in ewas given by Rev, Joe Baker, business' 40 years, taking 'over from his father nt,'Helen and Ruth Hotch- - that time.--Advance-Times photo, isles sang the missionary hymn, "Lerd, Lead Me. There", as a duet. '''•Vire.- Roy Burehill spoke on be- transients who come to town ask- ing for food from residents?" The mayor explained that such persons can receive overnight sleeping ac— commodation at the town hall and are given meal tickets. To receive them they must apply to the police department. The mayor went on to say, "I wish people in town would direct transients to 'the authorities rather than giving handouts." and that. Bo far this season time elements hail been kind. He also pointed out that it is nearing time to apply for statutory and supple- mentary grants for road mainten- ance and construction, In the light of this, he went oil, council &mulct decide what streets are to be resurfaced this summer. Sew oral suggestions were 'Merle, but final decision will he left pending recommendations of the street committee , Ali account,s as presented by the chairman of the finance committee Warren Canine were ordered paid. Council discussed the problem of eevetal Indigents in nursing homes, costing the taxpayers a consider- able sum Of money. In one in- stance they went on record as fa. voring the transfer of the patient to the County Home at Clinton as soon us possible. Reeve 'Roy Adair. (+airman of the property vontinittee, suggested that the council chambers should be redecorated and council con- curred. Building permits were approved 'One a new service station -to he hull' by British Aniericom 011 Co, at the corner of _Josephine and Al- fred Streets at a listed cost 'of $181100. Another serviee station is to be built on the north-east corner • of Josephine mid Victoria Streets by Te*aco of Canada, to replace Coymcitior Nasmith, chairman of the streets committee, said that Regular Meeting snow removal had been carried ma, oPaf.4... a ?Hiatt' of the Junior Church, in evrisleh Mrs, Feeley was not only " • ttetivoebut was instrumental in or- gent Zing, .• Reg, Collar, superintendent of the junior Department, addressed, , Dr, and Mrs, Pedley and presented • Linea with New Testaments 'for 'their three children, Allison, Cyn- 'thia and Susan, . • Alexander Rietoul and Miss. Mata-.Stapietett expressed apprecia- ttott behalf - of the Mission %Cieelele of the church and Mrs. 'Tertirie McLean and Mrs. Rintoul 'presented the Young couple With a Striettilehtp• :quilt. Each family in `-the :eeingregafien ,had embroidered a Meek of 'the quilt with time name of• the Wetly and 0. relereece to Serf tore. • • • (. • - niereirs 'llkateCirltrt:-aet seed •,. Juves 'to Open Playdowns Here :Hockey fans this area will have time opportunity to see what promises to he a clean, fast game in 'the arena on Thursday night when Zurich and Wingham teams will meet. The game is called for 8.15. This fixture will be time opener for the Juvenile WOAA pktyclowns in a best of three series. The sec- ond game will -be in Zurich next IVIonday night at 8.15. The two teams arc evenly match- ed and in the four encounters in won tvtaganies. the regular series each team has them with an envelope money', a parting gift from the members of the congregation. Both Dr, and Mrs. Pedley expressed their ap- preciation for the gifts and the spiritual !blessings bestowed on them. Frank Collar sang "God .Leads His Dear Children Along" and Dr. Pedley gave the closing prayer. A social time and an hour of friendship followed when every- one had an opportunity Lo view the quiilt and Oa with Dr, and Mrs. Pedley, who left early this week to commence their work as missionaries in jamaica. Legion Auxiliary The regular meeting of time La- dies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Le,gion, Wingham, was held in the Legion Home with about 40 mem- bers. present, on Wednesday. After, opening exercises the char- ter and a chair were dratted in memory of Comrade Mrs. Stafford Bateson, A full report -was given by each committee for the oast year. It was .announced that scholarships are to be taken over completely by the seminaries. Next month the Wingham Auxiliary will have the official visit from the Zone GoM- Mande,' and three new members, Will lee installed. Comrade Mr:';, tleorge Brooks Wen the monthly draw. The Order of the East orn Saar held a dessert bridge last Wednes. day afternoon With 17 tables iii play. First prIte went to Mrs Margaret Good of Teeswater rind second to Mrs. Warren Callan. The lucky tally prise. was won by Mrs. W. H. Gurney. Mrs,' Herbert Puller was in the present Merkley building. Cost charge of the 404, iii tiiiS ease was. $30,000. BRIGHTENING UP— The main drag stinted look con- elderebly brighter by the middle of eurnMer, what with new ser- vice stations slated for the loeas tions presently occupied by Merit- ley Motors and Bert Armstrong. Then, too, the new Toronto-Do- minion Blink. building will be art- other distinct improvement, 0.0.0 NEW MEMO — The 'town's street committee has heels trying a new approach to the. snow removal problem this ,year, They take the snow away as soon as there is. a reasonable amount piled up at the curbs) ra- ther than waiting for the heaps tc really Mount up. We don't }move how costs are comparing, but it eertainly is a welcome 'change for both. motorists and merchants. 0 .0.0 PLAYOFF TIME— Keep your eye open for the dates of hockey games during the next few weeks, The Juveniles start playoffs this week and some of the other local teams are heading the saint] direction. You can see eoine .first-elese hockey. 0 - 0 - 0 ANNUAL MEETING— The annual meeting of the Wing- ham General Hospital will be held at the nurses' residence on Friday evening. All who are interested in the progress of this fine local in- stitution are reinindel that they may become members of the Trust on the payment of one dollar, and *, 0 have the right to vote at the nitual meeting, where directors ' will •be elected, 0 - 0 - 0 TIME. TO It0L1.4— We haven't heard anything from the (firemen as yet, but this is about the tittle of year they venally put out their barrel on the river and start ' taking paid .guesses • on 'the time of its departure. It's a good custom, for it twigs to remind one that spring is on the way after all. 0- - 0 - 0 .. , GREETINDUS-- A note from Bert Keats, now of ..„ ,;.n „Austen, and...f armee . agent ski Wingham tells es that he and his family ate busy and well, but of- ten think fondly of their time in Wingharn. • WE'VE 11AD IT:— TueSday did it all right. The blasted little groundhog took one look at the bright sunshiny and frosty snow and hightailed it back down to the •basement for another six Welts of winter, One consola- tion, though. You can count on tit least six weeks of winter in any ease, this country being what It is. lNGAGEMENT The engagement is annotineed of Ruth Marilyn Grace, daughter of Mrs. Cantelon of Wingham and the late Air. Cecil Roy Cetutelen s to lienneth John Collins of Toronto, son of Mrs. Collies and the late Mr. Harry Collins'. The marriage will take place eerie trebruarY in Bircheliff 'Baptist Church, To- eonto. 'VALENTINE'S TEA .11.N.0 BAKE SALE 'Valentine's Tea and Bake Sale at St. Paul's Anklican Church, Wingham, Wednesday, February 10th, 3-5. F3-10h LliOSPn'AL AUXILIARY MEETING To BE HELD Ak The monthly meeting of the lolLadies' Auxiliary to Winghain General Hospital Will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday afternoon, February 0th at three O'elock, • F3b U.G'.1.T. SELLING CHOCOLATES 'elle Wingham C.G.T,T, have for sale Ode week specially packed boxes of chocolates for 25e. See them in the Crawford and Heth- erington window. Get them from any C,G,I.T. girl. Fab NOTICE Annual meeting of the Iletgrave schtmoi Fair will be held on Thurs- day, Feb, 4th at 1.30 in the Bel- ;grave Community Centre, instead of the erd as previously. announc- ed, on account of a death, Every- one interested to the fair and mu- eie festival will be. most welcome, F3b A - e SAC/IED HEART S''T, AMBROSE 1.)0111/11INED PA1tRi11 MEETING A very important meeting will be held on Saturday evening Wh- .itley 6th at 8.80 ellarte in the acted Heart Parish Hell. All par- isblorlere are requested' to be ,present, V3b -- — WORLD' HAY OF PliAlettt World Day of Prayer Will be held' 5t.i ri Andrew's Presbyteries Churoh on Friday, Matell 4th, Mfrs. 8, MeeNriughtert will be the speaket. Pleitee remember the date. •Pab .Clerk Wtlliulma Reewielt rend sev- eral letters, otw front the local Kinsm.en Club, asking foe use of Diagonal Road during the trade fair le June, which received the support of council. A let' em' and a resolution relative to daylight saving. Lime, was read hems the City of Woodstock and was filed. The mayor suggested that the cells in Lhe town hall needed to be REBEKAH EUCHRE A euchre will be bred in the Ddetfellews Hall on Eridny, Febru- ary 5th at 8 le. bunch Served. AdmteSion 500, Eeerybody wel- eoMes elb W.1, EUCHRE WI1OXETER Attend the euchre eponosored by the WM/toner Institute in Wroxetcr Community Hall, Thursday, leebre- ary 4th, at 8.30 p,m. Ladies please bring lunee, Admission 25e, Fier SPORTSMEN'S EtICHIOt; The Wing/Mtn Sportsmen's Aeso- elation will hold a Progressive Euchre in the Legion Home on Wednesday evening, Vehruary err, at 8.30, Lunch will be served, Everybody welcome. Good prizes. Good time. Admission 50e. TP27,3b EUCHRE AT LEGION HOME The regular euchre, sponsored by the Latliee' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, will be held Mon- day, February 8th in the Legion Home at 8.80 nee, Prises and lunch, Everyone welcome, Fab fresh coat of paint. After a brief discusses)] council agreed to go ahead 'with the improvement: Councillor Gordan Buchanan ask- ed, "What is the 'policy regarding • • Busy Week for Dr. and Mrs: Nimmo Dr. Alexander elinuno preached in NobleLon and Icing City a week .k<so Sunday and was in the pulpit of Victoria Presbyterian Church, Toronto, last Sunday.morning. in the evening 'he preached at Knox Presbyterian Church, also in To- ronto. • On Wednesday afternoon ',lie at- tended. a, recepthm by' the Lieu len • not Governor tor the Pan Pres- byterian Alliance, which is 'meeting in Toronto'. On, 'Wednesday eve- ning Dr. Nimmo read the lessoe teL Timothy Eaton Memorial tin- ned Chime) when an Alliance meeting was held. Rev. Dr. A. Reid al Madison Ave Presbytcrlan Church, New York City, spoke on the 40011h Anniversary of the R e - .fornialinti in Scotland. On Monday of this week Tie, NiMMO attended a Ineelteoteln Cu' Roof Gerrie!) .of the Royal York when Sir Franck Ihunt of Nigeria spoke on "Africa Today". Sir Frauds is it medical 'doctor and an enthusiastic worker In the church in Nigeria. _ . Star Bridge er evale, Four 'prizes for euchre were donated by Sparky Weller, representative of the Carling Cons servatlon Clue, Who ohowed three films. One dealt with tneeee re- search, one on raising, stocking and fishing speckled trout and a third film on 'black bass, Its home Personnel of the 21st Field Regi- ment gathered at the Wingham Armories on Sunday to receive ins struction in rescue operations, Sixty officers and men from Wing- ham, Walkerton and Listowel par- ticipated. BSIVes Mullis and Cameron of London were in charge of the training' prograin for ane day, which dealt 'particularly with re- moval of Injured persons from the upper floors of damaged buildings. This exercise is part of the cur- rent training being carried out in the unit Le fit personnel for all phases of National Survival opera- tions. SPEAKER TELLS OF EARLY BROADCASTS The regular, meeting of the Lions Club was held at the Queens. Ho- tel on Friday night_ with' President and Lion Percy Clark handled the fine box. It was announced that some of the peanut 'butter sold in Decem- ber during the. peanut drive had peen . 0. . . the supplying company has arrang- •-pd to replace all the fanny mere.. le I teetei x"esseTtleee emb„,..„14)-04mt, and waters, time type of water it will live in and those waters where It cannot survive. The black bass is generally considered to be Can- ada's greatest fighting fish and all efforts are being made to' con- serve it for the future. Mr. Weller was thanked by Char- AT THE ARENA WEDNESDAY, Feb. 3-- 3 to 5 and S to 10—Skating 'THURSDAY, Feb. 4- 3 to 5 p.m...-Skating 8.15 p,m.-.-Juvenile Group play-off game., FRIDAY, Feb. 5- 3 to 5 and 8 to 10 —Skating SATURDAY, Feb. . 8. US 11.15—Pee-Wee hockey 11.45 to 2,15—Figure Skating 2,15 to 3.15—Public Skating 8.30 pan,---Jntermediate Hock- .ey Game. MONDAY, Feb, 8- 3 to 5 and 8 to 10—Skating TUESDAY, Feb. 0-- 3,30 to 10.30—Figure Skating FUND FOR RETARDED Lion, reports that the fund is still short about $800 of its objective of $2500. The .amount, raised to the end 'of 'the year Was $1700, of -which the Dinettes collected $800 in their canvass, a very worthwhile effort, ,since .It was the first time a town- Arleta collection had been .euttdereaka. Though the full quota has not ;been attained, it is expected that service clubs and the munieipali- ties in the area will subscribe enough to ensure the operation of the school until the next campaign. Last week saw the completion of a real estate transaction which will alter the appearance of the mein one. oft, the town's older buildings, Cecil Mcrkley has sold his gar- age building on the corner of Jo- sephine and Victoria Streets to Texaco of Canada. Time present struetnre will he torn down and a completely modern service station and garage will be erected in its place. The new building- will stand farther back from the street line than, the present one. Mr. Merkley's father purchased the property in 1015, Over the years one of the town's most familiar and reliable businesses was devel- oped. it has been carried on, since his father's time, by the present owner. The Merkleys have sold several lines of cars, farm equip- ment, and have operated a refresh- ment booth. The building was purchased by 'Mr. Merkley Sr, from the late Dr. Tamlyn, and km its time had housed lodge rooms, band hall and a photographic studio. At one time the north section of the building was the same height as the cor- ner wing, but time second storey n, lie Davidson on behalf of the O t a and presented with cuff- links and tie pin. Jack Henderson present- ed him withclub crest and mem.- bership, The treasurer, Bob Walsh, gave an encouraging financial resort. The chairman of the membership committee, Jack Henderson, report- ed 22 new members for the Month of January, making a total of 59. The club is Sponsoring the con- servation and planning of the Lower Town pond as bird sane- tuary and wild birds will he es- tablished there. The plan has the full approval of the Whighara town council and it will receive any assistance they can render. Slim Boucher is organizing a revolver and hand, gun chit/ to work in conjunction with the parent elute here. All interested in belonging to the revolver club are asked to get la touch With Slime Door prize for the evening wee won 'by Frank Caekanette and a fifty dollar draw was won by John Sproal. The Sportsmen Association le new rounding out a, truly compre- hensive conservation program, The Junior Sportsmen are working on a well-developed prograth and this organization i3 growing steadily. All those who are interested in seeing game in our forests, fish in our rivers, lakes and streams, and the promotion of junior activities are urged to join the association and lend a heed, the first Monday in March, was removed during remodelling operations. Mr. and Mrs. Merkley reside in an apartment in the main During time years many of ,the Nails within time garage have been altered and Mr. Merkley says that there have been some interesting finds, as relies of bygone days ame to light. Among these was a pair of wooden skates which 'astened to ordinary walking shoes. A heavy screw was turned into the heel to secure the back of the skate and straps were used to hold up the toes, Mr. Merkley took the old skates to the arena and found them first-class in action, Unfortunate- ly someone else took a fancy to them and they disappeared. Mr. and Mrs.' Merkley' plan to build a home on a lot, on Leopold Street north, which they recehtly purchased from Frank Edgar. R,e- ninval of the garage building will not commence until they are able to occupy their new home. Mr. Markley will lease the new garage and service, station from Texaco and Will retain his present employ- ees. The Jemmy meeting of the Wingham Sportsmen's Association , was held on, Monday night. The beet turnout of members and -vie- stars to date was on hand. Business before the meeting in- eluded a discussion -whether or not to continue the. euehres on a larg- • Listowel Queen Karen Smith, 17-year-old daugh- ter or kfr. and Mrs, Lloyd Smith, of Listowee was chosen queen 'of the 'heel school term at a sshool. ball In (he Listowel High School last Friday evening. Miss "Smith attended time Wing- 'ham Public Sehool until her .par- ents left Wingham about four years ago to take up residence in Listowel, Karen was (chosen by fellow stu- dents 'horn a list of 17 candidates, Her ladierainsevaitirtg were the runners-up, Marie Johnson and "Nine -Henry, • '„ 'ese •""' •.‘s. seeeseeeeeset The February meeting of 'Mug, fixed tip. "They are a die-wane" hem t own ("ounce on Monday eve- I he said. He suggested that an rei- ning, was a quiet affair, with no penditure of about $85,00 would major issues nn the (Agenda. Mey- permit a new wall surface and a or Melein»ey presiderl. over time session which Saw 'all members on hand except Councillor Jack Gore Mae The mayor indicated that he would be away for a idled time, and C=ouncillor Warren Canal; was hauled acting.mayor in the inter- val. FAREWELL 6ATHERINE I REMENT PRACTISES FOR PEOLEY FAMILY RESCUE OPERATIONS imnd Paltl'el cifd-betsVrted` 0f-flavOr peanut butter are asked to secure replacements at the Ree Front Grocery, -If the 'original but- ter is still on hand, it is requested that it be taken in for exchange, but those Who have thrown it out may simply state lioW much they purchased and get, more, The president introduced Lloh W. T. "Doe" Cruickshank, with gave a most interesting talk on present prospects In television and reminisced' about some of the amusing experiences of his early days in radio broadcasting, He said that the ERG, ruling re 55 per cent Canadian content is proving difficult for some stations, although such is not the, ease at CKNX, where Canadian content has been for some time as high as 54 rer cent." As' a result very little alteration will 'be necessary. In reference to second or• com- peting stations in centres where the CBC has outlets, he said the picture is not yet clear, Tor none are yet in operation. It is a very expensive proposition, however, for about $1,250,000 is required to build and equip a station and a similar amount will be required for first year operations. The speaker compared the Eng- lish and American systems of broadcast control, with that used in Canada, speaking highly of the Canadian system. He said, "Time CBC is a very worthwhile organ- ization. It is doing a job private stations could never do." Speaking of his early days in the broadcasting business Mr. Cruick- shank said he would often carry the transmitter home under his arm if it was more conventient to operate from the house titan front down town, The appreciation of the Lions, teas expressed by Don Naemith. MORT Of OBJECTIV- up. The next meeting will be held A lunch and coffee was enjoyed by all before the gethering broke Dr.' W, A. Crawford presiding. Stan 'Hastings, who was in charge Lions' ap •Swatridge and John Me- . of the campaign to raise funds for A, -/ leibborm had charge of the music the Retarded' Children's Assoeitt- /A IM Opening Business Change Takes Old wilding The Right Rev. Dr. Alexander Memo. and Mrs, Nimmo were. the guests 'of Mr, end- Mrs. John W. Hanna at. the ceremonies for the opening of the -Centerio. Legislature last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Baena.. and Dr. and- Mrs. Nimeno attended • the „•Ieleatenent T.00011e.eeees.eSitx.. for fee— Weefese and —their — • ' guests which -folloWed. Ur, and Mrs. Hanna were huey for .the. re- mainder of the week attending a' number of ,dinners, teas and lunch-' eons hi connection with the open- ing.