The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-01-20, Page 4••• • ak tti 14"01 The Wineham AdVallee-TimeS, Wanesday„Itrn, 29, 1$t19 111111111111111111111111111111111110111111101111 topowialioniusiiiiviimpinomomoilitionsotituniump011 ua • iii ore COMING EVENTS SPECIAL LOW . P ICES. MONEY TO IOAN COMING EVENTS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE. ESTATE OF NETILIE RINGROSE ALL PERSONS 'having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late pf the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, Widow, who died on the first 'day of January, 1960, are required to file proof of same with the under- ! signed .nor before the sixth day of February, 1960. After that date the Executrixes will proceed to -distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 19th day of January, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario $ Solicitors for the Executrixes. 20-27-3b 101MS TAXI SER.VICE, and used. Furniture; We buy and sell. Phone 185. rrb SHOULDERS OF PORK SIDES OF PORK AND LARGER CUTS also LARGE CUTS OF BEEF AT REDUCED PRICES Unlimited Money Loans To City, and Farm Folks Money for anything and anywhere Phone or write now OPS INVESTMENTS LTD. 38011 Bloor. St, West Toronto WA. 2-2442 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 150 ACRE FARM for sale, Two• and a half miles from Brussels. Spring on farm. Barn 62x64, driv- ing shed and garage, hydro throughout. Two-storey insul- brick house, Pressure system and bath. For further particulars ap- ply Gee. Bone, Box 177, Brussels, phone 157W. 20:27° GOOD HARD maple stovewood for sale, in truckload lots. Mac- Millan Bros., Lucknow. 6rrb MAITLAND LODGE 119 meets 1st and and Thursdays of each month. Next meeting Thurs- day, Jan. 21, 1960, at 8.30 p.m. TWO TABLE lamps, tri-lite floor lamp. and mantel chime clock for Sale. Phone 769 after 6 p.m. '20b TENDERS WANTED 1 2 GROUND BEEF . . . . . , 3 lbs. $1.25 N _4. MILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid Flo'', 6-inch, 85e; 6?,f,.-inch, 89c. Alexander's Hardware, lrrb THE W.I. MEETING will be held in the Council Chamber Thurs- day, Jan. 21st at 2.30 Interna- tional Day. 'Program convener, Mrs. H. Burrell. Roll call, ".A. Fact about Scotland", A film will be shown, Contest, Scotch oatmeal cookies or scones, to be judged and later to. be sold. Host- ess convener, Miss J, Murray. tockridge s !Butcher Sho.p: r . CHURCH BUILDING FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the chairman of the trustee board, Mr. George Coultes, R.R. 5, Wing- ham, Ont., for the purchase of the building formerly known as "Brick Church", situated 'on the north-east corner of Lot 33, Con. 10, East Wawanosh. Building will he sold less porch. 1$:20 I3RIDGE WALL Fireco Range for Sale, burns coal or wood. Good Condition. Apply Tom Thomp- son,, Leopold St. 13-20* ............. I . 11,11.4olo...1....114 ....... COMPLETE Girl Guide uniform for sale. Size 16. Phone 418. 20b TENDERS WANTED The undersigned will receive tenders up to January 30th, 1960, for supplying oil to the following school of the 'Township School Area of East Wawanosh: 110, 59, 513, U17. The responsibility of keeping oil in tanks remains with the supplier at all times. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contract starts March 1st, 1960, J, A. MeBurney, Secretary R.R, 1, Belgrave, 13-201) CARS FOR SALE MARC'S.BOOK AND STATIONERY SHOP HAS DEFINITELY TAKEN SHAPE SINCE. LAST WEEK. THE MODERN STEEL BULMAN UNITS HAVE BEEN MOVED IN Today if looks like a real store THE 20 FEET OF HALLMARK UNITS The new Card Racks are done in on attractive charcoal col- our, The drawer handles look smart in gold Next to the Cards is. TWELVE FEET OF WALL CASES FOR BOOKS The Blotter Case will allow you to choose your own Blotters and Bristol Board EIGHT FEET 'WILL BE ALLOW- ED FOR MAGAZINES. A beautiful wall case, mirror backed, will display DOUL- TON FIGURINES and lovely BAVARIAN CHINA, also some CHINESE FIGURINES The check-out counter' and two islands will put merchan- dise up where you can see it WATCH 'FOR THE OPENING! 1951 METEOR coach for sale. Phone 74131. 20b FILTER QUEEN SALES AND SERVICE--see Les Reynolds at IVICKibbons Drug Store, Wing- ham, Phone 53. Evenings phone 610 3 3, rrb SALES HELP WANTED, MALE Save Mone by PREPAYI HARD MAPLE SLABS and blocks. Phone Walkerton 889W1.' $3.00 per cord at mill. Val Weiler, Ltd., Formosa. 20:27 :3b • ( t'WINGHAM ttt ••• * HATE !NCO a HP u Town of Wingliamii: 1960 Taxe ELECTROLUX sales and service. R, E. Ruttan, Goderich, .phone Goderich 1154 or Wingham 553w, rrb ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM' GENERAL HOSPITAL The annual meeting of Wing- ham General Hospital Association will be held on Friday, February 5th, at 8 p.m. in the recreation room of the Nurses! Residence, at Whigham. Ali matters of business pertain- ing to the Wingharn General Hos- pital Association including the el- ection of" directors and other of- ficers and consideration of the By- Laws of the Hospital will be trans- acted. In order to cast a ballot in the election of directors• a person must be a member of the Association. One year memberships- may be oh- tallied for the sum of one dollar ($1.00) from the Wingham Hospi- tal, the Secretary, the Treasurer, or a member of •the Board of Dir- ectors. Everybody welcome! H. C. MacLean, President John Strong, Secretary. 20:27 :3b req. BO OK SHOP Asp LLD-IT-AT MAPG#1.1WES 011 MAC DONAD BLDG, WIN AOA G/LAM AGENTS 'OR L ILSNI SONS'*VM! ITANLLTP WANTED—Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. A-453- 131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 20b NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS. IN THE ESTATE OF REBECCA WALKER RUTHERFORD ALL PERSONS having' claims against the estate of •the above mentioned late of the Village of Wroxeter, County of Huron, Mar- ried Woman, who died on the seventeenth day of November, 1959, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the sixth day of February, 1960. After that date the Administra trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard Only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 19th day of January, 1960, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix. 20-27-3b 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 SMITTY'S JAN. DRAPERY SALE NOW ON. All draperies made up free of charge from. $1.95 yd. up—all lengths. Choose now from Western Ontario's foremost drap- ery house at Smitty's Shopping Centre In Hanover. , 13-20-27b BIRTHS HELP WANTED .r-^ ASSESSOR WANTED FOR • MORRIS TOWNSHIP Applications for the position of Assessor for Morris Township at a salary of $500.00 per year will he received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, Feb. 1st, 1960. 20:27b George C. Martin, Clerk. Taxpayers may make payments on aeCT34. of 1960 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1959 taxes ..k• NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE •OF PHOEBE DENSMORE, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ;pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of 'the late Phoebe Densmore, are requir- ed to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to S. W. BUSHFIELD, Q,C., Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 23rd day of January, A.D, 1960, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to, dis- tribute the assets of the said Es- tate, ,having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 4th day of January, A.D. 1960. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C. WINGHAIVI, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. • 6-13-20b FEMALE HELP WANTED BARRYIVfORE and Harding Car- pets and Rugs. Deep pile all- wool broadloom rugs and wall- to-wall carpeting costs less than you may think. Have an esti- mate for your room this week from N. 3. WELWOOD CAR- PETS, PHONE 86. rrb CARDS OF THANKS KIEFFER—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs. Mich- ael Kieffer, R.R. 2, Tecowater, son. KINAHAN—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kinahan, R.R. 2, Lucknow, a son. WATSON—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Thurs'daY, Jan. 14, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson, Gorrie, a son. SCHMIDT—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs Ray- mond Sdhmidt, Bluevale, a son. FOR RENT I wish to express my sincere thanks to Drs. Pedley and Corrin and to the nurses and staff of the Wingham. Hospital , for their thoughtfulness and care while I was a patient, I also wish to thank those who visited me and sent cards, flowers and gifts.—Mrs. Miller Procter, 20b TWO FURNISHED rooms, heated and bath. Private entrance. Cen- trally located. Suitable for two nurses. Available January 15th. • Phone 127R. 13b Interest at the rate of Four per cent, allowed on payments made in janhary.• • Prepayments of taxes Must be made at 'die Town Treasurer's Office, Town WILLINM'RENWICK, Treasurer,:..n. Town of Wingharn. HOUSEWIVES--Need extra money' these days? We have' a part- time income plan to help you. Reliable, neat-appearing Mothers of schooltage children can qual- ify, Write Miss Mosher, Man- ager, Box No, 86,' Owen Sound, stating telephone number, 6:13:27b PERSONAL P & HC NURSERY are now li- cenced No. 60012 and 'will be taking orders for all types. Nur- sery stock and plants for spring, and are. accepting membership for Rose Society of Canada, Na- tional. Phone for prices of membership, NOW. Fred W. Daw, R.R. 3, Wingham, Ont. Telephone 741w21, 20b UT NOTICE TO CREDITROS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF FT -SIE A. LAMONT, late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others 'having claims against the Estate of the late Elsie A. Lamont, are' required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W.' BUSH- FIELD, Q.C., Solicitor for the Ex- ecutor of the said Estate, on or before the 8th day of February, A.D. 1960, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Es- tate, having regard only' to the claims of which he 'shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 16th day of January, A.D. 1960. 3. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 20-27-3b WANTED—Additional ladies to so- licit-orders for Sweetheart sweat- ers, Tartan skirts, ties, Argyle socks, •etc. Full' or part time. 1960 catalogue now ready. Write Sweetheart Sales Ltd., Yarmouth, N.S. , 20:27b RHEUMATIC PAIN? If you suffer from ;backaches, lumbago, sci- atica, try RUMACAPS today to help -bring you prompt relief. Druggists everywhere. 13,20,27b I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to friends for cards and calls while a patient in Wing- ham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. B. N. Corrin and Dr. E. Pedley, Mrs. Morrey and her staff for ex- cellent care.—William Kelly, 20b WANTED TO 'RENT FEEL OLD? WANT TO FEEL YOUNGER? Thousands of men, women past 40 pep up quick with help of Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Make 3-day test. Only 69c. At all druggists. 27b —WV:NV . I would like to thank Majestic Rebekah Lodge and my many friends who remembered me with flowers, gifts, letters and cards during my illness. Every one brought cheer to my room while away from home.—Mrs. Charles H. Hopper, 20b ADDING MACHINES and Calcu- lators, Olivetti, famous for speed and durability; Olympia Type- writers, renowned for their in- terchangeability carriage, For prompt and efficient service on present equipment call Owen Sound Typewriter Co. Phone FR. 6-4841. rrb Services Tuesday For A. Carruthers A resident of Turnberry Town- ship for 87 years, Andrew Carruth- ers, of R. R. 1, Wingharn, died on Saturday, January 16, in Wingham General Hospital. He had been a patient 'there for five years. Mr. Carruthers was a son of the late Frank Carruthers and Isabel Wood. He was born in Turnberry and farmed all his life. 'He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was an ardent curler, He was never married and is sur- vived by one sister,' Miss Janet I Carruthers, who is also in the Wingham, Hospital, A brother, Walter, died in 1940. The funeral was Tuesday after- noon from, the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home with interment in Wingham cemetery. Dr. Alexander Nimmo officiated. The pallbearers' were George Day, Alan McGill, Augh •Gilinour, Chester Gilkinson, 'Joseph Smith end Clate,Niergarth. HOUSE WANTED to rent by Aprillst oi before. Phone 194w. rrb LUCKNOW NURSING HOME— Finest nursing care. Warm, clean, excellent food. Fully •lic- ensed. Enquiriet and inspection invited. Write H. M. Green. Phpne- 129R, Lucknow. 20 IViar.9* WANTED TO BUY AR1VIITAGES FREE PANT SALE of Bond Clothes. Suits that are made-to-measure and sold reg- ularly at $75.00 with one pair of trousers—now on sale at $59.75 with two- pair of trousers. Or- der your spring suit now, take delivery in March, April or May. ARMITAGE'S—Phone 172 Men's Wear Dry Cleaners rrb PAIR SKIS Wanted, 6'-6" and ski boots, size 11 or 111t,. Phone 418. The family of the late Mrs. David Kennedy are deeply grate- ful for the many, many acts of kindness shown during her long illness, and at the time of her passing. To Rev: Mr. McCann, Mr. John McGee who sang her favorite hymn, "There Were Ninety and Nine"; the pallbearers,. neighbors, relatives and friends who helped in so many •ways, those who sent cards and messages of sympathy and to Dr. Crawford and Dr. Mc- Murchy. Those kindly deeds will not soon be forgotten. 20b DEADSTOCK WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WITH 'ALL OFFICE TYPEWRITER FEATURES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NIRENE VOA TSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Gorrie, County of Huron, Widow, who died An the second day of January, 1960, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the sixth day of February, 1960. After that date the Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall than have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 19th day of January, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 20-27-3b ttttttttt tIlt1111111111111.1.111 iiiiiiiii ' FOR SNOW shovelling anytime, or odd jobs on, Saturdays. Apply Neal Hardy, phone 136W. 20b FARM SERVICE—Dead or crippl- ed farm animals removed for sanitary disposal. NO REMOVAL CHARGE. Phone COLLECT Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123w or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG (ELMIRA) LTD. rrb Wingham Adance=Tirnes Phone 890 Wingham II•mmeseme • VISIT R. A, CURRIE & SONS TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, accessories and re- pairs at reasonable rates phone Ross Mann, 73534 Wingham. rrb The family of the late John'Ca:Id- well wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their neighbors, friends •and relatives for the many acts of kindness, cards, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes in their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to all those who assisted in the home, also Rev. R. E. Mc- Lagan, pallbearers, flower bearers, nursing staff of the Wingham. gen- eral Hospital, Dr, Pedley, Dr. Con- rin, special nurses, Mrs. W. Hackett, Mrs. H, Walsh and Mrs. Carl Johnston also Mr, Lloyd Tacker.— MrL J. Caldwell and Family. 20* '.••••••••.•••••••••••••.••••:...VT DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We have the fastest service and the' highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4.00 each and 31/2 c lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call for long distance OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge, Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham. rrb ROY N. BENTLEY WILL DO CUSTOM Chain. Saw- ing. Contact Percy Gedeke, Gor- rie. Phone 46r11, Fordwich. 2027* WINNAM FIRM AWARDED CONTRACT CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Telephone JAckson 4-9521 P.O. Box 478 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Fhone,48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, •Q.01 GODERICH, Ontario INCOME TAX RETURNS If you are a farmer and haven't filed tax returns, my advice to Yon is—do so. If you have filed regularly, let me check your capi- tal cost allowance (depreciation) schedule. S. S. PY1)/f, P.O. Box 74 Public Accountant since 1944 29:3:17* ACHESON'S Harold Kerr Construction of Wingham has been awarded a $332,067 contract by the Ontario Department of Highways. The Work will include grading, granu- lar base -and ;adverts- on No. 4 Highway near Hanover. The con- tract calls for 'two bridges over the Sattgeen River ,near that town. Dead Stock Service A. H. MCTAVISH ••=4*Ler•••1••••••••••••. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to LOan , Office—Moyer Block, Wingham r .1.1111.0amo••••••••1141.11111•0.111.0•1•411•11.14•1111•11•1•110.m011•111•••••••••••n •••411111141••••111i1•1•0•1••••••••••••••••••••1100 . Allan Park Bargain Store Easy Chair, High Back (Wine) $6.95 Dining-room. Table 3 leaves $10.00 Table Lamps $4.50 Plate' Mirror, gilt frame $9,75 Living-room table, 29" high, walnut $6,95 Metal Smoker $2.50 2-Pce Chesterfield Suite, good value $39.00 3.pce. Chesterfield Suite, (must be seen) $39.00 Coffee Table with glas's tray, solid walnut $16.75 39° Sprtng.filled Mattress $6.50 Springifilled Mattresses (new) $2215 epee Dinning-roont walnut $125.00 Between Hanover and Durham LIVE POULTRY Picked tip Thursday and Friday only during January, February and March. C. MC/1EL — CORE 16 Phone 211,21 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter--Every Wednesdhey afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Highest cash prices paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old, Kick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HYSLOP WROX,IgTER 2R15 •111•711•••••161•1010•110••••••••••••••=1110.•••••••••••••11MM:iii•iii•.• NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN THE 8STA:TO OF MARY McCALLUM ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the 'Township of East Wawanosh, Spinster, who died on the fifth lay of December, 1059, are required to file proof of same' with the undersigned on or before the sixth day of February, 1960. After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the el:11111s of which she shall then haVe had notice. DATED at Wingham this 19th day of January, 1960. OliiANFORI3 & HErIlHERINGTON Wirigham, Ontario Solicitora for the Executrix. 29-27.3b WELLINGTON FIRE WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer owned and controlled Call us between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings at CLINTON ZENITH 94650 or Collect TEESWATIER 126 $13.99 Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hoinuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PlIONE 118 Harriston, Ontario Making Room for Spring 'Merchandise Everything Drastically Reduced LADIES' SWEATERS SPECIAL ....... ..... 880 each and up Men's All Wool SPORT JACIfETS Reg. $20,05 to $35.00 SPECIAL EON! %-length. All Wool JACKETS Sizes 1043-14 only, Iteg..$14,93 SPECIAL $6.99 Boys' Wash4t.Went LIMED SLACKS and. LINED DRESS TROUSERS. Reg., $3.90, 'SPECIAL $2.60 Men's SPORT SKIRTS . plenty to etuntiSe from, !handing wool tartans.. Reg. $4.35 to $5.55 SPECIAL $3.88 or 2 for $1.60 Little Boys' DRESS TROUSERS, Sites 3 to Ilyr keg, Silt to $$.98 SPECIAL i9e and $U3 pair ItASTIC REDUCTIONS ON LAMES' AND GIRLS' DRESS COATS, OAR COATS, DRESSES„ SKIRTS, SL1IVIA lliditilteds 'of unadvertised Ilartralna, a MAIL OItliERS PILLED OPEN 16 it,tit, TILL 10 Am* PI.ENTP 'OP CLEARED PARBING OW% ,eheeeigkeeteeffeeeetteeteieeeeeieiewiemeekteeemeteme,eke4eiteie fiAV1LLER, & WARD DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Fl or Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD' nom A inGTIZST CAME VALVE Please Phone ProMptir Call Collect . 133 Insurance Company Est. 1810 An all Canadian Company lvltleh has faithfully served its policy holders for Over a century. Head Office Toronto H. C. MaeLeaUIrisUrance Agency Wingham err. DIED t JOHNSTON, Mayo' ton Public Hospital on Thurs- daY, Jan, 24, 1960, Maye (arts) Johnston (fernier dress buyer at T. Eaton Go.) and dear mother of Louise (Mrs. P. Ohara- ler' of London; sister of Edna (Mrs. Bush)' 'of Chicago; Mabel (Mrs. 11. O. Counter) of Clinton; Err:swine (Mrs. R. H. Ring) WestMOUnt, que,; and grandmother of William M. Chantlier of Toronto, Mrs. tto- bent king of London. Funeral sorylee was• held in 'St. Paul's Antillean'Church, 0Iiiniton, on• Saturday at 0.80 fort. with Inter* MOM in Wingliast Citntatery, LIVESTOCK POR SALE Eefore Yeti buy it about ow Bruce Marlatt Brutiels, Ont. CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALkERTON J. E. Kennedy, It.Ed., .8.A„ C.A., W Resident Mgr. Telephones:, Business 633; Residence 104 J FINANCING A CAR? Low Cost• rinatteing SerVide With ebnipiete Insurance .tJoVetage. Ern' IlEIVEM,0 tor iii Phone 1734, 24 HOUR SERVICE STEWARTA, SCOTT gob,pubs *It