HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-01-20, Page 2I
?.*Re Tway Tllt� VilitigJi
altt Advanet4•"rictus, RVe+��e�lay,>�a1: 20, 110044
HO^V D 04
0 1F1 ,
Ikast weel; we heard several tillieS
that the ladies' Auxiliary to the
•' vri-n hani General 1'lospit. l had d.e-
eld'ed to cease operation,; because it
could Ito, longer serve a useful pill -
pose, The Ontario Hospital tier
vices 1)lala of ilasurance`and. hospital
fillanclalg, 'So: the rumors went, Made
the Aii,:ilialy obsolete.
Nothing could be farther frons
the truth. We I -lever vease to be
atuazed at the gullibility of those
A,ri-la llear and repeat `rit111or. In tilts
case there Nvas not even a hint of the-
trith •iii the stat.einents•---•ailcl a lot of
Auxiliary supporters were unneces-
sarily alarmed.
it is true that the activities of the
Auxiliary inay be altered ill sOnlae
Aepartinents, as they were .advised.
by Mrs. M orrey in: her :address at
the annual" meeting. Most nueedred
requirements for the hospital may
fail into somewhat (i;ifferent . Cate-
oti'es—bu't the place of tibe Aoxil-
t �
lar.�> is .as vital as it liar been t any
time dirring the hast 50 years of its
epee. `
We -have. mentioned before, Zall.d
Would like to do so again,. that; the
Hospital Auxiliary perforins a mag -
nil' cent .se vice in its assistance to
tht" hospital and the provisiOn Pof
e tra comforts for the patients.
When %Vinghaln had a very small
hospital the .services of the Alixiliary
1)en Cf-
)en,ited the people of the town, and
the ininledlate countTYside. N1)W,
however, since the local hospital leas
1)econie a medical centre, ry th va-
tiellis from far and xvide, the efforts
of these unselfish ladic�s are extenil-
ed to pecaple wbo. iiaay be from Owlen
ou]ld, {.104-'ricli, or ally* point ill lie
t wec'll.
if 3111 -ogle tries tq, tell you that.
A1 txiliary fold,rig up, just
don't believe it.
There is every indication at the
present tini.e that thefe will be soille
stl-i,hils st,t1'(ly o:f the mallagemerit of
public afGairs at several levels the years. At -
in the ext. two or
ready one con anissic n'bas reported.
1 s
o]:t the opal atson of the 01i1 1
rover-nnien.t and has reconnivelided
solve tiFairly drastic changes. Latest
u>ord is that a sini.ilar study will. `
probably be invade in Ottawa, to fillet
,0,1'1,1 NVJ1'e'1-,11,er Or not %,Ve are o.ver-
st:a.ffell or rover -spending.
:One name has been mentioned as '
a possiblie ineinber of the Ottawa
:sllrvP_y committee that of Watson.
Sellas, f'oriner auditor -general of the -
Dominion ;government. The choice
IANTS O'F YESTERYEAR of �'rl`. ;. ell'ar. for the conitnAtee
would .lie an excellent ogle, for lie was
cants o ell and fearless during his
Away back, 25 or 30 vicars ano til
enterpi-isiyag young feature `i+site -
pearsas auditor -general, a job which
from one of the 'Toronto papers, rexlklircd peculiar qualities of cour-
po, y
gsihl: the Star or Star Weekly, age, since It demanded, from time to
arrived in Huron County t'o "ado' .a tal2ae, span criticism of those who
Story" on ,a man Lv,h had heo anae pair, Inis "salary.
�tlite a famous 'chaxactei�'The nils- It is always easy to criticise a big
iect of the reporter's attewfionn -,Nlasbody, such as our civil servants, abet
Bill p'orest, who lived on aan island as far removed as We are from the
its Coderich harbor for many years. scene it Would not be possible to
V-opi ,this headquarters Bill operat- nccnse th-e 'public servants of waste
ed,�a fleet of tugs and dredgesi ,doi7 g or incompetence. Suffice it to say
contract work on many of the hal-- that the war time, emergency coli -
hors along the ITuroll shOre. 1(litions which created the need fora
Now Hill was not predisposed .to gigantic civil service section, nl.ay
enjoy publicity. Ife was a' physical have ,Minded some authorities to the
giant himself and 'his generosities to less 'demanding needs of present day
those in•his employ were just as gi - operations. s.
is high
time that the
gantic, but he didn't want any fuss entire system Was re-examined—and
ni,ade over his person br his •activ- the present Conservative aclminis
ities, When the reporter arrived tration, faced with real financial,
Bill spent 'can'entire afternoon :rein- proble]ns, could well'Use some ecnn-
inisciTig about 'his early days at his -omies in the public treasury. 14'01-
4orhome near Kippen anl
al in, oderich that matter the rest of its would
when that port was young and lusty, surely welcome a little relief in .our
IV.Iost of his tales were about 'the income ta:c payments.
'mrttng men of I-Tilron County, and
time report -04 Was averse to 'printing
good -,yarns NAlether true or false.
The result of all this tall: was a
del.ikhtlful feature about the mvthical
giants of T-Taron the young than
Who carried a 960 polind ,anchor fOT-
300 yards along a Coderich dock;
t}2e driver of a h'tmse and buggy Out-
fit Nv'hn found his steed terrorized
by one of the first motor cars and,
simply reached over the dashboard
and lifted the horse onto itis lap
1121tai t1' aliJ;tal relaxed. Then
elt re
va.s tle fellow wit] Went to the
doctor in KipPen With a toll h `'Of
sriatir.a:.. 'The Medic said he W-00.4
have to :st'retcli the Sciatic nerve,
lit' }lynl ,Citi then crating table, hart
li d he �blacit-
,aYi in cin ,rill tlSe 1l t
Slth As to'ligs tr, a1pply adzvgi
` .t 18
level's.;rie t'(i 'lite trerve. Ittrltll.
:1llexi to keep the 1,u*y p e -Hent 01)
the table. 11i1i d �O o
We eatil't begin to !f`ovie They All
"n , .
the faitta'Sies that poared ;from Big'
` Bali s• lillftaCl. that rlsylint WC wou d
10ve to look hover the strry truce
rlt'tlre. 7f by chsi',lce,. any of � out
readers have it tucked awtty in A
m ra bmk tie �.v'rluld; certainly 'like
to barrow it i"rt t ;a ffew�rlay,n
�iy�l�lilabted "i�3t'h'artici �ut�o
W#hkisr Jaf-Akefti 'PUN is I&A
*.1;�r't�r131tvfrfte 7 lt6tt'
MtKlrtlbi�ta' Atirdlt �cireona 6f` �Ilrc'klat o
Au,, tr1*d ,w�+l wind kgs 611,
PoAt Oulee Dept.
it ih?llllrl tf+vlrt(pAf# — biYe' a tic' 3�6fi, i1t Mori'thit
#.W thi t&rir`Irft.
ti'. 9. A. $4.6 bot- y6&r
t Adverlti*ing HateN d lA Al1atl0
'The notion that elderly people
are no longer productive members
of society and should be arbitrarily
retired," has been. Sharply .criticized
of late by Dr. Wilder Penfield and
ot'he'r notables iii the world of inedi-
eine. State . old -age p'enslons, t'oo$
,'tied t�iessin that.
have proved fel. n g yrl
recipients are all to'o often COIIsidel°
e(1 tilifit for eniploynlent just be
r,iause th'e Ita.p,; en to, be pe'n's oilers
The �ielfare !Council of 'G re'ate
Winnipeg rightly recogniyos that
hi h oil the list of probleil-l'S ;facer
by pens]oners•is th'a feeling of Joneli
negs and being" uftwgwlted:. COVnci
has so ht to' d'o something abou
'dais site Y:liorl. b setting up an "`Ag
and Opportunity tilreatt" to Dperat
a da cei'i'tre to, provide pensioner
1.; ductiv
fair o
with pan. opportunity 1ti
. • %ee: t in cases of total dimb
ity, old .age has distinct assets—e
Brie ice, ;jttdgn ant and the like
NvIl t}h state welfar s111' thin far 'b
not: recognized. Most d.'a'liiagibg
lerl is the fallacious halt wed
t�'11w e�C �'
spread iftotion that older citizet
,,just ilece'ssarily be upprodrlc:ti,
iii etlis, llothi roui lie fArth
f'roln the truth.
' P AA r 1 UIR{A1g771AP,r1Alop{;{ilii@P,i;;iiiil7idigP711APPP➢PPIPi4tlPdiir.1717{IR,llAAAlii.pAPpg4Pn9,P,,'P�%\,II�}�lil/PI IiI iII I�IIIIiIIMIiI�i11I Il�I li�Ill�,lihlAlIIIiIiR,Rlil!P4,IiII�I Illl�.11llllwii�
iPP{PgIIAI{119;IA1r,{11144P4A1.PqP:J/.ii lf{Ilk; 1448,i1Pl,IAAIPir1�Rg1IIP40000,tlliri•tgi{Aw4R41AiRirq PPP PP P.P.. .._.
n. T L —
►� .� .
VXV. D. Ao eel, "rices
le Ont .�
kit, JWtttheix 2.1 .. , bellol(t, tihere
ship, He sometimes uses as in- :
as. so'n's, • ice may give us only
starlight. if -we cry fpr more light
cA wise, melt from tills east t .
shipments of His. guidance
should least expect. It was 'riian,
He gives us, we are asking
Herod, of all people, who set the
to .be treated. as 1'Ihildren and not
Wise Metz on the last stages of
as sons,
story of
their journey.
1 y'
God having revealed His San to
the Wise Men,
familiar to
God expects His own to be wise
hYie humble poor of His chosen
us, all, Is a re-
in 'their use of His guidance. We :
must interpret the ,signposts. "Effie ;
people, ;now manifests .the Same to
those Wise Merl from lite Gentiles
•markable - par
Wise -Men accepted the direction �
world. It is .as if atlte :adorx�iion >zif
^ • able of divine
,t'o -3erusalem, %ut ignored Ithe xe-
the s]iepherds !and the ltfagi t4 i
,■ '.
guidance' T h e
g i
9u est. that followed, `Guidance Is
gether ropresent the offering not
Wise saw
the star and
110. magic �car� et- It a's tine co
operation of His will 'widl !ours ;
only of the whole of mankind '(Jew
,aytd Gentile), :but a# the W ole -of
sought its ineait-
Ing to g t t h e t••
and demand$ Heart, soul,, !snail.
�or'the shepherds are (those
r . I
strength and mind. !who
work with Itlteir hands, the
ill ,
God reveals itis will to us as we
In :guiding u, He grants us ;only:.
Wise Men those who worisv with
are in fellowship with one another,
'that 'much of His light a$ lis xiglit
their Yitfnds, Together they offer -
for His spirit who guides us into
the truth is the Spirit of fellow-
and good for us if we ,are to :grow 1
all that iman can offer.
1{✓rP41i{W qullr4lUIUQIIqupungq,AomP,l UlrM4uPuuwnlqup,/Pn1ArPIgb1/PP.(i•P111q�naR.InP.PUUPD,gnP..PP i
The -Advance is compelled :print
much smaller paper than usual
Sapp and Spice
this 'week._
miss Myrtle Bennett left on'
Friday .morning for `Tehkummah,
8y Bill 'Smiley.
Manitoulin, Island, where :she will
Went to see a Tartan movie with were Milled', but only do self de ,teach
the kids the . other night. I +looked fence �or for. food. In this epic wC'
'0 - �0 - 0
forward to the evening, I hadn't saw 'tile other night, there were no;
deaths, a1L
seen Tar�aii in action for nigh less than five horrible
F CTIVI JANUARY' 20th to. 216th
E IFE ,�
ai,n:'1'atileis Yoe fast
relief of heaellyelle, etc. Ut g• 900,
DASAL TABLETS, 30VS . , .. , .... 71 ,c
I31anket 01001 covered— Reg, 049th
I .EATING PAD.... , .... , ....... . ,......$3-99
'SAVE r2'>I�c �on. $
v•Iue for 99c
DE1V"I'A�.'C��EA - R.eg; $1;26 ai -_..
.D A. - •f'or i•eltef of const'illation Reg, 450
A -B -S. G TABLETS; 100's . 29ic
.IDA, Brand Reg.. 2 for 27c
: L T ISSUE ....... , , . , ...... , 2 for 25c
T1pi E '�'
onto 30 years. people. 'One got an -arrow through 8ro: A. D. Smith; Bluevale, -has, mill■flt�lll/I'll■IIIDIII�IIIrlll111li�lf�lllrlllrl
0 - 0 - 0 the •Heart. A beautiful :girl 'was im-t been named :District Master of
Well, sir, it was ]lice going .liaclt paled on :stakes in a :pit, Another the .Loyal '(range Lodge. Bro. R,
after 'l0 fellow was pushed, down &mine D, Gulley, WI b%am, is -the Deputy
old fi r
Sift d w
to s a •
see d,over
• s .shove
i+th a
• A ou w
haY . f
5 t 'Master.
lint pretty s
the 5 v
}ears, and 1'inibnt,. t [ ,cliff :and landed flat on his back.
W -4 -
Wench turned into a Bros:;, gap- � Alfa -long fiesideYtt of.East W �-
an it rock. liven y4u'ng Him, `case •wa'nos Allan R. .Scott, lrasst'xl i
•oil d
• 'n a soiled onthed
hat t
ta `af-'•
, LSaturd
many a y
harde et9 b y
t] Y
0 - u - (1 away on
harpoon of cowboys and Indians ohnson and Jim Wain,'
I .don't mind telling •you,. I came cutting each other )down, flinched MurrayY
out of that theatre shocked, lie- at the Sight of a, man stumbling 'bodge agents, left for Toronto on
wildered and disillusioned. No ON- .Into quicksand and sinking, Wednesday morning to spend time
perience in recent ,years has so. -ex- ,Screaming horribly, out of sight, at the ,motor show.
plicitly confirmed my creeping sus- 0 10 - 0 We are sorry to report that Mr,
piel6n that the world Is going to Ili spy day- hili, trtov'ie-ttxalcArs 011ie Thompson suffered a ;heart
Sat -
the dogs• didn't have to l'ig Up trouble like attack shortly after midnight Sat-
0 _ 0 - 0 urday, He had been in the store
that for 'Tartan's enemies. Ile took
Now, I was not so naive as to care of -himself.. Tl 're he'd be, all day Saturday.
Chit IAt I'd be seeing the same Tat'- tied til a stake, the native warriors. Dr. F. A. Parlor left on Tuesday
zan as the one of my childhood, or danein around him and Shaking for Florida, where he will spend
g g< .
that the story would not be jazzed torches .in his face. 'Old ^Tart would, the rest of the winter,
Ftp a bit 'for the hard -eyed little just rare back, bellow 'his .ape call Mrs. W. J, Campbell, first line
liool;gans who haunt the movie and in •a few minutes hundreds of Culross, is a 'patient in the •Gua ph
ho isefi today. But this Tartan was lits .brother -apes would .pour over ,General Hospital.
no more like the, one I watched: the palisades and clraye the black Miss Jennie Caseinore of Strat-
in my salad days than Vftta`ilYn fellows, while a horde of this ale Mord attended the funeral, of Miss
Monroe. is like Mickey Rooney, 'pliant friends trompled down the' Sarah 'Orr, Turnberry, on 'Saturday.
0 - 0 - 0 . ' whole Ayatusi village. Mrs. William Reid, Carling Ter-
Tarzan was an influence of a1- '0 -'0 -'0 race, went to Toronto on account
most overwhelming dimensions, Maybe I'm just getting cranky of the illness of her daughter,
when I was a kid. We read all the and. olds But when savagery and Mr. and Mrs C. N• Merkley are
Tarzan books. Every Saturday•af vigorous violence. are replaced by 'on a trip ,to Florida and other
ternoon• at the matinee, we saw two sadism: and psychopaths, I think points :in the United States. They
reels of a Tarzan serial that left it's 'time the crocodiles finally are expected back shortly,
us •limp with excitement and fear, caiiglit"up to Tarzan, and finished 0 _ 0 - 0
as our hero struggled in ,the coils hiin off, once and for all.
of an anaconda or went tumbling FIFTEEN YEARS AGO
over 'a anile -high cliff as the epi- , , A. school area has been set up
code ended. But we didn't worry in East Wawanosh Township, Com -
all week until -the next SaCaTolpy, prising eleven school sections.
We knew he'd beat the rap. jRe�miniscing'A Frank Thompson has been named
0 0 - 0 chairman and C. H. Wade of Bel-
I dreamed about him. I suffered• grave secretary -treasurer,
numberless contusions and sprains' FIFTY YEARS AGO Directors elected at the annual 11
trying to swing through a .maple meeting of the hospital trust are.
tree titre way he swung through the Mr. Donald McLean, a resident.; a _
trees of the jungle. In. the privacy at .one time of the 3rd .line of Capt, W. J. Adams, W. G. Ham -
of The Sandpit, I practised calling, Morris, died near Bruce Mines ;on ilton, R. H. Lloyd, H. C. MacLean,
the apes as lie slid. Before going January 6th A. J. Walker, W. W. Armstrong.
B the death of i Mrs, William Those who will serve by appoint -
tr lit m ,a
I o y
- night, f Y
e at n gDavidson,l e , I3. avi so
F. D d
to p g meat are Mayor
` silently lint u(clomitabiy, through Henderson, which took place at
Walter VanWyck, Dr W, M: Con -
hordes of black warriors, with the home of her son on Tuesday ,pall. Avera a number of patients
nothing but my kilife and a la t- of his week, another of the g'.
roneers of Morris 'Township pass per 'day in 1844 was 17.8,
mimite assist from Tantor the p'
reeve o Gra
� Bolin- Al A
lexander gee f
Elephant ed away. She was born in Ed n ex A. � •Y
0 - 0 - 0 burgh, Scotland, 75 years ago, and Township, wus elected warden of
for the past 50 years had r1sided Huron County at the opening of
My craggy
was a mature man, on the farm where she 'died. the January session in Goderich.
with craggy features, wearing a Robert Beattie came into poses- Mrs, W. L. Kress received word
shaggy .animal's skin, his, straight cion of a comfortable commodious on Saturday- ,morning that her
black hair falling almost to his home last Friday when he pur-' brother, Pilot 'Officer William Den -
shoulders. The Tarzan in this. chased the property on the corner nis, was missing following oper-
movie the other night was a baby ,of Patrick and Edward Streets re-, ations ,overseas.
•faded pretty boy, wearing a tailor-: eently occupied by Mr. Lucas. Mr. .and Mrs, Leslie Bryce off
ed leopard) elcin and he had. OIL The Brunswick Hotel, owned by Turnberry celebrated the 30th ail -
on his carefully •curled Bair. John E. Swarts and managed iby_ niversary of their.wedding.
0 -. 0 = 0 Ivan Johnston has; been -purchased Recent enlistxzients to . thG. Ca-
Nly Tartan sivilitg Chroilgh .th0 by. Jahn..Ptitland•:of •. i it ardtne haill>in piriiiy at I.'on,doii 'include
jiinglt:, 1rotw tree to tree, in great, Mr. John Kerr .Idaves next week Donald B. Hastie, son of Mr. and
swooping ares -hat had yofu• heart on a three months' trip to the Mrs. Gordon'. Hastie; David X.
envy. This
with e
o wt Y
• throat coast. Leslie E
ant v � Le he
i B1 sae
n � Dunbar of e
Only this rt o
f the
u g ,
- inatl o oft a
jerk. ilia other night e y The pioneers s p .Foga), RR. 3, Wingham; Wiliam
one owing 'on a VWN n little boli country ;are fast passing away. C. I•Ieibein,. Gorrie; Lloyd J. Hall
of about fourteen feet. This week 'the Advance 'records and Henneth L. Jardine, Lucknow.
0 - 0 - 0 the death 'of four: William Spenec ' Wren Verna Johnston .of Toronto
My 'Tartan was a friend of most of Howtek; William Clark of Bel -
of the animals in the jungle. But grave; Mrs. 'Willia,in Henderson of was a week -end visitor with Mr.
he -didn''t hesitate to stab an or- Morris and H. Rintoul of White- and Mrs, W. Johnston,
eery lion to death, or crack the church.
hi beach will
neck of an ugly ;gorilla. 'T s J. H. Christie and fariiily
athlete the other night covIldn't, shortly occupy the new residence' BEUEY'ALE
thing anything but people, 'and lie recently erected by W, F. Van-
shot at them with atroi4/s, Yz'om be-, Stone :on John IStrect, The, annual meeting of lite %'uh-
h.ind a `tree, if you ran believe it. l c Library Board- will be held in
Z blushed for :hfrn. Robert )Elliott went to Haniiittin the library on the evening of Jan,
- 0 - 0 -0 on Monday, where 'he has secured '28th.
M,y 'Tartan was 'a simple, lirotitl 0 - 0 ;, � The Y.P.tI, of the United Church
[nail. Ile +coultlri't even speak Ung- held its fortnightly meetlrrg on'
liSh, When `hr was, with 'the gfCl, II`ORTY YEA71;;3 Aro Tuesday night. The following are .
she'd 'try to tP:a.Ch him. ",rite Words the officers for the year: Pres.,
r" Mr. Pettigrew ,and family hs.ve Loretta Fischer; vice,pres., Bob
Would he flashed on the ,•creels. � g Hetherington; see., Susan Sellers';
t .- "Mos .Tatra, Tail Tar taken up thoir residence in Mr. d Peacock, Hi C convefl-
She'a wit W. F. Van'Stone's dwelling opposite ties ,, Ross e-
t; n,' Held rPpeate `9'e Jalie You, er, Kathleen Craig; asst., Bruce
'I�rtryatr:' Antl she'al i;�iggt§ xirettily St. 'Pauls Church. McLennan; ,pianist, Marie Johns-..
- • ..1 o. Me .lane. Vbu Tarr Mr. 1�1'. L. Brandon, son of Mrs. ton; recreation 'convener, Alla-A
hntl .lay. N
tan" And h'e'el fitally .get it: Brandon of- town, was cleated Campbell; assts., Anne Peacock,
1 mayor 6f the town of St. Marys, Rose Marie dVicholsbn-
r�' interested Mr: Thomas H Moore, second
t But he really was t
in girls, :r:nd tLt 'that time, neither corcesstoii of Kinloss, has ,pur. Mrs. .A. Rt�ItOrLr.1 Y5
C ve kids, We'ct. scuffle and chased the north half of lot 30,
were � . .. y
e ;grab each Ethers teats and horse c6ncessfon B, Turnberey, froth Mr. Mission C1rde Pres.
a,rtiund until the "love"hart was Alfred McCreight,
muth formerly of The Afternoon Mission Circle of
S over, and aur hero was tyaek tri fine. V. F. He y
ur h me
t at the
h C
Baptist ..,
. ... _ _.. operating •
a liar l;
n haat wh p
t river i
os h ,
n aCr s e W' g
urn- • '�iied-
c topes nit
action g s. H. S
It of 7Vtr
e , borne
with tthe evoeodiles :sriapping'at his a drrxg store tri Ilarriston for the nesday afternoon, Missionary let-
heel;s, and us sitting 'on the edge past, couple of years, was elected tees were react from. Toronto, Qua -
of cur seats, teeth and fists clench .to the Harriston couficil, bee, and- front Miss Laura C611ar
�- h els l • s rix s James 'Wleir Glenannan, fit Nigeria. A seas9n of prayer
ed,puiling u1i our c n y Mr , is ;followed after which the election
rri6iied' into l:otvii: lag- 'tweak and P
r)ct upying the: tte'sia MCts on 'Shutes iii bfficez's washeld.
�""'" • i the otlte'r St. which slits recently iiitrchased' h fallowing were elected to
�1tia locker M hx ht it]
ii `ii 'i7 .)sut lice from Mr, Vll >'. variSt6ne, office: l?restdeiit, Mrs. A. Aintout;
den might wls gIMple t h $ y
- son of. Mr vice pre>.>._ Mrs. H. Stakes; tress.,'
wasn't proud'. Ho 'roil iii oirt its; Rev. Vit. E. Paweli,
tip %.lets. InAtrad '6f, Tofn K. Pow .11, ,like 'bet;ni elected Mrs, M. bame'r6n; recording see.,
Sinttrlt dig :ks
u lt. the+ "tin le Its
to the'i"6i'entai6ard df EdiiC&tforr. Mrs. W.rarc6urt; Press sec., Mrs.
0� lttrl.cthig thro g 7 g Ti. Sincla;ar, ;piktiist, Mrs. lJ. Sin
thoititli IiB -owned It, he Akulketl: 'The ,hydro by-law carried cit Clair; asst., Mrd, J. Kelly, lunch
iS t1' trite t :nr+eWlts ti01114ti01A ,5vi