HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-01-13, Page 8it for me lives in a darn fine house, in a .goed section of the city, feel I can stop slugging," lie told me. "I ant sure as the devil not working for myself any more; I've got all the money ever need, and I don% spend Much, anyhow.", "I think I believe you" I said, but millions wouldn't. If I wrote' you up in my column, at least twenty readers I know would write sarcastic letters to the editors claiming Ambrose Rills had gone soft In the head:" "You try writing me up in your column," be said, 'and blacken one of your brown eyes for you".4 have written him up .anyhow. SCOM. TROOP, 1914---The Roy Scouts in Wingham had 'n hoadiey team 14 ItM4 and the Zurbrigg Studio made the above post card of the players. Front rtni•, left to right, Drintnnond„ Thatcher, Litekridge„..liew- son and Manna Rack row, Donaldson, Barron, Allen and (lalbraitin. '[he pieture was loaned to us by Leon. Caatelon, Architect Includes .Faniity Room In.. Threesaedroom 113.angolo:w .f.. Harriston ;!rout. Itoelley team 'in 101t. TI.0 players w r t• tiara:.! "'.1i In" 1)room 6 t «I N amen -rit .1" I . . I Telephone I,f2 hfill `da it It' By Ambrose Hills • Why Lic Works Casually I asked a man with a groat deal of money why he con- tinues to work "Why do you keen going under such pressure, I asked, "when you could afford to jump in your car and go touninitg to Mexico or wherever'? You've got it made so why beep slug- ging?" Well, to make a long story short, THURS. - SAT. January 14 - lit - 16 "IMITATION OF • LIFE" In Technicolor Starring-Lana Turner and John Gavin SPECIAL SATURDAY 'MATINEE . January 16 2.15 pan.-4tegtilar Matinee. Prices "The Lawless Street" Starring Randy Scott r___T__ PROQM eller,. Alfred Lovirridge, (1. W. "Howsit." Howson, Frill O. T. "Fritz" wart. Manuel, t"tea. "Vitt" Donaldson, Scoutmaster Rioluird Edward Noble "Itlek" Barron. John Allen and Fratik "Doodle" tlalbraith. Dr. George Howson mid All toekridge still live in town; Vete-) Manuel, a. brother of Roy Minie-1„ of town, lives in Detroit; John Al- len lives in North. Bay next the laty Frank Galbraith was a brother of W. A. "Will" Galbraith of Wing- ham, The addresses of lire' of oers were unknown. to Leon. Camel/in, who .supplied us with the informa timr. WHITECHURCH Of Many Things Theat re Mr. and Mrs, Ren MeCienaghan • and Carl MeClenaghan visited on I Viattlay at the home of her sister, Mrs, Fred Culbert, at Walton. Mrs. It t*iliiiert, was a patient in Wingham ripitul for the past • five weeks. Mrs. Carl MeClenaghan visited with her grandmother, Mrs.- Chas, Tho mpson, who is a patient in Wingliam Hospital. Mr. Victor Ernmerson has been under the doctor's care during thy week-end. 'rite January Institute 'meeting has been, postponed until Tuesday, January -• 19, on account of the illness of the president, Mrs. G. B, Farrier. • Mr. Glenn Appleby of Turnberry was a patient in Wingham.. Hos- pital last week, Mr. Norman Muir of 'Brampton was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes, Turnberry. Miss Dorothy Rosa of Toronto spent the !week-end with her par- ynts, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ross. Mr. John Moir is a patient In VVIngham, Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hill have been ill with flu over the week-end, Mrs. Walter Lott spent the week- end with Atwood friends, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and children visited on Sunday at the home of -his sister, Mrs. Robert I DEOROOM FAMILY ROOM 0'.4' • 11..2' Inclusion of a family room in a house of modest area is an interest, ing feature of this three-bedroom design by architect Ronald Whiteley of Don Mills. As well as providing a play area for children the room ensures good internal circulation. The basement extends only under the smaller wing of the house. A wide roof overhang protects both the main and rear entrances and shields the two living-dining room windows. There is ample closet space with two linen closets and a clothes closet in the family room in addition to a large coat closet at the front' entrance., The total floor area is 1,068 square feet and the exterior dimen- sions are 28 feet, eight inches, by 43 feet, six inches. Working draw- ings for the house, known as Design 284, may be obtained from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation et minipum cost. LIVINCeDINIR4 ROOM 11.41' 4 106. Cliambers of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reid mid Judy of Wingham visited on Sun, day with Mr, and. Mrs. William T. Irwin. • Mr. Charles Congram has been. .tr patient in. Wingham Hospital for the past two weeks. , I Mr. and Mrs. Alexander 'Robert- son' and children visited on Sunday at the home of her brother, Mt. William Forster of West Wawa- nosh. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gibson, Beatrice and. William of Ashfield, visited on Sunday at the home of Mn, and Mrs. George Fisher. Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler of East Wawanosh has been very ill' dur- ing the week-end with mumps: 9tOROom MONDAY and TUESDAY January 18 and 19 "THE 39 STEPS" Starring-.--lienneth More and Tatum Big WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY January 20 and 21 "10 SECONDS TO HELL" Starring—Jeff Chandler and Tack Palanee 111111111111111111111111111Millili 11.4.• usszessoniimmiaimimaamaansmarimmiNiumaminimmaanamminiaminnianammemwd n TYP MADE ESPECIAL • • • • BIN n 6111 n FOR FAMILIES WHO HAVE LETTERS TO WRITE . . .• n n HOMEWORK TO STRUGGLED WITH . . , BILLS TO PAY n n SHOPPING LISTS ° TO: CREATE : . REMINDER I. n MEMOS TO LEAVE FOR EACH OTHER . •. . INSTRUC:- I inii111111111.11111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111$INNINNIIIIIININIII11111111111111111111111111111111111114 111111111111 IN n THE . • n n n • LI ma IN. De PAGE No matter how you look at it Royal is the finest TIONS TO PUT IN THE MILK BOX . . RECIPES TO n n COMPOSE . . MENUS yo PLAN . . . BIRTHDAYS 'AND n - ANNIVERSARIES TO REMEMBER . . a AND THE LIST' n COULD GO RIGHT ON OFF THE 4 . Ilk • • n • • n n n n • • • • im It is the Royal Futura Portable Typewriter, of course. The machine That will be a tried-and-true, old trusted friend of the family for years to come. The only portable in the whole typewriter business that has all the features and conveniences of those big standard office machines. The only one so feature-full automatic that it lets you put your effort into what you're writing rather than info the me- chanics of writing. That's why youngsters" grades often go up with a Royal Futura. And why shopping lists are legibly complete. Make sense You ought 'to see If and fry it at The Wingham Advance-Times. P.S.4--This is a BUSINESS typewriter, too . ready to get up and go with you wherever and whenever you need it! N n n n IIC N • n n n VIII n • I Your Royal Busher Wing ha !Mat I1trill011.01011111111111111111.11.111110111111 T. THE VV::':''.ING:HAM'A.DVANCE.TIME3 n *.1**************11111********1101.01010011101100111101*****Iiiiiiiimailllialiiiitifilimaillinit PRONE 890 Wingham,Ont I belleVe every single word he. said'. If that is Soft-heeded, okay and .!going 'soft. • I "only.' wish there were more people working hard so that others might benefit, because that is always the result of hard work. Is nothing in 'the world to share Unless it is first produced, and -it takes work to increase production. • we toured the better suburbs of the city, and he pointed out to me no less titan ten very nice 'homes. In front of some there was evi- dence of youngsters at play; others had the second ear in the drive. way all looked neat and pros, perous.. In .everyone of these homes lived the • family of an employee of one or another of my frierai's various companies. We then: took a trip to the less posit area of town, and he pointed to places where men who worked for him were living. Not in pov- erty by any means, but in far less comfortable. quarters than the nth eras "When every person who works 111$10101101111101111111$11011111111 CROWN KITCRGN 4'•+'.601' IREF CAS111--if you live.. CASH—if you die. Protection for the family Comfort :for yam. ret-irement Alt hi one policy, Consult— KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE Diagonal Road Phone 355 Wingham "ow FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 402 "'Oho WIntslimt ARIvanne-TinVai Page '1413 "We<1., Jett, 1040 Wingharn Scouts Of 50 Years Ago .An avtive Boy'Scout Troop flour ';'-'heo. itn Winglraur back .around 11110-14, its Many of the older re- t'ile•nts. Will remember. Ry'speelal InTinission of 1,40rd Charles Beres- fOld, tile of ficlat name was "Lard • Reresferd's Own nusadiau Troop of Roy Scouts". chub. rooms, were first in agrand-floor" rooms on the east :dile of Josephine St., between John find Victoria, nearer the latter. We hefirve the actual location was in site Meyer Biotic, over the pre- hera 'osier W. ihishfield. l'irtytt later. had their meetings in the .parigh bath on tin, north. east eorut r of John and Veldt., 1its., Ion. the Ittutonie Hall. A picture. was taken of the WallsWEI001111101110110112•11011011111111010/ =,= = • P•°=-......7- ..."..1..Ma4