HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-01-13, Page 3Auxiliary Euchre The regular euchre of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion was:held in the Legion Home Mon- day evening with twelve tables in pray. Mrs. Omar Haselgrove won the prize for high lady and Mrs. Jim Halliday the high lady playing- as man. George Day won the high. ,prize for the men and Alexander Leaver won the .door prize, A social time followed. . 4 x 8 NATURAL RANDOM w LLB I „4„ R 4.1101 •.•.' WAS $5.12 P. sheet SALE $4,3,6 a sheet , 4 x 8 - PREFINISHED VER 1.B I. AR *.• OAK WAS $6.24 a sheet SALE $4,99 a sheet pear Sir: It is :with a great deal of pleas- ure that I have to report that no automobile fatalities occurred in No. 6 District 0.P.P, that consists of the counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wel- lington during the holiday season covering Christmas and New Years, a period of 12 days. This condition can be attributed, in my opinion, to the care taken by each individual automobile driver and ceaseless and active Ontario Provincial Police patrols covering the areas in the counties mentioned above for which O.P.P. are responsible. E. L, HARRIS, DISTRICT INSPECTOR CROSS OF SUFFERING FORCED ON AFRICA The Women's Missionary Society 9f St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church held its regular meeting on Tuesday of last week. The first vice-president, Mrs. John Pollock, opened the meeting with prayer. The Scripture lesson was road by Mrs. T. A. Currie and in the medi- tation she recalled that just as an African, Simon of Cyrene, was forced to carry Our Lord's cross, so a cross of suffering' has -been forced on the continent of Africa. Prayer was offered by Mrs. W. E, Ford and letters from Miss Laura Collar and Mrs. A, Nimmo were read by Mrs. T. A. Currie. -The study for 1060, ''The Way in Africa", was introduced by Mrs. H. Aitcheson and Miss K. Wilson. The history of the dark continent was reviewed, particularly as it was influenced by the slave trade and by Livingstone's work and ex- plorations. With the aid of a map of the continent, present political, economic and religious conditions .were discussed. Mrs. John Pollock offered a Prayer of thanksgiving for cherish- ed memories of the life and work of the late Mts. W, Ringrose. The offering was dedicated by 17ray rs.:, Sinillie, and Mrs. John Mitchell closed the meeting with ". ,,,..41W1104 0 I.,' 0.4 r. • if tr.ifi.••• • 40 10,11"40 - kr-0r . •..",0#0,r...R"Prg,".?".e. • o • Ito inaghara Itireauch-Tiastop, vrodurivolo. 7 11 IN THE LIBRARY ‘91111911.9.941111909.111MAJIIIHMI/M1111111111901199,011111.9t110A411101M/Y1111114110p111411114,4094414641 , . 335.? POilIS Li. McK11,q5ON BEAVER SILVE. WA E 1•••• ,M.,•••10 WM, ROGERS tk SON 40 piece set for 8 - Reg. $00.00 now $39.9 52 piece set for 8 -Reg. $83,95 now 49.50 PRICES INCLEIM OrESTS al HAFER VI 004 40- EWELLER„ r" BUY NOW and Save on Home Improvements It must he nearly twenty years since I read 'TAKE C,i0UftACK Dr. Bentley's novel of Stuart England, She still writes and Still tells a fino story, CRESCENDO By Phyllis Bentley is written of the England of -to-day. It begins with a mildly philosophy discussion between an old and a young man (I say mildly t*ihillos- ophica,l, in order not to frighten any would-be readers; this is neither a difficult nor -a deep, hook), The old Man avers that "Every moment of the world's history is the, product of all the previous moments, "Peter Trahler, the young man, disagrees. To prove his point, he cites a specific example-he had left his work, three minutes before- -closing-time that afternoon. Kis reason for so. doing seemed good to him, and might, even prove beneficial to the community. He maintained that nobody awaited his services (he. was a clerk in the Borough treasurer's offices) that nobody even saw him leave. Apparently this was an Incident concerning only himself, and -of such trifling WINOHAM, ONTARIO import that it would not even sit -a pattern for future bud behaviour. We arc ahnost convinced of the logic, of his reasoning. Then the story moves and swells.. We are carried along through the 'lives of others in this mill com- munity of Hadley, into a veritable avalanche of events, all tow:11141 off by this simple cilia on Peter's Part. The narrative grows it strength and intensity, like the creseendo portion o1 a musical comimition until we are al- Mot overwhelmed by the MMMr- able chain reactiol. The climax la reached when the tragedy touch-es Peter. himself through those he holds most dear. Three quarters of the story is required to reach. this climax; then it fades softly into a diminuerclo in which some of .the problems are resolved, It -is an utterly convincing book, almost terrifyingly so. It renninds• me of that childhood jingle "for want of a nail, a shoe was lost and' so on--hut in a positive form. It makes absorbing reading--the people are real, the settings vividly .depicted, the theory thought-pro- voking. Piir)N•25(,) in • 11111991111.1111Iptin.11 ... 9fliI911101.!11•111.009.191101A11.1111.1tivi01,t0; ...... ilgamtokfugmliii ...... 419111,1(111tIlfin 1,919114011.100 ,4,9111 M M 1.,A10.0441401941941.1 ..... 141111.4M1.91$1.“.9 ,940c011110110fl..9 lllll 019.9in09.01,4191.4194,94W • Mt. Forest, Ont,, Jan. 5, 1960 Special Rec. ii 'VA 4-1 ALUESt 00 .... ,.. 441' I G ., Bit4 Xi DOWN EfT RIIIS AS LO AS $9 ONTH. .i , With a Cleaver iltalget Elan yoo eon have "op Itosio?, hotwavrtnenta n) smo, up to ...; ,,, ko 4 $3500. linw . .twill) lin to Sa l as to tolot.)", 72's...4.98 Kinettes Plan Box Social The Wingham Kinette meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Len Crawford on Monday night with a good attendance, Mrs. John Currie, president, chaired the meeting, A report was given on the Kins- men's curling bonspiel, which prov- ed, very profitable. Plans were discussed for the Valentine box social, Mrs. A. Williams gave a report for the Ways and Means committee. The raffle was won by Mrs. M. Templeman, When the meeting adjourned Mrs, Temple- man served lunch. 1111121111111111111111111110alil 9 VITAMINS, 12 MINERALS;' In each daily tablet to help increase your body's resistance to infections. ' • WALL and CEILING STRAPPING 1x2 2eAFT. 1x3 =-3cAFT. 36's.,..2.89 RECREATION ROOM PARTITION STUDS 2 x 4's 7 FT. LENGTHS 59 c Each 2 x ff.'s 8 FT. LENGTHS 68c Each for children 5 to 12 years REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS JUNIOR 0 144's...5.79 g 72's....3.$9 , • 36'S,..,1;0 Factory Finished White 13c CLAZECOAT M CEILING TILE eXIBBONS PHARMACY ,t PHONE 63 077..0 WINGHAM 1 I TILE for a CEILING 10' x10' ONLY „$13.00 A SQ. FT, GAM' DOORS MAH IF YOU HMI' THE TIME . We'll Do It For You!. BEAVER HOME IMPROVEMENT DEPT. Take advantage of these sale prices and have your rec.. room or other homt, improvements (one now, when skilled crafts- men are immediately. available. ',Om Beaver Rome Im- provement Department will look after all the pi:timing and arrangements. PHONE . . , TO-DAY bit, u, 111 llll Atli, lllll 1 lllllll 114111111111.111 llllll $1,111114 l Ifla1111,1111f1.u.I l lll tW1111111V141011,11 lllll ul uaufYuliliv11M111441 inter d B a Factory Finished - - - Easy To Apply .4 FT., x 4 FT. CEILING PANELS MARELOCK-White SQUARETEX-Prirned ' Per Panel... $3.20 Per Panel .. $2.29 LESS BIG 4 THAN FT. x UTILITY 7e A - SQ. 8 FT. SHEET HARDBOARD FT'. . ONLY $1.98 IMMINMIINIMANIMMINS • TILE 1/4" POPLAR 4 Fr, x 4 FT. SHEET UNDERLAY PLYWOOD ONLY Starts T ay, January 14th VMS 1.7c A SQ. FT. WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES STRAP.TOP OVERSHOES MANY l'OPLAR6TYLus iN CUBAN AND Uttar HEMS IMPORTED MAHOGANY Child's $3.19 & $3.59 Junior's $3,89 Boy's $3.89 & $4,99 Men's $4.9 & $5.89 4x8 -GIS -t/4" FACTO Fl PLY, WAS $4.80 a sheet SALE $3,95 a sheet ‘A" •*. , 1 ,47. , ther Footwear Reduced ReCreation Room HOW . TO = DO = IT KITS Complete kits on luny to plan and ,build your tee- room. Includes illustrated Better. Komes Mal Gardens booklet, Ask for yours, • r Nommispoommeimviiii% ,V j 42.1, The following are only a few of our MARY BARGAMS Wornen's SNOW BOOTS.' • $5.99, $6.99, $7.99 Children's OXFORDS or STRAPS $3.59 & $4.49 Children's BEDROOM SUPPERS 0..49 & $L79 Men's DRESS OXFORDS $6.99, $7.99, $8.99 Boys' DRESS OXFORDS , $3,89 & $5.39 RUEMER BOOTS CHILDREN'S . $1.99 BOYS' . $2.89 YOUTHS' $2.49 MEN'S ..„ $3,9:9 •CIL PAIN' $1.00 OFF ALL GALLONS 39c OFF ALL QUARTS . REGULAR LINES DEPENDABLE QUALITY and SERVICE PHONE 66 Linoleum Tile 1: 3 .200 TILE SPECIAL, 2 for 19c 0 1500 VINYL TILE. SPECIAL w 16c eaa We have Linoleum Roller appietowiiteileatitim ilijokinum WIPsiOtIAM !Working Magic With Leftovers There are few more delightful displays of the art of sleight of hand than the one the Canadian housewife performs with leftovers. Whether it's. done, for example, With -the remainder -of the holiday turkey or the Sunday roast, the result is a new, tasty, nourishing meal set before the family. That's our happy story. But for two-thirds of the people of the- earth, just getting enough -to eat is a trick they can never pull Off, There's hunger, disease, despair. And that's where another feat of North American Magic eomes, in. It's done with tin super-plenty of our national abun- dance. After all relief needs are met in our own country, CARE is given milk 'powder, flour and .corn meal by the Canadian -and 15,S. govern- ments, purchases rice, beans, mar- garine and meat,- and• for each $1 contributed sends 41 package 'of life-giving food to the needy in 15 countries -of liluroPe, Asia, Latin. America and the Middle East. Your -donation to the cm.-tr food Crusade, CARE of Canada, Ottawa, delivers- help- to the hungry in your nettle, bringing It Mess-age of hope and friendship. from you and your country. MAMANY PLY 0 D Btautiftd random 'V-grooved light weightMahogany panels ideal for . rec. room, .den or living room. ONLY 41$5:14 PER 4' x 8' SHEET Wail SPECIALS - 1%" ALL SIZES 09 an ' ONLY - - .14143.Z.Ia each ••, 4 "•,•• anelling n s Beautifully' woven IA" Mahogany oval slats. Fit any opening up to 3' wide x 6'8" high, Ready for in- stallation., Complete with track. $9,95 EACH 2 FOR $18.95 Random or regu- lar acoustical patterns, Finalted Glazecoat Whitt; A SQ. FT. ready to apply, J-M CEILING TILE CUT DOWN NOISE FOLDING 1100113 ACOUSTICAL `Intimmoommunompaw INSULATE YOUR ATTIC - NOW - • . FOR 'LESS 'THAW' • $50.00 Insulate your Attic NOW- FOR LESS THAN $50.09 you can insulate the average Attic. This nucludes Blowing Macklite for added conven.- Immo. fr