The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-01-06, Page 7'......11117407...0 nrr,
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ire akes Life of Man at
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OP CANADA, .1.1,111T1110
Heed Olincor WInnIpont Office* In Polnelpni
The Ladies' Auxil ary to the Ca-
,aadian Legion met last Wednesday
evening at the Legion Home with
Com. Freda Gauley, president, in
'charge. The 'accounts were read
and Corn. Norma Orvis was the
winner of the membership. draw.
, Since she was absent next month's
draw will be for .$20. Several let-
Jere of appreciation were received
i for treats and . flowers sent at
Cone Lola Sanderson occupied
the chair for the nominations with
the following results:
Sgt,-at-arms, Corn. Reatha For-
, syth; standard bearer, Corn, Irene
,Hammond; ast vice, Com. Irene
Casemore; 2nd vice, Corn. Bertha
Brooks; treas., Com, Barbara Daw-
son; sec., Corn. Jo English.
Executive committee—Ethel Day,
Jessie Seli, Jane Elliott, Eileen
,Harrison, Naiciene Sinnamon and
;Mary McLaughlin; pianist, Janet
Hogg, Corn. Freda Gauley is .enter-
ing her second year as president.
Nominations were declared closed
and a joint installation meeting
t with Branch will be held on. Friday
evening of this week, It was de-
• tided to invite the Zone Command-
:ea Corn. Mary McCann, of Ford-
,wich, to install the Auxiliary. of-
Following the closing exercises
the annual Christmas party ,and
exchange of gifts was held.
'Results Announced
On Teeswater Draw
The results of the Christmas
draw at Hughes' store in. Tees-
water have been announced. -
Hugh Leeson, R. R. 2; Mildmay,
Mrs Earl Blackwell and Miss
Karen. Grant, both bof Teeswater,
won prizes to value $15.95. Mrs.
Harry Miller, Teeswater, Robert
Black, Gerrie, and Mrs. A. Niezen,
R, R. 2, Teeswater, won prizes
Strouss, of Formosa, John H.
valued at $12.05 each. Mrs, Alex
Smidn'Yfildmay, Miss Diane Adam-
son, of Teeswater, Mrs. Ro'bt.
Nickel, of Clifford, each won priees.
worth $5,91e
Will Continue
Card. Parties
There was a small attendance at
the Catholic Women's League
meeting• held at Sacred Heart
Church on Monday evening. Only
eleven members were present.
The group discussed ways and
means of raising funds and it Was
decided to continue. the Weekly 'card
parties' throughout the winter
Months. The annual OWL banquet
will be held before Lent.
Mrs. John Hanna presided at the
meeting and Mrs. Templeman,
secretary, and Miss Mary Keough,
treasurer, gave their reports.
For the second time in four
months the Province of Quebec is,
without a premier. The entire na-
tion was shocked by the sudden
death of Premier Paul !Salem at
his home in St, Ebstache from a
coronary thrombosis early Saturday
He succeeded Premier Maurice
Duplessis, and while he had only
been in office for 114 days, showed
great promise as a fader and a
diplomat. He was 52 and had been
in apparent good health.
Mr. Sauce entered .the political
field when he was• 23 and just out
of law school, when he was elected
to the Quebec Legielature in a by-
election to succeed his father, who
was entering federal politics, He
was defeated in the 1935 general
election but returned to the Legis-
lature the following year and was
named Speaker. He held that post
until the Liberals took over the
government in 1939, He served ov-
erseas as officer commanding Les
Fusilier Mont-Royal during World
War' II, returning to Canada with
the rank of brigadier.
In 1946 he was taken into the
Cabinet as Minister of Youth and
Welfare and it was soon evident
that Premier Duplessis had high
regard for his ability. Since the
death of Mr, Duplessis he had
showed unusual foresight in sug-
gesting solutions 'for the problems
which had clouded Quebec pro-
vincial-federal relations for many
the chain type of rear end acci-
dents so prevalent, I would like
to suggest the following:
That the brake lights on ears be
a different color than the regular
tail ligts.
During night time driving, with
such bright red tail lights. on to-
day's ears it is. almost impossible
to determine whether the driver
ahead has stepped on his brakes
or not. Also in the day time the
red light is hot the best color to
show tip, especially if the sun may
be reflected in the lamp glass.
The color best suited, I believe,
would ,be parple; but thie could be
determined by the engineering
profession making scientific tests.
111# .S110.0TINU SOON
A meeting cf: the Winghatn.
Sportsmen's. Ageeciaticet was held
at the club house on Monday, with
a very good attendance. A com-
mittee waS•appointed to draw up a
constitution and rules for the
club. The treasurer's report was
heard, and accepted' and the,picture
looks bright for 1960.
A ladies' elute will be formed in
th near future. Some enquiries
have been made about forming a
ladies' shooting club. It was de-
cided to admit ladies in member-
ship at $2.00 each.
Slim Boucher is making, plans for
a euchre and bingo party; Trap
shooting will be started as scent as
'the boys can get the necessary
equipment. Brian Metcalfe heads'
this committee with Jack Hender-
son and Bob Walsh, so fellows', if
you want to sharpen up for the
bird shooting., see one of •these men
for information.
A membership drive Will start at
once. There were 36 paid up mem-
bers at :the first meeting. Each.
member will receive a new crest
that is being 'designed and secured
by the executive committee. A $50.
draw was won by Stewart Scott. A
buffet luncheon And coffee was
enjoyed by all.
Wingham Adance.Times
Phone 800 Wingham
►elgrave ComOperative
Pilonegt Winghat um Brussels 388 R 10
aseeesteeeeeaeeaaeteeetee WIT,,:kr7wcv"--T'
see 4,..,.:
$2.00 PER TO171
by faking delivery before Jan. 31/60
A top quality Fertilizer at substantial
Experienced staff will help you' plan
your Spring Fertilizer program.
Assistance in selecting the Fertilize?
analysis your farm requires.
Backed by a "Guarantee of Quality"
Wingham Juves
Tiounce Clinton
Pete Carmichael notched almost
. half the goals in a 13-3 victory over
Clinton on Monday night, in a
WOAA Juvenile "C" league game.
Pete scored six times and had three
. John Inryfogle' he'd three to his
Credit and.: Dallimore two.
George Skinn and Bill Crawford.
got singles..
This victory brings the. Wingham
team in first place, nudging out
Zurich by 4 points. The boys have
won four straight games. The first
encounter of the season was the
only time the Wingham Juveniles
have been 'defeated.
Wednesday Evening Bowling
Wednesday evening saw the La-
dies' League doing some spiirted
bowling despite the, fact that holi-
days robbed most of the teams of
several• players necessitating the
use of a greet Many Spar%
Irene Perrott made a valiant ef-
fort to maintain her team's lead
with only herself as a regular and
three hard 'working spares to as-
sist her -- Nellie Gannett, Mabel
Cruickshank and Dorothy Boyd.
The last place Petunias ;had' the
edge on Marie LAvergne's Asters,
taking three 'paints to One. The
Reeer.i took three 'Writs front the
Tulips despite Sharon Brewe's
'bight single of 248 and high triple
of 563. The present standing is as
Gardenias 30; Asters '274 ROSea
25; Lilies eel; Tulips 20; Petunias
Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy,
Keith, Roy and Jean spent the
New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs.
C'latenee Hardy and fetidly at Ben,
Mr. and Mrs. (Clifford Hender-
son, Billie, Gayle and Laurie of
Brueefield, Mr, and Mrs. William
Webster and Mr. and Mrs. George
Webster, Brenda and Carol of
St. Helens, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Chamney of Auburn were visitors
for New 4kette8 Day wills Mr. 4incl
Mrs. Attlart Chain/10y,
Mr, and Mrs. Sant Therripsen
and family spent the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Tiffin and sons,
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Marshall:arid`
datighters of Listowel visited with
Mr. arid Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson
and family, on New' Yoar's,
"Yr wuritc tom The %lumbago AtIvagoe-Tioam, 1Vadoi 1fgai. Pack OW Bale
For Shipment
Annual Porto at -
United Church
FOROWICH The annual New
Years party :of the Baby Band and
11/fieston Band was held in, Forciwich
United Church basement. A COIored
sound film was shown and several
;children's numbers were given.
Certificates were presented to the
graduating, ekes. teem. Baby Band
to- Mission;Band and on to CGIT,
Cameo were played and lunch
MO IsillAr$ OirrriNS5•
Fit,I,,O FOR. Yqu
F ath
DONNYBROOK — The Deeeinber
ateeeleg of the Donnybrook W.M,S.
and Lateltee'eAld was :Ilea Tuesday
afterabon of Mast Week at the home
of lYfra. Therepson, with a
good attendance. Mrs, Edward
Robinson had charge of the W.M.S.
The ealrlo worship was Oven
and after a Chrietinee carol was
sung Mrs. Torn .Armstrong led in
prayer. Mrs. James Leddy read
the 'Scripture lesson. Mrs, Wesley
Jefferson, gave ,a reading on Chrie-
tion• stewardship, "The Unspeak-
able Gift of :God". Mrs, William.
Hardy read a.herald "Christmas M
Wroxeter -- Jack Clarke, James
Doig and Ddn McLaughlin.
Gorrie — Sandy Edgar,- Robert.
Elschner and Harry Gowdy.
Fordwich Gemara King, Bill,
Edgar and Lloyd Sirnmermalter,
The Met Howick council meeting
for 1960 will be January 5th In the
clerk's office. Rev. J, E. Clarke
and Rev. E. C. Attwell will have
charge of the opening devotions. Thieves Take Wheels 'Lim" mita AUXILIARY Of Station Wagon'
the Laidlaw home on Highway 80,
west of Wingham, barked an alarm
on. Sunday 'at midnight and ,when
the lights were turned on and the
' dog let out, a car engine. started
'at the entrance to the lane and
drove off,
In the morning when Arthur
Laidlaw went to his station wagon'
at the' road he found thieves had
removed the two hack wheels, snow
'tires and all, and the anti-freeze.
They had started to remove the
hub cape from 'the front wheels
when the dog barked and they
fled] Footsteps showed there were
several on the job.
Thomas A. Jardin
Phone 147, Winginuni, Out.
Emerson Ivel :
Phone 334W, Harriston
Paul Groslcorth
Shows Pictures
A Christmas',: carol was sung and THREE VILLAGES
after the offering had been receiv,
ed Mrs. Stuart Chamney read the er0RDwerea The trustees for
minutes of the November meeting the polies villages of Howlett Town-
and also gave 'the treasurer's re- eillp were, all appointed by ac-
port, which, showed' that the allo- elamation;
cation had been reached. Business
was attended 'to and a quilt was
displayed which had been quilted!,
to raise funds for the W.M.S. Mrs,.
Chamney read from the study'
hook, Christmas hymns were sung,
throughout the meeting, which
Mrs, Rol3sineen closed with the
Mrs. Sweeney conducted the elec-
tion of officers foe the coming
year. They were as follows: rPresident, Mrs. Charles Jefferson;
ut vice-pres„ Mrs. Tom Arm-
strong; 2nd vice-pres„ Mrs, Harold
Woods; sec.-treas., Mrs. Stuart
Chamney; corresponding see„ Mrs.
Ernes:: Snowden; stewardship see„
Mrs. Wesley Jefferson; Missionary
Monthly see„ Mrs. Hilliard Jeffer-
son; superintendent ,of Heralds,
Mrs, William Hardy; organist, Mrs.
John Thompson; assistant, Mrs.
Hilliard Jefferson; flower fund
committee, Mrs. Gordon Naylor;
supply, Mrs. James Leddy; citizen
and temperance, Mrs, Morley
Johnston; pres., Mrs. Wesley Jef-
The Ladies' Aid meeting, was in
charge of Mrs, Wesley Jefferson.
Mrs. Sweeney read the Scripture
and Mrs. John Hildebrand read• a
poem. Mrs. Edward Robinson gave
he 'minutes of the previous meet-
g, Mrs, Hillidd Jefferson gave
a reading "Of Such Was 'the
World", After singing a Christ-
mas carol, Mrs. Jefferson closed
the meeting with prayer,
Officers elected for the Ladies'
Aid were; President, Mrs. Tom
Arinetrong; sec.-treas., Mrs. Ed-
ward Robinson. Lunch was served
by 'the hostess, assisted by Mrs•
James Leddy and Mrs. William
Previous to this meeting a 100 lb,
bale of good used clothing had
been peeked at the home of Mrs.
James Le,ddy, supply-secretary and
a sena:x:10day exelief. e•It was:
valued ,at $203.00.
0.) Went.
An Investors SyndiCate
plan will help you to have
enough in the future. A, ,
plan can be tailored. to suit ,
your objective whether it's
owning a new home, ed-
ucating your children,
buying a bueiness or. Pro-
viding for your retirement,
See your InvesSors
Miss Marjorie Currie and. Mr.
Edward Falconer of London, Mrs,
R. 3.' Currie, Mr. and Mrs; Jack
Currie and family, Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Gibson and Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Simpson of Canoes, spent
New Year's at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, George McGee,
Mrs, Lorne Johnetort of Lams-
now, spent a few days last week"
with Miss Winnifred Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Roes and
eon Eric, who spent last week-end'
with Bruce and Ross relatives, re-
turned to Torento on Tueslay,
Miss Verne Metcalfe, returned.
to Stratford on Sunday, to return,
to Teachers' College.
Mrs, H, E. Walker went with
Mr. and Mrs, Alga Walker to
Owen Sound on Saturday, and re-
turned home on Monday with.
CaPt. and Mrs. George Walker of
Camp Petewawa, who will Spend
a few days this week with his
parents here.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ross of
Turnberry are spending a few •days
this week in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Chamney
Claire and Sandra spent Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Walters
of Goderich. Christmas visitors at
the Chamney home , were Mrs.
Cecil Chamney, Wingham, Mr,
and Mrs. .Sam Thompson and faM-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Sack Perdue and
family of Toronto and his mother,
Mrs. Perdue, and her sister, Miss
;Frances McRae, and Mr. and. Mrs.
`Lawrence Vannan, Belgrave, and
[Mr. and Mrs, G. A. McLaughlin
;and Joanne of Detroit.
j Robert Armitage of London,
,spent last week at the home of
his uncle, Mr, John 71/17eBurney.
Allan and Grant IVieBurney ac-
companied, him to London on
'Saturday and spent the week-end
;with Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Armi-
' Glenn Coultes of Morris, and
!Allan Scott and Jim Coultes of
East Wawanosh left on Sunday for
,Guelph, where they attend O.A,C,
Miss Lilian Smyth, who spent the
week-end with 'her parents, Mr.
and .Mrs, Edwin Smyth, and Miss
Barbara Coultes, who spent her
vacation with her parents, Mr. and
'Mrs, Cecil Coultes returned. to Tor-
onto on Sunday.
Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart Couplaral
of Throat° spent the week-end
with' Wroxeter-relatives and with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Robinson and her grandfather, Mr.
Tupper Cunnington, who has been
visiting at the Robinson home, re-
turned to his home in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer
of Sarnia•and her pardnts, Mr. and
Mrs. John Stacey, Wingham, spent
last week with the latter's sister,
Mese BerneyeWeight of Barrie.
Paul, and Brian Falconer stayed at
the home of their grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elliott of
Teeswater visited on Friday ,with
Mr and Mrs. Harold Walker,
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Jackson and
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Montgomery
'of Blyth, Mr, and Mrs. Harry
LSackson and Mr. and Mrs. John
McIntyre, Billie and Miss Marie
MeEwan, Sarnia and Grant Mc-
Intyre spent Now Year's at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Fal-
Wayne Taylor and Clare •Gunley
.of Dundee visited for a few days
'last week with Jim and Glenn
Coultes, pupils in their class at
O.A.C. Guuelph,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coultes ane
Marjorie and Diane, spent New
Year's at the home of Mr, and
Lawson Majury of Paisley:
People's meeting was, held in the
3, S. room of the United Church
:est Tuesday evening with a good
attendance.. The president, Miss
lean Martin, presided and was in,
Marge of the worshin,service,
Paul Groskorth was present and
showed" theaTictuetes taken, Ids
fear during his summer trip to'ehe.
West Coast and down the Pacific
and across the lower States and
home, and gave an interesting
travelogue as he went along.
Mrs. James Falconer gave a New
Year's message, and the meeting
was closed with the Mizpah bene-
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Upper of St.
Catharines epent Christmas week-
end at the homes of Mrs. E. Strong
and Mr. and Mrs. L, Galbraith alSo
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith
spent Sunday of the same week
with Mr. and Mrs. L,• Galbraith,
Mrs. E. Strong and Mr. and Mrs.
Linsey Galbraith spent New Year's
in Guelph at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Cecil Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jackliri
of Kitchener spent Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dins-
Miss Doris Gardner, nurse-in-
training at. Hamilton General Hos-
pital, spent 'the week-end at the
home of her parents, Rev. A. F.
and Mrs. Gardner, • '
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Howe spent
New Year's Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Guy at Mitchell.
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling
were, were, Mr. and Mrs. Jack gehinbein
and family of Mitchell, Mr., and
Mrs. Val Sehinbein of Listowel and
Messrs. Albert and Gerald. Demer-
ling of Hyde Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and
family were New Year's visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. William Aitche-
son in Elora.,, ,.„
Mr.' and Mrs. Donald Seabrooke
and family of St, Catharines spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Doig.
The Fordwich Branch 'of the
Bible Society sent a money order
for $116.80 as their contributioh.
for 1959.
' Mr. and Mrs. 3, H. Heise of
Gormby spent several days last
week with friends in the gommun-
Mr. and Mrs. H, 13. Fleet spent
•the week-end with relatives in
A. W. MacKaster of the RCAF
Station at Beaverbrook, N.S., ac-
companied by Mr. M. E. Fitzgerald
of Summerside, P,E.I., spent Christ
mas and the week-end with 'the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Kaster.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hard-
ing and family, Mr, and Mrs,
Oliver Kargee and family of Lis-
tqwel and Mrs. Robert Wood and
family of Clifford, spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hard-
ing. A long-distance telephone
call from, Pert Alberni, B.C., Was
received from their daughter, Tteita
who is gn the nursing staff of the
General hospital there,
Mrs, William Wade and Miss
Beatrice spent New Year's with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade in
Gra. ri e.
Master Brian Nulm of Cowans-
town spent a few days last week
with Master Kenny MeClement,
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Wildfang,
of Toronto, spent the week-end
With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons,.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson, Rattan and
family spent New Year's, with Mr,
and Mrs.'Gordon Angst near clif-
ford. '
Week-end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Mel Allan Were Messrs. Raye
Carlow of Whitley and Arnold
Carlaw of Den Mills, Master Ar-
nold Allan returned home with
them after visiting a few days with
relatives in Toronto.
For the second time in less than
a week fire 'claimed' human life in.'
this district when Melvin Beane-
don, of Londesboro, died of suf-
j0cation as fire broke out in his
home Satu,rday evening. The fatal
blaze was blamed on a cigarette
butt setting fire to, a eheeterfield
In Clinton Public Hospital, after
being rescued from the smoke-filled
kitchen of the home, is Bert
Brunsdon, 66, father of the victim.
He was nearly overcome by smoke
when rescued by Blyth firemen but
hospital officials said his condi-
tion 'is not. considered serious.
The Blyth Fire Department re*
sponcled to the call with, eight
volunteers about 10.15 p.m. and,
found the elder Mr. Brunsdon, who
had called the brigade,. staggering
around. the kitchen nearly over-
come with smoke. The living room
was filled with choking smoke and
it took the firefighters ten minuted
to 'fight their way into the relent
where the vigaim.'s body was found.
According to Chief Irwin Bowes,
it appeared that the fire had
smouldered some time in the ches-
terfield before breaking, out to fill
the living room with flames. The
chief also said that it appeared
that after the elder Mr. Brunsdon
had placed the call for help, he had
become lost in the dense smoke,
About 4;2,000 damage was done
to the two-storey brick and frame
home and to the contents,
The mother of the victim, Mrs,
Bert Brunsdon, was not at home as
she had left shortly after Christ-
mas to visit with a daughter in
Dallas, Texas. She is the only other
Dr. F. G, Thompson, coroner, of
Clinton, is reported to have said
that no inquest will be held,
Mr. and Mrs Alan Neelon. Pau
and Ruth Ann, spent New Year's
at Chatham.
1Vir, and Mrs. Gordon Rail and,
Mr. and Mrs, Will Hall and fain-
/1"., visited Wand Mrs, 'Bob Case-
mere in Wingtarn on New 'R'ear's
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Finglanit and
Mr, and Mrs. Roger ORA all' of
Wingham, weed. reeett guests at
the honk of Miss Mary Duff.
Mr ,and Mrs, A. Di. Smith and
Miss Eleanor visited relatives at
•Erucefield on January first.
• Mr. and Mrs. J. K. M'eTavieh and
children, of London, spent the
holiday week with Mr. and,Mrs.
'R. H. McKinnon and .,other rela-
The Health,nieeting of the Blue-
!vale Woroenrs Institute will' be
4141 :at the• home of Mrs. Alex
Corrigan on 'Thursday afternoon,
Jantfary 14th. Mrs, Carl Johnston
will -speak on the work of the Eye
j Bante. of Canada. Mrs. M, 11/feinar-
lane'.will give the motto.
Me. and Mrs. Charles Bosman
`spent Saturday at Woodstock.
Spence McKinnon, son of Mr. and
Mrs; R. H. McKinnon, has been
transferred • from Cornwall Bank
•of , Commerce to be manager at
Niagara Falls:
Mrs. Neil Mae/Mechem, of Toron-
to,: visited for a few days with her
mother, Mrs. R. F. Garnise.
Holiday •visitors with Mr. and
Mrs: Joseph Horton were ma and
Me's. 'Alan, White and chilnren, of
CliffOrd, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Heetfelder, of Toronto.
Donald Bosman, of Hamilton,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bosnian at the week=end,
Mrs •" Nellie Lillow had a family
reunion on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. jack Lillow, of Stratford;
Beiliehad Lillow, of London; Mr. and
Mnia'Arnold Lillow and family, of
Mr; and Mrs. Gordon Hall spent
Sunday at Parkhill.
j.,; •
Theatre Harriston
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson
and family Were guests of Mr. and
Mrs: Norman Thompson -at Wing-
harn and at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Chernney's, East Wawanosh on
Christmast Day.
• Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. 'Charles Jefferson were Mr.
and Mrs. George Reeves, Toronto;
r and Mrs, Jame& Leddy, West
,awatiosh; Miss Gladys Jefferson,
ag:N., Woodstock; Miss Irene
Jefferson, Dunnville; aita. and. Mrs,
Donald Jefferson and Cheryl, Clin-
ton; and Miss Elaine Jefferson of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson
and Debra visited with Mr. and
Mrs, Willows Mountain, Londes-
boro, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson
and family were guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Joe Marshall of Listowel.
Miss Josephine and Mr', David
McAllister of West•Wawa.nosh and
Mrs. 3, C. Robinson, Wingham
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Edward
Robinson and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Nivins
and family, Nile; Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Brindley and family, Shep-
hertone Mr. and Mrs. Frank Do-
atierty and family, Port Albert, were
mrtiests of Mr. and Mrs. William
:Hardy and family.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Stuart'Chamney
and family were recent visitors
With Mr. and Mrs. William Web-
ster St. Helens,
Mr, and. Mrs. Donald Jefferson
Arid Cheryl of Clinton visited with
Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and fan-
ny. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snowden
and family and Mr, James Snow-
den were with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Robinson and family recently,
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Chamney
and family visited •Saturday with
Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon. Chamney and
fanlilY of Auburn,
Miss Eileen. Meehan of Us-
towel,. and Mr, Roderick McLean
of Toronto, spent a 'couple of days
with Mr, and Mrs, Hilliard Jeffer-
son and family,
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Thompson,
John, Susan and Murray, and Mrs..
Cecil Charriney,. Wingham, were
guests Of Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence
Vannan, Belgrave,
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Jefferson
ltd Debra visited With Mr, end
. rs. Elgin josling and family of
Miss Glad ye Jeffentort returned
to Woodstock after mending the
holiday v'Yeek-end With tier sister,
Mrs, „Tames Leddy and other rola-
Mr. and MrS, O. A, McLaughlin
rind. Jeanne Of Detroit and Mrs..
tibeil Chamney of Wingliarri, spent
the .M10100114 With Mr, and Vra.
Sant Thompson and family,
Thurs,-Fri.-Sat. Jan. 741-9
in his newest Rollicking Hit
reatutes at 7.15 and 9.15 pan,
Matinee Saturday at 2.15.
Men,-efues.-Wed. J'an. 11-12-13
In rchnitolor and starring
Reek Iludson - Jean Simmons
Dorothy McGuire - Claude Baines
An Unusual story about„,unusual
rotures at '7.15 and. 9.24
The winning letter of suggestion
for highway safety was submitted
by (I, Ariss and sent to Ontario
Provincial Nike office at Mt, For-
est for consideration.. A total of
171 ertteke from No. 6 District
comprising Bruce, Grey, Huron,
Perth, Waterloo, and Wellington
were judged by County Judge C. E.
Bennett of Owen Sound, Alex Dun-
can, principal, Eastwood Collegiate
Institute, Kitchener, and District
Inspector Id, L. Harris, 0,P.P., Mt.
Forest. •
Mr, Arias' entry was sent to the
Attorney-General for further eon-
sideration, who judged Mr. Ariss
the winner of m cheque for $50.00
for the. Jack Hammell Highway
Safety Saggestion Award Contest'
MNO. 0 Distrieet.
The,grand prize winner from the
entries submitted was Mrs. J. C.
ninny Ottawa. The award in her
ease is $1511.00.
The winning suggestion Sent in
by Mr. Aries Was, as fellows:
As A safety Mee-lure to PreVaait
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Stewart and
Douglas of Listowel were New
Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs
James Vittie,
New: Year's and week-end vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore
were, Mr. and Mrs. Ted 'Denny and
family, and Mr. .and Mrs. Frank
Benin and family, of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Lion Bridge and
children visited New Year's Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Don Quanz, in
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Har-
grave and sons, spent New 'Y'ear's
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed,
Miss Rona Van Velsoa visited a
few days last week with relatives
in Oshawa,
The sympathy of the cortnpurtity
is extended to Messrs, Anson and
Fred Demerling in •the loss of
their father, Mr. Louis Demerling
Miss Karen Carswell is at pres-
ent confined to Palmerston Hos-
pital, where she recently under-
went an appendectomy.
Miss Thelma Orth of Listowel
Visited last week with Mr. .and
Mrs. E, Hargrave.
Miss Bonnie Inglis returned to
Toronto Sunday after spending the
Christmas holidays with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Inglis,
Misses Marlene Johnston, Mari-
lyn Armstrong, Willie Winkel re-
turned to Teachers' College, in
Stratford, after spending the holi-
days with their respective Parents.
Mr. John Gamble visited Satur-
day with Mt. and Mrs. Ted Hartle
in Brownsville, Mr., John Harris
returned to his borne, after spend-
ing a. Week's, holiday here.
Now Year's visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Mel Allan were, Itt. and
Mrs. Weed MeEttchigen and Allan
of Conn and Dr. and Nit's. Morgan
Hubbel of Toronto,
Miss Nancy Sothern of Kitchen-
er over New itelres and
the week-end with her parents,