Village Squire, 1979-11, Page 41ptc;•.nd their problems aren't' there. tris
love for his new land comes from the fact
he has been all around the world before he
came here.
Not that he thinks his new land is
perfect. He's concerned about the lack of
interest in the defence of the country. He
wants to see defence organized on a militia
basis across the country so that the country
could be defended until the regular army
could come to the rescue.
Many of these subjects are part of his
short 90•second opinion piece Don
Campbell's Comment broadcast daily on
radio. He's also working on a new project
taken from his earlier Acres of Memories
column. it dealt with a fictitious Scottish
settlement in Canada called Red Trees of
Canada and he will trace the reasons why
the Scots came to Canada.
He also had a radio series called This is
My Life in which he told stories
accumulated in his world travels. The
series has run out now but he expects it will
be repeated in the future. He's not afraid
to tell about his past he says, even
admitting his poverty or admitting when he
looked foolish. "I think if you want to relate
to people you've got to be truthful because
we've all got our things we'd like to hide."
His advice to other writers is to write not
from their heads but from their bellies.
He's interested in writing plays. and
plans to look into television plays. He has
an idea for a stage play as well. But at
present his work is concentrated on
syndicating his work to radio stations
across the country. It means sending out
demonstration tapes and waiting for
answers. It can be discouraging but he is
amazed. he says, at how well things are
going considering the time he's given for
full time writing.
He plans on turning Acres of Memory
into a novel. He's had many requests for a
book containing the old columns but he
wants to put them into a more continuous
One of his biggest successes has been a
piece he isn't going to get any revenue
from. He was asked by CKNX to do an
armistice day program last year and he
wrote a poem' to be read over the Last Post.
h was done in one take. When the piece
was played on the radio. station officials
told him. the switchboard In 7117-W
Christmas tree wondering who it was who
wrote the piece because he broadcast it
without credit to himself. About five other
radio stations also used the piece. It is also
being used in the schools.
His fantastic past (he's been just about
everywhere in the world except South
America) provides him with material for a
lot of potential writing but he must come
up with a set of priorities. He has only so
many years left. he says and first of all he
has to worry about coming up with a living
for himself and his wife.
His greatest pleasure comes, he says,
from the reaction of professionals to his
work. the support he gets both at CKNX
and in letters from other stations across the
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November 1979, Village Squire 39