Village Squire, 1978-01, Page 16"fatigue" upon arrival at your destination than you will when you arrive back home. Defeating jet lag is a matter of planning your timetable. Always allow for a twenty four hour rest period when you plan to fly through a time c range of five hours or more. Never place yourself in a position of having to make important decisions at the end of a long flight. Go from the airport to the bedroom...not from the airport to the boardroom. Choose flight times which will put you on the doorstep of your destination as near to your body's bed time as possible. If you have little choice about flight times, at least try to plan your arrival as a compromise between your normal bed time and the time table of your new schedule. Initially, sleep patterns in your new environment can be gently encouraged to change by the use of a mild sedative for the first few days. Such a short term use of sedatives will not foster a sleeping pill dependency. As constipation is very frequently another side effect of disrupted diurnal rhythms, experienced travellers make a habit of having a mild laxative handy after trans -oceanic flights. Also, there is mounting evidence that jet lag can disrupt menstrual cycles and cause increased tiredness, irritability and cramps. Women who have irregular or easily affected cycles would do well to plan long flights after, rather than immediately before, menstrual periods. —] lag can be minimized by in-flight moderation. Try to cut down on your smoking before take -off and during the flight, don't drink too much and don't eat too much. You shouldn't have any carbonated beverages during a long flight. Wear loose -fitting, comfortable clothing and shoes. When planning trips take as much care with the readjustment of your internal clocks upon your return home and resuming of your daily work schedule as you did in planning your arrival in a foreign country. Your homecoming is a part of your travel itinerary. Again, a 24 hour rest period is necessary if you've returned through five or more time zones. Jet lag is a reality, but its effects can be minimized by following these tips. Plan your time table with your own internal clocks in mind and the comfort and excitement of modern travel is yours. Operationk Did you know that a small beer contains as much alco- hol as a strong drink and that six ounces or more of alcohol per day can lead to alcoholism and cause cir- rhosis of the liver? 14, VILLAGE SQUIRE/JANUARY 1978. I AM MOVING AND MY NEW ADDRESS IS: NAME ADDRESS CITY PROV POSTAL CODE Attach your old address label here and fill in coupon. SEND THIS COUPON TO: Village Squire, R.R. 3, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1H0. How to read yourexpiry date: eg. December 2 1 0 9 8 means your subscription is due in December 1978 ignoring all figures except the one on the right. 4.4$) o4* 44114)� naAnana�nnn� SO" Fitness. In your heart you know it's right.