Village Squire, 1977-11, Page 20skies would soon powder the earth with snow. They tramped for nearly an hour through the swamp, which was dry in most places, but they saw no sign of the herd. The boys had once ventured along the edge of this swamp in search of a Christmas tree, the year before, but now they were exploring land where they had never set foot before. Tom realized that it was close to six o'clock by the position of the sun. If they didn't find the cattle soon they would be forced to turn back. The boys approached a meandering stream of clear, cold water, dotted with small. squirming trout. They found out it was cold because Jack. while stepping from one stone to another, lost his footing and fell into the ice cold water. Tom hurriedly lifted his shivering brother from the stream and sat beside him, with a slight grin on his face. Sitting on the bank they noticed a small sparrow rustling among the dry leaves. It made Tom think back to a story of a Christmas concert, which his father had told him. It had taken place in a one room rural school house many years ago. One of the local boys who was a real trouble maker. wrapped up a rather large parcel and placed it under the Christmas tree, which was located in a dark corner. When it was time to open the presents. the teacher, who had the reputation of being a battle axe. was handed the large parcel addressed to her. When she opened it a flock of sparrows flew out and circled above for the remainder of the concert. It was the highlight of the night even though many people went home with sparrow shampoo in their hair. The boys were startled by the hoarse "Caw, caw" of a crow. in the distance. Tom decided that it was time to move on. seeing that it was beginning to get dark. Jack, who was still dripping. followed Tom through the thick growth of trees until they stopped. Tom looked to the sky and noticed that it had finally started to snow. When he turned back to check his brother. he saw him standing with his head tilted back, tongue out, catching snowflakes. Tom stepped closer and punched Jack hard. right on the shoulder. He then asked Jack. "What in heck are you trying to prove?" Jack replied with a tear in one eye, "Shut up, mouth." Custom Picture Framing Each painting, photograph or piece of needlework is unique. At Classic Art the emphasis is on quality and satisfaction - your satisfaction. 26 Erie St. Stratford 271-9518 TUESDAY -SATURDAY 9:30-6 CLOSED MONDAYS master charge 18,VILLAGE SQUIRE/NOVEMBER 1977. -0) IN CTODERICH 5z4-181 I1a1 LoQK FOR TN Is Sib Pt ON HAMILTON STREET NATURAL YO(ruRT icSTONE GgpUND FLOURS GRANOLA E GRANOLA INGREDIEKTS NoobLES MOLASSES C NoWEY y CAROB Pow DER VE6ETAYLE PRabuLTS Tr'AS ` PEANUT BUTTER Coortleo KS C f NurAIEMT aAOKS SAYA iitADLIGiS DRIED FRUITS , (NUTS f SEEDS S SA LAO bW.s.ma. MIMES piERBS E SPICES L1 DER vInIE(.AQ 0ENIERAAA f 1 rLiRBINQDD S°)GARS SAUD INGREDIENTS CoogiNLI OILS I VISIT OUR FIREPLACE ROo,-' FOR A PcToev1kRt OF C HR iST el AS 6.IPT IDEAS APRONS , PATnot.D1R5 e TEA COZIES M u GS I918 CALENDIIAS, CARDS, l}1PT wr.UPPING SCENTED CANDLES HANDMADE DoLL.S MALARIAE E, LAATTE DEcoRATEn E PLAIN C.UTTINis HDA RDS ASSORTED Sea,PS Ottaa 8A -TN G1 FT Packn i.ES CNRISSMAS TREE ORNAMENTS KITLo%W (.14'C/tag Ts E WOoncti OTENSILS STORA&E E DEWRATIvE JARS CHINESE rIoK SETS E UTENSILS CF'SENOLEs f eikti POT. ti r