Village Squire, 1973-09, Page 22CONTINUED FROM PACE 16
right and turn there. As you travel on toward Bayfield
you'll come past (on your left) a small man-made lake
built by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. You may see
the roots of the odd upturned tree, a remnant of a vicious
storm that lashed the area in 1970.
As you draw closer to Bayfield, the road enters a forested
area and curves to the left while a branch of the road goes
straight on. Stay to the left and you'll be rewarded with a
view of some of the fine apple and peach orchards in the
Bayfield area. You may even be able to stop and buy
apples from some of the farmers.
The road winds to the right again and you'll pass the Old
Homestead camping area, a new recreation business
which has proved to be a popular spot this past summer.
The curving twisting road through the trees is beautiful
and you may be able to glimpse the river in the valley
below to the left, but keep your eyes out for cars as sight-
seeing can be dangerous here.
The road emerges from the trees right at the edge of Bay-
field on the north side of the river. Proceed across Highway
21 and you can drive down by the harbour and see the fish-
ing tugs and perhaps some of the beautiful motor and sailing
yachts if you take your trip before most have been removed
from the water for the season. Bayfield boatyard is located
CM the north side of the Bayfield river in the harbour. The
little boat building business has become well -Known for
some fine boats it has turned out in the past few years.
You can go back to the highway and drive on into the
village if you wish and perhaps stop at one of the fine eat-
ing places. You'll find_most of the small shops closed up
now after a hectic sum ner season.
After you come out of the village come hack to highway
21 and head south again. Just as you leave the village on
the south side, you'll take the turn to the left on the
county road to Brucefield and Varna. The land flattens out
pretty well along this area and you won't find a much more
prosperous farming area anywhere in Ontario. The farms
are all large and run to cash crops and feed lots. You'll
pass the farm of Cordon Hill before you reach Varna. Mr.
Hill is the president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture
one of the most powerful groups in agriculture today.
There are many old abandoned houses in the area bec-
ause of the large size of the modern farms. Painters and
photographers can have a field -day if they like sad old
Varna is another of those little Huron county villages
time seems to have forgotten. It has some pretty buildings
and businesses to serve the local farming area.
Keep going straight through the village for another
couple of miles. Watch for the sign on the left that says
Baird's Cemetery and when you see it (half way dow. a
hill before you reach a bridge) turn left.
Again you are in heavily wooded territory. The old road
dips and curves and after a sharp bend, you'll come upon
one of those rare old iron bridges across a tributary of the
Bayfield river. just past the bridge the road curves to the
right and you'll drive past Baird's Cemetery, one of those
lovely country cemeteries. Turn left at the first road
then turn left again at the next road. You'll pass some
very large farming operations on the way.
Turn right this time and you'll cross one of those old
iron bridges again. It is in the process of being replaced
by a new concrete bridge, less picturesque but safer as the
old bridge is about six feet higher than the rest of the
road and it's nearly impossible to know if someone is
coming from the other side of the narrow bridge.
Just follow the road straight ahead (as straight as the road
runs) and you come back out to the road between Clinton
and Bayfield. Turn left then right again almost immed-
iately (just a jog of about 50 feet) and proceed across the
county road f,r about a mile and you'll come to highway
8. Turn left, and you're back where you started in Clinton.
The trip is about 35 miles in length and can take any-
where from an hour to two or three depending on whether
you want to stop and enjoy the scenery and have something
to eat or Just was to drive the route quickly. Have fun.
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