HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-12-31, Page 3Alex Simpson of Ashfield Township, left, a finalist in the Lucky Million Sweeps Show, receives his $10,000 cheque from the Honorable John Eakins, Minister of � Tourism and Recreation. The show was televised on December 11 in' Toronto. (Ontario Lottery Corp. photo) Lueknow sewer project... • from page 1 Eldon Mann George Anderson, and project engineer Steve Burns from B.M. Ross and Associates of Goderich. ...Mr. Clark said council advised the minister that the MOE proposal, which Balled for the core area of the village to be serviced with individual upgradingof sep- • tic systems was unacceptable to the village. In their presentation, council outlined a number of reasons why sewers for the entire village was the route to take for the project. 300 answer questionaire In January 1986, Luckriow ratepayers overwhelmingly supported council's wish to install a sewage system to service the whole .village, according to estimates be- ing eing tallied at the town hall. Clerk -treasurer Bertha Whitcroft said that of the approximately 410 ques- tionaires, sent out, about 300 have been returned. Of the 300 odd replies, "20 at the most" reject council's -goal to have all of the village's buildings connected to the system rather than just two-thirds com- prised of the core and problem areas. Lucknow gets sewers grant' In May, village council received a reply from the project engineer of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) regarding the request by the village to giver serious con- sideration to the installation of sanitary sewers throughout the entire village, • Lucknow receives °$603, 000 grant According to Reeve Herb Clark, the re- quest for the communal sewage collection treatment system has been rejected by the MOE. However, a grant allocation of $603,000 has been approved to install sanitary seweers in the core area of the village. In a letter dated February 13, from the village to the MOE, council identified 67 probelm sites lying outside the core area as reported by residents. The MOE project engineer stated they couldn't support a communal " sewage collection system because of the recommended program and current policy within the ministry. Two sites chosen In June of 1986, tivo possible sites were chosen for the proposed sewage disposal and treatment plant for Lucknow, says a recent report issued by the village's engineering firm. In the latest summary report updating the Lucknow sewage works project, B.M. Ross and Associates, after investigating. nine possible sites have identified the Mar- tin property, located southwest of Lucknow on Concession 12 of Ashfield Township, and the Brooks property, located east of Lucknow 4in Kinloss Township, as suitable sites for the treat- ment plant and winter storage lagoon, In choosing the preferred properties for the project, project engineer Steve Burns said both properties possessed sand and gravel soils, were both located within a 4 km radius of Lucknow and both properties were large enough to accommodate the treatment plant and the lagoon. ...The summary report also found rapid infiltration to .be used as a method of sewage disposal. Under this system, sewage treatment would be. pumped into infiltrating basins, or a shallow lagoon, where it would be allowed to percolate into the ground through the granular soils. During the winter months the sewage would be stored in the lagoon and, in the summer months, would be infiltrated into the soil. • Open House The village's engineering firm # says preliminary studies have shown the Brooks property in Kinloss Township as the better property for the sewage treat- ment plant, said a spokesman with B.M. Ross and Associates at an open house in Lucknow on June 25. ' "Based on the tests, the Brooks property looks like the better site. But we've in no way made a decision yet," said project engineer Steve Burns. Tour of Markdale system To see the workings of a rapid infiltra- tion sewage system, a delegation made up of Lucknow, Kinloss paid a visit to the sewage works in Markdale on July 9 to see, first hand, how the system worked. The rapid infiltration system is meeting with great success in Markdale where the system has been in use since the spring of this year, says one of the town's officials. "We're pretty happy with it," said Markdale Clerk G.A. Barlow, in an inter- view. "We're getting everything finalized right now. The Ministry (of the Environ- ment) is still doing some testing. Since it's the first rapid infiltration system this side of the southern states, they're still seeing how it works." According to Steve. Burns, of B.M Ross and Associates, who also accompanied the councillors on the trip, the Markdale system is almost "directly comparable" to ° 'the proposed 'Lucknow system, only the Markdale system is geared to handling much more waste than the Lucknow system, He said the Markdale system currently handles 300 gallons of treated sewage per minute, a rate which is 21/z times what the Lucknow system would carry, even if the Whole village was included in the system. Council options property In October of 1986, an agreement was signed with Floyd Milne to option .addi- tional land adjoining the parcel optioned from Gordon. Brooks, east of Lucknow in Kinloss Township, for the proposed in- stallation of a sewage treatment facility, Lucknow Reeve Herb . Clark announced this week. The village now has approximately 50 acres under option, an. area large enough' to' service the entire village of Lucknow. Mr. Clark said the village's engineers, B.M..Ross and'Assoeiates of Goderich, in- formed council that the soil tests carried out late last summer are favorable, Coun- cil will now be getting in touch with Kinloss Township council and the Bruce County Planning Board. 0 Lelcknow Sentinell, Wednesday, December 311, 2986 ---Page 3 • i Ontario . 4 Qntario Municipal Board iN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983, r AND IN THE MATTER OF appeals by Lionel Reeves, M.1.. Lahn, Jim Kalbfleisch, Raymond Young and, others against Zoning By-law 5-1986 of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield. APPQINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the 29th day of January, 1987 at the hour of ten o'clock (local time) in the forenoon in the Assessment Board • Room, Assessment •Building, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, for the hearing of these appeals. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons wishing, a copyof the written decision may ask the presiding Board Member at the hearing or contact the Board's Offices. The decision will,be mailed when available. DATED at Toronto, this 24th day of November, 1986. J.G. MALCOLM SECRETARY EXPLANATORY NOTE The Township of Ashfield passed a Comprehensive Zoning By-law (By-law 5-1986) on February 18. 1986. The zoning by-law affects all lands in the Township of Ashfield by regulating the use of lands and the character. location. and use of buildings and struc- tures in various defined areas of the Township. The zoning by-law implements the Township of Ashfield Secondary Plan and provides specific land use zones cgnd provi- sions to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. • Several objections were received to the by-law' as outlined below, although many ob- jections were resolved by" an amending by-law (By-law 10-1986). The following objections were received • 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Reeves - to correct the shape of their land holding: resolved by By-law 10-1986,,and objection withdrawn. 2. M.L. Lahn - to zone lands to VR1 between Russell and Victdria•Street in Port Albert; resolved by By-law 10-1986, and objection withdrawn, 3 . Jim Kalbfleisch to recognize cottage on Lot 25, R.P. 579 in Port Albert; resolv- ed by By-law 10-1986, and objection withdrawn. 4 . Raymond Young - to recognize cottages. on Lot 29, 30 and 31, R,P. 581; to clarify • that accessory structures are permitted with cottages; to correct the. Key. Map 56A reference on Key Map•.56. resolved by By -law -10-1986, and objection withdrawn. ' 5 . Gail Puddicombe - to permit a cottage on Lot 22, R.P. 585, which'has deficient lot area; resolved by By-law 10.1986, but objection. outstanding. 6 . Paul Spittal - to zone Lot 7, R.P. 585, to permit a cottage; resolved by By-law 101986, and objection withdrawn. 7 . • -W. Sylvester - to zone an existing residence In Port Albert south of Melbourne Street to NE1-2; to zone an existing residence east of Wellington Street to • . VR1; to zone the steep bank and gully south of the unopened road allowance Of Melbourne. Street from VR1 to NE1; resolved by By-law 10-1986,.and ob- jection withdrawn. 8. Jarka Hradecky - to zone Lot 12,, R.P. 589, from NE1 to ME1-1 to permit the establishment of a cottage; objection outstanding. 9. Ken Selling - to verify the zoning on KeyM'Map 528; objection withdrawn. 10... Viola Petrie - to zone Part Lot 1, south of Melbourne Street, R.P. ,136. from NE1 to VR1; resolved by By-law 10-1986, and objection withdrawn. 1 1 . Ronald Hodges - to clarify the meaning of thedefined areas on, Key Map 10A. to zone the residence on Lets 36,37 and Part Lot..38, east of Wellington Street, • R.P, 136, from NE1-1 to VR1; to zone lands behind the 'residence from NE1 to VR -1; to zone lands behind the residence from NE1 to VR1; to zone Part Lot 2, south of Melbourne Street, R.P. 136, from NE1 to NE1-1 to recognize a trailer; resolved by Bylaw 10-1986, and objection withdrawn. • 12 . Harold and Isobel Adams - to zone Part of Los 39 and 40, east of Sydenham R. Street, P. 136, from NE1 to, VR1; to zone Part .of Lots 39 and 40, west of Sydenham Street, R.P. 136 from NE1 to NE1.2; objection outstanding. 13. Joan Dierolf - to amend the definition of Tourist Home such that farm vaca- tion homes are permitted in the agricultural area; resolved by By-law 10-1986, and objection withdrawn. 14. . Winston and Lennie Karr to permit a cottage on Lot 14, R.P. 585, which' has deficient lot area; resolved by By-law 10-1986, but objection outstanding. 15 , • Ministry of Natural Resources - to permit a wayside pit or quarry in'the NE1 *one; to zone Part Lots•10 and 11 and Part Lot 9, Concession 5, E.D., as ER1 as licensed under the Pits and quarries Control Act; resolved by By-law 10-1966,, end objection Withdrawn. - 16. billion Simpson -.to zone Part Lot 20, Front Concession, from FD to RC1; objec- tion outstanding. 17.` Michael Garvey . to reference the RCI zona provisions in the NE1.1 zone; to extend the RC1 zone easterly from R.D. 11 on Lot 9, Front Concession; to ;time Mots 2, 5.10, R.P. 589 and Lots 1-3, 13, R.D. 8 front NE1 to NE1-1; objection outstanding. 18. Paul Bees* - to zone Part Lot 20, Front Concession, from NE1.1 to NE1-2 td recognize a permanent residence; obMectian outstanding. 19 , WM. Brown : to zone Part Lot 4, Concession 3, E.D., from AG1 to C4 to recognize an auto wrecking business; objection outstanding. 206 Margaret Ferguson - to zone Part Lot 16, Front. Concession. from FD RC1; objection outstanding. •' 21 Joseph Dzhver . to zone Part Lot 2, Front Concession, from FD to RC1 objec- tion outstanding. • 2 2 . Orietje Snaith . to zone Part Lot 3, Front Concession, to peer;nit a retail v.getable• stand; objection outstanding. 23. Harold and•Lisa Eldridge • tb zone Lot 4. R.P. 389, from NE1 to NE1.1; oiijec. '24. Don 'Hemtnerle - to zone Part Lots 38 and tion outstanding* 39, Front Concession, to recognize an existing cottage; resolved by 11y -law 10.1986, but objection outstanding. 2 3. George Brophy - to permit development ofexisting undersized' lots zoned AG4 to reduce or eliminate the required separation distance from nearby barns for newly rstabllshlna rrsldonces in an AG4 zone; objection outstanding. •