HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-12-24, Page 19All things possible in Christ
Rev, Allison J. Ramsay
Lucknow & South Kinloss
Presbyterian Church
The long, tiresome trip was coming to an end! Joseph and Mary were close to
Bethlehem! How Mary must have dreaded that trip, for the birth of her child was near.
As they travelled the long miles did she think of the prophecy that Bethlehem would be
the birthplace of the "ruler in Israel"? (Micah 5:2 "But thou, Bethlehem though thou be
little among the thousands.of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me is to be
ruler in Israel" ). Perhaps she thought about the angel who had come to tell her that she
had found favor with God and had been chosen to bear His only begotten Son! (Luke
1:3031 "And the Angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with
God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call
his name JESUS." )
Did she remember how distressed and disturbed she had been when Joseph, her
espoused husband, realized she was with child? (Matthew 1:19 "Then Joseph her hus-
band, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put
her away privily.") Did she recall her relief when Joseph had told her about the angel's
visit to him explaining everything? ( Matthew 1:24 "Then Joseph being raised from sleep
did as .the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife".) How many
thoughts must have gone through Mary's mind as she and Joseph proceeded on that long,
dangerous journey!
At last they reached Bethlehem, only to find that all the inns were crowded. The weary
travellers were directed to a stable. There the only begotten Son of God was born. (Luke
2:11 "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the
Lord".) What a wonderful°climax to Mary's difficult journey! The Scriptures say that
Mary wrapped her baby in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger. (Luke 2:12) The
promised Messiah, the King of Kings, lay in a lowly manger! Mary must have pondered
this mystery over and over; we of the twentieth century still ponder it today. Mary knew
then, as we know today, that with God nothing is impossible. The virgin birth was
foretold by Isaiah: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin
shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14). Mat-
thew refers to this prophecy as being fulfilled in the birth of Jesus.
And all who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, find it incredible to believe
otherwise, for they know that with God all things are possible. As we think of all that hap-
pened in Bethlehem, may we rejoice that the promise of one who would redeem the world
was fulfilled there. May we have ears to hear the angel chorus, and eyes to see the great
light, which three wise men followed; a light to lighten' the Gentiles, and the Glory of thy
people Israel. (Luke 2: 31,32) The angels, since they were and are "God's spiritual beings
whose natures ° are far above that of man," had appeared to groups as well as to in-
dividuals, but perhapg they had never appeared to a group more awe-stricken and afraid
that the shepherds on the Judean hillside, as they were keeping their sheep. All of a .sum
den the entire heavens were filled with light and an angel appeared. The shepherds were
terrified, but instantly, a voice said, "Fear not", and when they heard that reassuring
voice, and they listened to the greatest message that was ever heard: "Unto you is born
this day in the city of°David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And it shall be a sign unto
you; ye shall fiyid the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a Manger". Andsud-
denly the heavens were filled with a greater light and the multitude of angels came say-
ing -Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men" (Luke 2:14).
After the angels disappeared, the shepherds wasted no time, but hastened to
Bethlehem to see the baby, as directed by the. angel. Scripture tells us that "Mary kept
all these things and pondered them in her heart". Kind, just Joseph must have pondered
this great mystery over and over in his heart also. They must have wondered why they,
unknown, poor, and from the small town of Nazareth, had been singled out for this par-
ticular part of God's plan for the redemption of the world. They must have had a great
faith, for there was much that could not be understood at that time. They must have ac-
cepted this solemn d with great awe, wisdom, and sincere love, or we might not have
this beautiful word pure. It was not only a message to them and their generation, but
to every generation.
Surely it was the most momentous message man ever heard.
The truth about Christmas
by Rev. Edward J. Dentinger
Pastor of Ashfield
Catholic Church
St. Joseph, St. Augustine,
St. Mary's, Lucknow
Christmas is an event that really changed theface of the world: It is not true that the
atmosphere of joy that one breathes in the streets of cities and villages, at places of work
and in the home is a testimony of that?
Christmas is indeed an occasion of ,joy and goodness, of kind thoughtsand acts of love.'
This blossoming of generosity and• courtesy places Christmas among the most beautiful
times of the year. Even those who have no faith are unable to resist the all pervading .
spirit of the time. °
But behind this joyous picture of Christmas other pictures of greed, over -indulgences
and other excesses manifest themselves. There arepurely exterior and consurneristic:
aspects of the feast which threaten to empty the event of its real meaning. It is necessary:...
to .reclaim the truth.about Christmas. The historical, fact is that at a given moment ins
history, in a specific area of the earth, there was bora of a humble woman Mary, of the,':
tribe of David, the Messiah Jesus Christ who.had begin announ9e4 by,the prophets; The
meaning is that with the coming of Christ, the whole sof human history found its explana
tion, its dignity.
God came to meet us in Christ so that we might have access to.Flim, :Here weo-have a,`,.
constant invitation to joy, beauty, justice and peace:,, a realities Which can be found fully° a
only in God. ,' . ... ; ; ,
Are you looking for God? Find him in your brothers and sisters because "Christ has:
identified Himself with every one of theta, •
Do you want to love Christ? Love Him in your brothers and sisters because what you do
to others He considers done to Himself. If you open your heart in love to your neighbour,
trying to establish relations of peace you will hake Christ at your side.
May Christmas find each of us engaged in rediscovering the message that cornea from
the manger at • ethlehem. A little courage is necessary but very much worthwhile,
becauseonly if we can open out in this way to the coming of Christ, will we be able to ex..`
perience that peace announced by the ;angels during that holy night. Glory to God in the
highest and peace to His people on earth,
May Christmas be for you a meeting with Christ who became a man so that everyone
may become a child of God. May this union with Christ bring the choicest blessings to all.
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