HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-11-26, Page 173L Service directory DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC OPEN Mona - Pd. 8:00 a.m S:00 pm Eve,. &" Weekend - by oppt• 3 . Service directory HORST Feige D.T. GOIERICH 58 West Street_ Neustadt [519] 665=4818. Goderleh [519] 524=6688 No. Charge 1-800-2654555 REFRIGERATION AND Appliance Ser- vice rebuilt appliances; cash for your us- ed appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946..- 4tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh; Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of - All Types. Phone Ripley 395.5353,. Teeswater 392-6170.--tfar e Me ories , or' £(f EVELYN E. BRADLEY and ASSOCIATES 395-2719 Videotape your cherished moments. specialoccasionsoreverydayhaPpening You name it .... We tape it! • Weddings •• Anniversaries • Birthdays • Graduations • Valuables for Insurance Reasons + Farm Activities. • Children's precious moments — from first steps to graduation r RIPLEY ABATTOIR - 395-2905 , CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs, Cattle, Lambs Mondays. Beef and Pork sold by the /.,1/z or whole Homemade Sausages ourspeclallty. OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. TILL'6 PM, SATURDAYS 7 A.M. TILL NOON ' John Hickey Construction •New Construction •Replacement Windows •Renovations- - and doors •Decks *Roofing *Patios " " *Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED CARPENTER 529-7872 10 YEARS AFTER 6 P.M, ' HOME INSULATION • Alfa l Is • *Antics *Ventilation Cali ADAMSON INSULATION LUCKNOW 528. 2113 • Free Estimates 34. Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357-1066, 357-1769 or London 432-9197 collect.-tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or 'Walkerton ,881-3655.-40tf SEARS CANADA INCORPORATED LUCKNOW win bo on MONDAYS from Deco tber lit until Christmas 36. Announcements notices WB T.V. APPLIANCE SERVICE AND REPAIRS to TVs and appliances, small appliances, vacuum cleaners, razers, etc., William Bolt 528-3619.-47,48x ATTENTION: LUCKNOW SENTINELSUBSCRIBERS Renewal notices are now inserted in your paper advising when your subscription is due. Please watch for them. Please check your 'nailing label. If it. reads L0986 your sub was,due September 30; L1086 your sub was due October 31, L1186 your sub is due November 28.-48,49 NEW AND USED TOYS Lucknow District Co-operative is the drop- , off centrefor new and used toys. The West Huron Junior Farmers are collecting these toys in an effort to make this Christmas a happy - one for all children in Huron County.-48ar Holiday Closing FINLAY DECORATORS . •Will be closed for Annual Holidays Prom bec. 22/86 -Jan. 17/87 Inhpalve . ,..: BOB AND MARG FINLAY 38. Auction sale AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery will behold for DAVID STEWART 'Lot 4 • Cone., 4 Huron Township Saturday, December 6/86: 10:30 AM Llsting.next Week's paper .Auctioneers -- ' Grant McDonald399-5393 Wallaco Ballagh, • 39.2.6170 CLEAIEINGG, AUCTION SAtE S+atiorday. December firth 1:00 p.m. of shop tools, .now and Musty parts, parts bins• forum *uipstent; shop 44' s: 40' built in 1978, on 10 acres, zoned rural commercial with vehlclo tilling; Mcilltlos RIESLING FARM EQUIPMENT LTD 7 miles most of :Lucknow on Hwy. lNo: X16 N Auctionoor Gordon H. Brindley 519.5294625 Sfl next ~►tusk''~ papor for soli ilst. TO GIVIi AWAY, German Shepherd and Husky cross pups, 7 weeks old. 528-5542.x Lucknow Se tiue3, Wednesday, November 26, 1980 ---Page 1.7 SUNDAY AUCTION This Sunda r9 Nov. 30 1:00 pin. (Preview Noon) Tiverton Community Centre MacKay St., Tiverton Early Victorian table 2 leaves; walnut Victorian triple fitted wardrobe; small fancy china cabinet; press back and of her rockers; Cabroole leg knee hole desk; small china cabinet with fretwnrk doors; lg. modern oak dresser with double mirrors; Ig. modern chest of drawers.; 3 refinished oak washstands;. small oak sideboard; early oak parlour table. with drawer; oakcheval mirror; oak dresser with fancy fretwork; hall mirror with brass hooks; brass coat rack; flat to wall cupboard top; oak taper leg -drop leaf table; refinished ice box; fainting couch; hanging bookcase; draw Leaf table & 4 chairs; fancy china. figurines; pr, of china lamps with china shades; lg. oak sideboard; asst, antique beds, tables; mirrored curio stand, 1/4 cut sideboard;, square oak table, 4 chairs; round Victorian , table with -turned legs, small bake cabinet; duck decoys; early and new prints & pictures; projector and movies•. walking sticks books, socket sets; electric grinders; small tool items; gift- items, crystal, Nippon hair receiver; Depression pces.; Bavarian plate, early dishes, pots and pans, box lots, Christmas toys; coat racks; ` lamps; oriental rugs; plus much more TERMS — CASH, CHEQUE ART LARIVEE JR, AUcnoNs unuMrrEc stamrnhszr.isa7 46, In memoriam REID In loving memory of a dear dad, Milvert. who passed away. November 25, 1985. This month comes back with sad regret It brings back a day I'll never forget I stood and watched you fall asleep, Your pain no riiore to be.' But DadI think of you today, in all the days to come 1 miss the little talks we had But you. I'll miss forever; Love your daughter Marg Hogue. -48 .,A - REID In loving memory of my dear husband Milvert who passed away November 25, 1985. To a beautiful life came to a sudden end, He died as he lived as everyone's friend He was always thoughtful, loving and kind What a wonderful memory he left behind. Re left so sudden his thoughts unknown But he left a memory I'm proud to own. Treasure him God, inyour garden of rest. For in the world he was one of the best. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Gladys. -48 CHESBRO In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Nellie Chesbro, who passed away one year ago, November 29, 1985, and ' a dear sister and aunt, Esther Chesbro, who passed away 24 years ago, December 17, 1962. So many things have happened, Since they were called away, So many things to share with them. Had.they been left to stay, They never said good-bye to us, Perhaps it's just as well. We never could have said good-bye To the ones we loved so well, They meant so very much to us, That nothing we can say. Can heal the pain that's in our hearts, As we think of them each day. Lovingly remembered by: Robert, Wilma, Rhoda, Maurice, and families. -48X 47. Card of thanks MAT.BWBS It wnsh to thank the log cutters, neighbours and ambulance crew for getting me to 'nngham Hospitall; the Doctors o Lucknow Medical Centre, Nurses of 2nd floor icor their good care. .Thanks to frienrelatives and neighbours for cards, treats, visits and phone ca'us. AMso special, thanks to a t ev. McFarlane for r s s visiits. Pharis Mothers -48z RICKEY My sincere thanks to all those West Wawanosh Township taxpayers who sup- ported ane at the polls. Joe Hickey, -48x HUNTER We would like to express our sincere thanks to the neighbours and friends for the kindness and support given to Velma and her family when our brother-in-law Albert Morningstar .passed away. To the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 309, for the nice service; to the ladies of the UM for the kindness and lovely lunch; to Rev. McFarlane and family for their support; the lovely flowersdidnot go unnoticed by us; to the funeral director and staff, a sincere thanks to all. The Hunter Family. -48x ALDERSON I would like to thank the dear people of Lucknow who supported Velma and her family when my brother Albert Morn- ingstar passed away..) was so touched by your kindnesses, To the Legion members - the service was sincere and touching - thank you. Thanks to the United Church ladies and Velma's pastor and wife, to the florist the flowers were lovely, to the funeral director and staff. Thank you 'all and God bless. Gal. 6:2, Sincerely, Beverley Alderson, Strathroy.-48 TODD Thanks to all, who supported me in the re- cent election. Special thanks to those who did a little extra to help me with my cam- paign. Kathryn Todd. -48 JACK REAVIE VOCATIONAL CENTRE Employees and staff of. Jack Reavie Voca- tional Centre wish to thank everyone for their support and donations at n the Christmas. Craft, Tea and Bake Sale, November 22.-48 BROWN A special thank you for the lovely parting gift when we moved. Stan and Bette. -48 DURNIN We would like to say thank you to friends -and neighbours .for„..the pot luck supperr social might . and the gift of a beautiful clock. We: would also like to thank Glen Walden, Carl Bale and Gerry Priestap for assistance when we moved the trailer and Stuart for theuse of the truck when we moved. J.D., Grayce and Dawn. -48 A. For Sale ALLIS CHALMERS 2000 5x16 high clearance plough, $1500.00. Phone 529-7249.-48,4'9 C. Wanted! WANTED TO BUY - barbecue pigs, rup- tures, rhinitis, poor doers, any size; also sows and boars fitto butcher. Call 335-3151.4tf E. Farm Services' GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Starline belt feeders, conveyors, silo • unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip- ment. Custom belt lacing, Repairs. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-2851 2tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT, Barn cleaners;. manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; ,8' to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk feeders, ventilation equipment, hog confinement, Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing crates. Weaner decks. Plastic slates and also farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3, Ilolyrood, Ontario. Phone 395.5390.-y-42tfar