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Wednesday, November 1991986 --Page 13
Rural Organizations -Specialist for OMAF Jane Muegge presented the 12Projects Award
to Nancy Hunter of the Trinity 4-11 club at the 4-H Achievement Night at the Brookside
Public School on November 12. (Alan •Rivett photo)
RUGER �i /p+W�q ��++N EWp Ga UNS.. �+
RUDER 22 cal. semi auto 00D0 gP.eg000a00q0paa$19�0
RUGER 270, 308 7m mag, 338 repeater.egeaee$495 .
REMINGTON pump 2270, 308 and 30'06 e.geeeee$5650
REMINGTON automatic 308, 36 06p.ee.gee..epeee$5►95.
MOSSBERG 7m mage 300, 338 repeater $395.
WINCHESTER 12 gauge pump ogpdggepppqeeeqqe0espqp �IQ/48q
WINCHESTER 22 cal. lever aetlonepeaeage.q..epe.p;}Yq.70p
WINCHESTER 30.30 lever action.... $275.:
MOSSBERG 12 gauge pump ......eegeep.. eeeggepegqqe$�
MARLIN22 mag. repeater sgeeeoeoeeeeoaeeoeeaeeNep$150.
REMINGTON 222 repeater ..aa,eeeeeeee.p.edee.O$295.
SAVAGE12 gauge pump..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..epNp.$195.
REMINGTON 12 gauge automatic.eeeeeeeeeeeee.e.$275.
PRE '64, model 94 3030 lever action $250.
ITHACA 12 gauge double barrel $1.95.
MOSSBERG 16 gauge repeater $85.
Highway.. 2'i .south of Port Elgin.
• Open 7 days 368-7182
Kindergarten class enjoying
new Muppet Keyboard
By Allyson Dawn Haldenby
This week was a busy week at LCPS. All
of the teachers and students were working
very hard.
Muppet Keyboard
This week they were still talking about
How Animals Prepare for Winter.. They
havelearned about many animals and
have made a bulletin board display of
them getting ready for winter. They also
have the new Muppet Keyboard .for the
computer and are having fun playing the
new games. They are all excited about the
snow and .hope to° spend a lot of time this
winter playing in it.
Huge mural
During this lovely .snowy week, Grade 1
completed theirhuge animal mural show-
ing people, animals and -birds getting
ready for winter. We have made "winter
bird" mobiles, and the . are flying in the
classroom. NOW the students are doing.
stories and pictures about them. They
hope everyone will help our birds by 'put-
ting up bird feeders. "Special Me" Jeff Ca
says it's lots of fun to watch them come to
eat. We hope our friends that are sick will
be back next week.
Grade 2 are trying to become good
researchers as they look up information on
animals. They have an American yellow
spotten salamander in their classroom.
They, found out he likes moist, woodland
areas to live in. That's why he didn't like
Mrs. Black's basement so Well. The
children were also amazed to find out that
he would grow another leg if his first one
was cut off, Also, he belongs to the amphi-
bian: group. They decided to call him "Pee
Window drawings
A big thank you to the Grade 8 girls who
gave up their lunch hour to help the Grade
3 class with the window drawings. We en-
joyed painting Mr. and Mrs. Snowman.
Most of the classhave been busy painting
our "Goop" farm animals and machinery.
Now they hope to get some fences built to
put them down on the farm.
Indian studies
Grade 4 is happily continuing their study
of Indians. Their explorations have includ-
IS. A..
52 2031 LUCKNOW
REDUCED, 100 acres, 65 workable, 3
bedroom home, large barn, pit silo and
sow barn. $70,000.
KINLQSS, 100 acre log farm, 05
workable, 3 bedroom home, large barn,
2 sheds,9g / per cent financing. Reduced
to $79,000. HOMES
ESTATE HOME, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths,
full basement, sundeck, paved drive.
Havelock Street, Lucknow. Asking
HOME, 11/2 storey, 2 bedrooms up, one
down, garage, paved drive, large lot, Ask-
ing $28,000.
LUCKNOW GARAGE, (Truck) 30' x 50',
forced air, double lot.
LUCKNOW DUPLEX close to downtown.
Three and two bedroom, 4 and 3 piece
bath, completely insulated. Asking
;34,900.00. •
2 ACRES, 2 completely renovated homes,
large workshop, trout pond 20' deep;
river crosses property.
LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom home, all
carpeted, 4 pc. bath, .32,000.
• 528.3013
528-3821 395-2483
ed study of- legends, games, rituals and
religion, and they have mastered a tradi-
tional Ojibwa stalking game. A group of
students have begun a novel study Alison's
,;Ghostsf a story with an Indian theme
whieh they are very inuch enjoying.
CNIB canvass
This week, the Grade 7 class along with
helpers from Grade 6, are preparing to
canvass-Lucknow on behalf of the.CNIB..In
the past the residents of the area have
responded favorably to this worthwhile
cause. The school thanks you in advance
for your suppbrt
, Back after pneumonia -
The Grade 8 class was delighted to be
able to. welcome Dennis Johnston. back
after he suffered from pneumonia for
several weeks. His smile was really miss-
iss-ed! Also, a new student, Carl Anson, joined
the class and the students welcome him to
ro Drama Club
This week the talented Drama, Club ex-
perimented with mime and tableaux. The
students pantomimed everyday activities
and holiday scenes with amusing results.
Library Lotto
The Library Lotto winners this week are
Dan Thompson, Kerri *Skillen, Seth
McNall, Shane MacKinnon and Dean Tif-
fin. The resource centre has received an
excellent kit called "Energy, A First
Look". It is hoped that the students will
become more aware of energy
Mr. Pike's Reminders
The entire school attended and enjoYed
the Remembrance Day church service and
memorial' service on Tuesday.
Parents are requested to tune in to
CKNX AM or FM on blustery days to hear
about bus cancellations. •
Fall report cards will be going home on
Wednesday, November 26.
Snowmobile Cauls holds,. meeting
The 'St. Helens Snowmobile Club held
their annual meeting on Monday,.
° November 10 in the Ste Helens WI Hall.
Doug MacDonald chaired the meeting.
A vote .of thanks was given to the
Teeswater Snowmobile Club for the dona-
tion of signs and to Fred Ward for the two
decks of cards. Fred Ward volunteered to
be a regional director, for the next three
Harold Errington,Harvey Black, Doug
Brown and Jack Caesar were re-elected as
directors for a three-year term..
Officers: for the next year are: Past -
Remote Control -
Console T.V. SET •
with 26"
NOT $ 1199oo
with turntable that -
cooks food evenly.
Roland Electric
$599 . a��a
President Roy Taylor; President - Jack
Caesar; First Vice-president - Cecil
Cranston; Second Vicepresident- Bernice
Glenn; Secretary -treasurer Ross Err-
ington; Co-chairmen of Trails - Lloyd
Hodges and. Gord Powell; Auditors - Helen
MacDonald 'and Allan Cranston ' and
Telephone Committee - Bernice Glenn,
Marion Taylor and•Helen MacDonald
Good news was received during the
meeting that the club was a 000 winner in
the Lucknow Sports Complex Lottery.
The next meeting will be held on Friday,
December 5. q.
Better Grade
See to apprec iate
odfrey E.• Schtiett Ltd.
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