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Page 34-Lue.trow Sentinel, Wednesday, November no 2986
rawepiiall Now Rapeigitowlsopowiaa wig tiweipioeimgemge rgw;
chin bigo.,for bitter result*
Send YOUR rriessego across' the province, or coast to coast
testett Lirt.tmespti. cello one Lill, does it *Mow law „d
/0 -
workpants $3.50, workboots $15. For catalog, send $2
(reimbursed first order); Military Surplus, Box 243, St,
Timothee, 'Quebec JOS 1X0.-0.44.47
• GUN eAROAINS! Save up to 40% by subscribing to
"The Gunrunner". The 'Cant:Alan monthly newspaper
listing hundreds of new/used, modern and antique
firearms for, sale or trade. Subscription $17 year.
Gunrunner, Box 565K Lethbridge, Alta. Tli 3Z4. Sam-
ple $1.50.--46
BUILDINGS FOR SALE: Miracle Span Fall Specials.
Three buildings left over from National Show. Exam-
ple 40 x 40 complete with doors $5,299. Other sizes to
choose from, Call Miracle Span self free
S50,000 worth of good butcher and grocery equipment
going at 'half price. Dyck's Food Market, 150 Collier
St., Barrie, Ontario L4M 1H7 ,(705) 728-5339.-0-46
Movements. Barometers, Envirotex, Bezels, Pen Sets,
Bank•Slot Musicals, Digitals, Discount Prices! Free
catalogue' Marco Soles, 8836 Selkirk, Vancouver,
V6P 4)8, 1-(604) 261-4245.-0.46
LAPEL, PINS:•Enamel, gold, silver base, 2 colours. 250
$1.25 each. $49 set up, 50% deposit, balance C.O.D.
• Gordon tundy Limited 5.2485 Lancaster, Ottawa, Ont.
KlB 511.-0-46
WATER PROBLEMS? introducing New Technology for
treating wells and cisterns, offering source to faucet
protection throughout entire water system. RUSTY ...
SMELLY ... BAD TASTING ,.. WATER, bacteria, stain-
ing, and more. No Solt or Messy Chemicols
maintenance free. See the results for yourself with
our •6 -month trial offer. 'Call now toll free
• 1-800-268-2656 or mile • Aztec Water Purification
Systems, No. 203. 1030 Karnak) Rd. Mississauga, Ont.
L4W 466. Area code '807 call 1.416.624-4344
(collect). -0-46 •
• NEVER FORGET to turn your headlights off again!
Make your car ,more visible on the road without the
worry of a dead battery. Great stocking stuffer. The
headlight reminder simply plugs into fuse panel $9.95
plus Tax include $2 shipping/handling. Visa/M/C
Cobourg, Ontario KOA 4W4. Orders shipped same
day. -0-46
STEEL BUILDING. Pre Winter Factory Clearance,
Stroight wall or quonset styles. Certain sizes at special
diseounts. Save thousands. Limited quantities. Phone
Pioneer/Econospon toll free 1-800-387-6896.-0-46
$$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings prices for im-
mediate' liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14
$3,996, 40x60x14 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x90x24
$21,789. Various sizes available to 120 ft. wide. Fac-
tory direct clearance. Serious buyers only, All
buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free
1-800-38Y-2115' or 1 (416) 858-2446.-0.4440
HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing the water
softener that doesn't use salt. No more lugging heavy
bogs of costly salt Other softeners remove calcium &
other good for you minerals, We don't add salt to your
water or remove beneficial minerals, because that's
not good for you. Other softeners take up lots nf
room, use electricity, require backwashing, cost plen-
ty to install & too much to maintain, We don't. Call toll
free 1-800-268-2656 for healthier, better tasting,
softer water. -0-46
• •
2 -YEAR OLD ,REGISTERED Quarter Stallion, Bay, pro.
fessionally trained for Reining. 7 -Year Old Registered
thoroughbred Gelding 15,2, Bay. Trillium 'Cirpit.
Bracebridge (705.) 645-4354 after 9 pm,- 0-46
PUREBRED SIMME TAL SALE, Sunday, Nov, 23/86 1
pm, 52 head of bred cows, heifers, bull calves, JERICO
2X influence. JERICHO FARM, Port Perry, (416)
• hundred. Old rolex wristwatches wonted. Also
wanted Eaton's "Quarter Century" square wristwat-
ches (25 years service), will pay $200 and up for this
watch, Will also buy straps, crystals, ports etc, for old
wristwatches, Write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. E. Toron-
to, Ont. MSA 1S2:-0-46
TRAIN FOR A JOB' with o future,„with TH.County
Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance
ovailable. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brant-
ford 300 Colborne E,. (519) 7$6-0223.-0-46
FAMILY THERAPISTS for Ccitclipa-Manarac incor-
poroted, Barrie. Masterstegree, 2 yearexperience.
Familiarity with more than one systemic Family
Therapy model. Experience in sexual abuse treot-
merit. Apply to P.O. Box 430, OMB% Ontario 13V
' 6J8.--0.46
HIRING NOM Construction all phases, Drivers,
Machinists, Welders, Electricians, Mechanics,
Airlines. Some Entry level positions (up to $32.60/hr)
TronsContinental Job Search (308) 382.3700.
Fee. 0.46 ,
OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top poyng posi-
tions. Attractive benefits. All occupations. FrOO
details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept. W.A.
Box 460, Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7.-0.46
NEEDLECRAFTERS! Excellent income potential
leaching 3 selling neediecrafts for Panda Stichcrof I.
Representatives especialy needed in smolier corn-
munitiei. Write Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward
Ave., Burlington,Ont, 17R 1T5.---0-45-48
EARN 15% per year in U.S. dollars, guaranteed! By
way of leasing Marine Cargo Containers. Rental in-
come - Five marine cargo containers pay $2,325 per
year, 10 poy $4,650 per year, 25 pay411,625 per year.
,Length of lease is up to 15 years (5 year increments).
MinimOm.invesiment 53,100. All above in U.S. dollars,
Ask about our Capital Appreciation Program (416)
368-3585, Write Pacific Rim Container Sales Ltd. 2nd
floor, 33 Yonge St. Toronto', MSE 1S9.-0.46
B,C. Calling GREAT OPPORTUNITY for 2 fully qualified
Mechanics High Tech. Producers. Ford ECCIV Certified
opportunity $32,000 year of $16 hour. Lake City Ford
Sales Ltd., 715 Oliver St., Williams Lake, B.C. V2G
DISTRIBUTORS, part time or full time selling our high
quality line of DISTILLERS, Filters and Water Softeners,
For residential. & commercial applications. Be your
own boss and earn extra income in this growing in-
dustry. For more information contact Water Purity
Systems, 537 Brant St, Burlington, Ont. 17R 206, (416)•
available in your area. Investment $4,984. Full
marketing support. Full comprehensive training, Call
now for free information.(416) 845.6890.-0-46
DATES GALORE: For all ages & unattached. Thousands
of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain-
tances call toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours noon till 8
pm. -0-46
MEET SOMEONE NEW, Since 1967, we have introduced
thousands for friendship or marriage. Write Personal
Acquaintance Service, 249 Bronson Ave., Ottawa KIR
ONTARIO'S LARGEST farm machinery consignment
sale, Norwich, Ont. Friday, December 12/86 10 am
(Soles conducted 2nd Friday each month), Approx.
150-175 Tractors plus all types of farm equipment.
Consignments welcome. , For more information call
(519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S.
Hamulecki & Sons, -0-46
FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home correspondence
Diploma courses for prestigious careers: ,Accounting,
Airconaitioning, Bookkeeping, Business,
Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical secretary,
Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Melaide West,
Toronto 1-800.268-1121.-0.46
BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 Hours of instruction,
next class November 15.22„ Contact Southwestern On-
tario School of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerhip,
Ont. 1\10.11M0 (519) 4963936. (519) 537-2117.-0-34.46
EARN EXTRA INCOME, Learn to Prepare Income Tax
returns by correspondence. Local Franchise available,
Write Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Rood,
Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4.-0-46
COME TO THE FAIR! The,Royal Agricultural Winter
•Fair. The World's largest indoor horse & agricultural
fair. Come join this celebration of agricultural and
equine excellence. November 13.22. Exhibition Place,
Toronto, For information call (416) 393-6400, tickets
also available through BASS. -0.46
,The Only way to get i
ad in 2.5 milliori homes 1,
in Canada for
, $659."
or in 1,241,807 homes 1
in Ontario for I
si 95.0c •
cPalace Your Blanket Clasalflad Ad by
11, °Moo for *Attic Lucknowy nev45272.422r 1
V1421:261: KIncordlna 3064963 1
LSaitotth 521.0240 PIrtickIVII" $3:3 t
184 11-
um me am NO
Only 37 shopping
day s° 'till Christmas
Superintendent named
For needed surgery, Dan Carter, Huron
township road superintendent, has been
granted temporary leave of absence from
his position. Reeve John Gamble announces
that fin Dan's place, the Huron Township
Council has appointed Bert Elliott as tem-
porary road superintendent for the months
of December and January. Retired reeve of
the township, Bert Elliott knows the folks in-
volved in maintaining the township, also
most of the peopleliving here, and the work
on the 'winter roads.
Happy Hearts euchre match
• The Happy Hearts Euchre Club met at the
Ripley Legion Hall last Monday afternoon.
Ten tables were playing. High winners were
John Smith and Eileen Carter. Lucky card
holders were Isabel and Walter Forster. The
next party will be Nov, 17th at the Legion
Hall at 2 p.m. Report was made by John and
Mary Scott.
Thanks for garden donations
According to the residents at Huron Villa
they have been well supplied with fruit and
vegetables from the local orchards and
gardens. These donations have been greatly
appreciated. Thanks goes. to Mrs. Evelyn Ir-
win for contributing this item to the column.
Royal Winter Fair memories
The Royal Agricultural Winter.Fair starts
tomorrow Thurs. Nov. 13 in the Coliseum in
Exhibition Park, Toronto. It runs through
the next week to end at Sat. midnight Nov.
22, This is the 58th show. The Royal started
in 1922 according to reports. During the Se-
cond World. War, 1940-1945, the Coliseum
was used to billet some of the Canadian
Armed Forces.
We had our first look a• t the Royal in
November 1933 when we were attending the
Ontario College of Education up on Bloor
Street, Toronto. Two things we recall from
- that visit. The first was the Maytag Holstein
milk herd from Madison, Wisconsin. The se-
cond thing was the arrival and dress of the
reserved seat folks for the horse show -
limousines, chauffeurs, ladies in long white
ermine fur coats, and men with high hats
and in evening 'suits.
Allan Mason of Wiarton and Ab Wylds of
Ripley arrived at the front of the Coliseum.
by first (the street bus system, along Harbor
Street, then transfer to the Bathurst street-
car to the fair site for a nickel. Admission
was twenty-five cents. At the end of the
evening another nickel took us back to the
rooming house at 299 Huron St. For the total
cost of 35 cents each - the price of a postage
stamp today.
Janice Needham receives award
Last Wednesday evening Nov. 5 the
Teeswater Agricultural Society held their •
Awards Night. Janice Needham of the
ipley area received her top award for
showmanship with her Holstein calif at the
Teeswater Fair on *deter 11.
Now a month later in November Jim,
Dorothy, and Janice are showing their prize
Holsteins from their Mandeen Farms at the
Royal from Nov. n to 22.
Remembrance Day service
Thanks goes to Mrs. Barbara Paquette for
her note on behalf of the 1% ipiey Legion Aux-
iliary. On Sunday morning, Nov. 9 at 9;30
a.m. the Auxiliary participted in the
parade to Knox Presbyterian Church for the
joint church remembrance service. Again
yesterday on Tues. Nov. 11 the Ripley
Legion Auxiliary were a part of the parade
to the Cenotaph at the front of the um
Township hall for the Remembrance Day
service there. Next week on Wee' iesday,
Nov. 19 the Ripley Legion Auxiliary will be
holding their coffee break.
Sheep and lamb farming explained
Mrs. Bernadette (Jim) Scott of the 4th
Concession west in Huron township was in-
troduced by Mrs. Elizabeth Fair,
Agriculture and Canadian Industries con-
venor on Friday at the Ripley Women's In-
stitute meeting in the Knox Presbyterian'
Church Sunday School room on Friday Nov.
Bernadette is in charge of the project of
sheep raising on their farm and chose as hey
topic - "Sheep and Lamb Farming". She
chose to raise sheep because they are
smaller animals and easy to catch. She is
educated in delivering lambs and in the
feeding and caring for any illness. Later a
film was shown on Feeding the Sheep as
well as Shearing the Wool.
Shown also was the Processing of Wool to
Yarn. This was a most interesting program
and Bernadette was thanked by Mrs. Minnie
Mrs. Mary. Brooks gave a full and in-
teresting outline of the Fall Rally held at
Sauble Beach which she attended with Mrs.
Marian McTavish and Mrs. Amelia Cumm-
ing. The theme of the Rally was "Let us take
time for all things".
Attended funeral
Robert and Muriel Osborne of the 4th con
east in Huron twp. (RR 5 Lucknow), attend-
ed the funeral service for Mrs. Elsie Ander-
son on Thursday November 6 in Mono Cen-
tre United Church. Burial was in Relessey.
Midgets lose first to Pctlmerston
The Lucknow Midgets are back on the
ice for another exciting season of hockey.
This year's coaches are Larry MacPher-
son, George Gibson and Harvey
The team is a combination of seven
second -year Midgets and eight players
who have moved up from the Bantam
team. A new player on this year's Wain IS
Jeff Pollard who hasn't played hockey for
a few years. He has recently moved from
Kincardine and the players have welcom-
toms "B"s post
The Atom "B"s came flying out of the
dressing room full of energy and en-
thusiasm ready to play they love so much.
Chartered Accountants
970 Queen St., Kincardine
Offering income fax com.
occountirtol auditing
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Steven EX Watson, C.A.
Barry W. Schmidt, C.A.
ed him to laucknoir and to the Midget
The team played their opening game of
the season .against Palmerston last Mon-
day night. They put up a good fight but
came out on the losing end of a 6-3 score.
Palmerston 6 Lucknow 3
Jamie Humphrey lead the scoring with
two goals with the other scored by Kevin
De Jong, Assists went to John
Vanderveldel David MacDougall and two
from Scott Hackett.
win over Ripley
On Saturday, November 8, their en-
thusiasm paid off as they came up with a
winning effort against Ripley 3-2.
' Lucknow 3- Ripley 2
Lucknow jumped into an early lead at
3:18 of the first period on a goal by Dennis
Hogan from Nathan Daer and Jeremy
The boys played fast -paced hockey in the
second period but no scoring was done.
After a well-deserved rest between periods
the team got their second marker of the
game by Scott Rintoul fom Mark Chilton
and. Colin Humphrey, Ripley replied with
two quick unanswered goals- to tie the
score 2-2.
With 46 seconds left in the game and play
whistled dead, Lucknow made a quick line
change . The boys put forward a valiant ef-
fort and put one between the pipes with
nine seconds left., Scoring the game winner
was Colin Humphrey, assisted by Nathan
Our and Dean Tiffin. Great game lads !
The next Atozn "B" game will be played
on November 15 in Lucknow against
Ripley at 4:30 p.m.. come out and support
the local boys.