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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-10-22, Page 14
Page i14-Lanckuow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 22 1988 47. Card of thanks 47. Card of thanks. 48. CorOng Events ,CAMPBELL We wish to thank our friends,, nneighb©urs and relatives for ear cards, flowers and gifts. A special thank you for the family :gatherings held to honour us on ur 40th wedding anniversary making this occasion a happy event. Bob and Wilda. --43 CROWSTON I would like to thank my family for arrang- ing my birthday party. Also many thanks to friends and ,neighbours and for the many cards and phone calls. This was ap- preciated very much, Clara Crowston.-43 FELL S/GAMMIE We would like to thank our neighbours, friends and relatives for cards, letters, food and kindness shown to us in the loss of our brother,. Wellington Webster. Myrtle Fells and Winnifred Gammie --43 DAWSON Your visits, treats, cards and calls while a patient in Wingham and London Hospitals were appreciated. Thank you. Huntley. -43 HOUSTON My sincere thanks to all thy neighbours and friends for your prayers, love and con- cern shown me, during my stay in Univer- sity Hospital, London and Rockwood Teri race, Durham, `My deepest .appreciation. Elsie Houstori,-43x BOYLE I would like to thank all the friends who came to help me celebrate my 85th birth- day and for flowers, gifts, cards and kind wishes. God bless you all. Edna Boyle.-43nx RUTHERFORD John and Linda extend their sincere thanks to all for the lovely wedding gifts, best wishes and for your attendance at their wedding reception, --43 PRIESTAP A big thank you to .all my Toronto Star customers for your support over the past year. Dale -43x • BROOKS I would like to thank all my family, friends and neighbours, WMS groups and WI who so kindly remembered me' with visits, cards, gifts and treats while a patient in Wingham Hospital, Special thanks to Doc- tors and nurses 'on 2nd floor and to Rev. Ramsay for his visits. Dora. -43x vilograt RITCHIE I would like to thank the Doctors and staff at the Lucknow Medical .Centre and St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for the care 1 received during my recent illness and surgery. Also my sincere appreciation ;to family; friends and neighbours for get well cards, phone calls, visits, transportation provided and assistance since returning home, Harold A Ritchie, -43x MacDONALD We would liketo thank our friends and relatives for cards sent and for many ex- pressions of sympathy during our recent. bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. George Ball for his visits. David and Isabel MacDonald. -43x 48. Coming Events BAZAAR AND LUNCHEON St, Andrew's Unitod Church, Ripley, Saturday, October 25, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Soup, sandwiches, squares, beverage. Free babysitting. Everyone welcome. -42,43 PLEASURES, PROBLEMS AND PRESCHOOLERS presented by the Huron. County Health Unit; a series of 3 parenting classes for parents of children aged 1 - 5 years. Classes will commence Monday, November 3, at Lowick Central School. For pre -registration or further informa- tion, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 357-2264.-42,43,44ar FORSTER Ronald and Kathleen Forster would like to express their thanks and appreciation to all who sent cards and phone calls, gifts ' and all the floral arrangements, and to those who came to visit on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary. -43 -141111111.1111111111116. STORE.. FOR LEASE FLEA MARKET Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Saturday, October 25, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m, includes bak- ing, ceramics, knitting, Avon, winter items, lunch booth, etc. Call Sandra at 529-7390.-43 HALLOWEEN DANCE At- Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Satur- day, November 1, 9 p.m, -1 a,m, Costumes judged at 11 p.m. Music "By Special Re- quest". $3 each, lunch included. --3,44 THE WALKERTON HERITAGE FAIR One of Ontario's best craft shows, presents over 30 booths of traditional crafts and quilts by area artisans. Many one -of -a - kind items. Tea room. Knights of Colum- bus Hall, Highway 9 south of Walkerton. October 25, 26, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission $1.50.-42,43x ANNUAL MEETING The Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies will hold the 1986 Annual Meeting for District 8, Huron -Perth, at the Dungan- non Agricultural Hall, Tuesday, October 28. Registration 6 p.m. Pot luck dinner 7 p.m. Guest speaker Bob Carbert,---43 PLANNING & INV.ESTMENT STRATEGY SEMINAR Sponsored by Ripley Branch, of the Bruce County and Saugeen Library. Systems, Wednesday, October 22, 7-9 p.m., Ripley Huron Central School. Speakers Ken Doucet and Tony Dusciox of Eaton Finan cial Services. Free admission. -43 CANADA PACKERS QUILT DISPLAY &TEA At Dungannon United Church, Thursday, October 30,1:30 8;30 p.m. Featuring local quilts, handkerchief , collection, $1.00-43,44x REGULAR MEETING of The Lucknow Agricultural Society, Tues,, _ Oct, 28, 8:30 p.m., Lucknow Community Centre, Anyone with slides for competition please forward to the Secretary,- -43ar HOT TURKEY SUPPER St, Matthew's Anglican Church, Kingarf,- invites you to attend their Hot Turkey Sup- per, Sunday, November 2, 4 - 7 p.m. All you can eat for $6, Children 6-10 years $2,50, preschoolers free. -43,44 on Main Street Lucknow . (one ofthe best in the village) 1800 sq. ft. with 24 ft. frontage Available November 1st For Particulars Contact: PAT LIVINGSTON LUCKNOW SENTINEL `BOX 400 L,UCKIVO'W 528 2822 OPEN HOUSE for the Lucknow & District Drop in Centre, Friday, Oct, 31, Town Hall basement, Lunch at 1 p.m. Cards and other games to follow. --43,44x WOMEN'S INSTITUTE EUCHRE Monday, October 27, 8 p.m, „Whitechurch Community, Hall, Everyone welcome. $1,50 per person. -43 - OCTOBER LEGION DANCE Saturday, Oct..25 Lucknow Legion 9 - 1 a.m. "All Country" Hot Lunch $10.00 Couple , Attention L�. Farmers A. For Sole GRAIN MOISTURE METER (Halross In- struments Corporated), good condition. Phone 528-3500.-33tfnx OLIVER GRAVITY (Seed) Separator, good. condition. Phone 528-3500,-33tfnx C. Wanted Farrells visit granddaughter Janet and Jack Farrell of Purple Grove spent the weekend in Thorndale with Janice and George Millar and new granddaughter achel. Irene Boyle reports a successful folk school was held this weekend at her home with sixteen persons attending from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Four guests spent the nights at Suttons while the rest stayed with the Boyles, The Folk School, sponsored by the Association of Rural Learning met for the purpose of deciding to revive the- Folk School Movement in Ontario. The basic pur- pose of folk schools - to improve the quality of rural life through living together and fellowship. Weekend guests at the home of June and Earl Elliott were Mrs. and Mrs. Everett Elliott of Thorndale Michigan and Maret Hodgins of Niagara Falls, Ont. Together they attended the wedding of Connie Stanley in Kinlough on Saturday and the reception in Lucknow in•the evening. Marg and Will Van Rooyen and family at- ' tended the twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary for Will's brother Adrian and his wife Marg in Underwood on Saturday for dinner and a social evening. Guests attended from Ottawa, Beamsville, Chatham and Forest. Recent guests with Jim and Fran. Farrell were Reine and. Mel Arnold and family and Simon and Jan Logtenberg, Everyone should begin thinking of costumes for the Halloween Party at the centre on Oct. 31. Organizers are looking forward to a full house. News from last week Sunday evening Thanksgiving Dinner. held at Joyce and John Farrells was a dou- ble event to celebrate Thanksgiving and wedding anniversaries, number forty-seven for Anne and Don McCosh and fifteen for Shirley and Doug MacDonald, Guests atten- , _ding were Anne and Don and Dick McCosh, Shirley and Doug MacDonald with Andrew Sheena, Stefan, Ian and Megan and June and Earl Elliott. Cecil•and Wilma Sutton spent Saturday at Teeswater Fair and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Wilma's sister Pearl Hodgins in Wingham. Fran and Jim Farrell and Christina Carmen, and Jamie took their new baby Glen to Grandma and Grampa Logtenberg's for thanksgiving dinner on Monday. Weekend visitors with Irene and Francis 'Boyle and Bonnie Boyle and John Louther of Walkerton and many guests who stopped ,in to say hello, WANTED TO BUY - barbecue pigs, rup- tures, rhinitis, poor doers, any size; also sows , and boars- fit to butcher. Call 335-3151.,---6tf WILL PAY PREMIUM for high moisture corn, 28 per cent or less moisture, free of microtoxins, 140 Tonnes required. Phone 357-1746,--43 LIBRARY OPEN HOUSE & SPECIAL EVENTS At the Lucknow Branch of the Bruce Coun- ty Public Library (in the Town Hall) Thursday, October 23, 7 M 9 poi. See Charles and Diana's wedding at 8 p.m. and Saturday, October 25, from 10 a,m, - 2 p.m., including an Old Magazine Sale., Come find out about services and pro- grams and meet the local library commit- tee and staff, -42,43 PAPER DRIVE The Mothers' Committee of Lucknow Brownies, Guides, t Pathfinders and Rangers will hold a paper drive, Saturday, October 25. Please have your papers at curb by 8:30 a.m. Rural residents may drop off papers at the arena.Anyone re- quiring assistance call 528-3238. Newspapers only, NO GLOSSY PAPER,4--42,43 D. Livestock SIMMENTAL SALE - Sat., Oct. 25, 1 p,m,, Walton's Sales Arena, Durham, 1% miles west on Hwy, 4, Sponsored by Grey- Bruce Simmental Club, Offering 60 selected females; fullbloods, purebreds, percentage, bred and open, several with calves at foot, Preview; Friday, October 24, 6-10 p.m. For catalogues write John. Pearson, RR 3, Markdale, Ontario, NOC 1110. 519-986-2450.--43 ' Mrs. Betty Paul of Harper Woods Michigan spent the weekend as a guest of Marj Thompson. Sunday guests with. Bert Thompson were his mother Marj and Marie and Allan Loll- ing and Velma Anderson of London, John D. and Cathy Coiling and Mike and Mitch spent Thanksgiving Monday with Marj Thompson. Katherine Collins spent the weekend in Rochester New York with Dorothy Bell, Sunday Thanksgiving guests at the home of Janet and Jack Farrell were Susan Mac- Donald, Rob Farrell, Laura and Gary Far- rell and Sara David and Patrick, Fran and Jim Farrell and Christina Carmen, Jamie and Glen and Donnie Hutton. Jo and Brian Reid held Thanksgiving on Sunday with guests sister Sandra and hus- band Ed, Mrs. Robert Reid, Joesephine MacTavish, Mrs. and Mr. Don MacCormick and mon and dad, Don and Marlyn and brother Larry. Dinner guests of Deanna and Morley Scott on Monday were Don and Marlyn and Larry Reid, E. Farm Services BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT, Barn cleaners; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8' to 15 P,V,C. or5.R.T. ductile. Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing, BUnk feeders, ventilation equipment, hog confinement, Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing crates, Weaver decks. Plastic slates and also farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R,R, 3, Holyrood, Ontario, Phone 395.5390.42tf ar WILL HAUL CORN and other farm pro- ducts. Two 40' trailers. Call Mike at 528-3303.-43-46 EY Form Services LYNN LOWERY FARM SYSTEMS LTD, R.R.ENo, 1 Kincardine, Ontario For all your manure, feed, and grain handling re- quirements call 395-5286 or see us in Amberley. We handle everything almost,-42tfar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY i Patz and Starline belt feeders, 'conveyors, silo unloaders. Flex auger and stable equip{ anent. Custom belt lacing, Repairs. RR 5, Lucknow. 395-28512tfar