HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-10-15, Page 5Campai!:n raises To the editor: Mrs. Catherine Andrew, chairman of the Lucknow and District Arthritis Society is happy to report that once again we have had a very successful campaign' totalling $3,384.50 with rural donations totalling $1,894 and Lucknow donations totalling $1;400.50. Over 3 million people in Canada suffer from Arthritis with 30,000 of them children. So, a big thank -you to all captains and canvassers and also thanks to all for your generous donations. Lucknow and area captains and can- vassers: Mary Cranston, Sara Ritchie, Ed- na MacDonald, Maudie Fisher, Edith Webster, Anne Austin, Marjorie Farrish, Ann MacDougall, Dorothy Hamilton, Janine Hamilton, Helen Hall, Susan Mof- fat, Cora Cranston, Isabel Hunter, Shirley Hackett, Alice Reurink, Pearl Menary, Hannie Scott, Nancy Farrish, Tillie Wilson, Dora Brooks, William Ross, Marie Greer, Caroline Snowden, Kathleen Mac- Donald, Joyce Adamson, Mary Treleaven, Betty. Ritchie, Maimie Roulston, Blanche Needham, Irene Haldenby, Marilyn Maclntyre, Margaret Keith, A. Doelman. 3, x.50 Margaret Hamilton, Ruth Mathers, Grace Gibson, Merle Elliott, etty McDonagh, Anne Guay, Myme Wilkins, Elizabeth Wilkins, zetty Smith, Rhoda MacKenzie, oss Cummings, Lloyd Moffat, Bernadine Ritchie and E a Young. Canvassers for Dungannon, St. Augustine and Nile areas: Judy Smyth, Mary Boyle, Brenda Woods, Debbie Bauer, Judy Foster, Margaret Young, Lynn Chisholm, Sally Wright, Joan Dougherty, Joyce Stothers, Lois Lee, Ilene Sillib, Betty MacDonald, Ruby McWhin- ney, Roberta Linskill, Jeanne Brown, Peg Purdon, Linda Culbert, Wanda Hill, Stephanie Miltenburg; Arlene Curran, Emily Drennan, Tinie Logtenburg, Dawn Tucker, Sjoukje Pastoor, Donna Young, Colleen Eedy, Dorothy Shultz, Minnie Ed- munds, Dorothy Bere, Mary Ellen Boel, Karen Roberts and Gwen Copeland. UNICEF helps needy children To the Editor: The annual UNICEF Halloween cam- paign is a wonderful opportunity for Cana- dian children to give something of value to children in a less developed part of the world. Collecting for UNICEF at Hallo- ween is not only an experience in giving to others but it enables our children to learn - that they can help children in developing countries live happier, healthier lives. Through the UNICEF,Halloween collec- tion, the world's needy children receive health care, improved nutrition, clean water and a basic eduation. Each year over 5 million children under the .age of five die from dehydration caused by. diar- rhoea. A simple mixture of sugar, salt and water known as Oral Rehydration Salts prevents achild from losing essential body fluids which causes death. What a simple and effective solution, costing only .10 cents! The $600,000 which Ontario children raised last year for UNICEF meant that millions survived the dehydration which can cause death. All Canadian children should be aware of the generous gift they give to other children when they carry the orange -and - black UNICEF boxes this Halloween. Please encourage the many UNICEF trick -or -treaters this October 31 their ,visit to your door and generous donation will give millions of children a better tomorrow. Elizabeth Haig Provincial Chairman Ontario UNICEF Committee Citizenship meeting held Kinloss Kairshea Women's Institute held their Citizenship and World Affairs meeting on September 25, at the Institute Hall. Mrs. John Forester was hostess. The President, Mrs. Robert Gilchrist, opened the meeting and read a poem about fall. Mrs. Roely de Boer read the scrip- ture. The secretary and treasurer's reports were given. Mrs. de Boer reported on the 4H clubs work. The ladies who set up the lovely fall fair display were thank- ed. Mrs. Cliff Roulston reported on the Ar- thritic Societies canvass and thanked the canvassers. Mrs. Robert Gilchrist, our delegate to the Area Convention in Southampton, gave an excellent report on the activities. Our Institute area has been twinned with Prince Edward Island for the coming year. It was decided that Kairshea will hold an "At Home", evening for members and families this year. The Roll Call was "A Country I Would Like to Visit and Why?" Scotland for some reason proved to be the most popular country. Mrs. Ira Dickie introduced the evenings speaker, Miss Heather Howald. Heather told of her interesting experiences as a French exchange student to Quebec for three months this past winter. The ladies enjoyed hearing about her school and home activities. Mrs. Gordon Wall thank- ed the speaker. Mrs. Brian Doelman led a contest to test our knowledge on Canadian Prime Ministers. Standing Committee reports were given by all groups. Mrs. Doelman gave the courtesy remarks. Lunch was served by the direc- tors, Mrs. Cliff Roulston and Mrs. Donald MacKinnon. Uucknow Sentell, Wednesday, LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Sunday Schooi 20 :00 a.m. Worship Service Illi:00 aan. Rev. Gerald McFarlane Nursery and junior congregation provided EVE ,., YONE WEE/COME etober ].l, 19S ----Page A LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Worohnp Service ]11:00 a.m. • Sunday y Sehool 11:00 a.onn. REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery downnst ann•e for Children under 4 EVERYONE WELCOME [4: • Mt SQUARE PAR T EATRE ., 8000,.,... ,. 4: LANOASTER IRK DOUCLAS • • FRIENDS FOR YEARS... • LEGENDS FOR LIFE... TOUGH GUYS FOREVER. • • TOUC • GUYS • •. • • The Action -Comedy MOvle • For This Fall. • • TOUCHSTONE PICTURES presents in association with SILVER SCREEN PARTNERS II. • BURT LANCASTER • KIRK DOUGLAS "TOUGH GUYS"A JOE WIZAN PRODUCTION A JEFF KANEW FILM • ENDS THURSDAY GODIRICw 524.1/11 • • STARTS FRIDAY • FRI.4AT 7&9 • • SUN. - • THURS.. 7:30 • •• • • • TUESDAY $2,50 • • • •• • • • • • •• 8 PARENTAL GUIDANCE 8880.. TOP GUN & • 7:00 FERRIS BUELLER DAY OFF • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••w•••••••••. PARENTAL GUIDANCE viL 0.yd c,G 6, LOOK • FOR THIS. Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie informa PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO TUESDAY, OCT. 17th TO 21st. SHOWTIMES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7:00 AND 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY TO TUESDAY AT 8:00 P.M. EACH EVENING ONLY :ion "THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY SPECIAL AREA SHOWING 2 NIGHTS ONLY WED,, THURS., OCT. 22nd & 23rd mPARENTAL GUIDANCE Amin ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT. AT 8 P.M. DON'T MISS THIS WACKY COMEDY BE ASSURED ITS CANADIAN MADE. 111111111 il::t: �iuttt Iii MAP il} MACZ/C e W Pealette Prices In Effect October 15th to 24th UMBACH PHARMACY LUCKNOW 528-3004