HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-09-24, Page 5LowSenti'ine4 Wednesday, September 241 11986—Page 5 Coalition chairman anger • d The Lucknow Fall Fair baby contest was held on Saturday afternoon. The winners were, left to right, Mark Hackett, son of Marjorie and Steve Hackett (8-12months); Melanie Elphick, daughter of Debra and Barry Elphick (4-8 months) and Theresa Ann Goldie Symes, daughter of Bob and Gloria Symes (0.4 months).- Holding the infant is Cathy macKinnon. (Alan Rivett photo). Canadians can offer blind help . To. the Editor: Thanksgiving•is that special time of the year we pause to give thanks for family, friends, food and all the other blessings we as Canadians enjoy. How fortunate we really are that in spite of setbacks or adversities, that may from time to time affect some, in the main we – can be thankful for the availability of the necessities of life such that we may partic- ipate in the activities of our choosing and to enjoy the sight of all scenic pleasures that Canada , has to offer. People in other parts of the world are not so fortunate. 1 read an item .recently, quoting the World Health Organization, which indicat- ed that there are 40 million blind people in the world - mostly in the developing countries, People unable to be productive due tolack of the right vitainins, unclean water, lack of education as to proper health Yoiirs sincerely, care. Abaft one half of these people are Marion Torrell curable blind people that due to lack of funds or availability of nearby medical help continue in their helpless way. Fortunately there are some fine organ- izations in the world that are giving help to fry and eraclicate theseb , anda ' thankful and proud that one such organiza- tion is a Canadian based one, beadquart- eredin Calgary, Alberta, that this year has as their objective the treatment of one - million eyes, and the restoring of sight for 100,000 .curable blind people, God bless them and may their work prosper with the helpof all Canadians. For a donation fY 1 $25which, is tax deducfible, sight can be restored to some individual in the 17 countries in which they now have seventy projects in motion, For everyones awareness their name and address is: Operation Eyesight Universal, P.O. Box 123, Stn. "M", Calgary, Alberta, • 2 Dell Glen Court Thornhill, Ontario. L3T 2A3 over Darlin on completion To the Editor: Our current Premier and former leader of the Opposition, David Peterson, has decided, unfortunately, to follow the rule of politicians all over the world. '44Don't say in power what you say in Opposition; if you do, you only have to carry out what the other fellows have found impossible." (John Galsworthy). After a year-long review, (which now appears to have been artificially staged), reterson's Ontario urovernment has decid- ed to complete, construction of the $11 billion Darlington _Nuclear Power Plant. Our Premier is reported to be on holidays (a euphemism for "got out of town") ,and left this revelation to Energy Minister Vincent Kerrio, (the previous energy critic). This decision has quickly been labelled by, one opposition member as a 'mega -mistake'', The Premier must cringe an rue the days when, in opposition, he -uttered the following choice remarks about Darlington: I. "Darlington is a blackhole in Hydro's electrical generating network, soaking up enormous amounts of money and manpow- er at the expense of other worthwhile programs which could be implemented for the public good." What kind of madness is this that causes us to invest such enormous financial and physical resources in a project (Darlington) that is not needed and will only hasten our dependence on a nuclear industry which is currently under serious question?" ` ....Hydro planners have made a terrible miscalculation and are pushing ahead to save face rather than admit their e canna, as a society, allow Darlington to proceed," 5. "Accidents in nuclear plants and the resulting costly shutdowns are not the only sorry consequence of a nuclear centred system of power generation. The high costs of nuclear plant construction now threatens to push rates to customers sky high. They, are hitting all of us in the pocketbook and, in fact, are jeopardizing the very financial soundness of our province." 6. "In the past, 1 have described Hydro as a monster out of control." 7, "Darlington must be stopped and a program of diversification of electrical production launched." As readers •are aware, The Central Ontario Coalition is fighting Hydro's attempt to include a Bruce toEssa transmission line out of its Bruce Nuclear Power Plant. This line is part of a half billioh dollar Hydro undertaking which wilt be paid for by you, the Ontario -taxpayer. A hearing is currently being held before a Joint Board to review the Hydro plan. Our Coalition sought modest funding from Peterson's government to prow - sible opposition and balance to Hydro's presentation. Peterson refused. We have accordingly labelled the hearing unfair. • The Joint Board has even refused to appoint its own independent experts. It seems that this government is unwilling to ensure a fair hearing of the issues. Yet witness the current and horrendously ex- pensive Fontaine and Caplan conflict of interest hearings and re-election, Just a Mali portion of the cost of the recent, farcial Fontaine by-election would have Met - our funding request. The Govern- ment's priorities are painfully wrong; Our Premier was certainly right when he said ,Hydro was a monster out of control. Now that he has the power, his tune has changed. Shakespeare, in his astute manner, had a line, for this. "Trust none; For oaths are straws, men's faiths are wafer -cakes." • Jack A. Gilbert Chairman Central Ontario Coalition, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS 131f*LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Township of Heron will take into consideration the passing, and 0 approved, will pass at its meetingto be held on the 20th day of October, 1986, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon. at the Council Chambers in the Township Office, Tain Street, Ripley, Ontario/ the following ,.. ..... ,. . A By-law for stopping tiiiiieidielliiig the, lands described in Schedule ",A" below. - The Council will, at the aforesaid -time and place, hear in person or by his counsel. solicitor, or agent, any Orionwho claims that his lands will be prejudicially affittedl bythe oplaw and who applies to be heard. ° . The proposed Briaw and a Plan showing the portion of the highway being closed may be soon at the office of the undersigned or at the office of the. Clerk at the Township- , of Huron. , , DATED this 10th day of September, 1986. kO. HANEY,. WHITE, OWNER ENGLISH & LINTON: surrboats and Solicitors 45 Erb Street East Waterloo, Ontario Solicitors for the Township of Huron SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the. Township of Huron, in the County of Brute and Province of Ontario and being composed eft • FIRSTLY:. South Half of Lot 37, Concession VI and Road Allowance between Concession A and Lot 37, Concession VI, designated as PART 3, Plan 311.2742. SECONDLY: South Haif of Lot 37, Concession VI and Road Allowance between Conc.,. sion V and Concession V!, deilIgnated as PART 6, Plan 3R-2742. THIRDLY: Road Allowance between Concession V and Concession VI, designated. as PART 9, Plan 3R.2742... FOURTHLY: Piet of Lot 31# Concession A, designated as PART 13, Plan 3R.2742. HMO: Road Allowance between Concession P1andConcession V, designated as PART 14, Plan 3114742. SIXTHLY: Road Allowance between Concession A and Lot 37, Concession in, Road Allowance between Concession V and Concession IV and Road Allowance between Cow cession A and Concession V, designated as PART 20, Plan 311-2142. SEVENTHLY: goad Allowance between Concession V and Concession VI, designated as - PART 24, Plan 311.2742.