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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-09-10, Page 11
k, Heidi Pritchard,, 15, and her penpal Talla Sulman of England met for the first time in August after four years of exchanging letters. [Photo submitted] Penpals meet in August After four years of writing back, and forth, a Lucknow girl and a. girl from England finally had the •opportunity to meet last month. On August 9, Heidi Pritchard, the 15 -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Pritchard of Lucknow, met ' her long-time penpal Talia Sulman. also 15, of Sprot- brough, Doncaster, South Yorks, England,• whom she began to write to while attending Guides. But, according to Heiki, the meeting may not have happened. Heidi said Talia wrote her a letter at the beginning of August, saying she would be visiting an aunt in Toronto and wanted. to know if they could get together for the weekend. ticiwever, rielal was vacationing in the west and the letter waited at home nearly two weeks before she returned home - just two .clays before Talia was scheduled to come to Canada. A couple of long distance calls later, the agenda was confirmed - Heidi would meet Talia at the Kinloss bus stop on Saturday evening and she would spend the remainder of the weekend with the Pritchard family. Was -Heidi nervous at the first meeting of her penpal? "I was a little nervous," she said. But, upon meeting they were fast friends with many of the same interests. During the weekend, Heidi said the', 'travelled to London to visit an Indian village and they also ' spent some time at Storybook Gardens. They also visited Goderich and Bayfield during her stay. Heidi said they plan to keep writing and they've "sort of" made some, plans for another meeting in, the future.. "It was a lot of fun. Inever thought we'd meet," said Heidi, Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 16, 1986 Page lift Elementary school results.. oftem page 8 Huunphrey (K). Lucas Thacker (K); Grade 3 - 6 - Laura Mulder (C), Tara Thacker (K). Erin Johnstone (L), Alesha Moffat (K), Bonnie Hallam (L). Printing/Writing Kindergarten - Kasen Criunmings (L), Sharon de 'ocr (IL), E Bather Bonnett (L). egan Carruthers (L), 1Ean Moffat (L);. Grade 1 - Lisa Kwan (L). Caroline Bieecker ), Jonathan Austin (L). Jay Fernanda (L). Lucas Thacker (K); Grade 2 - no name (Mrs. ':lack's class ) (K). Kyla Biglow (K), Julie Kraemer (K), Jeff Porter (K), Andrew Cleland (L); Grade 3 - Melissa McLennan (;), Heather Askes (L), Katrina Abbott (L), Kristen O'Neill (K), Kelly Stevenson (L); Grade 4 - Brenda Gordon (K), Angela Jardine (L), Tracey Visser (K), Pat Broome (L), Shawn Bellmore (L); Grade 5 - Lisa MacDonald (K). • Tara Thacker (K), Jill Sellars •(K), Jurjen Guich- elaar (C), Mary Ellen MacKenzie (B); Grade 6 - Theresa Stanley (L), Jason Stanley (L), April Brindley (L), Tracey Chambers (B), Teresa Jefferson (B); Grade 7 - Candy Fielder (L), Peter Reavie (L). Jodi Hackett (L), Dianne Broome (L), Jennifer Brown (L); Grade 8 - Joanne Murray (L). French Grade 3 - Helena Drost (C), Michelle McClinchey (B), Luke Mulder (C), Amanda ( Todd (B). Jackie Smith (L); Qrad© 4 - Mustl Humphrey (L3). Traci Curran (t). Karen Lubbers (C), Michelle Snieder (C), Tracey, Visser (K); Grade 5 - Dana Park (I ), Michael Drost (C), Jurjen Guichelaar (C), Tara Thacker (K). Clint Murray (K); Grade 6 - Daryl Graham (fs;). Vanessa Alton ( ), Linda Hayden (B), Angela Breckies (L), Alex ?? (C); Grade 7 - Andrew Glenn (s;). illy Curran (B), Kenny te',aa (C), Peter Neufield (L). Jennifer } akker (C); Grade 8 - Darlene Kikkert (C). Tammie Piel (C), Henry Brink (C), Cindy Bakelaar (C), Paul Damsma (C). Snowmobile Safety Rules Huron. Grades 3 - 5. Larissa Sproul (B), Michelle Cranston (B), Diane Ross (B); Bruce, Grades 3 - 5, 3rd Joel Sutton '(L): grade 6 - 8, Daryl Graham (B). Wayne Gollan (L). Bruce County Safety Poster Grades 1 - 3 - Chris Maize (13), Michael de Boer (L), Heather Askes (L), Amy Falconer (L); Grades 4 - 6 - Daryl Graham (B), Steve Bushell (K), Daniel Jones (K). King Hallahan (?). Pupils may still enter the following: Flowers, vegetables, baking, hobby dis- play, poultry and pets, scarecrow, home economics, industrial arts, livestock, apple poster and bird house. Fall Fair .dates are September 19 and 20. "Smart Cooling" book is Iwr'e The "Smart Cooking" cookbook is printed by Anne Lindsay and published in co-operation with the Canadian Cancer Society. In this colourful and informative book we find some thing very different. All the recipes have been chosen on the basis not only of good taste but of good health. They are adapted to reflect the goals of the Canadian Cancer Society Diet` Guidelines. Scientists estimate that as much as $0 per cent of cancers in the world are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors and are therefore theoretically - preventable, We find that one of the most important of these is diet, which is thought to account for at least 35 per cent of all 'cancers, except those of .the skin, Read through this cook - book for more interesting results of the research that they are finding today. This book might make us adjust our cooking and eating habits. The Lucknow Cancer Society is selling this "Smart Cooking" book and can be bought at Umbach :Pharmacy in Lucknow. Serving you the, retail cuatorner,' as well as the contractor, with all your kitchen cabinets, and ceramic Ile needs c. a.Xoa9 00 '1.029 CONTRACT SALES & INSTALLATION Broadloom • Ltnoleurns • Ceramics, • Cabinets • Windows 6ungannon 529-3147 OR Greg Hamilton 528-3946 NOTICE °OF INTENTION TO PASS BY -LAW -- TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Township of Huron will take into consideration the passing, and if approved, will pass at its meeting td be held on the 20th day of October, 1906, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon. at the-Council'Chambors in the Township Office, Tain Street, Ripley, Ontario, the following' By-LdW, rt . A By-law for stopping up and selling the lands described in Schedule "A" below. The Council. will, at the aforesaid time and place. hear in person or by his counsel. solicitor or agent, any .person who clsaims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard. The proposed By-law and a Plan showing the portion of the highway being closed may be seen at the office of the undersigned or at the office of the Clerk at the Township of Huron. DATED this 10th day of September, 1986. Ety Playing from Friday to Thursday, cjetim. September 12th to 18th ob SHOWTIMES: Fri. & Sat. at 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. eatte Sun. to Thurs. One Show each evening at 8:00 P.M. 1 ACrPANIMENTRUTHLESS PEOPLE � YMIN.IIM.. M.MU Sam Stone wanted to kill his wife. Then something wonderful happened. She was kidnapped. This zany comedy stars Danny DeV'ito, Bette Midler,' Judge Reinhold and Helen Slater. HANEY, WHITE, OSTNER ENGLISH & LINTON Barristers. and Solicitors 45 Erb Street East Waterloo, Ontario Solicitors for the Township,4f Huron - w SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and 'being in the 'Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce and Province of Ontario and booing composed' of: FiRSTL1h South Half of Lot 37, Concession VI and Road Allowance between Concession A and Lot 37, Concession VI, designated as PART 3, Plan 3R-2743. $FCONDLYaouth Half of lot 31, Concession Vi end Road Allowance between Conces- sion 'V and Concession VI, dasignatad as PARI' 6, Pian 3R-2742.. THIRDLYt Road Allowance between Concession V and Concession VI, designated as PART 9, Plan 311.2742. 'FOURTHLY: Part of Lot 31, Concession A, designated as PART 13, Plan 38.2742, 'FIFTHLY: Road Allowance between Concession A and Concoislon V. designated as PART 140. Plan 3R-2742. SIXTHLY; Road Allowance bs tweon Conc+tsston A and Lot 37. Concession Vi, Road 'Allowance between Concession V and Concession 1V and Road Allowance between Con. cession. A and, Concession V, designated as PART 20, Plan 38.2742. SEVENTHLY: Road Allowance between Concession V and Concession VI, designated as PART 24, Plan 3R-2742.