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rage 4-14tadinew Sentinel, Wednesday, August 13 1986
ox 400, Lmoknow NOG 2H0
EstabO!shed 1873
Thomas Thompson
Alan Rivett
Pat Livingston
Joan Helm
Merle Elliott
-Advertising Manager
-General Manager
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Public liquor act hear•ings
bound to bring changes
At the end of public hearings into the liquor license act In October, the
' people of Ontario can loOkforward to some sweeping changes to. the
province's liquor laws.
The public hearings, an attempt to update the outdated Liquor License
Act, will be conducted by an advisory committee set up by the Ministry of
Consumer Relations which Will be visiting 18 Ontario cities where Sub-
missions to the 'committee .on the liquor laws Will be welcomed.
At the end of the sessions, the committee should ,have a good idea of
the public's opinion on a number of liquor matters including; moving the
drinking age to 21 from 19; whether the majority is in favor of the 'selling
of beer and wine in convenience stores - an election promise made by the
Ontario Mere* and the extending of hours in licenCed establishments.
What seems apparent IS the majority of Ontario residents and
according to the Toronto Star, the Chairman of the advisory committee
has perceived most are in favor of raising the drinking age from 19 to. 21.
The feeling of the consensus seems to be right on target with the
blatant connection between the drinking age and drinking and driving. It
stands to reason, the incldents of drinking and driving will go down
significantly if the drinking age is raised.
However, there also seems to be a trend towards the liberalization of
tire liquor laws with the selling of ,wine and beer in grocery stores and
exvinding hours of operation for liquor outlets up for consideration. For
the 'ourist industry, bar owners and the breweries, the increased
avalig6.1ility of alcohol will be nothing short Of a boon for them.
Grand, the liquor laws need to come Into the 1980's, but 40 what
extent? k seems only natural to liberalize the liouor laws to comollment
society's liberalization as a whole. But, it also seems fair to keep alcohol
out of hands who now most abuse it - the youths. This should dictate a
need to up the drinking age to 21.
While Allan Livingstone continued his
bachelor life in the old Murdoch cabin,
Bridget Sutherland moved into Lucy's
large house and looked forward to her
Marriage with Allan. On that glorious day,
Allan too would. share Lucy's accommoda-
tion and the young couple would at last be
together, unhindered by legal complica- °
tiens or petty gossip.
Bridget's new environment was a
complete change. It was no longer neces-
sary for her to work at the general store
now that the Jamiesons had returned from
their trip to the old country. To recompense
Lucy for her lodging, she did,light domestic
chores, but mainly, she was employed as a
companion to the young widow.
Lucy was glad of the "gypsy sari's"
•company. When she was not visiting Allan
during the evenings, Bridget recounted her
experiences with the gypsies and her,
caravan journeys across Ontario. During all
' of that time she never attended school. But
she was bright and highly intelligent. What
a natural thirst for knowledge, she read
anything and everything she could find. As
compared to the other adults of Redtrees,
her education might have been considered
above average.
Parades then and now
Now, more than ever, I enjoy going to
a parade. But, Dist weekend's Port
Albert Sesquicentennial Parade a'ad the
Colborne Township parade brought
back a lot of good memories connected
with parades.
As a kid, going to a parade was like
Christmas -- a very special event. It was
an afternoon spent gazing at the
dectrated floats and being entertained
by the antics of the numerous clowns
dressed in their outrageous costumes. If
you were lucky, the clowns would give
you a handful of candy; if you weren't,
you'd get sprayed with a water pistol.
Being in the parade was also a lot Of
fun .while attending Brookside school.
with the start of school in September, it
always meant getting busy to prepare
exhibits and projects for the Dungannon'
Fair. At that time, the school children at
both Kingsbridge and Brookside
schools 'Would march in the annual
parade.. On .Fair Day, we would be
' bused to Dungannon and, after depart-
ing the buses, the teachers would be
madly scrambling around to find the
students in their classes to get them
assembled for the traditional march to
the fairgrounds.
It was always a special day for me.
Trekking to the fairground always
meant waving to the neighbors . who
would, sit along the parade route, .
admiring and smiling at the students as "
they filed past. One time in Grade 2,
. •
' "..
yours truly was given the honor of
carrying the class banner at the front of
the line, a chore only two students per
class were 'awarded. Back then, that
was pretty big stuff.
Now, as a roving newspaper photo-
grapher, going to a parade not only
gives me the opportunity to take photo-
graphs of something I especially love to
phbtograph, but I get more candy than
e,ver before. At the Port Albert parade, I
even filled one of the pouches in my
camera bag with candies. At. parades, I
suppose, everyone on the floats and all
the clowns must have an insatiable
desire to toss candies to photographers.
But I don't mind,
I've often wondered why everyone
truly does love to be at or in a parade. I
guess parades re -affirm the community
spirit and the vivacity of the towns and
villages which laid them. They must
also fill. an almost natural urge to be the
centre of attention and to make people
happy. But, most of all, a parade can
make your pressures and the everyday
realities of life fadeaway for a few hours
in order 'to revel in the fantastic, the
wacky and the 'wonderful.
Still waiting
By Alan Rivett
• In addition to her flair for learning, she
acquired many of the gypsy skills basket
weaving, potfery painting and needlework,
As the day of her wedding became closer,
she spent more and morettime assembling
a meagre but tasteful trousseau. Her
wedding,gown was fashioned by her own
hands from °a bolt of white satin maerial
brought by Kathleen Jamieson from
• When Sir Archie returned from his
business trip, he noticed a distinct change
in the social atmosphere of the community.
With the disposition of the Teddy Murdoch
case, it seerned as if a large cloud had left
the area. He was pleased to see his partner
Lucy, in a much happier frame of mind and
once more showing an interest in the
Sawmill. Sir Archie had searched Toronto
for the very best millwright to help with the
selection and installation of the new
machines and equipment to refurbish the
mill. He was fortunate to find such a man
who had recently been employed in New
Brunswick, equipping ,a large factory
producing high grade lumber for the ship
building industry. He was a native of Cork.
Ireland, by the name of Danny Dougherty.
Chippy Chisholm lot no time in making
his acquaintance and offered Danny the
room in his cabin which had recently been
vacated by Widget, The old carpenter was
delighted to share experiences (and the
whisky bottle) with the newcomer'. So
engrossed was Chippy in Danny's exper-
tise and affability, he forgot all about an
important religious aspect of the relation-
ship, But this was not overlooked by his
wife, Lizzie,
"Ye must be oot 0' ye mind tae ask that
!Irishman We stay under ye ain roof," she
said angrily, "Whatever will the neigh
bows think, Me of all people - a God
fearing Presbyterian, offerin' shelter tae a
Chippy had beconie more tolerant with
the eatholics ever since his old Mend,
Grant the blacksmith, had wedded a
southern Irish lass. Ile saw little difference
between the various denominations of
Christian religions,
"Och, dinna fah yesel," he said
impatientlyif it bothers ye sae much, awa
an' hae words wi' the Reverend Duncan
MacLeod." He took his dirty old clay pipe
out of his mouth and blew a blue smoke
ring' before he continued. "Tell him ye
forgot what he were talkin' about at last
la 2
Sunday's sermon," he said with a crafty
Smirk. 'Aye, tell 'int ye must hae been
asleep when he were Whin' the story about
the Good Samaritan!"
Elizabeth Chisholm need not have been
concerned. In general, the community was
pleased to have a professional recommend
the best type of mill equipment and layout
for maximum efficiency., If Redtrees was to
have a new sawmill, it pleased them to
know it would be the best which money
could buy. In any case, Danny would only
be staying with them until the project was
A garret room in Lucy's house was
utilized for Danny to draw up the plans and
plant layout, At last, on the pretonce of
helping, old Chippy had an excuse to
escape from his wife, Lizzie, for long
periods of time. She often looked towards
Lucy's house where a lamp burned at the
top of the building.
"They canna be talkin' about lumber,"
she mused. "At th is dine o' night. they'll
be mare interested in whisky than wood!"