HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-08-06, Page 18Page 18-Luek-iaw Sentinel, WeEhiesillayp, August 6Q 1986
;WI tWnsiglailz WiwilittrAtaToilallsrloarailbei46000=0;1;60 Wow rim( aNNkiNOR "a4 sow shiliW
SIMI YOUR Millthilali mos* provhic. or coast to coast
Ripley has restaurant
and twin sasage s rs Mary and Marla. laved
in Ripley on, the mainstreet where ,Joh
operated the butcher shop next to the W.J.
Crawford Store, now Lynn Nicholson's
Superior Market and they resided in the
upstairs apartment above the butcher shop.
In our time Goldie, now deceased, attended
the Ripley Continuation School and Marla
passed away at age 13. Marion, Tillie and
Jean are the family of Mr. and Mrs. George
McGillivray of the 4th concession east in
Huron township. Jack and George were
brothers in the pioneer McGillivray family.•
Other cousins coming from Fort Myers,
Florida are Irwin and Marj. Clarke to visit
with Marion McCharles, Tillie Smith and
Jean Wylds, Thanks again to Marion for
these personals.
.Top all round students
Elizabeth Sled is the top all around Grade
13. student graduating from the Stouffville
District Secondary School in 1986. She had
an average Qf 96 per cent in the academic
work. Added to that she was the top athlete
in girls sports, Queen of the School Prom.
dance, and a member of the student council.
School Principal John Nikifork stated that
"she almost amassed enough points in.
academics, student council, and sports to
-earn three (school) sweaters. No one has
been chose to that in the last eight years. She
scored 335 points and school officials are .
checking further into the records to see if
that is the all time record for the Stouffville
District Secondary ;School.
At present she has a summer job at a local
day- camp and is preparing to enter the
physio and occupational therapy program
at Queen's University in Kingston where she
was awarded the two year Tricolor Scholar-
ship of $4340;
Principal John Nikifork says that sh° :.i
P y e wall
"Liz others. He says is just an outstan-
E Farm _services
A a.. mum amp
.,t .Cm. mum .m, amp a...., .ri r•...`
395-5680: -31
ers; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8'
to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Cow and calf
tie • stalls, Loose housing, Bunk feeders,
ventilation equipment, hog confinement,,
Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing
crates. Weaner decks. Plastic slatesand also
farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3,
Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 3.95-5390.--42tfar"
CUSTOM BELT LACING, swather canvas-
ses and round baler belts . for all makes;
conveyor belting. Contact Gilchrist Farms
Supply, R. # 5, Lucknow, 395-2851. -28tf
ding girl. She just grew so .much in the time
she was here. She's not only a great athlete
or student, but a great person."
E1lnzabeth Sled is the daughter of George
and Shirley Sled. George is a high school
teacher - head of the geography department
in Victoria Park Collegiate in Toronto.
Stouffville is say the distance from Ripley to
Kincardine, so he is able to drive back and
Ab helps out with local history
Just as we are deep in writing the above
story on this sunny Sunday afternoon, along
to the door here comes a stranger. He has
been down the street looking at a former
house where he once stayed - sees Albert
Verheye's Store of Antiques open. Albert
sends him over to Ab Wylds on the other cor-
ner here. So we take the "census" name,
where from and what he wants,
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry of Thornhill just
north of Toronto had motored up. to Ripley
and were going on to Kincardine. They had.
another couple with them and had driven
from Waterloo. So of the four people just
John or Jack Henry came here, He wanted
to know about a cement block house just up
the'street a little. It turned out to be the one
south of the Ripley fire hall where Don and
Carol Fludder live. Jack visited there with
his grandparents David Henry and his wife
Christene(McGuire),Henry. Before coming
into Ripley his grandparents had lived on
the shore road between the 8th and 6th south
of the Bob and Jack McCosh farm- He.
remembered crippled John Pollock who liv-
ed in the house where Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Tout now live. He also wanted to refresh lus
memory of ` the big fire. It turned out to be
the February 1928 fire on the mainstreet
west of the: 4 way stop. He had been staying
with his grandparents that night. At the age
of 8 he came down to see the fire. It burned
out the buildings from the Ross 1Viarty, n of-
fice east to the Royal bank, We had time to
write down some facts about the history of
the house about which he was initially en-
quiring so it would not be a case of going in
ohe •ear and out the other ear.
Hive of bees moved
Ab Wylds had a change in beekeeping last
week. Last Tuesday forenoon we moved a
colonyof live bumble bees for Mary Flud-
der. They were in a place Where they were
threatening her tenants when they wanted
to sit outside. Since bumble bees are the on
Iy kind with long enough sucking tubes to
reach into the li t le funnels in a red clover
head for nectar. nd hence spread its pollen_
to set the red clover seed we do not like to
spray them. They are getting rather scarce
with all these fences being cleared out.
There are several different kinds of bumble
bees native to this area. Each has a double
Latin name like Bombus Fervidus.
216 ACRES, 150 flat workable, •2 barns, brick house, $140,000.00.
REDUCED, 100 acres, 65 workable, .3 bedroom home,large barn, pit silo and sow
barn. $70,000.
KINLQSS, 100 acre hog farm, 85 workable, 3 bedroom home, large barn, 2 sheds,
9'/a% per cent financing. Reduced to $79,000.
KINLOSS TWP., 100 acres, 94 workable, 68 acres wheat; barn. Asking 572,000,
LUCKNOW DUPLEX close to downtown. Three and two bedroom, 4 and 3 piece bath,
completely insulated. Available September 1. Asking $34,900.00.•
THREE BEDROOM, 1 story well insulated home, large deck, paved drive, garage hi
Lucknow, $38,500.
4 ONE BEDROOM units apartment building, 2 blocks from Post Offiee,
Asking $39,500.
LUCKNOW, 4 bedroom, completely renovated, insulated, close to downtown, asking
$39,000. •
COTTAGE with view of lake, 3 bedroom, 3 pc. bath,Kincardine • area,
LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom home, all carpeted, 4 pc. bath, $32,000.
RIPLEY y/ AREA, 1 acre, 3 bedroom home, family room, 2 baths, drilled well.
7 UNIT APARTMENT building, Lucknow, excellent return on investment.
528.3013 5284821 95-2483
L Mit It it
�trrsafr�itw��.r���ir..F rre:.rrrrare, " wro}}}_ yrs sr�r. • �rwr sotte ..Crow w .
• :BQ your own IfOMEBlJiLDER er CONTRACTOR. Custom
built pre.engineored Home•Croft Horne, frarra 1000 -
60GO sq. ft. Ranch, Bungolow. 2 -storey, town house,
estate) and vacation homes. Delivery approximately
10 days. For cotarsoguat send $9.50 M.O. or cheque to
TriAn8 Home Systems, Box 208. Niagara Falls, Ont.
L2E 6T3. For information phone (4T6) 356.4242. - 0-32
Construction, Drivers. Mechanics, Welders, Electa-
cians, Machinists. Carpenters, needed imrnediotely.
,Also Airline lobs. Will train some positions. (Up to
$6000/ month) TransContinenfol ,Dob Search (308).
382 3700, Fee. 0.32
SS SACRIFICE $$ SACRIFOCE $$$ Buildings Special offer.
Priced lois for irmediaate clearance. 28 x 40 x 14
$3,900, 46 x 90 x 16 $9,600; 70 x 00 x 24 $16,300. Com-
plete with large doors. Other sires available to 120
wide. Serious buyers •only. No price shoppers.
Guaranteed' lowest prices. Coll free 1.800•387.8149 or
(416) 028-6262.--.0.32
choose from. Will saw 18" to 36" diameter logs. Priced
at $6,015 end up. Call or write for brochure, ENER-
CRAFT MFG. RR No. 1 Barrie, Ont. L4M 4V8.
HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing the water
softener that doesn't use salt. No more tugging heavy
bogs of costly salt. Other softeners remove calcium
and other good-for,you minerals. We don't add soft to,
your water or • remove beneficial minerals, because
that's not good for you. Other softeners take uplots of
room, use electricity, require backwashing, cost pion•
ty to install and too •much to maintain. We don't., Coli
Toll free 1.800-268.2656 for healthier, better tasting.
cleaner -washing water. - 0-32
CLEAR SWEET WATER: Just a few quotes from folks
who had bad water and now have good water. Bar-
bara & Ben Bakker - Portland, Ont. ".Our water is
crystal clear and it tastes. great- Thanks for solving our
problem." Rev. Waiter Kirk - Gilden Lake, Ont- "We
now enjoy dear, rust -free, odourless water that is a
pleasure to drink. Bruce & Joan Lockwood - Cal'edon,
Ont, "We" are extremely pleased with the results.'"
Barry Kinch : Denabeek, Ont, "Thanks again for put-
ting out a system that really does what you say it
will." Let our new technology solve your problems
too. Coll toll free 1-800.265.2656 Aztec, first inw.oter
purification. --0-32
STEEL BUILDING 'A Price Sole, Buy one building at
regular price, get double length for 50% more, Phone
Pioneer/Econospan collect for information (416)
STEEL BUILDINGS: Miracle Span Summer Sale. Exam.
pie 32x40$3,74.2.40x100 $9,138.Other . sizes to choose
from. All buildings are complete with doors. Call •
1'oltfree 1-800,387.4910.--0.32
TROUBLE Wrapping Coins? 'Wrap • pennies, nickels,
dimes AND quarters quickly, easily!! Send $8.95 plus
63 cents tax to Penny -Roller; Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont.
L2A 5N2.-- 0-32
AUCTION (Sunday 12:00 noon sharp) August eth, 9th
& 10th, 1986 at the Barrie Arena, 155 Dunlop Street
West, Barrie, Ontorio. Friday August :8th: 4:00'p.m: -
10:00 p.m: Saturday August '9th: 10:00 a.m. • 10:00
p.m, Sunday August 10th: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Featuring, • Competitions: Central Ontario Open
Duck, Moose, Turkey $ Goose Calling. Decoy Carving.
Hatchet & Knife Throwing (Proper Period Attire Re-
quired). _Best Firearms Display. Sportsman's Tall Tale
Championship of Canada. $1750'•00 IN CASH PRIZES
AND LABATT'S AWARDS, We heave 400 firearms con-
signed featuring: Fine Winchester Models 73's, 86's,.
92's, 94's, 95's, 90s, 97's, 64, 65's; 12's, 24's, 09's, 05's,
07' s. & 85's including the following, calibres: .33 WCF,
,25•'20, .44.•40, ,38'55, .35, •44'WCF, .38 WCF, ;40 `82,
30' WCF, .32/40, .32 W.S.. .30 Gov't;, .22 Short, .32
Special, .30/30, .22 WRF'8 ,40165, COLT MODELS: 1851
Novy, ,22 Opentop, .31 Baby Dragoon, and No: 4.
REMINGTON"MODELS: 1860 New Army, .44's, and o
Nagont Double Borrel Rolling Block Pistol mode for
the Russian Czar in quantity.•of 1000 only. Also a selec-
tion. of Stevens single shot :rifles, including Models 44
& 441/4, and .Remington !tolling Block Rifles and
Shotguns, including 7 mm, and .25.10 calibre. We also
--have an assortment of Pistols from ,22 to .45 calibre,
including Webleys. & Rerningtons, Boot Pistols; Pin
Fire, Percussion ,and Flintlock. Also :on . excellent'
assortment of low serial number Belgian Browning
Auto 5's, fine Over .& Under Shotguns by "Browning:
Beretta, Miroku & Zoll, including cased Trap Sets,
"Pump, Auto, and Side by, Side Shotguns including per.
cussion & hammer guns. Also Sniders;Mart.ni's, W -W,•
•Greeners, Montons, Moores, Over & Under & Com-
bination Rifles, plus o selection of different military
rifles along with o modern assortment of Hunting
Rifles including Browning, Weatherbee, Atkinson
Custom, Remington, Winchester & Savage. Over 100
Winchesters & Colts Alone! There is a large assort-
ment of goodserviceable shotguns of assorted
705.7.26.8350: Don Hanney - 705.728.1430: B & B "Auc
tioneers, 216 Patterson • Rood, Borrie, Ont. L4M
CARSON'S SUMMER Invitational Draft Horse Sole,
Saturday, August 9, 12 noon. Selling 100 top quality
hor es from sone of the top stables in North America,
Friday, August .8 Hitching and -preview of all horses 2
• 5 p.m.; barbecue 6.8 p.m.; barn dance 9 p.m.
Catalogues available. For further information call
,David Carson, (519) 291.2049. Carson's. Sales Arena,
Listowel. --.0,31,32 „iv
BEEPCOW a CALF SALE. Wed. Aug, 13, 7;30. p.m. Car -
,son's Soles Arena, Listowel, Registered, polled,
Hereford Dispersal of approx. 311 head of cows with
calves & bred 'Heifers. for Henry Rumph of .Grimsby.
Top blood lines cows :are re -bred' & will be pregnancy
checked prior to sale. Older Calves sold separately.
Also 20 head Simmental cows with •calves: 6 Angus
cows with calves. Approx 15 percentage` 'Limousin
cows, Calves. and bred heifers: One registered
Hereford Bull ''Barra Sidney 13S" 2 years old sired by
E.J.M. Rocky. Bonner with index 106. Consignments at.
cepted. For -information call Auctioneer & Sates Mgr. ,
David Corson (5191291-2049.-0.32
HART ,LODGE, Hgliburton Highlands. August 23-30,
Family Week (one child free). Seniors discount. Two
meals daily, heated pool, whirlpool, sauna, tennis,
boots, live entertainment:, supervised .children's ac
tivities and adroit programs. Call free
1-800-461-7699.- 0.32
Do you know a "Good Kid" who deserves an award for
community service. Bravery or courage in overcoming
a physical limitation? Nominate them for an Ontario
Junior Citizen of the Year Award - 'Contact this
newspaper for details•,-•- 0.32
TRAIN . FOR A . JOB with a future --.with Tri -County
Truck Driver Training. Job • search assistance
available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743=5011;. Brant-
ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223.--••0.32
QUALIFIED" plan) superintendent, minimum ten years
experience in metal fabricating & welding work in
ran -union environment. 40:50 employees, only those
with proven track record • need apply. Excellent
remuneration and benefits, plus. Send resume to Box
1120, Mount Forest, Ont. NOG 2L0.-•-0.32
MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows Est, 1975. Join our
Successful. family of representatives in presenting
qualify lingerie and loungewear"at in-home parties for
women. It's fun, It's,eosy, It's profitable. Coll toll free
1,800-263,9183, W-0-32.35
No. 1 in foshion fun successful Home Party Company
in children's fashions now hiring fall sales represen-
tatives, For details contact Polly -Tags; P.O. Box 56
Burlington, Ontario. 17R 3X8 (416) 336.1507.---0.32,
New Exciting All -Canadian Network Marketing Op-
portunity! Earn what you're really, worth! . Send
stamped. self-addressed envelope to Turcot Enter-
prises, 1717 Comeron Avenue, Saskatoon, Sask. S71 -I
3N2.. - 0.32
DATES GALORE: For all age`s & unattached. Thousands
of members anxious to meet you.. Prestige Acquain-
tances. Call toll free 1.800.263.9163 Hours Neon till 8
p.m. - 0.32
MEET SOMEONE NEW! Write Personal Acquaintance
Service, MCPhatl Memorial Rapitst Church, 249 Bron-
son Ave., Ottawa, KiR 6H6. Since 1967 we have in.
troduced thousands for friendship or marriage, - 0.32°
URINE . ERASE Guarantees removal of Urine ,stains.
Odors from carpets regardless of stain age! Free
brochure. C.T. Distributing, Box 2220, London, Ont.
N6A 4E3. 0.32-36
LIFE INSURANCE, $50,000 to $100,000 economical
coverage by moi). generally without medico!. Money
buck guarantee. Application and rates from 1YDR In.
surance Agencies inc., Box 1773, London N6A
5H9, - 0.32 °
FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home correspondence
Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting,
Atrconditioning,' Booking, Business, Cosmetology,
Electronics, • Lego! /Medical secretary, • Psychology,
Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto
1-000-268-1121.- 0-32
BECOME AN, AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of instruction.
Next class August 9 to 1601. Contact Southwestern
Ontario School of Auctioneering (519)'469.3936: (519) •
537.2115. P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont, NOJ 1M0.--0-32
JOBS AVAILABLE for professional lob builders. Pat
Wolk Log Building School offers a IO -weak course
Sept. 8. (613) 278.2009. Write R.R. No. 1, McDonalds
Corners, Ontario KOG 1M0.•---0-32.34
The Only, iNay to get
ad in 2.5 million homes 1
in Canada for 1
1 . $659." s
or in 10241,801 homes
1 in Ontario for
Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by
1 +c�liliirlg one of our helpful 01'assifl d ad.
1 visors at your nearest weekly r lwltpaper I
1 office for details. Lucknow 528.2822. I
Goderich 52442814 Kincardine 396 0183
Clinton 482.3443 Walkerton 881.1800 •
Lftsforth 527.0240 Mitcheli 3484431
aim I NW sail to N M t - ilia