HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-08-06, Page 16P aw no-ItiallOW &mike, Wednesday, August 0, 1986 528002822 Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon OMNI mum promo rem mar arm mpg oar* 1 Articles for sale rigor mut ramp 111.. MP, Immo. INIMIP 0■111111.• 10111111 - emir - pow• mom ors mom 7. Real estate for sale *11.11 NM. FORTY FOOT T,V. TOWER, aerial, rotor, and booster for sale, Reasonably priced, Phone 528-3500. -32tfnx QUEEN ANNE DINING TABLE, buffet, 5 matching chairs, 1 arm chair,. Best offer. Phone 395-5007. :---32k COMPLETE SET OF KITCHEN cupboards, counter unit 6' with double sink; computer table; large kerosene heater; full length raccoon coat size 11. Make an offer. Phone 528-6743. -32,33 OVEN READY CHICKENS, five to ten lbs. $1.00, per lb. Chicken parts - thighs, wings, legs, breasts and halves, Phone 524-6427. -31tfar TRY ,C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tfar BUSINESS CARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK- ETS, rubber stamps,. decals, wedding sta- tionery, magnetic signs, office supplies, specialty advertising - pens, key tags, etc. Larry Cowan, Lucknow, 528-270. -,-.48tfar, PATIO SETS - 40% off or more. Wide selec- tion. Warehouse open Friday and Saturday. 71 King Street West, Forest, Ontario (519)- 786-4405. -25tV 17 FT. GOLDEN FALCON. Toilet, 3 -way fridge, stove, oven and furnace, Sleeps 6. •Good condition. Asking $1,900. Call 524- 7758. -30nxtf •••••••••••••=Immomom /WM 11.1.111111 11•1114111 .1.11110 111100 011.14 WPM ilM11. NNW $20,000.00 -- 100 acres bareland. 45 acres workable. Leased for 1986 cropping season. Non -workable partially reforested with pine. Lots 31 and 32 Concession 1, Kinloss Township, Bruce County. Approximately 4 miles east of Lucknow and one mile north. Contact: Art McGahey, Farm Credit Corpor- ation. Telephone 5197881-1490. -31,32,33 $27,000,00 - 80 acres bareland. Approxi- mately 60 workable. Immediate posseision. Ploughed. Loam soil, South 80 acres Lot 25, Concession 2, Culross Township. Contact: Art McGahey, Farm Credit Corporation. Telephone 519..881-1490. -31,32,33. . ILLE/ REAL ESTATE INC. 3 NORTH ST.0 GODERICH 524-2667 DUNGANNON . JUST WAITING • FOR SOME LUCKY FAMILY Neat 4 bedroom, concrete block 11/4 storey home in nide neighborhood. 2 baths, low taxes, (Mng and kitchen area, utility ropm. $29,000.00. won eipirro mom awry rows ir.eri area IKON. OPma roarq mai alrirr ..10. "IMO 0.1.1. 9. Accommodation to rent 01.1•• irFrisr worm 0111101 NIMPIP MEW MOM - moo romp ram com-- rarrir wirer Maar 17. Auction Sales NNW! WM WPM MO" MOW MOM 11111•11111.11.141 rano aroma row wimp pm. **rm. owl brarr ogros4 smr.r rwori. orro. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Kinlough for rent, available immediately. Phone 529- 7095. -31,32 SMALL ONE BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, utilities, available August 1. Phone 528-2113. -31,32 aimm••••••••...Insia:•••••• THREE BEDROOM house in Lucknow. Phone 528-2399. -30 THREE BEDROOM DWELLING one block from Main Street, available September 1. Phone 528-3423 or 528-3406 evenings. 30tf • II.:Fr/M4/1••••Nerm•••=••• TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT; Ross Street Glen Haven Apartments. Phone 529-7030. -27tfar ONE BEDROOM Main Street apartment, suitable for elderly. Phone 528-2031. -29tfar. BEDSITTING ROOM furnished with fridge and stove, linen supplied. Phone 528-3723. --25ifar NOW TAKING ORDERS for dressed chickens. Phone 395-5062 or 528-3508. -30-33ar • HARDWOOD SLABS, 11 cord per truck load, $130.00 delivered. Mixed wood slabs 11 cord per truck load, $105.00 delivered. Phone 529-7302 after 10 p.m. or early morning. -30,31,32 ,-- • SATELLITE DISH -Limas To Own •Monthly Leasing Also Available, •Easy Monthly Payments JAMES STREET Monarch mobile with 720 4qttof living space, 2 bedrooms plus tool shed 8 x and sundeck 0' x 20 $13.600.00. PROUDFOOT AVENUE 2 unierViced tots Survey available. $7,000. ' • FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL NOMA PARRISH 529.7152 (21 et% Friendly Sannce IM110 PrOleSSI011alltirl and rionn too nhou Integrity? 12. Help. wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed, Now is the time to train for your Class "A"' licence. 'For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800-265-1260. -tfar ° .•• • PERSON REQUIRED for•100 sow farrow to finish operation. Good salary plus produc- tion bonus. House available for a neat, conscientious, self starter. Experience pre- ferred. Phone 395-2438. -31,32,33 BABYSITTER WANTED -• responsible per- - son to babysit, 3 days .a week in my home, south of Whitechurch, starting September 4, 1986. Phone 357-1687. -31.32 111•10 NOM IOWA 11111110 VIM III! Mr. 01/1.14.11ft IMES NNW MOS 18. Services available L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Service 0' Call DO or Night 5249595 " omit aim rem rook* grim Ski* mini ft** lila* grow riiier'slissio 4. Articles wanted Idik. *UM 4.10.1•10 Um. weir NINA ruipir 11.11111 . WANTED TO BUY one truck box for 1973 - 80 GM, good shape. Phone 529-7548 after 6. -31,32. roirrar rm. Sri slim mail twat Awls ammo Ems rime midair 6. Pets iririmi SOW immoir emu* mime limo WINO Mini GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, registered, shots and dewormed. Championship blood lines. Phone 524-9361. --32nx PUREBRED SPRINGER SPANIEL puppies for sale. Phone 395-5007, William Dickie. -32x Wirt *eft' ram* *sib arm aura or* arias Mori swim 7. Real estate for sale emir toral or* giro. *moo mom moo mi. am. aim row row NNW *on LUCKNOW three bedroom house, garage attached, close to downtown. Phone 528- 2646 evenings. -30,31 'FARM FOR' SALE The Farm Credit Corporation offers for sale the following property: PARCEL #1 .. Lots 16suld 17, Concession 2, S.D.R., laneardlne Towsuihip, Bruce •County. The farm consists of 100 acres with approilmately 80acres workable and the balance is pasture and bush. • Buildings hsclude a 3bedroom hale house with extensive interior decorating completed. Ileums include hog facilities for sows sor finishhig. MI new *Sibling' and stable cleaner in 1984. A . good, productive *whits set up in an attractive setting. Located approximately two miles south-east of Kineardhse. Asking Prices $83,500.00 A certified deposit of S5,000.00 must accompany the offer. For further information, viewing or to make an offer please contact: Farm Credit Corporation, 1315 longe Street Smith' Box 428, Walkerton', Ontario, •NOG 2V0 Tel .: 519-881-1490, Attentkm: Phil Krauter. Please 'refer to file #40346-520 km, moo dm* Niro 'risen loft Moil rum slim rola • AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licens- ed Auctiobeers, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170. --tfar morloomorormarommornmailert MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING LIGHTNING RODS Soffit, facia and eavestroughing. Phone 528-3514 or 528-2735. --16tfar REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SER- VICE - rebuilt appliances: cash for your used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 5284946. --4tfar AUCTION SALE Of Antiques, some household effects and • Small Farm Items will be held for LORNE SPARKS ° Lot 47 & 48, Con. 2 Kinloss Twp., First corner North of Lucknow then VA miles east on con. 2, Kinloss Twp. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 at 10:30 aan. O Table with inlaid top; cherry bed; spindle beds; chairs; lamps; child's pressback rocker; reed seat rockers; child's decora- ted hand sleigh; antique wagon; wagon . wheels; saddle; buggy whips; child's cutter and buggy seats; buggy steps; democrat poles; halter; horse shoes; bug- gy wrenches; cutter robe; whiffle tree; Kroelher platform rocker; chest of drawers; Chinese wicker basket; single bed; flatware; picture frames; mirrors- oil painting; ironstone pitcher and bwl; folding hat rack; copper boiler; some hand,„ garden and carpenter tools; Iron Boy hitching post; brass 4 pc. firplace set; b‘okii-lpostcard*. 'books and maga. tines on suildques; hisand lantern chim- neys; cherry and pine limber; copper pipe; dishes; lanterns; brass lantern" small parlor cast iron, stove; sealers; dough pan; tub stand; woven coverlets. washboard; washing machine 'wringer; bread mixer;, small cream separator; eavestroughing; augers., ashy broad, axe; candle lantern; •toiletware bowls; large apple peeler; mins, nuts and bolts, steeples and wrenches;, stepladder; Scrap metal; buck saw-lgatesveleetrie firming; cable; barbed wire; snow fence; lawn mower; toboggans; ladder; line spread- ers; brass coach isunps; other articles too numerous to mention - many .small items left from an antique business. TERMS CASH DAY OP SALE LUNCH BOOTH , Owner and auctioneers will not he responsible for any accidents in any way connected with sale OWNER: CLERK: LORNE SPARKS BOB GILCHRIST 528-5304 ••• AUCTIONEERSs Grant McDonald, Ripky, 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeawater 392.6170 M. rill* OM* giving alio* aras. rift* arid ail. MIMS Mil. Nig. 18. Services available 1 mom wort Arm Niro ONO rimier araliWi.irii arm arms amp arm aim ems Oar* DON THOMPSON TS. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower and antenna instal - lotions, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. -42tfar DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC OPEN MonFI 8:00 am 5:00 pm Eva. & Weekend • by appt. GODERICH 5$ West Street Heustadt (51 9) 665.7616 • Goderich (51*) 524.401$ No Charge 14009134413 c_ OMNI mum promo rem mar arm mpg oar* 1 Articles for sale rigor mut ramp 111.. MP, Immo. INIMIP 0■111111.• 10111111 - emir - pow• mom ors mom 7. Real estate for sale *11.11 NM. FORTY FOOT T,V. TOWER, aerial, rotor, and booster for sale, Reasonably priced, Phone 528-3500. -32tfnx QUEEN ANNE DINING TABLE, buffet, 5 matching chairs, 1 arm chair,. Best offer. Phone 395-5007. :---32k COMPLETE SET OF KITCHEN cupboards, counter unit 6' with double sink; computer table; large kerosene heater; full length raccoon coat size 11. Make an offer. Phone 528-6743. -32,33 OVEN READY CHICKENS, five to ten lbs. $1.00, per lb. Chicken parts - thighs, wings, legs, breasts and halves, Phone 524-6427. -31tfar TRY ,C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tfar BUSINESS CARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK- ETS, rubber stamps,. decals, wedding sta- tionery, magnetic signs, office supplies, specialty advertising - pens, key tags, etc. Larry Cowan, Lucknow, 528-270. -,-.48tfar, PATIO SETS - 40% off or more. Wide selec- tion. Warehouse open Friday and Saturday. 71 King Street West, Forest, Ontario (519)- 786-4405. -25tV 17 FT. GOLDEN FALCON. Toilet, 3 -way fridge, stove, oven and furnace, Sleeps 6. •Good condition. Asking $1,900. Call 524- 7758. -30nxtf •••••••••••••=Immomom /WM 11.1.111111 11•1114111 .1.11110 111100 011.14 WPM ilM11. NNW $20,000.00 -- 100 acres bareland. 45 acres workable. Leased for 1986 cropping season. Non -workable partially reforested with pine. Lots 31 and 32 Concession 1, Kinloss Township, Bruce County. Approximately 4 miles east of Lucknow and one mile north. Contact: Art McGahey, Farm Credit Corpor- ation. Telephone 5197881-1490. -31,32,33 $27,000,00 - 80 acres bareland. Approxi- mately 60 workable. Immediate posseision. Ploughed. Loam soil, South 80 acres Lot 25, Concession 2, Culross Township. Contact: Art McGahey, Farm Credit Corporation. Telephone 519..881-1490. -31,32,33. . ILLE/ REAL ESTATE INC. 3 NORTH ST.0 GODERICH 524-2667 DUNGANNON . JUST WAITING • FOR SOME LUCKY FAMILY Neat 4 bedroom, concrete block 11/4 storey home in nide neighborhood. 2 baths, low taxes, (Mng and kitchen area, utility ropm. $29,000.00. won eipirro mom awry rows ir.eri area IKON. OPma roarq mai alrirr ..10. "IMO 0.1.1. 9. Accommodation to rent 01.1•• irFrisr worm 0111101 NIMPIP MEW MOM - moo romp ram com-- rarrir wirer Maar 17. Auction Sales NNW! WM WPM MO" MOW MOM 11111•11111.11.141 rano aroma row wimp pm. **rm. owl brarr ogros4 smr.r rwori. orro. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Kinlough for rent, available immediately. Phone 529- 7095. -31,32 SMALL ONE BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, utilities, available August 1. Phone 528-2113. -31,32 aimm••••••••...Insia:•••••• THREE BEDROOM house in Lucknow. Phone 528-2399. -30 THREE BEDROOM DWELLING one block from Main Street, available September 1. Phone 528-3423 or 528-3406 evenings. 30tf • II.:Fr/M4/1••••Nerm•••=••• TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT; Ross Street Glen Haven Apartments. Phone 529-7030. -27tfar ONE BEDROOM Main Street apartment, suitable for elderly. Phone 528-2031. -29tfar. BEDSITTING ROOM furnished with fridge and stove, linen supplied. Phone 528-3723. --25ifar NOW TAKING ORDERS for dressed chickens. Phone 395-5062 or 528-3508. -30-33ar • HARDWOOD SLABS, 11 cord per truck load, $130.00 delivered. Mixed wood slabs 11 cord per truck load, $105.00 delivered. Phone 529-7302 after 10 p.m. or early morning. -30,31,32 ,-- • SATELLITE DISH -Limas To Own •Monthly Leasing Also Available, •Easy Monthly Payments JAMES STREET Monarch mobile with 720 4qttof living space, 2 bedrooms plus tool shed 8 x and sundeck 0' x 20 $13.600.00. PROUDFOOT AVENUE 2 unierViced tots Survey available. $7,000. ' • FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL NOMA PARRISH 529.7152 (21 et% Friendly Sannce IM110 PrOleSSI011alltirl and rionn too nhou Integrity? 12. Help. wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed, Now is the time to train for your Class "A"' licence. 'For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800-265-1260. -tfar ° .•• • PERSON REQUIRED for•100 sow farrow to finish operation. Good salary plus produc- tion bonus. House available for a neat, conscientious, self starter. Experience pre- ferred. Phone 395-2438. -31,32,33 BABYSITTER WANTED -• responsible per- - son to babysit, 3 days .a week in my home, south of Whitechurch, starting September 4, 1986. Phone 357-1687. -31.32 111•10 NOM IOWA 11111110 VIM III! Mr. 01/1.14.11ft IMES NNW MOS 18. Services available L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Service 0' Call DO or Night 5249595 " omit aim rem rook* grim Ski* mini ft** lila* grow riiier'slissio 4. Articles wanted Idik. *UM 4.10.1•10 Um. weir NINA ruipir 11.11111 . WANTED TO BUY one truck box for 1973 - 80 GM, good shape. Phone 529-7548 after 6. -31,32. roirrar rm. Sri slim mail twat Awls ammo Ems rime midair 6. Pets iririmi SOW immoir emu* mime limo WINO Mini GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, registered, shots and dewormed. Championship blood lines. Phone 524-9361. --32nx PUREBRED SPRINGER SPANIEL puppies for sale. Phone 395-5007, William Dickie. -32x Wirt *eft' ram* *sib arm aura or* arias Mori swim 7. Real estate for sale emir toral or* giro. *moo mom moo mi. am. aim row row NNW *on LUCKNOW three bedroom house, garage attached, close to downtown. Phone 528- 2646 evenings. -30,31 'FARM FOR' SALE The Farm Credit Corporation offers for sale the following property: PARCEL #1 .. Lots 16suld 17, Concession 2, S.D.R., laneardlne Towsuihip, Bruce •County. The farm consists of 100 acres with approilmately 80acres workable and the balance is pasture and bush. • Buildings hsclude a 3bedroom hale house with extensive interior decorating completed. Ileums include hog facilities for sows sor finishhig. MI new *Sibling' and stable cleaner in 1984. A . good, productive *whits set up in an attractive setting. Located approximately two miles south-east of Kineardhse. Asking Prices $83,500.00 A certified deposit of S5,000.00 must accompany the offer. For further information, viewing or to make an offer please contact: Farm Credit Corporation, 1315 longe Street Smith' Box 428, Walkerton', Ontario, •NOG 2V0 Tel .: 519-881-1490, Attentkm: Phil Krauter. Please 'refer to file #40346-520 km, moo dm* Niro 'risen loft Moil rum slim rola • AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licens- ed Auctiobeers, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170. --tfar morloomorormarommornmailert MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING LIGHTNING RODS Soffit, facia and eavestroughing. Phone 528-3514 or 528-2735. --16tfar REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SER- VICE - rebuilt appliances: cash for your used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 5284946. --4tfar AUCTION SALE Of Antiques, some household effects and • Small Farm Items will be held for LORNE SPARKS ° Lot 47 & 48, Con. 2 Kinloss Twp., First corner North of Lucknow then VA miles east on con. 2, Kinloss Twp. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 at 10:30 aan. O Table with inlaid top; cherry bed; spindle beds; chairs; lamps; child's pressback rocker; reed seat rockers; child's decora- ted hand sleigh; antique wagon; wagon . wheels; saddle; buggy whips; child's cutter and buggy seats; buggy steps; democrat poles; halter; horse shoes; bug- gy wrenches; cutter robe; whiffle tree; Kroelher platform rocker; chest of drawers; Chinese wicker basket; single bed; flatware; picture frames; mirrors- oil painting; ironstone pitcher and bwl; folding hat rack; copper boiler; some hand,„ garden and carpenter tools; Iron Boy hitching post; brass 4 pc. firplace set; b‘okii-lpostcard*. 'books and maga. tines on suildques; hisand lantern chim- neys; cherry and pine limber; copper pipe; dishes; lanterns; brass lantern" small parlor cast iron, stove; sealers; dough pan; tub stand; woven coverlets. washboard; washing machine 'wringer; bread mixer;, small cream separator; eavestroughing; augers., ashy broad, axe; candle lantern; •toiletware bowls; large apple peeler; mins, nuts and bolts, steeples and wrenches;, stepladder; Scrap metal; buck saw-lgatesveleetrie firming; cable; barbed wire; snow fence; lawn mower; toboggans; ladder; line spread- ers; brass coach isunps; other articles too numerous to mention - many .small items left from an antique business. TERMS CASH DAY OP SALE LUNCH BOOTH , Owner and auctioneers will not he responsible for any accidents in any way connected with sale OWNER: CLERK: LORNE SPARKS BOB GILCHRIST 528-5304 ••• AUCTIONEERSs Grant McDonald, Ripky, 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeawater 392.6170 M. rill* OM* giving alio* aras. rift* arid ail. MIMS Mil. Nig. 18. Services available 1 mom wort Arm Niro ONO rimier araliWi.irii arm arms amp arm aim ems Oar* DON THOMPSON TS. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower and antenna instal - lotions, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. -42tfar DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC OPEN MonFI 8:00 am 5:00 pm Eva. & Weekend • by appt. GODERICH 5$ West Street Heustadt (51 9) 665.7616 • Goderich (51*) 524.401$ No Charge 14009134413 c_