HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-07-23, Page 14/00,
Page Ila-Lucia@w Sentinel, Wednesday, July 23, 1198(
Ripley teenager dies in car crash on July 14
• Steven William Taylor passed away early
last Monday morning July 14, 1986, when his
car which he was driving home to Ripley
crashed just west of the Jim and. Marie Mac-
Donald farm, on the 12th concession in'Huron
township. He was in his 17th year and i$ sur-
vived by his parents Bob and Peggy Taylor,
two sisters Angela and Debbie, and brother
Kevin at their home on William Street in
Ripley. He is also survived by his grand-
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of
elgrave and his great gramv'other Mrs.
Mark Armstrong in. Pinecrest Manor Home
in Lucknow.
Sympathy is extended to thew at this sad
and sudden bereavement.
r .eMMt rim 400 1111n+tnttt air imp sowmoo tpee tope tr!sit laic, 1111■t ittiOlielit!!MNIf vow semi - es I1 — v11/111-
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POOL SALE. One of Ontario's largest factory outlets
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mediate delivery. Compare us before buying.
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Ouaranteedslowest prifesColl free 1.000.387.8148 or
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STEEL -A -PEAL Quonset buildings • 28% OFF • 5aVq
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Limited time offer. 0-30
CHINA AND SIWER ,Dinnerware (discontinued). Free
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NORITAKE'CHINA SHOP at home Service. Start or odd
to your set with terrific discounts on all recent pat-
terns. ,Please specify your Noritake .Chino pattern
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guide, shipping details;• send' today stamped self-
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MIRACLE SPAN •Surnnier Specials Below Factory
Prices. Available for immediate delivery 3 : 25 x 34, 5-
32x.AO, 2-35x56,9.40x80,'1 •55x 186,2r260x
220. Sold on a first come first served basis. Callloll.
free 1-800-387-4910. 0-30
TROUBLE Wrapping Coins? Wrop pennies, nickels,
dimes AND quarters quickly, easily! I Send 58.95 plus
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L2A 5N2.- 0-30
COTTAGES POR RENT, last iwo weeks of August, sand
beach, good fishing, 10% discount. Campground by
day, week, hydro .sand water, seasonal, (5325). Star•
Lake Lodge 705.732.4087. • 0-30
HART LODGE, Haiiburton Highlands, August 23 • 30,
Fancily Week (one child free) Seniors Discount. Two
meals doily, heated pool, whirlpool, sauno, tennis,
boots; live entertainment, supervised children's ac-
tivities •and adult programs, Coll free
1.800.461-7699. 0-30
LIVESTOCK: Ontario Polled Hereford' Club Summer
Sole 1 p.m. Saturday, August 2, 1986, Peterborough
Exhibition .Grounds. 'Contact .Craig t.ymburner, RR 1
Caistot Centre, •Ontario Lop 1E0 (416) 957.3695. 0-30
ADDISON TWO COLOUR plastic radios wonted. Paying.
$50 •;$150. Phrase'collect (416) .641.1420.- 0-30
TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future...with Tri -County
Truck . Driver Training. Job search. assistance
available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brant-
ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223. 0.30
GENERAL PRACTIQNER required for a 20 -bed actjve
treatment hospital, 100 miles northeast of Edmonton
on Highway 45, Medical Clinic on hospital grounds.
Present doctor plans to retire. Position available am -
mediately. Please send resume or phone: Mr. John
Dudar, -Board Chairman, Myrnom Municipal Hospital
MYRNAM AB TOB 3K0, 366-2441 or 366.3870.- 0.30
WEB PRESSPERSON to operate 6 unit Gross Communi-
ty. Excellent working conditions. Applicantlons con-
fidrtntial. Reply to: Ritter Web Publications, P.O. Box
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JOIN THE FASTEST growing company in North America
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DATES GALORE: For all aids R unratfoched. Thousands
of /nernbers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain•
maces. Coll toll free 1 800.263 9163 Ilours Noon till 8
p.m. 030
CARSON'S SUMMER Invitational DraftHorseSole,
Saturday, August 9, 12 noon. Selling 100 top 'quality
horses from sone of the top stables in North America,
Friday, August 8: Hitching and preview of oll horses 2
• 5 p.m.; 'barbecue 6-8 p.m.; barn dance '9 P.m.
Catalogues available. For further information call
David Carson, (519) 291.2049, Carson's Soles Arena,
'Listowel. 0.32
LARGE CLEARANCE and Consignment Auction Friday,
July 25, 10 a; m. Approximately 50 tractors, cors and
trucks, over 200 pieces of farm equipment including
garden tractors. More information .dial .(519),534.1638,
Woyne Word .Farm Equipment Highway Na. 6,
Wiarton. - 0,30 ; • i;
ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Consignment
Sole, Norwich,' Ontario, Friday, August 8, 1986, 10
a.m; (Solet.conducted second Friday each month). Ap.
proximately 150.175 tractors plus all types of'farm
equipment. Consignments welcome, For mire infor-
mation call ,(519) 424,9998 , or (519) 424.9093, Pro-
prietors K.S, Hamulecki 8 Sons..- 0.3Q -
FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home correspondence
Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting,
Airconditioning,. Booking, Business, Cosmetology,
Electront'cs, Legal/Medical' secretary, Psychology,
Travel; Granton (5A) 263 'Adelaide West, Toronto
1.800.268.1121.. • 0.30 .
BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours• of instruction,
Next .doss August 9 to 16th. Contact Southwestern •
Ontario School of Auctioneering (519) 469.3936. (519)
537.-2115. P.O. Box 145,-lnnerkip; Ont. NOJ IMO,,,;,;,QW.3D
BELLE RIVER FiDDLE Singing contest July.31, August 1,
2, 3, Campsites available. ^$7,000 prizes. Featuring.
Gordie Tapp, Graham Townsend, Audio Henry,. Box
10, Belle River, NOR LAO or call (519) 728.1767,---0.30
FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn
Waterway. Beautiful scenery carefree relaxation,
private stateroom, .delicious ,seals. Brochure Box 15.40
Peterberaugh K9J 7H7 (705) 748.3666.---0-30
HAUBURTON LEGION Branch 129 Bluegrass Festival,
Haliburton, Ontvrio, August 8,•9, 10. Rough camping.
Food, Souvenir : booths, top Bluegrass groups, ice,
firewood available. For information or bookings call
(705) 457.2571 —0-30 .
THE SEARCH 15 ON to locate and recognize the
'outstanding young people of Ontario. If you would
like ienominate a deserving young person aged 6 to
18 for on Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award,
contact this newspaper. 0.30
STEAM SHOW, Heritage Gas, Era Village, log sawing,
fiddle contest, calliope, horsepufls, ,antique tractor
pulls, threshing, crafts, J.1. Coate display. Golden
Horseshoe City;, Caledonia, 'August 2, 3, 4.-0-30
1.1FE INSURANCE. $50,00010 $)00,000 economical
xoverage by mail, .generally without medical. Money
bock guarantee. Application.and rates from FDR In-
surance Agencies Inc., Box 1773, •l.ond'on 'N6A
5H9. . 0.30
MAKE YOUR OWN Down Comforter for under 535. for
easy to follow instructions send $3 with S.A.S.E. lo
Cover,up, No. 7 Greenwich Crescent, 51, Albert, Alta.
TON OZS, - 0.30
gm! me — we smi mu cull mei um i site ow um mei
The Only Way to get
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MOO ONO OMNI 11111111 OOP NO..i.r. —.ar11111 111111111 trw 0111111 MOO
The funerah service was at 2 pm on Thurs-
day July 17, 1986 in the MacKenzie Mc-
Creath Funeral Home in Ripley with Rev.
Glen Macpherson of St. Andrew's United
Church, ipley and ; ev. J. Gratton Roberts
• of the telgrave United Church officiating.
Inter ; ent wasin the I> elgrave cemetery.
The Ripley Agricultural Society, sponsors
of the i", ipley i iron Fall Fair to be held on
the last Friday and Saturday in September,
held their monthly meeting on Monday
evening last week July 14, 1986 in the Ripley
Huron Central School. '
Secretary Don MviacTavish has made a
summary of the meeting as follows 9 Six 50
foot rolls of snow fence to be bought. Dora
Reid - Posters are out for car show. IMC.
Allan Tranter Sat, afternoon program
discussed. Gordon Patterson needs entries
for field crops. Wilma. Sutton - Cookbook to
be out before the fair. Concessions -
Minimum donation $2.50 a ft. inside and
$1.5.00 outside. Insurance - Wait and :see
what Doug Storey comes up with.
. Horne visiting for the weekend with Doug
and Ruby Peterbaugh and Shirley, were son
Doug Peterbaugh,daughter Lori Peter-
baugh and her friend Jim Kerr all of
Qn our `way to the Ripley fire hall on
Saturday noon we passed a group lookihg
the antiques in the windows of the Albert
Verheye store on the main corner. Among
them. was our friend Ron Ray of ,.Bruce
Beach and Toronto. Two years ago Ron had
cycled' up and back, but this time he was just
recovering from'surgery and so has to
forego thecycling for the time being,
Another gentleman in the group. was Blake
Heathcote of .Red "Willow Drive in
The ladies of St, Paul's Anglican Church
in Ripleywith convenor Mrs. Betty Scott in
charge el a successful yard and bake sale
on the church lawn last Saturday morning,
Dick Edmiston, our neighbour here across
from the -Bob and Judy Thompson Feed Mill
had his ;Austin taxi car out for a drive last
Saturday noon. His passengers in the taxi
back, seat were friends Burton McLeod and-
Harvey Pollock for a ride in Ripley. It would
be really - different here, In England they
drive on the other side of the road. So there
is the steer wheel and driver seated on the
opposide side to the North American cars,
And no front: dooron the left hand side to let
;the passengers 'get in and out. Driving on
our roads the driver really sees the edge of
the road — he is sitting right..at it. Dick also
owns a yellow car called a Morgan car_,
one: of four in Canada,
Niels Frederiksen of Malcolmi. Street in
Ripley is now a resident in the Country Road
Lodge — a nursing home for seniors. It is
operated by Mrs. Dorothy (Donald) Famish
and it is located on the 12th concession in
Ashfield township (western division) with.
Ripley phone 395-5283. Residing there are
Mrs. Nellie (Maleot ,)) MacLeod former
resident of 111 ipley and of the 8th Con. west in
Huron Township and also Mrs. Lovell
MacKenzie of Tiverton. Niels has been there
2 weeks.
Harold Wyld of Weston (Metro Toronto)
visited in, ipley with his mother Mrs. Min-
nie Wyld at Huron Villa, ipley this past
A successful Craft Show w..a held July 18,
19 in the Ripley Huron Community Centre.
There were many different crafts on show
and for sale. The crafters were from
Hamilton, Toronto, London, Barrie, Owen
Sound, Cambridge, Kitchener, Listowel as.
well as many beautiful ones from the local
area of Kincardine, Tiverton, Lucknow.
Exotic butterflies, scroll woodworking,
gold plated: natural jewelry, quilts, warm
sweaters, sketches, oil paintings, silk flower
arrangements, silk scarves, weaving were
just some of the articles sold.
As the weather was very warm and humid
it was nice to see so many people come• to
the show instead of going. to the refreshing
lake. The crafters appreciated it as well, as
it was even hotter where they. ,were..
Over 35 door. prizes. Were donated by the
crafters themselves. These were drawn
every hour and people fromas far as,
Michigan won a- prize. The Ripley Huron
Figure Skating Club sold tickets on a
beautiful quilt, Susan Van Sickle of RR5,
Lucknow won it.
The homemade baking tables were also
very popular, Sponsoring these were the
Ripley Agricultural -Society, Tops, Ripley
Junior Farmers, and the
RipleyHuron ron
Figure SkatingClub, They all report great
sales,with profits goingto their efforts..
The used book sale was another popular
spot. The Ripley Legion Ladies Auxiliary
sponsored this event and reported good
sales and good bargains,
It was nice to meet -with Mr.-and-rs;Ar-
Bell of the Goderich area and with Don
mason of Kincardine at the complex on. Fri-
day morning.
The tire whistlesounded, July 21, at 8:30
a,m. and the call was to the farm of Jim
Farrell, Hwy. No. 21 just north of Reids Cor-
ners, •
The Lucknow department was also called
in. The barn was completelydestroyed.
o.ylescelebr. Acte anizterary
Visiting with Francis and Irene Boyle this
weekend were Heather and Sam Finnie of
Guelph and Bonnie Boyle, London, The,
Boyle family entertained Francis and Irene
on the occasion of their 34th wedding an.
niversary at the Bruce Inn.
Frances Emerson, Chatham, and Anne
Bowden, Cedar Springs visited with Marion
Emerson, Sunday, ,
Marion and . Bob Emerson and Bob and
Rob Thompson spent a few days in Calgary,
Alberta attending the World Charolais Con-
vention andthe Calgary Stampede. Thirty-
one countries were represented. 'at the
convention. •
Alan Kerr attended a picnic at Sharon and
Reid Stewart's, Stratford, on Sunday.
The' Farmer MacDonald picnic Was held
at Point Clark on Sunday, Doug and Shirley
MacDonald and family were there,
Ian and Megan MacDonald spent two days
-in Seaforth with Gary and Donna Lotton,
Gabriel and Adam,
Edith and Chris Stark of Kincardine
visited Sunday with Cecil and Wilma Sutton.
Visiting with Tom and Maryse Cale and
family for a few day is Reta Bittorf of
Stewart and Aletta Aitken of Kincardine
visited Sunday with Jack and Janet Farrell.
Wednesday, Kay Frazer, granddaughter
Stephanie acrd Shauna Cliffe visited the
Congratulations to Jack and Janet Farrell
on the arrival of a new granddaughter.
Rachel Suzanne Miller was born Wednesday
July 10 to George and Janice Milner,
Gary and Laura Farrell and family at-
tended the. MacDonald family picnic at
Parkhill, Sunday and also visited the Miller
family at Thorndale. •
Kay Collins celebrated her birthday Sun-
day with her family. Happy Birthday -Kay!
Mrs. Grace MacTeer and Mrs. Barbara
Wolfe visited with Mrs. Catherine Scott.
Frances Watke spent a few days this week
with her mother, Mrs. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, Morley Scott and Mrs.
Catherine Scott attended the MacPherson
family picnic at Mildmay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks and Mr, and
Mrs. ' Bill McCreath were guests of Aurel
and Marj Armstrong.
Mrs, Gladys Arnold and Mr, and Mrs, Don
McCosh attended the 00th anniversary
celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh of
Currie Colwell visited with Don and Anne
McCosh on Sunday.
Many of the Grove attended the Lions
Beef .Barbecue in Ripley, Sunday.
Mrs. Betty Paul and daughter Cheryl of
Harper Woods,: Michigan visited Friday
with Mari Thompson.
Mrs. Gladys Arnold visited with Mr. and
Mrs. hector Knight at Piston this week.