HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-06-11, Page 16Page 16—Locknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1986 528.2822 .h . 1. Articles for sale HARDWOOD SLABS delivered in truck load lots of approximately 10 cord. Phone 357- 3777. —17-24 TRAILERS - Travel Sth Wheels, Hardtops, New and Used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Lionel, Fibco. Hitches, Truck Caps, Running Boards. Sales, Rentals, Repairs. Camp -Out Hwy 8 1 mile west of Stratford. 393-5938. —15-31ar TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.—40tfar BUSINESS CARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK- ETS, rubber stamps, decals, wedding sta- tionery, magnetic signs, office supplies, specialty advertising - pens, key tags, etc. Larry Cowan, Luclmow, 528-2730.—48tfar 1984 HONDA BIG RED three wheeler, 200 cc, shaft drive, low and high range with reverse, new condition with small two wheel trailer. Boy's 24" Sekine ten speed, like new condition. Phone 528-3132.-24,25 KODAK 8000 Disc Camera, new condition, used very little, f2.8 lens, auto flash, motorized film advance, instant flash recy- cle, self timer, rapid sequence, LCD travel alarm clock. A bargain at $60.00 Call 529-7607 after 5:30 p.m.-24tfns STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE, 80' a quart picked. Phone to order 529-7559-24 FIVE TICKETS to Anne Murray in concert, Tuesday, June 24th, Centre In The Square, Kitchener. Phone 482-3312.-24,25nx TWO LADIES Paris Star, polyester pant suits, like new, dry cleaned, peach and tur- quoise, size 18, $10.00 each; Two knit pant suits, beige and brown size 18, 2/$5.00 Phone 528-2830.--24 ONE PETERBORO 15ft. Cedar strip fiberglassed with electric start Evinrude 35 H.P. motor with trailer and cover. $1,200.00 395-2257.--24x 4. Articles wanted WANTED TO BUY - Riffles and shotguns, in good condition. Lake Huron Rod and Gun, Underwood, 368-7182. —14-26 WANTED TO BUY 70 good, solid cedar rails, 12' long. Phone 529-7209.-25-26 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1977 TR7 TRIUMPH car, good condition. Phone 357-3268.-24 1974 VOLKSWAGEN in good condition new tires, rubber bumper, Phone 395-5249.-25 7. Real estate for sale ',h ACRE TREED, corner lot, in the country. 21 miles East of Lucknow on Highway 86, $6900.00. Phone 357-3591 or 357.3712. —15tfar KINLOUGH - 3 huge scenic buildinglots, your choice, $8500.00 each. Terms. Phone 395-3545. Reg. Powell Real Estate. ---23.26 FOR SALE OR RENT - 3 bedroom house in Luckilow, propane and electric heat, good terms. Priced around $21,000.00. Phone 528-3116-24,25 ease. emee, metal a.esee awe= emae. earns estmem Inete ealaern alerne e:_ett. mama ceema ent 7. Real estate for sale WiLLEMS REAL ESTATE INC. GODERICH • 524-2667 Gorgeous Country Setting. Just 7 miles from town. Designer built and decorated, cathedral ceilings, bedrooms off balcony, delightful fireplace with view of the woods. A MUST TO SEE! S74,500. CALL NOMA 529-7152 9. Accommodation to rent TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, at Glennhaven Apartments on Inglis Street, Phone 529-7030. —ltfar MODERN APARTMENT for rent, carpteted throughout. Phone 529-7888.—14tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment, close to downtown, fully renovated. Available July 1. Call 528-3710 after 6 p.m. -24x AVAILABLE JULY 1, modern 2 bedroom apartment in Teeswater, fridge and stove included, laundry facilities available. Phone 367-2391-24tf 3 BEDROOM MODULAR home in Kinlough, available immediately. Phone 529-7095 after 6 p.m. --24,25x 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Ripley area, available immediately. $150.00 month plus utilities. Phone 1-471-9473 or 528-3710.-24,25x 12. Help wanted PERSON TO HELP WITH HAYING. Apply giving age and experience to Drawer 29, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2110.—23,24nx BABYSrrt'ER WANTED for 10 month old, daily, starting July 1, preferably in our home. Phone 528-2237.--24,25 PERSON TO HELP with haying an a few odd jobs. Apply in writing giving age and, ex- perience to Drawer 30, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0.-24nx A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" licence. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800-265-1260. Deadline ® Mon. at 12 noon -mom®-.M8259-a-e.®--emsQM, o,ff ac m 14. Employment wanted WORK WANTED BY EXPERIENCED pain- ter to paint interior or exterior, reasonable rates. Phone 395-5373, John Mowbray. —23,24x ANYONE WHO WANTS a babysitter during the day in the summer, please call 528-2620, Allyson Haldenby.-24 15. Tenders TENDERSadditionto Ripley FOR AN e .P Y Curl ing Club, steel clad pole frame building 20 x 60. Plans available from Gary Courtney, 395-3360. Tenders to be in by June 17, 1986 at 6 p.m. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. -24 WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1986 for cutting roadside grass in the township. Job requires 7 -foot sickle mower to cut one swath each side of road (Township mileage ap- prox. 75 miles) with double swath on corners, and job to be started im- mediately on award of contract. Lowest or any tender not necessari- ly accepted. For more detailed information con- tact the undersigned. George Humphrey, Road Superintendent, R.R. 2, Lucknow. 528-2903. Ontario Hydro .Sports Apparel Ontario Hydro Invites suppliers of Spor- ts Apparel to quote on supply a variety of apparel items with a 3 coloured flocked crest (art work provided by Ontario Hydro). This program will be for direct sales to em- ployees co-ordlnated through the BNPD Corporate Relations office as well as purchases by Ontario Hydro. It is expec- ted that we will require 500 to 5000 units per year. Examples of products required aro caps. T-shirts. golf shirts. track sults, sports bags. sweaters. iackats, etc. aft products should be Canadian made where possible. Please specify products availabie. price and expected delivery date. For further information PHONE: 519-368-7031 Ext. 4160 WRITE: Bruce Heavy Water Plant Attn: S. Robinson P.O. lox 2000 Tiverton; Ont. NOG 2T0 1 aka weft aots awns ..ire swim tem* 18. Services available WOW ower woe ;r.e ..ero, weft nags. ammo Hirer mew rided imam mor, DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower and antenna instal- lations, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. --42tfar ease. eases, etoal =matt eat. eternal eenta. arn.s. ace. mac. masa mem., mac. a... 18. Services available 1==ity CMS!, <Iem, .21111. ORM. C1111. effEiMS COML. 411,' SEMI GMIEfte, Pate, GPS141101 JOHN'S VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS and small appliances. New and used vacuum cleaners for sale. Free pick up and delivery. Located on Huron Street, Ripley, across from Huron Kinloss Telephone. Phone 395- 3645.—13tfar MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS Soffit, facia and eavestroughing. Phone 528- 3514 or 528-2735.—16tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licens- ed Auctioneers, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170. REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SER- VICE - rebuilt appliances; cash for your used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946.—4tfar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICE. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062.—42tfar LIVE MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS. "Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or reception. Live .music is the best music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson Warr 524-2144, Arlene Darnbrough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 P m.—16tfnx SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on #9 highway. 395-2685. —42tfar VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS, Eureka Sales and Service. W.B. T.V. & Appliance Services, 426 Elgin Street, Lucknow. Phone 528-3619, William Bolt. -24,25x RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs, Cattle, Lambs Mondays. Beef and Pork sold by the 1/4, % or whole. Homemade Sausages our speciality. OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. SATURDAYS 7 A.M. TILL NOON O'Handley Plumbing General Maintenance • Fast Quality Service • Plumbing Repairs 8 Renovations • Reasonable Rates • Work Guaranteed R.R. 1 RIPLEY 395-3486 HORSES BOARDED Large box stalls, grooming routine, first class facilities. Your inspection invited For appointment please call 395-2941