HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-06-11, Page 3Teachers ratify contract Bruce County secondary school teachers will be receiving an 11 per cent increase in wages after their new two-year contract was ratified by the Bruce County Board of Education on May 20. The increase is scheduled in this man- ner: 3.5 per cent as of Sept. 1 1985, 2 per cent -Feb. 1, 1986, 1.1 per cent June 1 and the increase of 4.4 per cent for the second year will be effective as of Sept. 1, 1986. The increase will mean a teacher in category four with maximum teaching ex- _perience (11 years) would receive a salary of $46,000. Gordon Cale, president of District 44 of the Ontario Secondary School Teacher Federation (OSSTF) said the increase means Bruce County secondary teachers have "moved off the bottom" of a list bas- ed on the amount of wages paid to secon- dary teachers in Ontario. "We have moved from position 76 on a list of 76 to about 62," he said. Principals and vice -principals are sub- ject to the same increases as the teachers. The new contract provides for small in- creases for responsibility allowances and extra degree allowances. One of the issues in contention for bargaining was the fact that the board was trying to change three significant strips in the old contract dealing with an effective seniority system, timetabling provisions and time off for OSSTF business. Mr. Cale said that the status quo will re- main intact for all three areas with an add- ed benefit to the federation for time -off. "The federation will now pay for half the wages of a teacher who will be working on a part-time basis for• the federation while the board picks up the remainder of their salary ... We didn't have this right before," Mr. Cale said. Another concern raised during bargain- ing was the fact that a teacher from a secondary level had been transferred, against their will, to an elementary level. Mr. Cale said this went to arbitration and the teacher will be returned to the secondary level in the fall. Although there weren't any provisions written in the contract to safeguard against this practise, Mr. Cale said "I per- sonally feel it's unlikely to happen again." A dental and benefit plan which wasn't in lieu of a long term disability insurance plan was also on the table for discussion. Mr. Cale said there is a clause in the agreement which says the board agrees to administer a dental plan, but the teachers must pay 100 per cent of the plan. Two additional teachers will be hired for September with an additional three to be hired for September of 1987.. Mr. Cale said the addition of the teachers means the.pupil-teacher ratio at Kincardine District Secondary School will move from 17.4 for 1985-86 to 17.2 for 1986-87 to 16.9 for 1987-88. In laymen's terms, Kincardine is getting the services of an extra half teacher. Mr. Cale said although the increase isn't great, "it's two more teachers than we otherwise would have had. "It's interesting to note that there was no. offer of staffing prior to the strike vote," he said. The new agreement also makes new pro- visions for maternity and early retirement benefits. Teachers on maternity leave will receive the benefit of experience for incre- ment purposes, Mr. Cale said. An early retirement incentive plan has also been instigated which should provide a savings for the board, Mr. Cale said. Teachers who retire at 60 instead of 65 will receive an early retirement benefit of $10,000. Teachers with maximum experience who retire early will be making way for •Turn to page 5 Board approves finances The board of governors of Wingham and District Hospital last week gave final approval to the institution's financial state- ment for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1986. The auditor's report, prepared by Thorne Ridell of London, will now be presented to the annual meeting of the hospital membership on Thursday, June 19. The report was presented to the board by its finance committee chairman, Robert Pike. In the statement of operating revenue and expense, Mr. Pike pointed to the bottom line where this year the excess of revenue over expense is $5,485. For 1985 that figure was $363,809. However, the 1986 figure allows for a $64,135 appropriation for capital purposes which has been deducted from the true difference between the revenue and expense. Without that deduction, the excess of revenue over expense is $69,620. The $64,135 appropriation is transferred to an equity account, Mr. Pike explained. He said the move was "an exercise in bookkeeping" and represented a value which the finance committee has put on the "depreciation on the building which has been written off during the year". The transfer of appropriated equity, which is to be used for capital purposes, is a move hospitals are using in order to keep from being forced to dip into their equity funds in order to pay for operating deficits. "It's just a number," Mr. Pike told the board, "it doesn't mean that we have the cash. It just means that we have the equity." In the balance sheet figures indicate the hospital's current and fixed assets for 1986 total $5,109,737 while current liabilities are reported as $889,426. The remaining equity has been split into a total of $4,156,176 for operating and the $64,135 earmarked for capital purposes. Revenue for the year totalled $6,691,965 while expenses amounted to $6,622,345. Mr. Pike's suggestion that the board publish the auditor's report as an adver- tisement in area newspapers drew some consideration from the board members. However, most agreed the venture might prove to be too costly and it was decided instead to inform the public that copies of thp,,. statement will be available at the hospital for those wishing to review them prior to the hospital's annual meeting. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them On SUNDAY, JUNE 15 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning & evening EVERYONE WELCOME Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1986 --Page 3 v • Ready Picked STRAWBERRIES Kincardine READY Amberley 754 quart • Kingsbridge No. 86 Port Albert Anthony Knoop Knoop Fruit Farm No. 21 1 mile south of Kingsbridge on Goderich Hwy. No. 21 or 1 mile north of Port Albert 529-7110 Phone Y r • r In : • The Man To See Is "miss rq. A CO, 11A1TID ill fs6f0• MOO Lucknow New Listing, Immaculate 3 bedroom home on large landscaped lot, modern kitchen, living room, dining room, family room. Priced to sell. 3 BEDROOM brick home,, small barn, close to Lake Huron, year round access. 65 acres highway location, possible 10 acres workable, baiaace bush, good building site, S29,900. A good year round recreational property. WEST WdWANOSH TWP., edge of Lucknow, immaculate 4 bedroom home, living room, dining room, ''country kitchen, spacious lot, mature trees, Reduced. JUST LISTED 3 ;bedroom 11/2 storey home, well located to school, churches, pine floors, 11/2 baths.'' LUCKNOW DUPLEX located close to stores and post office, both apts. 2 bedrooms, asldng $29,000. HOLYROOD remodelled 3 bedroom home, new addition with garage and good sized workshop on 3 acres. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom, with added family room, oil' and electric heat, well insulated, full lot. Priced to sell. LUCKNOW, 4 bedroom home, well maintained, one bedroom down. Priced right, immediate possession. LUCKNOW, desirable building lot, owner has reduced asking price, prime location. LUCKNOW SALES BARN, financial statement available. ASHFIELD, 200 acres, approximately 170 workable, well .toed,; balance hardwood, cedar bush. 100 ACRES, St. Helens ares froom home, barn 40 z 110 ft., 80 workable, hard- wood bush. Reduced, hiq WEST WAWANOSH, 200 acres, brick home, beef hog barn, silo. 893 ACRES, Ashfield, buildings good, systematic tile, beef feedlot. 179 ACRES, West Wawanosh, improved dwelling, beef pasture land. WARREN ZINN, 528-3710 ALVIN ROBB, 395-3174 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 15 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Rev. Warren McDougall B.A.M. Div. Nursery and junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOMI 4 LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 15 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Little Ones Under Fopr EVERYONE WELCOME Check Our SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY RACK - For Extra Savings LUCKNOW Sport Shirts -Polos - Prints Men's Fleece Sets OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9:00 P.M. 528-2526