HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-05-28, Page 18•4, Page 18—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 28, 1986 32. Coming events OPEN HOUSE You are invited to an open house for silk plants and wicker at Kathy Gibson's in Whitechurch, Monday, June 2, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Browse and have a coffee. —22x 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Omar and Dora Brooks, their children and grandchildren invite everyone to join the celebration of their 50th wedding anniver- sary at the Lucknow Community Centre, Friday, May 30, 9 p.m. Your presence is your gift. —22 TRINITY UCW GARDEN PARTY Will be held Tuesday, June 3, from 5 - 7:10 p.m. at Brookside Public School. Adults $6.00, children 5 - 10 $3.00, preschool free. —22 PRE REGISTRATION At Wingham Nursery School for the 1986-87 school year, June 5 and 6, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Child must be 21/2 and toilet trained. Come in and see us on Josephine Street, across from Town Hall or call 357-2362 for more information. Register your child now to avoid disappointment in September. —22 OPEN HOUSE Friends, neighbours and relatives are invited to an Open House held at our home in Holyrood on Saturday, May 31, 1986 from 2 - 4 p.m. in honour of our daughter Mary's forthcoming marriage. Doris Eadie —22x FOOD PROCESSOR DEMONSTRATION Lots of summer recipes. Tuesday, June 3, Seaforth Legion, 1:30 or 7:30 p.m.;. Wednesday, June 4, Wingham, St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church, 1:30 or 7:30 p.m. Pre -registration necessary. $3.00 ad- mission. Phone OMAF, Clinton, 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170. —22 BUS TO HANOVER RACEWAY May 31, via Holyrood and Kinloss. Leave 6:00 p.m., Montgomery Motors. Return: 15 minutes after last race. $4.25 per person. Call Thelma 528-2813. —Z2ar TRINITY ANNIVERSARY SERVICE June 1, 11 a.m. Guest speaker Rev. Warren McDougall. Special music. Everyone wel- come. —22 123rd ANNIVERSARY Kinlough Presbyterian Church, June 1, 11:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Guest minister Rev. Larry Welch. Lunch after services. Everyone welcome. —22 SPRING TEA AND BAKE SALE Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 309, Luck - now, Saturday, May 31, 2 - 5 p.m., in the Legion Hall. White elephant table. —22 SUMMERFEST Don't forget the 12th annual Kinsmen Summerfest, June 20, 21, 22.—22,23ar STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, Thursday, June 12, three sittings 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Adults $6.00, under 12 years $3.00. Tickets IN ADVANCE ONLY from Loree's Ladies Wear 528-3533, Agnew Jewellery & Gifts 528- 3532. Fresh strawberries, ham, turkey. —22,23 DINNER AND ANNUAL MEETING Of The Huron Bruce Provincial Liberal Association will be held Wednesday, June 11, 1986, at 7 p.m. at the Ripley Huron Complex. Guest speaker Honourable Hugh O'Neil, Minister of Industry and Trade. Tickets available from Shirley MacLennan 396-2810. —22 Filter ueen "1N THE HEART OE DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482410-3- Attention Farmers! A. -For sale QUANTITY OF HAY AND STRAW, square bales, phone 395-3644. —22x STEEL FARM GATES in various lengths. Contact Miller's Whitewashing, R. # 2, Lucknow, Ontario, 9th concession, West Wawanosh Township. —22,23 2 HEREFORD COWS with calf; also 1 heifer. Cransford Farm, 529-7526. —22 MIXED GRAIN for sale. Wallace . Wilson, 529-7580. —22,23 8 HEREFORD COWS with calves at side. Phone 529-7507. —22 50 ACRES OF ALFALFA; 30 ft. J.M. elevator with flights every 14". Phone 524-2459. —22 41 ACRES OF STANDING MIXED HAY, West Wawanosh Township. Phone 524- 6973. —22,23 HAY - Alfalfa and Timothy, 90 acres, first cut. Phone 395-5754 before 8 a.m. —22x REGISTERED SUFFOLK RAM, 11/2 year old. Call Jack Wilkins, 395-5693. —21,22 C. Wanted HAY WANTED - 1985 crop, export quality. First cut Timothy or Timothy and Alfalfa mix. No rain or no stooked. Must be good colour. Phone Ken Corbett, Ingersoll, 485- 5391 or Goderich 524-4482. —19-26 WANTED TO BUY - barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, any size; also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. —48 5xtf E. Farm services LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., R. R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed, and grain handling require- ments call 395-5286 or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.—42tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT. Barn clean- ers; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8' to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk feeders, ventilation equipment, hog confinement, Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing crates. Weaner decks. Plastic slates and also farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390.—42tfar EDMOND BUSHELL Construction Excavating Hi' Hoe Services AVAILABLE 3954478 KINLOSS PHONE v` F. For rent 100 ACRES FARM LAND for rent. Phone 529-7888. —51 tf the hid li''live Way to Shop The Lucknow Sentinel 5282822 Did you win Compiex draw? Draw 26 in the Lucknow and District Sports Complex lottery was held on May 26. The winners were: $500, Susan Bellmore, RR 3 Wingham; $300, Alie Reurink, RR 7 Lucknow; $100, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen McQuillin, Elora and $100, Tharon Riley, Wingham. The Lucknow Sports Complex draw was held on May 20. The winners were: $500 - James Orr, Parkhill; $300 - Bert Sloetj.es, Lucknow; $100 - Keith Mauld- en, Holyrood and $100 - first floor staff, Wingham hospital. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLEAR SWEET WATER! New Technology for treating water at the well or sistern offering well to faucet pro- tection throughout entire water system. Rusty...Smek- Iy...Bad Tasting...water, bacteria, staining, chemicals and more. No Salt or Messy Chemical...only 49c a day to own & operate. See the results for yourself with our 6 -month Trial Offer. If you want Better Water for Bet- ter Country Living...call 1.800.268.2656 or write Water Purification Systems No. 203-1030 Kamato Rd. Mississauga, Ont. L4W 486. Serving Ont. from Thunder Bay, Cochrane, Sudbury, Ottawa, Kingston, Mt. Forest, London, Mississauga, Muskokas,-0-22 10' x 10' GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W Metal Halide 5175. Plus 10,000 gardening products. Great prices. Send 52. for info -pack. Western . Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, V.C. V68 3N9 (604) 682-6636.-0.21,22 STEEL BUILDINGS. Miracle Span Spring Sale. Example 32 x 40 $3,742., 40 x 100 $9,138. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with doors. Call toll free 1-800-387-4910.-0-22 STEEL BUILDINGS LIQUIDATION: Various models, ex- ample 30x50 with slide door $4,800. Sizes up to 120 f$. wide. All prices for immediate clearance. Call 1-800-387-8148 -or (416) 828.6262.--0.22 NORITAKE CHiNA Shop -at-home service. Start or add to your set with terrific discounts on all recent pat- terns. Please specify your Noritake China Pattern name & number. For price list, shape reference guide, and shipping details, send today a stamped self- addressed business envelope to Just Noritake, 158 Wanless Ave., -Toronto, Ont. M4N 1W2.-0-22 USED STORE ISLAND & Wall shelving, glass shelving, showcases, counters, steel adjustable shelving, pallet racking. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. S. London, {519) 601.7254, Mon -Fri 9-5, Sat 9-12.--0-22 STEEL BUILDING relocation sale - We are clearing out old stock • Save thousands. We won't be undersold. Phone Pioneer Soles Department collect for informa- tion. (416) 678.1585.--0-22 LIVESTOCK ONTARIO SIMMENTAL WEEKEND, June 7 & 8, Markham Fair Grounds, Markham. Sales for: JL Forms, Shelburne; Double M, Farms, Stayner: Ont. Classic Consignment Sole; Harkaway Simmentals, Morkdale; Kildevin Simmentals,, Goderich; Faust Farms, Southampton; Double IJ Simmental, Woodstock; Cherry lane Simmentals, Puslinch; Maple Ayr Simmentals, Alton; Sutcliffe Select Simmentals, Napanee; Chamfarm Simmentals, Hastings. Offering 116 lots. 7 bulls, 22 pairs, 51 breds, 34 opens, 1 em- bryo. 1-3/4 female. June 7 11 am. show; 1 pm. 1st day sale; June 8 11 am. 2nd day sale. - 0-22 ONT. CLASSIC SHORT HORN sale, Sat. Jun 14th, 1986 1 pm., Exhibition Grounds, Peterborough, Ont. 53 high quality herd bulls, foundation females from Ontario's top herd bulls, foundation females from Ontario's top herds & popular blood lines. Catalogues: Ontario's Short Horn Club, c/o Murray Pimmett, RR6, Peter- borough, Ont. K9J 6X7 (705) 748-3331.-0-22 CHAROLAIS FEMALES - 181h Spring Sale, sponsored by The Ontario Charolais Assoc. Sat, June 7, 2 pm., Car- son's Soles Arena, 1 mile east of 'Listowel on Hwy 86. Contact Barb Rintoul (519) 357-3079. HELP WANTED TRAiN FOR A JOB with a future...with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-5011, Brant- ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223.--0-22 113A CHERIE Home Fashion Shows, Est. 1985. Join our successful family of independent representatives in presenting quality lingerie and leisurewear at in- home parties for women. It's fun! it's Easy! It's -pro- fitable! For more information call collect (416) 632-9090 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.—O-22.24 PRINTER WANTED • General printer required for small plant on beautiful Manitoulin Island. A wonderful place to live. Manitoulin Printing, Gore Bay, Ont. POP 1 HO (705) 282.2808.-x-0.22 CUSTOM YACHT BUILDER: Young dymanic company building 42' luxury sailboats requires experienced boatbuilders and ,woodworkers to join our growing team of professionals, O,C,Y„ 666 Victoria N., Hamilton, Ontario. IA 883 (416) 529.2558.-=-0-22 PANTYHOSE/PERFUME/COSMETICS. 2nd largest con- sumable item in a wonian's budget. We're a new con- cept in easy direct selling of top qutlity merchandise. Pantyhose in 36 colors, 25 heavenly fragrances plus a total makeup & npilkare line, a11. et 50% off retail prices. Spare-Time/fulltinse, Commissions sales of 20%•30%. Extra easy income' of several hundred doflos per month,- Excellent repeat business. The stocking Shoppe, 269 Main Si, S. Mount Forest, Ont. NOG 2L0 (519) 323-1460.-0.22 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BE PART OF this great little town. Retail shoes, clothing, fabric. Established clientelle. Terms: negotiable. Creative. Vanderhoof Dept. Store. Box 249, Vonderhoof B.C. (604) 567.2311.-0.22 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages & unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain- tances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon till 8 p.m. -0-221f AUCTION SALES MAY 31ST, 12 NOON, Auction Sale of over fifty late model rebuildable cors and trucks. Schneider's Auto Wrecking Ltd., Rostock, Ont. Call (519) 393.6169 or (519) 595-8365.-0,22 ONTARIO'S LARGEST Form Machinery Consignment Sale. Norwich, Ont. Fri. Jun 13/86 10 om. (Sales con- ducted second Fri. each month). Approx. 150-175 trac- tors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. -0-22 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air-conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide, West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121.-0-22 CAREER CANADA COLLEGE. Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton. Denial chairside assisting,' medical office lab assisting, hotel /restaurant management, travel careers. Day class & home study. 385 Yonge St., Toronto M5B 151 (416) 977.7797.-0.22 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of instruction. Next class August 9th to iath. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115. P.O. Box 145, innerkip, Ont. NOJ TMO- —0-22 PIPE LINE WELDERS. Training facility opening in Canada. Limited openings available. For enrollment fees and schedules contact: Pipe Tech, Box 771, Lind- say, Ont. K9V 4W9.-0-22 COMING EVENTS FIVE DAY CRUISES an Rideau Canal & Trent -Severn Waterway. Beautiful scenery, carefree relaxation, private stateroom, delicious meats. Brochure Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3666,-0.22 MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU KNOW a "Good Kid" who deserves an award for community service, bravery or courage in over- coming a physical limitation? Nominate them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award - contact this newspaper for details. -0-22 FREE HUNTING, Fishing.& Camping Catalog ($5 value). Send your expired hunting or fishing licence (Photocopy acceptable) and S.I.R. wilt mail a free 372 page (over 6,500 items) 86/87 Sportsman Cototog. SIR. Mail Order Dept. 141, 1863 Burrows Ave., Win- nipeg, Man. R2X 2V6. Offer expires June 30. 1986.--•0-22 1' ~ The Only way to get 1 YOUR 1 11 1 ad in 2.5 million homes 1 ' in Canada for 1 1 1 1 5659.00 1 1 or in 1,241,807 homes 1 1 in Ontario for 1 11 1 Mace Your Blanket Classified Ad by t 1 calling one of our helpful classified ad- i 1 visors at, your nearest weekly newspaper 1 1 office for details. Lucknow 528.2822 1, Goderich 52426I4 Kincardine 396-2983 1 Clinton 482-3443 Walkerton 881.1600 1 6Seaforth 527-0240 Mitchell 348-8431 :�.- ,— arra m i ir'imer .ter torr am ono woo ma .