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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-05-28, Page 3
Huron County medical officer calls for compulsory rabies program H. R. Ceislar, medical officer of health in Huron County, has made recommenda- tions for the implementation of the Compulsory Rabie Program in Huron County. The Federal Veterinarian Service and the Public Health Staff have been co-oper- ating for many years in the prevention of rabies in humans. This effort involves animal surveillance and control, exposure investigations, and the immunization of•an exposed person to rabies. The Medical Officer of Health has the authority to athorize and implement such control measures that are necessary for the containment of hazards to human health. To strengthen this authority in control of rabies, the Ministry of Health has recently seen fit to introduce legislation to deal with the immunization of companion animals; specifically those animals that can be successfully immunized and which are predominate in rabies exposure to humans. The majority of human rabies exposures occur from domestic cats and dogs. Other potential public sources are horses or other animals which may be accessible to the public for recreational transportation or in petting zoos. In Huron County, on average, there are between 25 and 30 human exposures to animals either proven or suspected to have rabies. The subsequent immunization cost for the people involved is estimated to be $1,000 per person for the investigation, vaccine and treatment services. The program would provide low cost rabies clinics throughout Huron County in co-operation with local veterinarians. All owners of dogs and cats would be required to have documented evidence of adequate rabies immunization. This progranl would provide an important step forward in the control of rabies exposure to humans. Also under investigation is the feasibility of a voluntary rabies clinic for 1986 and a Compulsory program in 1987. Please write or call the Health Unit or your local council representative with your concerns or support. To contact the Health Unit, call either Dr. H.R. Ceislar (519) 524-8301 or Ed Harrison at the Inspection Department (519) 482-3416 or 1-800-265 5184. Financial statements presented at Kinloss council meeting The regular meeting of Kinloss Council was held on May 5 with Reeve Barry Johnston and all council members present. The 1985 financial statements were accepted as presented by Nancy Exel of Spicer MacGillivray, chartered account- ants. A quote of $8,036.65 for corrugated steel pipe was accepted for 1986 from E.S. Hubbell and Sons Ltd. of Thamesville. The clerk was authorized to sign an agreement with John A. Needham and Blanche Needham to remove the building known as the Langside store at lot 26, concession 4, also to sign an agreement with Donald MacKinnon - and John A. MacKinnon to cut one tree and to remove fill at lot 21, concession 6 in conjunction with reconstructing the intersection of sideroad 20. and concession 6 to improve safety. The application of Gerald Wilbur was accepted to issue dog licences and tags but as Mr. Wilbur has moved away, the position is now reassigned to Ian Thomas. General accounts for $11,989.11 and road accounts for $9,963.41 were approv- ed. A motion was passed authorizing the Lucknow Tractor Puller's Association to hold a tractor pull on Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July 13 in Kinloss Park and that the Lucknow Lions Club be authorized to apply to the LLBO for a community festival permit also that the Township temporarily close the township extension of Havelock street on Saturday, July 12 and Sunday July 13 during the hours of the tractor pull with the understanding that the roadway be kept open for emergency use. 528-2031 Ltsclariow FARMS REDUCED, 100 acres, 65 workable, 3 bedroom home, large barn, pit silo and sow barn. $70,000.. 100 ACRES, 48 workable, cedar bush, 4 bedroom split level home, farrowing barn, 3 feed tanks, 1 steel granary, $65,000. 50 ACRES, stream crossing property, farm pond, $25,000. 50 ACRE Ashfield farm, bank barn, upright silo, $45,000. KINLOSS, 150 acre dairy, 70 tie ups, pipeline, stable cleaner, 2 imp. sheds, large automatic feeder barn, 4 bedroom home, inground swimming pool and another 100 acres available. KINLOSS, 100 acre hog farm, 85 workable, 3 bedroom home, large barn, 2 sheds, 91/2 % per cent financing. Reduced to $79,000. KINLOSS TWP., '100 acres, 94 workable, 68 acres wheat; barn. Asking 572,000. HOMES LUCKNOW, 4 bedroom, completely renovated, insulated, close to downtown, asking $39,000. COTTAGE with view of lake, 3 bedroom, 3 pc. bath, Kincardine area. JUST LISTED. Lucknow 3 ,bedroom home, all carpted, 4 pc. bath, $32,000. RIPLEY AREA, 1 acre, 3' bedroom home, family room, 2 baths, drilled well. $30,000.00. LUCKNOW, 4 bedroom brick home, new kitchen and bathroom, double lot, workshop and garage. Just listed. JUST LISTED, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, new roof, fully insulated, garage, $29,000.00. 7 UNIT APARTMENT building, Lucknow, excellent return on investment. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom home, low down payment, mortgage at 103/.. Asking $32,000. THREE BEDROOM brick home, new family room, 7 acres, new drilled well, 20x30 barn. Asking $48,500. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom, large lot, large garage, $21,000. WHITECHURCH, 3 bedroom new drywall throughout, good cupboards, well insulated, $29,500.00. FRASER MacK!NNON BARRY McDONAGH DAVID MacKThilsION 5284013 5284821 395.2483 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 28, 1986 --Page 3 Information on, stabilization program coming Beef, lamb and pork producers should have received or will be receiving shortly, application forms and information on the National Tripartite Stabilization Program. This program is being implemented to provide producers with a meaningful level of support during times of unstable commodity prices. Enrolment forms are being sent to beef and sheep participants in the Ontario Red Meat Plan to pork producers who applied for the 1985 Hog Stabilization payments. Any producer who does not receive an enrolment form in the mail, may do so by contacting the Clinton OMAF Office. The deadlines for the various parts of the program are as follows: 1. Hog and Lamb Stabilization - June 15, 1986 2. Beef Cow -Calf and Beef Slaughter Stabilization - June 30, 1986 All producers who enrol must complete the two page enrolment form and return it to the Crop Insurance and Stabilization Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1B7. If a premium is due, the chequesmust be made out to "Ontario Tripartite Stabilization" and sent to the above address. Complete details and applications will be available at the Clinton OMAF Office. As well, an information meeting for Pork Producers on the Hog Stabilization Pro- gram has been arranged for Monday, June 2, at 8 p.m. in the Clinton Legion Hall. A similar meeting for Beef Producers will probably be held early in June. The Man To See Is ivI9NTEE a CO. 11M1T/O 'Q%I' .L ©©O Lucknow New Listing, immaculate 3 bedroom home on large landscaped lot, modern kitchen, living room, dining room, family room. Priced to sell. 3 BEDROOM brick home, small barn, close to Lake Huron, year round access. 65 acres highway location, possible 10 acres workable, balance bush, good building site, 529,900. A good year round recreational property. WEST WAWANOSH TWP., edge of Lucknow, Immaculate 4 bedroom home, living room, dining room, country kitchen, spacious lot, mature trees, Reduced. JUST LISTED 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, wen located to school, churches, pine floors, 11/2 baths. LUCKNOW DUPLEX located close to stores and post office, both apts. 2 bedrooms, asking 529,000. HOLYROOD remodelled 3 bedroom home, new addition with garage and good sized workshop on 3 acres. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom, with added family room, on and electric heat, well insulated, full lot. Priced to sell. LUCKNOW, 4 bedroom home, well maintained, one bedroom down. Priced right, immediate possession. LUCKNOW, desirable building -lot, owner has reduced asking price, prime location . LUCKNOW SALES BARN, financial statement available. ASHFIELD, 200 acres, approximately 170 workable, well tiled, balance hardwood, cedar bush. 100 ACRES, St. Helens area, 4 bedroom home, barn ,40 x 110 ft., 80 workable, hard- wood bush. Reduced, inquire. WEST WAWANOSH, 200 acres, brick home, beef hog barn, silo. 89.5 ACRES, Ashfield, buildings good, systematic tile, beef feedlot. 179 ACRES, West Wawanosh, improved dwelling, beef pasture land. 50 ACRES, Ashfield, good buildit SOLD . workable; highway location. Inquire. WARREN ZINN, 528-3710 ' ALVIN ROBB, 395-3174 THERE'S NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO INV1S IN AMERICA. IIERESWHYII A number of leadmg economists say all indicators are in place for steady, long- term U.S. economic growth Inflation is being held below 4%. a 13 year low, Real U S. GNP over the past 2 years is up a healthy i'0°ic Some are calking the next ten years, the Decade of American Growth. AGF's Amencan Growth Fund can help you take maximum advantage of the anticipated, long-term growth of the . U.S. economy. It invests exclusively in U.S. secu- rities, pnmanly the blue chap stocks of America's strongest corporations. It's Canada's oldest and most experienced Lund investing in the U.S., and has con- tinually generated solid rates of return ANNUAL RATE Of' 10:11114i4 I Yea: - 3 Year:; ' Year 1') T 'ir' 327 279 199 17 7 Now is the.time to find out more about Amencan Growth Fund. THE DECADE OF AMERICAN GROWTH. Dennis Little For more information contact the FINANCIAL CENTRE 122 The Square, Goderich 519524-2639 1-800®265-5503