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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-05-07, Page 41
MAy 10,1986. • .71.741...1. • .--.• . *X ;• MasterCard .... .Z., .4 . Oe. Accepted at most Home Hardware Stores. rowave Iami1y size Akpowerleve*t. -timer; 3 stage. defrost,„auto start -.0 hours. ConiPleteG with itloi. soft touch Control panel. 3740-429-i HONIELINE ,.....:,,..m.: .4'4'0 ''''.'''.°‘?" .",i‘c/4"49.0...V.,4:%,:•;.?..;?", . ;4:05.???9,:lrev'09.4'44/ .....,ozzw.,...,vx.w.eevv,vw.wo•hv ,..4 pv..407,0.0*0.4.$0-007,Koef,...4.y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,t/.. ,:,. , . , .. . . . . .--v?xoszsw~..vga~rifolvx.0'.~$001,00'..ek..4.0..000,00:44.*Oli40/0.#4AW ,, 4.,N7.4W.:40,,,ye.v.sos.wAsop,:i. 4.w.4e.004,00r,p;spavnvxmafwvzow.cosevz4w44144:=4...... ' '., . r'97--- , ..0,Wfeso~VPMtoii'"J'o4$'''''w'*oo'toroS''X''••^• .. , „. ,::..,,:;%,;:x.,..:.:::.....:...:,,..,,.....,...,........ ,.. .........„.............).,....... - .,.... ."?........,,,,,,,:;, ..'51.',, -,. l'r•-1.,, ..!-',....:, ,,,,, -- 41,,,, •A'' ; i) e, ,t; . . . , 4 ,,, ,,,,. ,,,,;;',V 4'I'iii•• Ze.t.''' ' I '•,:'e Afralirti:Z. V Stand :p*.h7e4,10,16ht oak with braes i4if' Os on'doors. Complete .with es 22"x '54,2s1?e• •,',,ka.'4,;f:•.':',:a12.24,I,94',t,.4",""41,41.i.';411:,',,k...:•'",:•.,.{,;,..;."0.4;.:',r,,..,.6i,:,'..;;114" • 4,1;',..; • BLACK ,;,& DECKER .Rechargeable Cordless 'Florid ifterk,: : ... For everyday light Mixing tasks. Comes with .. ' balloon whisk, beaten spiral vvhisk, and stir pad. die. 2 speed. Mounts on. Wall." 2 year warranty g .38.40,288-4 "H.H. "Reg."or "Oilr.F44,"refer is made to supply advertiseifitems, w "Home Hardware" dealer, We will be prornotion . except where indicated CORNING ViSiPPIS 5 eg°11W01,0' Set.' Set inciOdei 1 • 21/2 litre satiepan, 1 . 11/2 jiti• upper boiler,See thru Cookware that is, one' piece- con. Structioni MicrOvave energy effi- dent. OnOsuallYiStrong, 4ci50.2.48.1 Reg. $16,99 ea. DECORATING CRYSTAL oral-Pitcher/Bowl Enhance' any tablesettino with decorative cut glass and floral, patterni Pitcher 412 54•,60•1 130id 4312-91-1 • , . to Home Oardware „erregular price for this geOgraphicai zone, While eyery, effort e ,c0antitieerarid riot:every' iterh,rnay be stocked by every,: pleased to povide aincheCk on any item that may not be available 'during this: In; the acivarti4in0 c�0- WO reserve the right to correct printing errors,. • • I • • '"!‘„".t." •