HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-05-07, Page 21AUCTION SALE Of -Household Effects and Antiques will be held for • BILL KEMPTON AND MURRAY• CAMERON Aftawandaron Road, 2 blocks east of Huron Road at Point Clark SATURDAY, MAY 17,10:30 A.M. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Sapplieli and Tools for ANDY'S FARM SUPPLY Approx. mile westof Hwy. 4 and 86 junction at Whigham MONDAY, MAY 19,10 a.m. AUCTIONEERS. Grant McDon.ald, Ripley 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 EVENING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Antiques • will be held for - MR. JOE GREEN with CONSIGNMENTS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND • HOME FURNISHINGS ' In the TeeswaterArenaon MONDAY, MAY 12, at 6:00 p.m. Console table, 6 Chairs and buffet; Coiner thhm cabinet; :Wring room furniture; desk; Zenith T.V.; M3 Hammond organ With Leslie- Speaker [Saha* for "hone or Jinni! eherhj; • •, , gultar; IOW gultar ease stand; Russian EKO mandolin; ciarkait; electric and oil lamps; bedroom '11trniture; Chrome set; kitchen' Cabinet;.. top of back. to wall cupboard; wood, electric' and gas stoves; ' refrigerator; freezers; small appliances; cups and taueerst, tr place setting Wedgewood dishes; 'dishes, glass and idtchenware; Silverware; partial toilet set; Lawn Boy 'lawn -Mower; garden' tools; pedestal basin; 'tools; odds and ends; and MUCH More.- Listings Sabje4to change without notice. TERMS CASH SNACK BAR AUCTIONEERS Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 • 'Giant Mcfiintatil, RIpley 395-5353 wcii-0014 tots CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and AntioueS and Sawitilll Parts and Items for MRS. AGNES. GAUNT 2nd house west of Whiteehurch on 86,HigbWay MONDAY, MAY 19, 1986 at 10:00 am, FARM Mliebbieryr cultivator; mower [horse]; harrows; 2 furrow plow; 2 electric brooders and. electric eggwasher; snow blower [walk behind] lawn Mowers [riding, electric and push]; riding mower [Roper]. FARM TOOLS; pumps; 'vice; tool boxes and tools; pulleys; rip saws; chains; electric emery; electric motors; grease guns; block and 0044 paint. sprayer; extension ladder. pipe dies; quantity of timber; line shafts. ANTIQUES; pine cupboards; pine boxes; Marconi console radio; library table; what-nots;-..glass , -butter churn; wash board; . parlor lamps; 2 bed steads; 2 caPtain's, chairs. HOUSEHOLD- ' 'FURNITURE: .Electric holitos; fans and heaters and radio; 21 cu. .ft. freezer; B. 8i W old records; . battery radio; writing desk and books; bed -spring And: mattress; 2 chesterfield Suites; studio couch; platform rocker; arm Chair; .ironitd, maple table and 4 ebafro; odd thaliti;f:gosaip-'bench; record stand; dresser; baby eribu iii-lighflainp; 2 card- ttiblesf::2 *IAN tubs; • bird' cage; Maid sweeper; eleetricIltioe pollsher; house- hold scales; dishes; ornaments; 2 crocks; sealers; bedding; 'adielsea; 'niany hems too numerous to 'Mention. TERMS; CASH DAY OF SALE Sales tax will he In effect • • • Note: Everything must be sold. auctioneer or proprietor are not responsible for any accidents or losses. ' ondayofsale- , • PROPRIETRESS: MRS.' AGNESGAIlift- • AUCTIONEER: 357-2349 • Lunch win be available 2 ant. wash stands; ant. bonnet ehest 2 ant. floor lanip stands ant. umbrella stand; a�*. reeftnir; wicker bialtatti;' 2 kiteben ti plus; kraut cutter; 3 wooden. potato single WAS; 2 draa$0.1#1"` freezer; wrhigee.:iiriab,eri:1- hand 'Sawaand levelf,2,atitinno freProd*iiiit doz. ten mInIture 1 r.Sflex. oven; vacuum *inert:3 roUst axes; -1,,•••" .""7• Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 7, 1986 --Page 21 40 TRACTOR AND 4 100 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT " Saturday, May 1'7 9:30 *.m. at BRINDLEY-SALES YARD „ Dungannon AUCTIONEERS: • Gordon IL .ndlifileY Brian Rintoul • Barry Gray 529-7625 or 529-7970 • . • AUCTION SALE Of Used and Obsolete Equipment for sale by Public auction at W1NGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL ` rear of hospital on Catherine Street THURSDAY, MAY 15th at 6:30 P.M. Consists of refrigerator, stOve, dishwash- ers; tYpewriters, calcilatora,' sewing machine .tables„ desk Chairs, -cupboards, sinks; lighting 'fixtures, 10,MPs,.; dinner-, 'Ware suitable for nursing home .or "mat- autant and other articles too numerous to 'mention. All articles sold"as Is, no guarantees, • .to the highest bidder. Proceeds to, the hospital equipment fund., Owner not responsible far aceit`lents.. AUCTIONEER: Mr. Jack:AleXainler • AUCTION SALE .,OftlOuSehold tffeCtS &Farm MOILS Consigned inSijieloils 011• . MONDAY, MAY 12 itt p.m; Uncoil welder AC225; high pressure washer.11000:. .!pt.;: 'bitch scraper blade; 10'olger [grain]; 2 sills -for wagon, ash -14x10$18t with ,hardware; plg feed- ers; wheel barrows; 2 Wheel- Ilijestock, trallerptireitims;-1980,Sitzuld 400 GN, miles, good *Within; 2 witiOns of Odds and ends. • . FURNITURE - 2' love Seats [red velvet]; school' deEd4.baoksbelie4 color T.V.; It& ' W TV. portable; ,fireplace 'bar; --roOind', table itild.:4 Oitihri; cherry st*eiccabhiet; T.V. table (bold records];large padded stool; '.dresser.. , • SMALL APPLIANCES; toaster oven; coffee perc; 41shea; sealers; eurtiiiiiii; • bait dryer; lamps; ,pressure cooker; - Single Wooden ',bed; radio; 2 lazy boy -chair; • .bath- tub; vanity 'andkiabili:Mtb,.ta0; 2 doors and frame; assorted lliht,fixtrares; stainless steel, , Sfult;;.other,,,,notierOas, items. . , • •• • TERMS CASH DAY:OF SALE SaleaTria in Effect- A4006004*(it,eonslgnors:40 not respOnsihlefor aecldents orlosses.on. AUCTIONEER: toih 357-2349 ••• =MP agta.. MOP MOW MOM AR.R. 'PP* SWF. ONSIP WWI 090110 Onga aisom OPSUR A. For sale plpFoo talirr AV= asomaq tospeon woo mpg; mow ,com • mato ■PRIP aRmiu GamP =Raw 04.00 GLEANER K COMBINE, never used on corn or beans; 50 round bales of hay. Phone 529-7624. —19,20 • MIXED GRAIN. Phone Jim Errington. 529-7270. —19 •s.*••••mmattatemomoor,otat,••••••••.,••••• EASTERN BEEF or Holstein calves': Tudor Wain. Phone 524-9898, —18,19 7020 ALLIS CHALMERS Tractor; 5050 four wheel drive loader tractor; 2000 Allis plow; 20 ft. coil packer; 330 corn planter with monitor. Phone 524-4101, —18,19 • FENCING SUPPLIES available at Holyrood General Store. Phone 395-5062. —18,19ar • • C. Wanted 1 . • HAY WANTED - 1985 crop-, export quality. First cut Timothy or Timothy and Alfalfa mix. No rain or no stooked. Must be good colour. Phone Ken Corbett, Ingersoll, 485- 5391 or Goderich 524-4482... —19-26 ..1.1./....ffia.,.•0=0.•11,1MEMMIN.011110•••••••=•••.•••111.11.. WANTED TO BUY - barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, any size; also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. —48-5xtf E. Farm services • MOM MIIM•4111.• 111111‘..011,01 LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., R. R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed, and grain handling require- ments call 395-5286 or see us' in Altillerley`. We handle everything - almost. —42tfar • CLEANING Avg) TREATING SEED GRAIN Taking orders for Seed Grain &Gratis Seed . GENERAL TRUCKING. Hog Shipping With OPPMB Licence •ELLIOTTS SEED MILL -8r TittaaNc Lucknow . 5284500. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT. Barn -clean- ers; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8' to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Ceow and .dalf tie stalls. • Loose housing. Bunk feeders-, ' ventilation equipment, hog .confinement, Ritchie heated water bowls. 'Farrowing crates. Weaner decks. Plastieslates and also farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3,, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390. —42tfar CUSTOM CORN PLANTING with a JD maximerge planter. 'Phone 529-7864. —18,19,20x iwomisor. EDNIOND BusHELL Construction Excavating Services, 'AVAILABLE • PHONE MOSS. - -•"' 7 „, • • aiam ;'^i; ;4,;• F. For rent ,•. loritolviirilmuKaiiiiiica•N , • • "";,,;;;;;•.;;..,.:14.;',..!,, • • • • ? ttettt • . • For sale mos ame eine! Mee sole we!". mew • , , , • • ' , • , toloote4.:0000* due in June.May and•.Usual good selection of terVice':age tears, atsd aviable. tab Robrn- son, R. 11. 4; Walton, .345-2317. • • Sl? ACRES OF PASTORi f9x. rentOrtby sail; Lucknow area. Phone 52444.00: Soften It •-.Honey that has crystalized in therjar YOH place the hony.' container in,a bowl of hot water,. says • Foods :and -Nutrition: Specialist Monica tiiioepasurfiat)nildt. s'...eftviichoreeesp,.blitilrat:cilii,6.:,. Ministry. Agriculture and ra ring vood'a tir 1 "' Substitute Ontario maple syrup f�r milk in your favorite butterxcingri a great topping for carrot or gingei 'bread- ' cake, says • Foodiand Ontario Specialist 'Alone Hanson, • •