HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-05-07, Page 20Page 20—Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 7, 1986
e=Ags 199199211, ,IZST..9441 91499499"9919,99D 94.0R9 49:9919.9.194ii Gq9.49tp. g.1999 MOO. 6016. =WA
19. Notice to creditors
All claims against the estate of
late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County
of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the
9th day of March, 1986, must be filed with
the undersigned on or before May 14, 1986;
thereafter the 'Executrix of the ,estate will
distribute the assets of the estate having
regard only to the claims of whish the
undersigned then has notice. Dated April 14,.
Gwendolyne Katherine Campbell, 'Execut-
rix, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister &
Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG
2H0. —17,18,19
20. Public notices
THERE WILL BE NO collection of glass and
tin cans for recycling this year in the
Lucknow Area. —19
Township of Kinloss
Please note that all papers and garbage
not bagged or tied will not be accepted at
the waste disposal alts.
Only refuse from township residents or
ratepayers will be accepted. •
21. Personal
PREGNANT and need help? Free positive
confidential support. Birthright. Call 357-
1066, 357-1769 or London 432-9197 collect.
help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 orWalkerton.
22. Lost and found
FOUND ladies off white cardigan at Com
munity. Centre on Saturday, April 26. Phone
395-2795 after 7 p.m. -19.
28, 'Engagements
IMMO .01111.
. , ......'....r::.:: =s mom :_
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCall.: of Goderich are -
pleased to announce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their daughter, Catherine Elizabeth
to Brian Elphick, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Elphick of R.R. 3, Lucknow. The • wedding
will take place on'May 17, 1986, ;at 6:30 p.m.
at Knox Presbyterian" .Church, Goderich.
Reception to follow in Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs: Frederick J. Crawford of Port
the .en a gement of their
Albert .annouirc
eg ..g
Yonn. g daughter, dau hter, Joanne Helen to Richard
Allan Turner; son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Bourdeau' of ,Goderich.., Joanne and, Rick's
marriage will be celebrated at :St. ' Joseph's
Church in Kingsbridge on Saturday .June
14;1986 ..at.3:O0 p.m.
MINIM 111111.11111111119 agar mast Was grooriiiierritio aft. mar air
31. Cards' of thgnke.
A sincere 'thank.' Y oil" to ail'=vrho contributed
30. In memoriam
... fag= IOW= CM.. .... .4.4•=9.
In loving memory of our dear mother, Eva
May Wall, who entered eternal life on
Mother's Day, two years ago, May 13, 1984.
There is nothing so treasured and nothing so
As the love a mother and her children could
Through joy, through laughter, through sor-
row and tears,
There develops a closeness that 'grows
through the years.
This leve that we shared doesn't need to be.
It's a wonderful bond that can never be
We hold our tears when we speak your
But the achein our hearts remain the same.
We're thinking of you, Mom,, but then that's
nothing new,
We thought about you yesterday and the :day
before that too; '
We'll think of you tomorrow and each day as
they come and go,
We'll think of you forever, Mom, because we
love and miss , you so.
To us you were someone special, we 'miss
you more each day,
The saddest day of our lives, was the day you
passed away.
Your resting place, we visit and place flowers
with loving care;
No one knows the heartache when we
and leave you there. ,
Always thinking of you and sadly missed
by your children, Robert; Arthur, Elizabeth,
Joyce, Marilyn and George.
In loving memory of a very dear and loving.
wife, Eva May Wall, who departed from me
two years ago, May 13, 1984.
Today recalls a memory of a loved one -gone
to rest. •
And those who think of her today, are those
who loved her best,
The flowers I placed on your grave will
wither arid decay, • '
But • the love for,her who lies beneath will
never, fade- away.
It's lonely here withoutyou, 1 missyou more
each day,.
For life is not the sante tome, since you were
called away.
God looked down' and saw yon, :;so lovely,
sweet and fair. "
He -knew Heaven wi)uld be brighter, if only
you were there. . -
He knew that 1 would :miss you and that my
• 'heart. would break,'
This world is full of sorrow, it's His right to
give and take. ••
So keep your antis, around her, Lord, and
give her special care,
Make up for all" the "Sadness and all that
seemed unfair.
Lovingly remembered by husband Harry.
--19 :
31. Cards of thank
thanks w m, . Gran ma Crawford
Many to- y Grandma .,,_ ,,
**planned the
Grandma Collins and surtts , ...
relative shower held for me in Lueknow; to
Shirley Harris, Ripley, who hosted a relative
shower for .:me at het hone and to -;Heather
Harris who had a"girlfriend shower. Thank
,�V "lir .,
you to- relatives' and 'friends for o .
attendance, gifts, and;best wishes. As Eoin
and I use your'ltvely .gifts in our home their
'will 'continue t . bring •backmemories of
your kind - wishes and thoughtfulness.
• Lisa
and ... our benefit evening. Youir __..,` _.._�..._.....-._.....�. _ --�:
attended S.
31. Cards of thanks
The family of the late Lomax Bushell would
like to express - their sincere thanks and-
ndappreciation to relatives, friends and neigh-
,bours for the many acts of kindness
extended to them during their recent
bereavement- Special thanks to Dr. Runkel
and nurses of Hanover and District Hospital,
Rev. - Ramsay, . Rev. Lennox and ,Father
Nuestadt. The family would also like:to
extend their appreciation for the lovely 'lunch
provided at the Lucknow - Presbyterian
Church by the Ladies Auxiliary. We would
also like to thank the Old Light Lodge No.
184 for the Sunday evening service.
Ronald and Betty Lou,
and Brenda
I wish to thank all my relatives, friends and
neighbours for their gifts, flowers, cards and
visits while I was a patient in Universttty
Hospital, London and .Alexandra. Marine
Hospital, Goderich, and - since returning
home. Also thanks to the nurses and Doctors,'
for their care. All was really appreciated.
Bill Hardy
—19x •
Janine and Shea would like to say thanks to
Drs. Shubat and Corrin and all the nurses on
the 2nd floor of Wingham Hospital during
our stay. Your undivided attention, will
always be remembered. -19x
Lisa and Eoin would like to thank family,
friends and neighbours' who planned' end
came to their social evening in RipleyY and
made it so enjoyable...A special thanks to
Debbie and. Brian Mackay who inthe midst
'of the excitement of having a new baby boy,
organized the party. -19
Vie .would
like to express .our, thanks to'
everyone' Kilo helped and attended our stag.
and e; to those who held showers -.alt
OMS r. Y'!: laf•:'W�� l W tv' �
attended. 'our weddin and reception,. Your
, g�
thoughtfulness helped to, make nut day .very.
special. •
Steve and Lori (nee Hesselwooc�
h-express 'my' sincereBOGUES appreciation for the;
many cards,gifts, phone calls andpersonal
expressions of concern on my behalf, during
my recent hospitalization in. Wingham and
St. Joseph's, London, and sincecoming
home. Special thanks to Dr. Shubat and.Dr,...
32. Coming events
.1=1, C=IZ4
Lucknow School Conert. Band, Lueknow
Community Centre, Friday, May 9,8. 00-5
p.m. Proceeds for band tour. —1.8,19
Don't „miss this annual Brucelea Haven
event,' Thursday, May 8, 1 - 5:30 p.m. at
Brucelea - Haven Home for the Aged in
Walkerton; —18,19
On Wednesday, May 14 there will- be a
Community shower for Miss Donna Drennan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan.
and future bride of Mr. Stewart - Alton, of
Lucknow. The shower will take place in
Kingsbridge Church Hall at 8 p.m. Ladies
please bring small baking. —18,19
Luc)enow Legion Branch 309, Saturday, May
24;r Tickets are available for anyone wishing
'to attend by calling Len Clarke or any Legion
Ticket -holders
for arena draw
The .following people have purchased
lottery tickets on the Sports Complex:
Lloyd Collins, R 3 Goderich; John Mac;
Kay,, R 3 Goderich; John Cutting, Kincar-
dine; Bertha Scott, Ripley; Wallace Pol-
lock, Ripley; Donald Coiling, Ripley; John
E. Elliott, Ripley; Herband Ernestine
Kenyon, Wingham; Phyllis and Bill Bain,
Wingham; W. J. Denomme, Goderich;
Mary MacNay, Kincardine; John Kozak,
Kincardine; Agnes , Farrier, Wingham;'
George and Donna Adams, Dungannon;
Ripley' Rockets Hockey team, Ripley;.
Rhody, ` Holy"rood; Murray Seott, Ripley;
Brian and Norman Rivett, Ripley; Da`rlen `
• and Peter Shelton;, Kincardine; Donald and
Angie +Parrish, Kincardine; Joan .Eadie,:
Hpllyrood; Jack and; Joanne MacPherson
VYnghaia ; Ripley` Rooters Industrial' Hock
ey Ripl'ey; Jill Murray, Haimilton;. Marys
belle Cranston, Auburn; Laurence Hogan,,
G:oderich, Joe . Courtney, . Dungannon;
Floyd .Courtney; Dungannon;, Debbie liac-
Giilivray, Ross and Elaine Errington,
Donald Gaunt, Karen A. Gaunt, Mrs and
Mrs Keith, Tyler, Mr., and Mrs. Wim de
Boer, Kathryn Todd, Tom. Pegg, Milton
Turner, : Mrs.' Brian Gammie, Hugh and
Jo -Ann Todd, Mrs, Harold Cooper, Mr.
and Mrs Robt. Aitchison, Ken ,Mewhin-
ley, John Martin, Cindy Simpson,- Ian
floor,,, Winghaam', Montgomery, Gordon and Noreen Mont -
Corrin, nurses � on � � , , . . � � t xY "Coll
the staff at ; Lucknow Clinic;. also. to my. ornery Jean Hall Ma'g t C ily , Eric
family for.their support and assistance.
Bill Rogues
ow" dims rem rim irimi ram iiiiiarliiimiassemiiistunrwriws;* OM.
02. ,:Caning events
911111199 imam wire alwri swim amit
tlUR1NAIV "°
title.13�, 14. for . pla ` ers
ears or "older.
Teams.interested ,in entering please call
Carol immediately . at S29-7432 for informa-
tion and entry form. —19nc
.-U 1iON
.�.0 titin Club
ingllam-Golf •:iii. u g': ` �'!
1 H
12:30 .m. Wide varietyof tents Everyone
Lunchand refreshment available.
welcome., n .... s ...
kin'dreess`an4 thoughtfulness will always be
reinetreli ed.
Huntley, Marcia
And Addin Dawson
' ... i1 ..
:thanks to all: our relatives and
Our sincere ths. relatives, ,
friends who shared in our wedding rece tion
i thanks t�
etre. stag: and. doe. A special
,., .:w -d wedding
Parents and., all the members of our e d $
a`s ecial art in our
party acrd' those; wlzce>tad p p
' t_ everyone ' who' rem-
Many, many thanks o
exnbered the wxti, tards;;'flowers, guts,, .
while r .was in ' Wingham hospital. ,These
kindnesses 1 shall cherish for a long time.
.ee IJa
1 ,
.:. 1"9x
We Wish oy saythank' you kindly ',to our
sh t , .,
family fdt the et -to -ether arid' dinner at
Grand; Bend ort our' 44t11 wedding ` anniver
wedding; day..sary :.
la k:
Peggy . C
enson:and Florenc
At . Kwan s Restaurant,, ..Lucknow, SundaY,.
Ma,11, 4 p.m
1,4.Rrm . -. 8 p
emtiFreecarnation to
Mothers and Grandmothers. Take out an
gift Certificates
ertificates available.Phone 'S2$3
n Ma 2' 9 ..��. ,
M da, �. 1 BCi el:
y, y , Cou ticted ; 1i
Shirle K.Couellard .:,author of
a Miracles In
Microwave'r: Place:'. Dun annon A ..cults.,'
tt e
� al ILI`, ,ll D n a'nn n= '
X` a ti ti tyntarior 1[°irner ..?�e30
d g �,
. rel:. 0� i31::
�® E rl � lid .
a. rams at ,7z20
p I1 3' r. D ,
p. m. Door ,prizes. ° Lucky Draws 4e00
advance. $5.O0 at door. For tickets. call 29-
7956,. 529-7620 or' 529-793Ar-18-19"
Mar are o er
aylor, Lucknow.. Six Shooters, Mary A.
McIntosh, Tom G. Williams, Oliver and
- Lenore Glenn, Jim and Diane Morrison,
David. J. Gibson, Eleanor ;Gibson, 'Bill•
Flett, Morris and Peter Van Osch, Janice
Halliday; Bob Struthers, Tony Howald
Lucknow Kinettes, Morley Abbott; Claude
Guay,• Cliff Mann, Peggy Gibson;, Hockey,
. Mothers, lieavie Patin Equipment, Deanna
and Stu.Reavie, ancyfand .Glen Gi
Mr. and, Mrs-4iiit;Hun er
t ,Ron Delbergue
Diane and Brenda Gibson, David Kirkland,,
Allan ..Gibson, Ab Murray, Mrs.` Jim"
Mathera, Mrs.:Lloyd MacDougall,; 'Steve
and Joa Cha nney,,Mik a Courtne Peter
Van Diepenbeek, Joe Austin, ;Robert Scott;,
Rick McQullin," Doug Scott; T. Van
Diepen, Alie Reurink,' Bert Sioetjes, ;Hen
Drennan, Terry Dalto Harvey Livin stop,':
Kirk and Pat; Livingston• : Bryan G:aininie,
Bill`, Cliff, .`Mike, Ray c/o Cliff s 'iumbing,
WV'ayne' Todd, . Carl Stanley;, Fred Phillips,
Manfred Dietolf, 'Beinic�e Nero) m.. -
Alton,"Ken. 'n
. s` d Jocelyn=
de Boet'4 John ` Vandervelde, "'1�ed, Va der-
verde Mr. and Mrs'. Ken Phillx s Alvin :.
arid liv Irwin, ebra
+� n H Bl,"hick '°
r 3 + p ., Barry and
Deb, Elphick; Joe and Lynn Van . Roy ,
Chris ylobso B Brian r 11�assclu lain
.(!1� o , , � .Linda e
Carvell, Rev McNay,. Neil Rintoul, Anna
Mae Hunter A new Jeweller &', Gi
8 efts
Cor*ni ar d' P
e n alit Black Charism •
, , � e, Alton,
Phil' McCann, Douglas Cameron, Villiaiat
n :Doran Vasa t e prank Al
yk ,, tor►,. l�ara� and.:''..
Hein Vain D ke Don Dennis Do'
ry y, , n Gibson,
Annie Van • Dtepenbeeld, , Peter 'Bremner,
.Brent' Van °soh, Ed and Violet Thoretpson, ,
Ray, Hogan, all of -Lucknow.