HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-30, Page 28ttog .:+y�1•u.wv ^Rf Page14- 1. ueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 30, 1986 14 Employment `Weinfed-. LICENSED PLUMBER available for all your repairs and renovations, reasoaiable rates, will also do' yardwork, home repairs or farm work. Discount for seniors. Cali anytime 395-3486•. —18,19 DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE with your garden tilling or lawncutting this summer? If so call 528-2926. —18 wigs MOM ,41..WNW a,9esi As a immix sew mom us.9 1111111111 18. Services available ®a maw ..mow -.es a wino a ww. WB T.V. & APPLIANCE SERVICE - repairs to TVs and appliances, small . appliances, vacuum cleaners, razors, etc. Phone William Bolt., 528-3619. —17,18x DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and. Servicer Tower and antenna instal- lations, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, :sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. —42tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE., Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, Licens- ed Auctioneers, Sales of A11 •Types,. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater :.392-6170. 2tfar LIVE MUSIC ; FOR ALL.: OCCASIONS. "Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or reception. Live music is the best music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson Warr 524-2144, Arlene Darnbrough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after '5 p.m.—16tfnx SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and. ' garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of (Kincardine on #9 highway. 395-268.5. -42tfar DOES YOUR PET NEED GROOMING? Bathing, nail clipping, ears cleaned, and de -flea. Very reasonable. Phone 529-7278. —17-20 LATHING, PLASTERING, 'REMODELING, Repair Work. Phone Harold F. Howald, 528-3948. —18,19x REFRIGERATION AND. APPLIANCE SER- VICE - rebuilt appliances; cash for your used appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946.—4tfar 18. Services avonatile JOHN'S VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS and small appliances. New and used vacuum cleaners for sale. Free pick up and delivery. Located on . Huron' Street, Ripley, across from Huron Kinloss Telephone. Phone 395- 3645. —I3tfar - RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs, Cattle, Lanibs :Mondays. Beef and Pork sold boy the 1/4, 1 Or whole. Homemade Sausages our Speciality. OPEN"DAILY 7 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. SATURDAYS 7 A.M. TILL NOON LAWN &GARDEN SE tVICE, .Mowing, Pruning' " and Generali. Maintenance FREE ESTJMATES-:- CALE KEN.529-7291 omen mem aims Amen Mom oppin mime 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of SHEILA LORRAJNE ISABEL CAMPBELL late of the Village of Lucknow, .in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of March, 1986, must be 'filed with the undersigned on or before May 14, 1986; thereafter the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets Of the estate having regard only to the .claims of . which the undersigned then has notice, Dated April 14, 1986. Gwendolyne Katherine C.a pbell; Execut- rix, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY,, Barrls"ter Solicitor, Box 610 Lucknow, Ontario; NOG 2HO. --17,18,1, 20. Public notices PLANNING AN AUCTION? Call Allan R. Miller, 395-5062. We'd be pleased to conduct your sale.—17,18,19,20ar. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR painting and genet - al repairs. Call 357-2432 He!grave, evenings ngs or weekends, . 17,1'8 PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICE. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062.—42tfar ROSS HYMERS SMALL.ENGINE REPAIR Now opening at new location, 2 miles east of Amberley concession 14,.: Phone 395-3107, —14-19 MAWHINNIY EAVE:STi-OUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS Soffit, facia and g eavestrou hin Phone 528- g 3514 or 528-2735,—16tfar DC7J TRE NC *Water Lintas Artlytdro Lines *Shit Ifle Drains *Ploughing hing in t,' t'hl< ,. R.R. 6/♦�'(OD:ERI H. O,',T/ 9RI ..J 52') 741( NOTICE To140,000-010010ss . . Please note that all papers.. and garbage not bagged or tied w1il,not:be aecepted'at :the waste disposal U)niy refuse :rein toffs ratepayers wilt N be accel residents or mosr....r..r;.r.a.�1 21. Personal' PREGNANT and need help ? Free positive confidential support: "Birthright..; Call 357- 1066, 357-1769 or London 432-9197 collect, —tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA cap help, Phone Goderich 524:-6001 or Walkerton 881.-3655► - 4d(f *TWO W094; la req h*.,wn,..wr,. rt•; 28. Engagements eleNtk 1VIarBAY COfLINS Mr. ;aero Mrs. Art ,Collins,. , R.11.3,, Ripley. are pleased to announce rite forthcoming roar- tato:. of their ,daughter, ` hiss Ann to. Eoit Arthur Mac son of Mr. and . Mrs, John # 3, Ripley' 'The wedding will. take';pl,ace an, Satur lay, May 17 1986, at 4 . m. rn the . Ripley . resbyterian Church. Reception to follow sin Ripley, 'VVe `wish to friends ar►d nes` celebrate out the I)ui annon \Yisl es, ` .card appreciated, Specs ,lee, .our Boys, the Betty Eexict. 1tt thg 18 fa fivers; 'f1i :Best isrere nincii,,. '!nrothy and llh ,Pnet; aid Nicholson"{ it it an lelPTRao 0.= Auction Sales AUCTION SALE . Of household effects and antiques with additional consignments. for MR. AND MRS. GEORGE VOISSIN Taaswater Agri,C,url Building . SATURDAY, MAY 3,1986 at 10:3# a.m, Consignments include l&.64/ --room furnl- ture, kitchen tables and chairs, kitchen'` appliances;,, `bedroom. furnishings, ,quan. tity of dishes .and glassware, garden tools and equipment, piue much'more. Listing subject to change. TERMS: CASH DAY OF SALE AUCTIONEERS: Wallace Ballagh,, Teeg nater 392-6170 Grant McDonald,, Ripley 395-5,333 LARGE AUCTION SALE for MRS. MARION PAYNE 21/2 mi. W. and,, ave SATURDAY, MAX . m. PARTIAL LISTING tractor; M.H. 33jracto r; ACS tractor dor parts; TSC 20o* tialsprayer wltlt fly .. tank, buzz saw; 197,1 Chev car as Is; .3 old vehicles for scrap; Cockshutt 110 seed drill; 24' tub hay ,elevator; White tbresb er 2 ploughs : and ho�;rse drawn Imple-` ments; approximately 2A ton of grain; car fire wood; 2 'eream seperutotrf wood lathe on stand; garden titles; acetylene ,:tore;; self propelled lawnmower; "small saw; bench saw;` battery charger;ir,uter; belt sander; skill saw; "electric drill; hand.; tools; .12' of new,insuirted chimney; old, cement mixer; barrel press; antique on .jugs; Helntzman upright, piano with .oak cabinet;' Hoosier cupboard; phonograph; 4 Alladin.lamps;'oil lamp; old postcards; brass typee: bed;4 prarlouir table; wash. stand; Pillar Minket clai'rwk; .3 crockst ice cream maker; eookstov►e; , ama�ll wood stove; portable colour T.V.; large Woods' chest freezer; 2' 0E04,a ie s ,:propane _ t4v 1 e, basin and: pitcher; dishes;,,. glassware; etc., plus "much more. ,Paan to"°attentd this 'lnteresting; auctio(:�" +;;#,,, Sale order: tools,. •machinery, tractor., disses, . , TERMS CASH N' 1 0115, re,. CH BOOTH. AUCTIONE R: Richard Lobb , 11 niton, •402.7898 ..r. -... -PR— . === ...iii !=l8.01040.4 f ks., 31. Cards othae Y ; dila...WM 111=60 14111111 SIM101:1,01, 11.116 Mc Ivan and Barry Mc' to thank friends,' ne for their 'support sympathy `on the,` Margaret miner), to Rev. Letson alit 'Anglican; Church ulUin and families wish ours and:. relatives expressions of Cli f their mother nil in Special thanks moles of St. Peters e funeral Service. X18 - Qty.. INTER '. A sincere thanks to all w'ho '.r .with get well ` wishes while hospital and for flowers and our house since l returned again! —18x red me in the od brought to io�:lne. Thanks Anna MayHunter SAUNDEItS ,1w'.ould like to ,thank everyone for the cards, ';flowersi fruit basketsgift's, telephone calls and visits whale I'was a palrent n Untversaty Hospitaf# Everythit* tt►s' much apprec- iated, Don 18x LUCRNOW BROWNIES, GUIDES, PATHFINDERS AND RANGERS \Vishto express their thanks to; the people cal Lticknnw' and area for supporting their eeekie ,drive, = 18 r I NS 1 tt'ould like to thank all those vsrho attended my community arid relative shower. All the thoughtful gifts will be lovely `;additions, to our ' new honle. : special thanks to my sisters; Barb an .Li . Thanks so. ruucla.. Janet ' `ilkins . 1.. 31, carOs of thanks Lf TCT NO.W SCOUTING ASSOCIATION. The Lucknow Scouting Association would like to thank all the people who donated bottlesfor their bottle drive,: also to everyone ° who helped that day. —18 CHARMANS Thank you to the. Kinettes, for inviting us to. take part in their fashion show. Thanks also to our models for doing a great job - Lynn Taylor, . Joan Chamney, Donna .Crich, Barb Helm, Janice Cook, Steve Chatnney, Wayne McDonagh, Barry Hackett, and Evans Helm; and Joanne Pentland for reading our presentation. --18ar • a -al- .... m,1,. ! aIle = ter. a .M. n.. SIM MIN NM= 32. Coming events mow solpitimiliti elm = limo I= 6111...1•11111 wino moo =IF .1•1110 BENEFIT DANCE For Huntley, Marcia and Addin Dawson, Lucknovv Conlmuuity Centre, Saturday, May 4, 9 - 1. Ladies . please bring lunch. —17,18 PAPER DRIVE The mother'scommittee for the Lucknow Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers will' be holding a paper drive . on. Saturday, May 3, • Papers _should be at the curb by 9:00 a.m. Rural residents can drop their papers at the arena. Anyone requiring assistance, please call 528.3238. Newspapers only, please. No glossy paper. —17,18 CHILDREN'S PROGRAM. Come Saturday, May 3rd at 2:30 p.m. to Lucknow Library for Jibbery Jive, an enter- taining: full -of -fun program. Admission $1,:00. --17.18x CANOE RACE The annual "Maitland Marathon" Canoe Race will be held Sunday, May 4, "1986, registration 10 a.m.; race begins -at 1 p.m, at Galbraith •Park, Wingham, finishing;,,. at ' °Wawanosh Conservation Area. This is a family event with trophies for winners. Everyone is welcome. Proceeds go to Huron County Foster Parents Association. For more information call Lorraine Brophy 528-2833, -=I8 LUCKNOW'TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB Will meet Tuesday, May ;6, 12:15 p.m. Pot luck meal. Film or slides. —18 w GARAGE/CLOTHING SALE Saturday, May 3, west pend of = 86 hwy. at Used Clothing and Crafts, on south side of road. —18 MICROWAVE COOKING CLASSES Monday, May 12, 1986, Conducted by Shirley" Couillard, author of "Miracles in Microwave'". Placer, Dungannon ,Agricult- ,ural 'Hall, Dungannon, Ontario Time: 7:30 xp,m. - 10:00 p.M. Early Bird Draws at 7:20 . 'Door::.prizes. Luck Draws,: $4.00 advancer $500 at :door. .For .tickets ::call: 529- 7956, 529-7620. or 529.7934.. —18.19 ANNUAL TEA, CRAFT AND`BAKE SALE Don't Miss -this annual Brecelea Haven event, Thursday, May 8, 1 �- 5:30 p.m. at Brucelea Haven Hoinew for the Aged in Walkerton. COMMUNITT SHOWER • On Wednesday, May , 44 there will be a , communityShoWer for Miss Donna Drennan, daughter of; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan 'and future briide of Mr, Stewart Alton, of c ' Lucl�ri�ir v. The shower Will: -take place in Kingsbridge' chnrclr Hall at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring small baking, —18,,19 ,DIUNDANNON a GRICU'LTURAL SOCIETY'S' SENIOR SLOW.PI 'CH TOURNAMENT ' J une j123, ., 24 for players 30 .Years. or •older, Teams interested in. 529enteri.n7432g for Wpleinfase ormcaall Carol immediately' tit -' thin and' entry form. 18 INDOOR FLEA MARKET Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Saturday, May 3,, 14 a.rrt, to 2 ppm, 1$ vendors with"_ cosmetics, cabbage patch accessories, excel, lent cinching, antiques, •collectables, baking, etc, Lunch booth, ' 18 Bi%N LiaclGirow Selaoal Cone : attd, : Ltick'no C�o►rrtxit nity C'ejntt°e, , Friday, May " 9 )Ii- Prtocee i, fir` 'Salad:' roti'. 4--18,14