The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-16, Page 37Foiks enjoy garish. sub at St. Peter's Oil� Friday evening . was a very special time when folks enjoyed the parish supper at St. Peter's Church hall, Lucknow. Rev; Merelyn Letson -extended a hearty welcome to all, especially Bishop Morse Robinson ,of London and Rev. and Mrs. George Garratt of Weston, Ontario:, After all had enjoYed a bountiful meal toether, Bishop Robinson spoke on two current issues that will be brought up at the Synod - Religious education in all public schools and evangelistic outreach. • All were "invited then into' the churchior an evening of sacred music, scripture reading and prayer. Anne Pritchard, church organist, gave a nice, organ recital as folks gathered and accompanied-- the ;hymn sing. Guests in song were Chris. and Yvette Fleisser with guitar accompaniment from London, Carroll Lee of Shallow Lake with her recorded accompaniment and. Murray and Wanda Keith with Anne Pritchard accompanying. The offering was received by Isabel Gaunt, Evelyn Phillips and —Gladys Hazel -den. Scripture readers 'were -Edith "Cooper, P Mayne Roulstonjoyce Hedley, Joan Page and G la�;�s Ilaze ady' lden. The Parish �Yotitl group sang two nice sacred numbers, accompanied `by Anne Pritchard., Bishop Robinson gave the closing prayer, after Which the guests: were = called inelmow Sentinel, Wednesday y BEST ' ATE INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL CENTRE (xa(le:rich 521-2773 1-800-` 65 -.?,)41,, forward and presented With gifts in approc- cation by Isabel Gaunt and Evelyn Phillzps.. All, were invited'ta ,the parish hall for the •reception and time' of food and fellowship`: • It was, indeed a. beautiful After Easter. if Song to God's glory;., ' , People Deport Mrs, Charles Murray has; invited the members of the olyrood Women's %nsti- tute to her home for the next meeting, Last Monday night the Institute served a delicious dinner ` to the. Lions ` Club;: at the .Lucknow and District Community. Center.' • . Mrs. Marjorie Bennett of'Toronto spent • the weekend -here with her .father. Mr. ' Arthur Haldenby."''' " Mr. and Mrs. Midford Walt, Ld'na May. Boyle visited on Sunday.wit N Mrs. Ed Green at St. Helens. Mrs:. Ronald Thacker was . a guest on Saturday at'. the Wight'rnan=Thacker wed ding at 'Kitchener and stayed over with relatives until Sunday. • 'Recent dinner S �`ue"sts With ''Mr.: and Mrs. Bill MacPherson ofHolyreort were Mr. and.,, Mrs. Dan McInnes and Nancy .Blyth. f aril TIKanadian RaciVross Society d�. Aril 23, 1986—P lMO TO OUR cpop mmer 1986, AT WE S'UPER.SCOOP AM 8i IPIE1EATING CONTEST at�the. TAKE NOTICE thatahea ng'*lite held fox"ran Officer; In the !Co ncil Chambers hi the.. Town County of Bruce on :tile 14th ,da of May, 1986 col _ �.....,, .: . Y w• Y 1, . fore oon to he,.: re res�ena x qheir p tatioM Aa to� whether the. propose of the Township` of , K#tdliss dated' 'the 27th ds'"' .of Jones .. natriic tion of a dam on . ` b of a tri glary.. the4teeswatee River Lot .1 and: H, Concession 25 . Township Of Greenock :1s fn notes for the acliv e ev m�ent of the:� ;;of�, e` .. P��., sit Act: ' .,_as iu9it e `O'clock ia. tl 1 Qf ithe. llcatlo nr the approval; of�; ss` $link Crce F o' h, p rd. a .ante reunwfly vers Improvoment -Further, fnformation is available bycontaeting the office of; the ;Minivtry of Natural Resources on H;lgliway.. 4 south, R R. # 5,. Wtng am, Ontario, NOG 2W0, telephone $19-357-3131. Ministry of Hon Vincent 0. Keitio Minister . Natural Mary Mugford:' Resources Deputy Minister° George MacDonald and his mother Margie MacDonald went ;to Detroit on the weekend to .attend the ' u neral. oft; John. ac! an ri rt. -of Landon- a. a and farnily d Peggy McCharlesof Point Clark took Rhea MacLennan > up to the new Owen . Sound ,^Hospital to:see zher daughter 'Margaret Morton,- also of'`Point Clark. She is a patient in the hospital and is now recuperating after a major. operation. Brookside Public School gym was the setting on Sunday for ';a pretty bridal, shower, for Janet Wilkins, daughter of Charles and Mayme Wilk,ins.0 She will be married in Wallaceburg in June". Janet received ;a lot of lovely and_ very useful gifts. Janet thanked all the ladies for their gifts and thoughtfulness:: Some of those present were her fiance Allen Peck and; his parents Garry and Agnes Peck of Wallaceburg. Her rye gOi pelt � �►1 iIkin relatives were:: es Paisley Woodsl Those visiting Rhetta rMacl ennan on the weekend were her,daiig terFlorence Mac Lennan' and;; her°'friend 'Shirley of Kitch- ener; and - her . brother : and ;sister-in-law Harold and Peggy,' Jardine of Harriston. Visiting on the weekend with Dorothy. Finlayson were, Carol Finlayson, her husband John Balch and; salt- Aleiander and also their brand-new son Nicholas James, born:' in "Toronto March 11: On April 14, Dorothy ;Finlayson became grandmother to a brand ' new grand- daughter Ellissa Maria' daughter ottani .:, and • Christina Finlayson. of London. A recent 'visitor with Ewan and = Marj –MacLean was Marl's'; sister Mrs. Ross Calvert of Sarnia.:' rant vere also resentfrom THIS MESSAGE DROUGHT. TO 'Ott 1tY T.