HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-09, Page 18irmluk"..Lmaligtomo*Appiii*iiii,1PERSoNAL
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Page 18--Luelolow Sentinel, Weduesdey, Apra. 9, 1986
Andrew Ritchie
Andrew Ritchie, a long tiine Ashfield
Township farmer and councillor died at
University Hospital, London on Ain 1,
1986 at age 73.
He was born in Ashfield Township. on
May 13, 1912 to Robert and Alice
(Gardner). Ritchie. Andrew married
Donalda MacDonald of West Wawanosh on
April 26, 1941 in Lucknow.
Mr. Ritchie farmed for 50 years in the
township and served on council for 15
years, two of those as reeve in 1960-61. He
belonged to Lucknow and Trinity United
Surviving are his wife Donalda and child-
ren Dianne and Tom Dickson, Port Albert,
Hilda and Tom Andrew, Lucknow and Cal,
Also surviving are brother J. G. Ritchie,
Brussels and sister Tillie Wilson, Lucknow.
and six grandchildren. He was predeceas-
ed by a brother Graydon;
Rev. Warren McDougall officiated at the
funeral 'on April. 3 at the MacKenzie and
McCreath. Funeral Home of Lucknow.
Pallbearers were Donald Alton, Marvin
Scott, Ken Alton, Jim Nelson, Warren Zinn
and Bill Andrew. •
Flower bearers were Michelle and Mark
Andrew and Kim, Michele, Lori and Lisa •
Interment in Greenhill Cemetery..
Pranois [Frank] 110Atert Ritchie Funeral Home in Lucknow. Rev. Arthur
It was witb sadness that the family,
friends and egnimunity I�arnedL of the
sudden passing of Frank Ritchie un April 1,
1986 at Pinecrett Nursing Home, Lucknow.
Frank was the youngest of 12 children
born to, James Ritchie and Charlotte
Ferguson, of Ashfield Township. Frank
attended 'Zion- School and was an elder in
Zion United Church for years. On July 14,
1937, he married Sara MacAuley and they
farmed in the Zion area (Concession 12)
until 1977. Then they took up residence,at ,
the Sepoy Apartments in. Lucknow. Due to
ill health, Frank moved to Pinecrest
Nursing Home four years ago.
Frank was a farmer all .his life_and his
greatest interests were his family, com-
munity and church. He certainly liked to
visit and have a good game of cards.
Frank will be lovingly remembered' by
his wife, Sara, hiS daughter, Anne
Riegling, four grandchildren, Craig, Todd,
Lisa and Mark, all of Fairview; Alberta,
Two sisters Esther Gibson of Goderich, •
Edna Ross of Lucknow and one brother
Alfred, also of Luckitovv. -He Was Ovid -
ceased by his parents, five sisters and
three brothers.
The funeral service was conducted by
Rev. Warren MeDougall and John Wil-
liams assisting, on April 4 at 7:30 p.m.
from the MaeKenzie , and ,McCreath
IT 5
and Betty Scott of Goderich sang How
Great Thou Art, accompanied by Mary Lou
Neighbours, Jim Hunter, Charlie Wilk,
ins, Doug Raynard, D. A. Hackett, Harvey
Ritchie and grandson Todd Riegling were
honorary pallbearers.
Interment in Greenhill Cemetery.
Thomas Hugh Bradley
Thomas Hugh Bradley of 345 Wharn-
cliffe Road, North London, passed away at
St.- ,Joseph's Hospital, London, Ontario
frowa heart attack on March 28, 1986 in
his 76th year.
Born July, 29, 1910, concession 2 Bruce
Township, he was .a son of the late Thomas
and Ida (Pritchard) Bradley.
He married Arthena V. Elliott May 31,
1941. They lived on the family farm,
moving to London a number of years ago.
He is survived by his wife Arthena, two
daughters, Mrs. Carol Beattie, and Mrs.
William (Arlene) Thompson, three grand-
daughters and two grandsons, all of
London, and brother Stuart Bradley, 'Tiv,
erton. He was predeceased by i daughter,
Sharon Margaret in 1943, two sisters,
Pansy May Bradley, 1915, and Irene Bon-
nett, 1985. .
Rev. ,Brian McKay conducted funeral
service March 31 at the Needham Funeral
Chapel, 520 blindas Street, London with
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interment in Forest Lawn Memorial Gard.
,Pallbearers were William Thompson,
Derrick Beattie, Gordon Bradley, Ernest
Young, Donald Simpson, and Brian Sham -
Harvey William Webster
Harvey 'William Webster died April 2,
1986' at Wingham and District General
Hospital. He was 76.
Harvey William Webster was born in
Lucknow, on Sept. 5, 1909, to Richard
David Webster and Ann Victoria Gives,. He
went to the T. Eaton Company of Toi.onto
as a young man and managed the Boys
Clothing Department. He returned to
Lucknow in 193410 work as a salesman for
Walter Treleaven at the flour mill.
Harvey married the former Edith Shirley
of Toronto in Septeniber of that year, and
they celebrated their golden wedding anni-
versary. in 1984. Harvey worked for
Garfield Ostrander in 1946, and continued
with Gordon Montgomery Motors .from
1948 until his retirement in March 1984,
Harvey wasactivein Lions work since
the club's inception, was named honorary
president, and shortly after was elected by
-acclamation as district 'deputy governor.
Subsequently, he held the position of
cabinet „Secretary of the same district which
governed 26 clubs. While he was district
deputy governor in 1951; he was one Of the
founding members of the Wingham and
Retarded. He gave, unsparingly of 14 time
District Association for .the Mentally
and efforts to establish the school; then
worked diligently to start the Silver Circle
Nursery School. Harvey. worked actively
toward government redognition, of the
workshop for the mentally 'handicapped.
and supported the establishment ° of a
group home. He served as 'president of the
• association' for several years, as well as
• chairing" Several committees over the
'Harvey ;was elected to the Lucknow
village council.
He was an active churchman, serving on
the Church Board of Lucknow United
Church, as Clerk of the Session. He. was
Mister of 01•11` Light Masonic, Lodge in
• 1955, He Was president of the Webster
fainily picnic in 1972, for its, Syth year He
-• loved to lawn bowl, and in, 1964 Was the
chairman of Lawn Bowling I nternationa ,
and bowled against the British Singles
•• Harvey is survived by his wife, Edith, of"
Lucknow, one son, 'George' and his wife
Anne, of Ottawa, :one daughter, Elizabeth
Ann and her husband Roy Hunt, of
• Listowel; son-in-law, Terry 'Pyin, of St.,.
Catharines; two brothers, Percy, of Exeter,
and Charles of Lucknow; three sisters,
Dolly, (Mrs. C. Johnstone) of Sarnia, Miss
Flora Webster and Miss Marjorie Webster,
bothof Kitchener; ;Seven irandehilaten,
and two great grandsons and two nieces
and ,one nephew ,;' .
,He. was predeceased by his parents, one.
.L•',`' brother,' Tracy; 'one. daughter, Nancy,
(Mrs. Terry PY/n),,:and a grandibp, Mark.
. ,
Flower bearers for the funeral April, 5
,Were Grant Chisholm; Roy Havens, James
Morrison, Bill Bolt, 'Vernon Hunter and
Toil :McCullough.: Pallbearers were Willie
WanderwOulde lan Montgomery James
Montgomery, Ronald. Alton, Mci Corrin
'and Alex Andrew. • ,
Interment in Greenhill Cemetery.
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