HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-09, Page 17vq',b. 00°2 POMP' Miga REM COMis gagl4P AM= 441PIRR wawa ammo St0=00 01419,111111ip 31. Cards of thanks mom ..gge Wino 0.P051. Wan Allifs mast moval ammo =ow mum Mar MUM RITCHIE Heartfeltthank you to our many friends, relatives and neighbours for their many acts of kindness to. our brother Frank, through his long illness, and for their sympathy and understanding at the time of his passing. It was deeply appreciated. Sincerely, Esther Gibson Edna and Bill Ross Alf and Ellen Ritchie and all the nieces and nephews. —15x HACKETT Sincere, thanks to all who remembered me with cards, flowers, phone calls, treats, gifts and the many prayers said on my behalf while I was a patient in University,_ Hospital. Thanks also for food sent to our home. Your good wishes and kind acts have been very much appreciated. Shirley Hackett —15 DAWSON I would like to thank everyone for cards, visits, and gifts while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Shalom, Corrin and Shubat, and nurses on 2nd floor. ---15 Paul Dawson CRAWFORD I wish to thank theLegion and all my friends for the cards and treats received while I was in University Hospital. Your thoughtfulness helps in a person's recovery. Cliff Crawford --15X CLARK I would like ` to thank my friends and neighbours for their many visits, cards and treats during my stay at the hospital; also many thanks to Dr, Shalom, Corrin, and the nurses, Rev. Letson, McDougall and Rain- say for their professional help. Youg . kind- ness .is appreciated. Herb Clark: —15x WEBSTER The family of . the late William Harvey Webster wish to extend sincere appreciation and gratitude to our Dr. Mel Corrin for his care and support during Harvey'sillness; to the nurses on the 2nd floor at Wingham Hospital and the many staff members who made his hospital stay comfortable; to our minister Rev. Warren ..McDougall for his visits and meaningful service; to our many friends and relatives for their transportation each day, for their floral tributes, 'donations of food and charitable donations; to the Lucknow Women for their bountiful lunch -- after the service; for the tribute and mean- ingful Lions and Masonic services during the loss of a beloved husband,,f afher, "grandfath- er, uncle and friend. Sincerely, The Webster, Hunt and Pym families —15 rngo .r• MINIM =Me row 32:. Coming events RELATIVE AND COMMUNITY SHOWER. For Miss Janet Wilkins, daughter of Maymie and Charles Wilkins;: to be held Sunday, April --M-4.... A il 13,1:30 .at Brookside School. 1 15 pS ...X 75TH ANNUAL MEETING Of Familyand Children's Services f Hugo ���,,� n County, April 23, 7:30 p.m. 46 Gloucester -Terrace, Goderich. Speaker: Alan Leschied, Ph.D .. , Family Court Clinic, London. —14-17 RUMMAGE SALE OfWinghain..and District, Hospital Auxiliary, Friday, April1.8, 10 a-014'- 3 ,p,m "in the Wingham Armotiries,. Coutribi tions. reat- ". fully' received Tltii s. a 7 Aril ,1 8:$0 0a.Al., to 7:30 p.m,.. -7-15,16 �7l G'riLUNCHEON St. Andrew's "UCW ",will be .holding Their Spring tttncheen, 'fhu►rsdalr;,Apttl. n 45 d' Uni ed 'ChtirC `. Seton sat.. t 8, 1 p.m. •Tickets' $5.00.-- each, available members orp . hone Sheila 'Macllonai 39S-2879. 5. it 431091111 4161111$1,014C1R1 MI= pow wow tom MOP MOW MOW MEW OE. OP Mina 01144111 32. Coming events . all=.,AR, RRiI0.9.1ina:IMENWO.• MR, 40404Mm MRRD 0 'YM4 M , SAVE TAXES FREE SE. MINAR On investment and tax planning. Guest speaker: Brian Costello, Thursday, April 10, 1986 at 7:30 p.m., Goderich District Col- legiate, 260 South Street, Goderich. Spon- sored by: ABC Investments:--14,15ar 'LUCKNOW LADIES SLOPITCH Any teams or ladies interested in playing in the Lucknow League please call 528-2172. Meeting Monday, April 14 - Mayfair Rest- aurant 7:00 p.m. —15 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION At Lucknow Central Public School Thursday, April 10, 9 - 11:30 a.m. Proof child will be 5 by December 31, 1986 is required. —15 LOSING WEIGHT NOW An information film, will be shown Thurs- day: April 10, Anglican Parish Hall, Lucknow, 7:45 p.m. Everyone invited - bring a friend. —15 - OPEN HOUSE Everyone welcome to an Open House party of silk plants and wicker on Thursday, April 10, 1 4:30 p.m., 6:30 9 p.m., at Lillian Pollards, half way between. Ripley, and Holy - rood on 8th concession north side of road. For further information call 395-5614. —15 FLEA MARKET • Indoor flea market, Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Saturday, May 3, 10 a m, 2- p nm. -For table space call Sandra 529-7390. Lots of.. space ' aoutside also.. —15,16 FINAL EUCHRE TOURN o NT Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Saturday, April 12, at 2 p.m. --15 FITNESS CLASSES" Starting April 21, Monday and Wednesday: Beginner; Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- day:. Intermediate. Registration details to follow. -15ar WONDERLAND TRIBUTE TO BLOCK PAREI TS. Reduced rate for' any block . parents and families to visit. Wonderland,.., Sunday, June 8. 'contact Margeurite Sanderson. —15 BOTTLE DRIVE The Scouting Association will>, be holding, their annual; bbottle drive Saturday, tlpril 19, 9 - 1 i.. a.m. Have your bottles ready. 15.,1.6 ST. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH , Invites you toa celebration of Easter in, song on. Friday, ApnL `18t"h, 8 p.m., St. Peters Church. Please come and join us. —15ar ;DESS �E"RTEUCHRE: Will be held at Whitechurch Hall, Monday, April 14, 1:30 p.m Admission $1..50. Sponsored by Whitechurch, W.I. —14 4 , KINET"TE, FASHHXON S. . The annual . Kinette Pashion About :.Fashion",' will be held, e on April 21, 1986 at .8:00 , p.m. at ,tl a ,Luck 'Community Centr'e, Admission' $4.00- .each,, age, 12 . and under $2.00. Proceeds to communty services. —15, 16 TROJSSEA TRA You are ' invited to .a trousseau tea , for Jo -Marie McCormick on Saturday; pril 12, from2 :.. 5 p;mi,, at. the home of Don; and lKay, McCormick ---15x Lr� a EUCHRE AND; BRIDGE PARTY At.Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow, "Wednesday, dl , ril 16. S' nsored b 'Hu r.00,cha `ter;of thew 'Ap po y � ., ��, p:.4,� , Eastern Star: Prograin at ° 'x:30 °pm. and cards at 8 p tn. Everyone, welcome.415 16 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron County Health, Unit invites you, to attend the Child ;Health Clinic,, held at the Health ITn�4 Wingham Hospital Clinic • tt ice, 1� liiidirtg' on Wednesday:; April 16, 1986from .30 <a m. for: ealfli Surveillance aernia-`Screenin Itumunization" . Hearing Screening Vision Screening ;.: - IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO'R AiIU�T� OFE IwD'AT THIS CLINIC ar Luekuow Sentinel, Wednesday, Aprdi 9, 19866 ---'Fuge 17 limmiimmout am= IOW POOND OW+ =IMP was allen IRA= 40010 MAP Wago aim 01440 Min . it n ' n Faimersi- C. wanted mow M!Ro.esmM Rte. Imo mem wawa .p!p.*PI®.mows..a. MOM ®q A. For sale ONE JOHN DEERE- 7000 Max -emerge, 4 -row narrow with dry fert:, insect monitor. Phone 395-2753. 77-14,15x ,... 25 BEEF COWS, ,15 with calves, balance to calf. Phone 528-3013. --15x GALLAGHER POWER FENCER and a .com- plete line of accessories for temporary ..and permanent electric fences. Phone 353-5358 or 366-9934. —15,16 .SPREADER CHAINS . for : • sale. Phone Holyrood General Store, 395-5062.'—15,16ar BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL seed; also Guinea fowl. Jim Errington, 529-7270. —15x RED CLOVER SEED. Phone 528-6493. =-15 FIRST CUT SQUARE BALES. Phone 528-3519. —15 STRAW FOR SALE. Phone 529-7765:" —15,16 300 - 400 BIG ROUND BALES of hay. Phone 395-5255.- -1245x. 4 tocker`1 SALE ckno MONDAY, APRIL "14,1986 1:30 PM. 100 Yel ow Charlcois, e Average Weight° 60' /4i dg. rs Average Weight 720 Lbs. 35"Hereford Calves Aproxlmately450Lbs. Still-RoomForMore Consign cents NEXT STOCKER SALE MAY.51986 Taking Conslgnuienta Now WANTED TO BUY - barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, any size; also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. --48-Sxtf PASTURE LAND wanted for five head of young cattle. Phone :395-2404 after 7 p.m. —15 _. E. ,Farm services pgrowo ammo pima ANYONE WANTING CATTLE SPRAYED for lice or warbles, please contact Ken Voisin, 392-6243. —15,16 LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., R. R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all yotir manure, feed, and grain handling .require- ments call 395-5286 or see us in 'A.mberley: We handle everything "7..almostr 42tfar BERG STABLE . EQUIPMENT. Barn clean- ers; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8' to 15 P.V.C. or S B,T. ductile. Cow' and "calf tie stalls. Loose housing. flunk feeders, ventilation equipment, hog ' confinemen t, Ritchie. heated' water bowls.. Farrowing crates Weaner decks:Plastic slatesand also farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390. —42tfar CLEANING AND TREATING SEED GRAIN T raking orders for Seed Grain fir, Grass Seed GENERAL,TRUCKING Hog_!hlpping 'With OPPMB Licence ELLIOTTS "SEED MILL,&=TRUCKING`' Liocknow 528=3500 F. For rent 100 ACRES FARM LAND for rent. Phone 529-7888. —51tf • APPROXIMATELY 85 ACRES OF -PLOWED " land for rentin West, Wawanosh Township, well drained. Phone S29-7144 or Brantford 1-759-4264. 15.6 3 ` LAND FOR RENT, 490. acres systematically drained,: '`Ripley area. Phone 1-471-9473 or 528-3710. —15,16 80 ACRES , for rent, Whitechurch area. Phone Kitchener 578-1021 or 576-6625. ---15-18x4 50'ACRE 'GPcc Wawanosb T RI Dor rent in West C. none 524-2459. —15 37 ACRES PALL PLOUGHEDiand :for:. rent. „co after ::6 p.m., "528-5653. —14,15 - REAL FSTHTE l'�,Si,P,;-\r:E LTD 100ACRES, 4g workable, cedar. bush 4 bedronirt split level °lxome, farrowing. burr, feed tanks, 1 'steel`'granary ".$65,000, C ES tr R s eam:::caxossang "roe J fault.pond, $Z5,. 1 . AC S with' barn, W Jx Lot 20 concession , y ' .'W awanosli" -To�nship. 14 West. 50 ACRE Ashfield farm, -:hank bar a right I $45,000. automatic feeder .barn, 4 bedroom. home, in round swimming pool and n 100 acres "available. $ � g p another n, psilo, 1 FLOSS, 150 acre'dai , 70 tie ups, i ?line s ,. �' , P ,lip • e, table: oleaner, 2 aeia� , ''�sl><�eds,. large e er bri ll .4I. a ha wood bush,';give us an mer. . IIP, 100 acres,, 22 acres hardwood,. bash,. 55 +workable tog a rn, 86:: orkable 3'bed7t ona;home, Zhu bin, slxet y 9�"1- . irin ����85 000. 00 acr El 1 es , SO� �vorkiiible, split level 4� bedtiiorn htitrie, �arro�virR " tire, bedroom home, family room, 2 baths,'. drilled well:' J bedrdorrt, baths, new rc'>of, ' :f aril. ;lnsulatedr• •g1 1 'UNIT 'APARTMENT buildrniti Lucknow,.r excel ent return :on, loves LIICKNOW. 3 bedroomhome, low down payment, inortgageage at 10 ,THREE BEDROOM brick. home, , new. f roil r a y ootn�.,7, acral; . new drihled�,well' barn, Asking' "$48,500. t Olti"b ; r�dk`bung'aluw.1 -:nom paVed road and dniilre 3"::bedroolin au°1 1 lith, ° .central vacuum,`too °' many extra . to ,A 1'14 ac INNON 1 V Me, NAG DAM MacKINNON ON 3013