HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-02, Page 1613, Page 16—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 2, 1986 SiS.31 COMM CRIESRI owns Amnam• agmma qrgeme•asoW, fgoppa aptaixe =sopa. maws ma.> agotiom =plea =ma aCEZFO4. OLURZ1 Cp1P.A.A 17. Auction Sales IAUCTIOli SALE Of Farm Machinery, Hay and Some Household Effects will be held' for NSF MINIM Miele MIMS MOW, osza.• CARL FUNSTON 10 35, Pont 5, attt*A. TOwnalOP 14 mfle South,tif pine,River Cheese • - Factory** Hwy. 21 SAT •, AY, APRII5TH at 10:30 Ad. MACHINERY 265 M.F. tractor with cab and heater, only 810 hours Ellite,,iiewi; 3 furrow M.F. 14" bottom plow; 12' KongsldlikeenItiva- tor; 10' MX. transport disc, on w•heelis 6 section of harrowswith pole; 510 Jnt. 13 run 3 pth. seed drill virith &raker' boxesI 7' New Idea mower; 28' Case hale.eleva, tor; m213 New Idea 165 'bushel. :manure spreader with hydrae& tali John• • Deere hammentilll; grass seeder; Fariir- atie hammermill with f.,electric- blenderf lifdlang. plough; 3 loth. 120 gab GW sprayer with 28' boom and.5-15gaL ides; lumber; steel pests; rads; quantity, of cedar Posts; approk..1000.-bides �fhay. HOUSEHOLD MECO Pressbaek chairs; electric- barbeqster,;, White automatic sewing machine, like, new; other articles too :-.ntnnerotis to Mention. • " -TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE LUNCH BOOTH . Owner and auctioneers not ',responsible for accidents or injuries connected,, with the Sale • , AUCTIONEERS: .. Grant McDonald, Ripley; Photie1954.5353'. . Wal lialitigh,-Teesviatir,,3924170',,,' •• 18. Services available 'GUM. Meta 67,1sCio asiCaila await t!iimips. 14.1140 121.10 .InfR1-0,010.1.10101ka SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Daum Equipment LK, 3 miles East of Kincardine on #9 highway, 395-2685. —42tfar JOHN'S VAPJUM CLEANER REPAIRS ant:Ismail appliance*. New and used vacuum cleaners for sale. Free pick up and delivery. Located on Huron Street, Ripley, across from Heron Kinloss, Telephone., Phone 395- 3645. —13tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, Ripley; WallaCe liallagh, Teeswater. ed AuctiOneers, Sales of All Types, Phone 4Rip2ley r395-5,353, Teeswater 392-0.70. __tfa PHIL'S 'REFRLIetRATION & APPLIANCES .sEkvicg, Depebdable repairs to all makes and models of ,,niajor aPPliances.,,Ptione I-887-9662; •;•,, , DON- THOMPSON APPLIANCES• Sales and Service'. Tower and 'antenna. instal lations, „refrigeration service, satellite sys. tams, sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. . • INC011(ETAX SERVICE, Personal and confidential, reasonablwratei.' Call Jane Cere 528-6945. •-.-9tf REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SER- VICE= rebuilt appliances;; -cash for your used - appliances'. Call 'Lucknow " Appliance, Centre, 528.2946.• —4tf 'Pm AUCTION VALE Of eavestroughing, car, farnistitichinery, tools, household articles, Misc., will be held for • ALLAN R. MILLER • Lot 25, con. 6, Kinloss Twp, 33/4 mi. east and 33/4 north•ef.leucknOW • , Limeade Sehoor„, • SATURDAY, APRIL 12, at 11 A.M. FARM MACHINERY CONSISTS .OF: M.F. 510 combine, pickup, #44 cernhead;. 43. M.F. cornhead; 34 M.F. 12, ft. inttiter; 12' M.E.c..bale4,111.F4 33 17 rukt-: seatdrill with, gratis ,itteednriandlertill*eit 165 M.F. tract*: AIDS T'antiOatie, steelier-, 36 ft. 7" Westfleld auger wlth underc:irriage; 16 ft. 4,:i,:gitiOn'aigir With; • 3/4 i.p. heavy duty meter; 32 plate set wheel discs'i'chain harro*st..1.fittriessIiii;- , plow; dlan9mitd baire*S. & 5 tiectitin. harrow bar; Martin, 8-tott wagon & 225; bu. Tunic° gravity bin; 300- hits Tante° gravity bin with-tbt' landerearirier. 165 hu. TiirneWgratrIty -blitanit. wagon; '#299 • „„.. New Idea t•ftiT nionrditioner; flat wagon4fli. • raciiii4Ifittart 3 furrow .16" bottom plow; 165 bu. New Woo' tottuiure spreader; Viking hamniertillii. trailer; :trick eaPt ttertiP•4rOtip-460,1t..,..new etitiestrinighhig; ,conditettit 010P 1978' Dodg� • await*, firm gates; 'feed,farrowli ''' crates; -quantity.• 'Pig' feedei troughs; MOO grain; flew h.p. garden tilirt tar 011004 store:S. ingt'itosreii. Also Selling for • Mrs. Jean Kraemer,1101yrood, ON Ford tractor With, • indtistrialleader,.extellebt cond.; pull ‘V.! type • attew'''. -bloweru', other articles' ton numerous to menden: PROP.:. ALLAN R. & LUCY MILLER TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH ID,- -• DAY OF SALE. „„LUNCHlBOOTH Owners or auctioneers not responsible, • for any accidents -day of,sale AUCTIONEERS:t JOE METZGER,' • HBILL •HALDENHY , 395:5482,, ••' • 195-5142 Any further annootiCeinents given ,= verlia11y4*.* Sale , NOTE: Having purchased the liolYrood Store recently, they are liquidating their • farming Operation!, . •• _ Order Of Sale-. 1 tt.itt. Miscen ons .IVIachine , . 4smr!,i, mew, retiodeittreirla ait*00 0 Services alienable mita* 'Wm* elsetta rilererk totem tow* fewest ammo • 'VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS Eureka = Sales and Service IV 13 TV. & Appliance Seri/ice,' 426 Elgin Street, J.,uektiovv. Phone 528* -3619 in: Bolt. 3,14x • • ROSS HYMERS SMALL ENGINE, f;:g. %Pm •Ipauew =Om ccsaall• Coal Mow mialii,:!•401.• EIROOD NOM tope poop •29. Public notices MP. OnigiP owsf. •Asstal Mum casosa Iiimmo sigma sialsm assok maw!. gapi..44.1 REMINDER- Lucknow and District Hord - culture members please bring plants, cuttings, seedlings. seeds, perennials, bulbs to sell at the Home and Garden Show, April 11, 12, 13th, --14x FNOTICE DLINGANNON:RATEINWENTI A,000110•InferMaitiennteeting Will be held • at the :Senior .Citizens Centre on ThOrsday,-April 3, 1986, at *00 • to hoti, the. opinionsof the residents of Diu'gann�fl In reiitirtitnr.the Initallitien. of new street lights in theitantiet. A retire - *dative from Ontarlo Hyrdo will- be • Pre,rn. mc9UNCILS OF ASTIFIELD AND WAWANOSHTOWNSHIPS • ; •• . • NOTICE OR • PUBLIC MEETING Huron County Road :Ronttlitee.,In i the general puhlfc44,1t itee" thicto • roduce & conslder:)IiitititaOrest,''fo - • NSTRUCTION OfIALL'S BRIDGE!: , at the Atibuin. Hall at: '. „.: , • APRIL/1,'1986 Pleas contact the undersigned for further • R. A. DEMPSEY, t• Hition-Coisty.-Eniiineer: 161040.1•1•• , """1"1!"""..M.. — Now opening it new Warden, 2 miles eastief 21.u, personal Amberley concession 14. Phone 395-3167 ••• .; • •• '•PREGNANT and need help?, Free positive, Hogs, cattle, J4mbsMondyS.. Beefond pedisoldby the ¼, ½ or whole. HAInetilide SausageseuK PEN DAILY 7A.M. P.144.• SATURDAYS NOON Vt, confidential', support Birthright C 11 357 1066' 357:71169 or London 432-9197 collect; •• 1-,••• •• • , '4Y100'.A..0gINkING'PROBLE/0 AA can hilgrPhorie, Goderich 524.6001or Walkerton 881:-36 • WNW IMO. 1084"." 1".".1.1"al a.° 11* girittre, 1",..•1" • =MA awso Wael.• 5=0 9iiazaa C11.4> . WA= WOAD 411,010 244D 90.110, 31. Cards of thanks =ma Ram= 4.41.co gag=n2 .2=4 SIESSO ataga# 0120 a"Wa DORSCHT - HUMPHREY Thank you to everyone who helped to. make our wedding day so special. Michele and Doug Dorscht —14 MatINTYRE 1 would like to thank all my friends and family for the lovely cards and gifts which were given to me on my 90th birthday. Special *hanks to Freda McInnes for the lovely cake She made for me, and also to the ladies of South Kinloss Church who arranged and looked after the refreshments. I will always remember everyone's kindness. Thank you. Annie MacIntyre —14. •• • .5T. MARY'S CHURCH St. Mary'S Church would like to thank Marlene's. Lucknow Variety, Bob Shepherd and pountty Dancers, Ross Errington and Huron .Swingers and all those who • contributed. to make St. Patrick's Party a huge, success. —14x • LACKEY We would like to express our sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bours, old and new, for their many acts of kindness and expreisions of sympathy at the sudden passing of a dear wife, Marian, and loving mother, grandmother and sister. Your Memorial donations, floral tributes, cards, phone calls and gifts of food will always be lovingly remembered. A special thank you to Dr. Knox and nurses for their emergency care, to MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral .• Home, to Rev. Glen MacPherson for his comforting words, and to the Ripley „Legion arm: 22. '1,00, and found WOULD .THE 1"r removed &pan's Old Mill, brown, leather jacket from the an-limit:44y' Centre - last Saturday, please call 29-1567. 41 d"1 , I ""." 24. " Ellitiness OPPortuitifies PERSON w ho mistakenly *4 .aeeeittet!.'f4.0 sortie ,summer eoachlng. lndlvjduajjzedita0 etiett:feiherSO:ano 'A: 0,14inplete, prOgraM',will be offeredlOIS::year:-: ineluding prepar4i19ii.: 'for 'showing, . management ; and-. • fie. For fi4iibor, • information at S26.,Z764i. 284141 !,',17771',ist.•....2.0............ems•ri.A•unii,ii"...s..........!....:06-..: •••:::•:•:•:::•:,•:•::: 4,:••••;:,:•:•7.•:•:•••••••:$•:',•:::%:•:::•:::••:•:•:•: .v . :::::::::::: • %EOM .,• • %Ye 4•4•0,:•00;•:%*:!:*:4•:,:4•!•,•••0•4•Ye,•0.,,. ••••••••••••••r•.7•••••••••••,*00:,••;,,I.1,;p,,.••••, - . '',''• ',' , ' ,,., •,• . , , , -,. , . liht:ftinIt'aPatiMent blOCIt,' on ,11011ti. St., Odeliiik,bilek *eiiiOr':e9:0.140404114,:guellk, ..:iiirlifii.,selfiititine4o..Showhig-elicolloot return. For 'fliere''detalki,i..; Celt '' - • -.. , :,,,,,, Auxiliary .fdr, their inipiessiVe;setkribe and social time provided following the, funeral. These acts of kindness , will -always be appreciate . Myrtle, Delbert and families —14 • • - • 32;• cononti,events PLEASURES, PROBLEMS PRESCHOOLERS. Presented by the Huron County Health Unit, a series of 3 Parenting Classes for parents of children aged 1 - 5 years. Classes will commence Wednesday, April 9, 1984 and will be held at R.N.A. School, Wiligham. For pre -registration • or. further info anon, please call the Health Unit Office in your area _at 357-2244., --0-12.13.14ar NEWS }unto * F. E. Madill Dtania Club putting on a. musical comedy, "BY,eAtie Birdie". Call Katrina. Hovirald 528-5445 for details. —14 • VOICE Or ILM ANNUAL DINNER At St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Winghatn, Wednesday, April 23, 7 p.m. Everyone virelcome. BILL CLIFFORD REAL ESTATE • GODERICIL ,524-9097 For io8g' y dBibltrolikt,onSilsarurEdaRy; April ,s at ttbile notices • 200 p.m. in theSouthIcinloss Presbyterian , 28. Engagements Church. —14x • NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF laNLOSS yfiviviNirt irovviit --IRELATIVE AND CO S HOWARD IIESS (1°I) For Miss Janet Wilkins. daughter atr" • open Saturday 9 - 5 until further Mr, and Mrs. R08 liesselweed, BlYth,' are • • pleased to ou thefortfic The Township Waste Disposal site will be notice, conitnencing April 5,, 1986. —13;14ar -eased announce //lin mar. and Charles Wilkins, to be held Sunday, rige of their daugitter Lorianii°td Sgrepheia 13, '1:3° at' Brook ...MO.* side School. —14,15 , WOULD THE THEI#FrY WHO LEFT their, JameS,Floward; son -of Mi. o,nd Mrs. John • • • tti" Street, please, lc place a „ t St Josep s e b longings at58:f'li-f94 • t e take p A special day for Senior AL BELMORE "nit Alititl dcr g MAPLE FESTIVAL ?f, • d' # '7' Liicknow. 6; e.• inr gs,;, • 1 12 from 11 • ' k 3' tirc Will b held on Saturday, April e Will • up same be sold for s °ra id et April 1986- adirati;ent0s. is 'bperng. heid,onhursday, April —14,15, g OD 10 .44atime7. lo 3i4e:31CcPUnA-LBoth days are ttuheld 1riic;tsat:1eBel°ee°fnulitY(ettre. Apy• e op4milk"41tIt.:n,sservi:es of NIc0::y, pril 7:30 p.m. 46 oloucesterGER1C1 Terrc, GodricSpeaker: Alanleschied„ PhD., Fmly Court Clink, London. est Street PAPER DI?I'VE his spring. HSponsored :by the Mothers' t..otornittee of the Luckriow T Brown Guides •,Patlifinders and Rangers. •Please • save yeur newspapers for its.n —14