HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-02, Page 15Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Aprll 2, 1986 -Page 15 528 2822 4i*M4i$0 Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon i. ArtiCies for sale • 24' ABOVE GROUND POOL, excellent • condition; includes styrofoam bottom, new solar ,blanket and new filter and pump; • winter Color. All accessories and chemicals, • very reasonable. Phone 395-5478. -14,15 POTATOES. Call Jack Wilkins 395-5693 or 'Larry Blake 529-7386. -14,15 I ' „ BLACK BMX BIKE, good condition. Phone 529-7541; -14 1981 ,400. 7,ce HONDA, Custom, excellent Condition. Phone 395-3689 after 6 or 529-7995 days -14-17 CHICKS - order before April 15 for delivery by May 21. Thompson Feed and Supply, Ripley, 395-5955. -14 MICROFURNACE - Cut high spring heating costs with an effective selective zone heater. Demonstration and trials available on request. Phone 395-5010. -12-17 •*e TRY C & E FURKITURE, new and used, Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf BUSINESSCARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK-. ETS, rubber stamps, decals, wedding sta- tionery, magnetic signs, office supplies, specialty, advertising - pens, key tags, etc.. Larry Cowan, Ludmow, 528-2730. -48tf 50 BICYCLES - BMX, Speed, and coaster bikes. Phone 529-7771. -13-21x THE NOR.Tilitr!tStri.,,,,• 1 , - • ' . .. 'Apple ExCelllent lei Eating • : Supreme for COOldng .... . Fancy Bushel r. ;440, .., Half Buihell:- $4.50 . . • . ' . . Cooking HId .' ' ''' - $5,00 ' 0..ushe1. :;'''' • i, * '''' A1,1..POWS, ORCHARD ',4; nil:. Si: of LuChnow. ' 5294508 • aama amanall"tal"0 "Pa aSIM IMO re. "Sraa!" gaa.,ala," a 11. 4. WANTED TO Ratios "and shotguns, in good condition. Lake Huron R�4 and Gun, Underwood, WANTED Aluminum. boats 12-16', Lake Hurmi Rod and Gun, r.10 er. wood, 368-7182.-14-26 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976 CJ5 4x4 JEEP, 304 engine, standard transmission, runs good. Phone 395-3107. -14,15 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, blue and white, power windows, door locks and trunk, cruise control. Phone 529-7914 days or 529-7754 evenings: -14,15 1977 PONTIAC VENTURA, V6, automatic, as is, $350.00. Phone 395-3698. -14 mins ....lin - - MINIM MUM 1111111111111 MN= 9. Accommodation to cent ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT on Main Street, Lucknow, frig and1 stove, available Ap mid ril. References required. Write to Box 358, Lucknow NOG 2H0. -14,15ar _a - THREE BEDROOM country home. Phone 357,3468 before 8 a.ni. -7-14 m••••••••••• MODERN APARTMENT for rent, carpteted throughout. Phone 529-7888. -14tf • • TWO BEDROOM apartment hlucknow, at Glennhaven ApartMents on Ins Street, available February 1„.# Phonv-‘5294030 WANTED;.. VENDORS ANTWANTED for, Blue..., Hwy. 86 .... .,.,,.. vale Market, corner cOtneP',;:',',#wst.,. , oe, and 87. Produce, -crafts, hoijriehaltittg, and antiques. Contact Kim Cowan 272'alackhorne Drive, Kitchener or 579-4727. -';-.124$x <., 070,7i, !cocci* mieoci co* oa,ccroi::o:ciccictic.O.'wcieioc.il 00* 140:1101.liin000dei • '• 5. 004;- '0404 for �aIo• sus.; ,,cc.c,c. c=c,,cccui 'a:aa' "11, ,a" itaaa aaala aaaa aaaa al" alaaa ea" • ss .p -0110E: CARS, TRUQKSI Stailep:;*ok. vattsafid 11814$ Chays..8i 'Piy,ocitithi 1182 Lincoln; 20 4' 1-98082'. -"Rod Plymouth staticti,wagoti, 3 1974 vans .ttud 4,thothari 14 .1(atikerl. 1978-80 4s4 ;,chov •pi4Otsi '134*, ,Charger Jeep 6 1.3 -ton .tah, and chassis S4!;dattvr''/' 'yap h0410$..kati:116:,,boctiO.,.<MightOW:S. Cat •Sales 4 oitto•,•,.'*60.1,•pf • #4.. :ler 6 triiiekeigt.6f.:)(14.00vCr MR. CARMAN WINGHAM LOCATION - 4 bedroom house with garage, 1600 sq. ft., offices, shop with pit and 25 - 30 car parking; zoned forother uses. 1-357-1441, Wingharn.. mum Immo menepi,ip•r, warreopiow mill 1146 111111, faii;. mum arei ming 10. Wanted to rent emin ram aim, mom amos•ore aileu mom mom mow NNW moo • 13. Wanted [general] WANTED TO RENT IN ' LUCKNOW a 3 bedroom house. 'Phone 881-3865. -14,15 12. Help wanted. TOPNOTCH SALESPEOPLE REQUIRED. A fantastic, earning. Contact Central Supply, Ingersoll, 485-3481. -14 SUNSTAR POULTRY SERVICE has full or part-time employment, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, 'transportation supplied, for fit and hard working people, chance for advancement to foreman avail- able. Call Mr. Clinton, 192-8192. -5tf A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" licence. For prescreening interviewand job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport .....4DrivietfrarTraining; London, 1-800-265-1260. BUSHES WANTE0 BUYING BUSH LOTS OR SELECTED TREES Top Cash Prices CRAIG HARDWOOD LIMITED AUBURN BILL CRAW AL CRAIG 526-7220 , 52077512 • JOHN SCHWARTZENTRVBER 887-6571 4 14. Employment wanted cceem, e.g. MOW MINN 9. 4CCOMModatiOntii-rent:., • . • • aiipme** aiiimcomilitualie mile gamii• ONE. BtpRpoNt ,APARTMENT for rent, frie4nd stOve,SiippliedAvailable immed- iately, above Loree's Ladies Wear. Phone 5.28-6145., -13, •;, mop. /11111111. 111•11. iii1111111 atima ••••iio • 7. Real, estate for sale- 7. Real estate for.sale • ornir =SI MI11.110 111111.111I' 1101.11111•11111. alum Now um, ainiti *ow /Fa, mow mu. imowerpili • 0"..+Nalaa ,REI9NS:1BLE „WOMAN will doJ, ifouse,, vvoit in the Lucknow - aieg: Phone 395 5540 13 14 • "r.71••••Tr7r'^',--*---***-"•••"---"-----^-7"-"--7.-'-'""-- , coo,. •11•1 11"1 At Auction Sales Z' *No amiii aim vim* minis imam imam' aimmilim...1 mos Farm Credit Corporation ' • • •.•.• • .. c„ ...„ of ale ffeirst • , . . ". • ,•. • • • -LOCATION: On a;gravel road, 3mlles south and 6 myes east of Luclmow, . , LEGAL,DESPi: W.1/4 and. S4E,.,..'$/4 ottot, 40, ,...concoosion,40,:ondli of Lot ,100- oneesslOar9, Townshlp of West Wawanosb, .Huron •Cfainty • z • LANOtit.,0*frp#of ••- illoosi oitedo. • NOTES: 1. • 14,'OrttiOvi*$' :0'04,i000*Itte'd on tke shove chase* Matta ittlyen'theht,,,OWitinapeetionatidimiwiedge'of the farm and not On the , above or any other particularaoi,repivoesstIons mute verbally Or in writing by or on behalf of the Far* exOdliCoiliorolosi Before making an offer, those Interested abOuld liseeitato that the property :eau belt:tied and:occupied for the purpose. Intended In aei0141800. *101' Provincal Loaidation,and Offers should be made on a foini:01***bb) 'from any. Office 'Of .the-Corlooratian and must be reaelited by, April' .10th,- 1986 the Field Office listed 'below. 11 r44.,:lit4ttettig:jO; reqnlied,;•iI4anisit be dhienssed; whir .the localrepresen!, 401 below a jobefore making an . titaidioffer. r g I normally 30 days after A0410006 unless g. . agreed upon. A eertffled, deposit Of <$.7t000:00 must aeaomptioy• the, iitierIkl, , . . . , , - . , . . . , . , • , . , . , . , ,.. , ,. the 'highest:Or:any. offer *ftl"..iis,*ectioaartly be 11F**cacc, ,'1‘4e. coirtioiyition:'.',004',J, request new offers to purchase after theaboVO;mentioneddatej iif.deemed:A00ly , , . „.. . . . ,. • ,, , . , „ .. .. . votehoser4 was b 'e repiOnsible .for, all .. taxes . 644, MI , , auWhetherlOcal ,,•,, ,, , , . ,, , ,,.., , . , .„, ,„, , inipioveopaots, gloloais, roit etheiwise chiuseit;o,t ustessekngidna* the AS! ';property, .., frorn date of cloolok aobjectiO, tbeuisitati4tattienta.' ', -',..',•,-4::,: .','''''. ', ,.. ','' , :. :'',:',.',' , .. ,.. ., All offers to pitrchaao and ottothruko• should baraddnpaa‘fl (1Oi':. 010,:ovtipo - - ,--itmtokow cooditienoN CANADA •A111141t:Stieve Whig* ,EA , •' , - • '11: , ' 1- '-'. ' -, '-':- , , , 21.. ' 1 'tS4,ett, Sulk 203• ' ' , ' ' . : • , - .. ' ,. Ontarlo 0Trlep,,,, lirts.jiot 5 14,.8381 _ y • , , -00, totogivr, i e,. teitt1[101 , ep n , 1 i -e . oak, !ester ta M • ''tAli',e4r'1802,S2 . FAANI.EQUIPMENt AUCTJON •GEORGE ROBERTSON• 0101e: Nortohu::::uniOfg:O:do.tic.,h ..n County; Road 25 or 4 miles West . • TUESDAY, APRIL 8T11, 1986 •.(•P ,at 1:00 p.m Sharp' 1370' Cisei1065-hours [like new]; 20 C 31P loader, 3„pth,: shuttIeshifti 2 :buckets; JD 6000; 41401, coMbinel hydro, alr,. ehOppir11060, lirsd; 443 nariroVt:eorfl *Cad; 4,010 0040! ; hair. 140 lItter ',14.1W14' Ple160::h0c0.4:4t •McKee' tailgjcidt itilth`oprai, kft;,,22t,A;C.„'„opult irlth,,anhydrous**hinent etc.; 5 lurroW, Case auto reset, aew.inalfamrilai;3 totrrOihr MFploW; 2 furrowtase, ;3 pthi; 300;gal, G.W. ;saddle, tank and hydraulic-ouriti& ',209101$ trait G.W. oPrOYor-WithbOO1114 •ton VICO" fort. spreader;.. 14' Crow foot • packers; Croarfaat paOkOrava raw IH 406 e40,0*oit: transport wheels, monitor swath turner; 3 JP' SOO bu. center dump boxes on 1414m ,thirst **Oda, bolster spring tongue; 4: ‘, Ow mid mound bean .00110r,,,,, never used; 14' chain harrows; 20' Ill #40 *heel illset dump trailer; 2 hay' wagons; ' ; se(of duals 18.4-38, 16446; Sth *heel ,flat bed railer 30' bed, • trlide hydraulic brakes [like 1O07010" ITEMScoNSIONEttitie NEIGHBOURS: lunes LoiltWO04. 6 .roar bean, win ewer; 111 1600 titiokotiv-Cibt Pit0i,i.IOotage box and font •Auctioneers Note: There are no small , „ items so ,please be on time. ' Land . is rented‘. TEIMS OR eirEQ61 !DAY OF SALE Not.reSPOrisibletOr ateldents. • • ototoot4 IL nitoix*Kr For fortlier,informatioti caih S19,524.6658 do' • 1.1 ,c$ •