HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-04-02, Page 7ring Fever inspires restless writing ByJokes Friel The quality of this column can, be directly attributed to Spring Fever, I've tried eight times to, start this thing .and I'm -just not satisfied with any of them so number nine will just .have to do. Settling , for number nine means I have to cop out and write about writing which is a big no -no. I'll be earning the contempt .of serious and accomplished writers .writing, about writing and the onilj solace 1 can*gain out .of the whole thing: is.that no-one is: likely to, read .this, column because of Spring Fever. Why.write about writing, ask serious and..; accomplished writers. Writing :about writing contributes nothing, except to add;to that vast and uninspir- ,Ing ;body . of work devoted to naval agazing And naval • gazing while our temperature zone is springing . to new life is•an. a eZt More unforgivable waste • of time+ he'^newness Must surely `bring something; di f ferent::to a writer. For this writeraa. sPring primarilY 'inspires a ,desire to eget out and enjoy it. I'll have to be a :.serious :and accomplished, writer some other time. Spring ` Fever has 'sprung me out:of p g the winter prison doldrums. Snowdrops and crocuses (croci?) are pushing up. all over, people are burning"the leaves that have mysteriously . collected after the hard work in the fall, and new creatures are gamboling about the . fields and barnyards unaware of their fate, A lot of • rabbits and squirrels and skunks, freed from the safety of their lildey-holes know about that fate, everything's fate. Alai of people are packing away their hockey''and broomball equipment and skiis (another year has gone by without ,me. learning.: how to ski), and are • bouncing soft ballslightly off bats in the basement and punching their baseball mitts : quite a bit. "Babe Ruth, was a bum," they whisper to themselves, While softballs are crashing around through half -finished- recrooms, I too avidly await the baseball season. -After ." r hockey ends. .and-, until baseball tarts our newly borne .sports pagetic going tc , have a few WI items encroachingon Raseball.is also more -fun to shot that. hockey. Not"to upset avid hockey but the Lucknow arena is•: -a,: photo-' grapher's nightmare: ; And ' in • ease ,,x. you've forgotten, the lottery is' . still continuing and: the Lions Club s. still gratefully 'accepting donations of. :any f�. size to help build an arena suitable: hfor �r Sentinel photographers, 7 , I'm never going to complete ; thi; thing without help. I've used everi excuse ,.in the book to put this Doff n I'm still stuck with: it. ;Time tarol'1"it Cleaning cars, nevi.'.clothe. cycles, opening swimming poo young man's fancy turns to thou love (hopefully young women'do,tod)� and farmers start think( seeding, though you'dnever know - from a conversation -I heard 'yesterda:y'' "So, you itching to get back on ;the- land?" a farmer was asked. • "No," he curtly replied.. " • His reply absolves me �of any guilt, Spring Fever has everyone thinking of. - anything other than working: off;. -a sf.K a posing of the eiga> •from page I� F Y. ` "'' -- ette a roan ' rushed', intoe the store. by definite action....1 am burning,all my looking for a•pack, said.Umbach. He Post, stock -and discontinuing ,the sale of all his temper :when' heJ. found -out ; the tobacco. This decisionis made entirely parmay no longrsold cigarettes. for your` benefitn the interestof�yaurUmbach explained his. decision made , • health and safety. .. . ' .only xshortly,before, and suggested .the. ``At the request of ' the Sentinel, Irian thin about ' his Health and' his'', Elmer agreed tabe photographed:in° the.: importance to his ,wife and children,;and burning of the- cigarettes, .the>task being - offered the custOttier a, ;package of :• life :.; completed . last•.. Thursday _ afternoon. savers which ' he accepted without arch -1 y 19,4,4y.'!:' r „� � a . , •, . tha.nkss.. . P i .ryi J. ;y., 4 A thick black, smoke•poured�fra tlhe „ - :About two months., later. the irate cigarettes,. recalled Ther ';pi a>hina�tst customer returned'to apologize for,, his which brought' -quite : a IF' inquiries:' behaviour, which wasT pointed out by from concerned people `�wo de ng� bothxhis wife'-and°children as: poorµan�d what ;in• the world was ha- .00.11t7 ' replaced the}package of candy. Umbach The -black smoke continued alf t vvas pleased ti hear him add that helps and into. they.evenine ; .N , a t. ` `" --. v, , stopped ,s i �.. . Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 2, 1986—Page 7 C�rnpetition deadline extended To the editor: A few weeks ago we sent you a commun- ty announcement about a competition en- titled: Invitation to Ontario's Strongest Men and Women. Because of the tremen- dous response we have had from people in areas of Ontario where the contest was printed; we have decided to extend. the _,'• deadline to April. 30. In casee the contest was not " printed in your' newspat er in, :Februar-y, we are attaching a copy of the *announcement in -'the hopes that you�wi!l be able to print it and give the in your community an opportunity., to participate. , If anyone from you community wins . a pauze,:we.;wll„send. you. copies of all three winning stories. We will also send you any stories coming from residents of your community. If yourhave already printed the contest or if you are planning to print it, we would be very grateful if you could send us a clipping. Thank you very much. Yours sincerely, Pratyaya Hamilton. hJUST EAST: jp S2414911- ., �.n BOX OFFICE_QP. .. 0 ODERICH 4•-7811 !1.o P.M. TO BEAT OUR USED -CAR VALUES 1984 PONTIAC BONNVILLE 4 dr. 1984` FORD CROWN VICTORIA 1983 OLDS 98, loaded' with extras 1982 FORD F100 pickup 1981' OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door. 1981 AMC CONCORD D. L.:, 2 dr., 75,000 km. 1980 BUICK •REGAL, 2 dr. 1980 CHEV 1/2 ton :1981 FORD F150,pickup 1979 GRANADA, 4' door 1979 OLDS CUTLASS Cruiser, •stationwagon 1978 PLYMOUTH SALON, ' 4 dr HORROR- In#FEATURE aha-ana diOat • • ;•1” 0:. n1d1`io1i1' •A TNI STAR AE4FASE: @1986T11Sta:Pictures; Inc: A8 aiiih NeeroW. • • Our b.J. will play all your requests Pius many un ►re rites: in store b CHECK IT OUT! Frida