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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-26, Page 15
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 26, 1986—Page 15 "A reference to local services at your fin :r riy':{<q:-'r'r.<i.4:�itii-:}:•, },':: ':?}:Yvi}`F.r•' .v...:. •.....:........•... y.. ...,. ..........rr.n..r... ... ...:....... rr..; .. ✓{YY:+-;rF?: :'f::.; .....:. ::.}h::+S...._:... -.._ :..�.,.- ..._...r ... .-.... n. •.:: ..:.r... r..i. rn:+•2•f:•+vV{•�i':•r:. .. �.-,..-.. Chisholm Fuels IIJNOCO'> SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW ?hone 529-7524 or 5247681 Furnace Installations Wood -Oil Combination Furnaces Burner Service - Propane Filling Station PRODUCTS FOR FARM, HOME & INDUSTRY 44441 4444 r;Yy: '3344, O lFrf; 33114 ?:•: it r SF•SfjYY'v' r. • v f{f•S vif::: Askes Bros. Construction Wingham Custom Homes Cottages - Additions Farm Buildings Renovations Free Estimates Bert Askes 357-3053 R.W.BeI 1 Optometrist OO.DERIC 1 fie!.�uaal>rE 524-7661 The Lucknow'• Sentinel, ur .. , imunity''. 1ewspaper 528.2822. 444 114 `h7 Insurance & Real Estate Auto - Farm - Home - Cottage - Commercial - Life Investments R.R.S.P. and Trust Certificates - V. & G. - First City Standard - Credit Foncier - Coronet - Municipal Sterling - Wellington = Family = Premier - McDonagh Insurance Broker Ltd. 4.4 BARRY - ROD - WAYNE Phone 528-3423 or 528-2031 144 334. kss >/ RFs• sks MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Homes All families are served with theutmost respect and dignity. For pre -arranged funeral infprmation contact us at any time. Bob MacKenzie Lucknow 528-3432 Bill McCreath Ripley 395-2969 Greg Roberts Kincardine 396-4445 A member of Associated Funeral Directors Service 444444434::44 444 4 :":44 • 4.;44444$4 >:! + dr• ,f •:•, r • r.Sr �iS:^:S}%•}:;<'•r':;?�%n:i5: r::::?::t5i•.'-:%:;:is:ti i • 5}$j�;t::::;::Y�::<?'+.a%%5:�;:.;.,., i✓'rr : vrr ...::: -::: :: :':{.::::.,tv::. :Cw: r•:'?•%? •• `•fr:fr21> ti+ • : <%:>: ;k;S:;i?'z�i Sii i:••,}:<::'ar:3i� f� i'o `.•'::r•:• a :::::. :::: ::: <•: xS;Si•;e{ {•frit,•••••••• Cliff's Plumbing & Heating s rr. 640 -Willoughby :r% 11.71 Lucknow, Ontario r:;`r r COWAN PRINTING BUSINESS FORMS/CARDS envelopes flyers tickets decals RUBBER STAMPS INVOICES MAGNETIC SIGNS Kik • ADVERTISING d • SYSTEMS �:f• LUCKNOW SPECIAI.TI ,< ..,.. Furnace Installations' Air Conditioning • - 9 528.2730 ° J• . s Sheet MetalPumps & Softeners .. _ . Repairs • 528-3913 GENERAL PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLIES CLIFF MANN Telephone: This Space is available for your .This. Space. is avarre or Call 528-2822 Spike's Portable Welding IN SHOP REPAIR WORK GENERAL FABRICATION *Stabling • Truck and Wagon Racks •Ornamental Railings Repair to all makes PTO driven snowblowers FREE ESTIMATES Spike Bakker R. R. 5 LUCKNOW 528-2520 ,...,›....i„,„ :;.orf. ,. �, .. :: •}.:•:;'t}• f:.:.+r•• :}: {:; .:+:;�j} ; •+•. d;:S:::t}: y:;aF,-;:•:t v:ifi: ;;: Rw4:•`'.' -<t'y...'`;j\. ''4r, :'r}.,,}i\'::{;{1' 4:, .4.:' ,k •: J k„, r..2 '• , r4 {s„....„,. •,:v ,.,.�.: •xRaYS•• ::.,i,.4..,6,4-10:',0' ;;}.; .{-.,,,.};. !:\}};.`:,},:; .;-,h.}, ;:;.; ., .,.>F:•�:2•r.,,.}.?}.G.a •:, •rS :.,.} rf?••r}:>•}::'<?.�;::t::;':3Y:{•::•}:;: {.: .}:.2n•}nc,.. } } +: hrr.,Y: • ::•:Y •: .; }:4,�x-•3:'r •i:S kr•}�;at+....{ f•.... .. , 2, . , Ski alsf '4.4 ,{ f4 ;Cal 45 `Yrs;}.}:. R kA11 r• , Burke Electric ,a ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION SERVICE Y41 $. ,,. ALL MAKES •,.Sz<Y„. i• s t. }f+ft.4:. I1 • 1p T.lf1 A WARRANTY i1�0 . 1TONfY It 1l1T9tf.fST\ {}: uS•x\4h, CaII Toll Free 1-800-265-3025 4' ? 40 Years Built by Quality sad Service • f, }: ` Open 6 days a week. WINGHAM 357-2450 . `,::q{ .S,i?Y,•.?;,};:}!.r;.r;:f.,•,,:.,• ;v:• ivs . '',•;, •: >:4' - <: . ,1::{i{+ t`::,••:,^,h}:•:n,Y.SZa.`{S? a.q r:;;.c. �,\it,..:? \ ;n 1 , r 04.• ✓ t „4.• {. rn 4 .\ . ;.{2::i•: i.,. , „f,,:„X,,{•,:1x{ ;Y}{:?_v r+h----;.,,,:„.•••,..,./„.:;•b.,:'•:{+, ?:•. „},{?nhJv\4::::t.7•f: ?...4.r�'? C+f:;r%,:.f.,..„ a—....,:, .�'r�?Sc�,&};:ox?`' 3.4 .Y: Nile Garage •Motor Vehicle Inspection Station* General Repairs to all makes specializing . GM. li��. Diesels, overhauls and tune ups. Propane Menge Gasoline* Lubrication* Brakes* Tire* Shocks* Pronto Muffler Centre PipeBender Lifetime guarantee warranty on tnuffl erns' 2 yr. warranty on custom made pipes. 1 yr. warranty on pipe! from factor A Installation extra. 29-7355 • it • 4t,44, D ERICH Sit w Call 528-2822 Steve Owen, Auto Body ��„� FREE ESTIMATES 2 Miles East of Lucknov on Hwy. 86 24 HOLJR TOWING 528-2170 /414 13. ti 4:444:% [ :r'y 44 44S" v5eg cotte Pegg Construction RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL DEALERS FOR Aluminum And Vinyl Siding Replacement Windows & Doors Barn;Steel and Hardware • " :28-3720 Torn fegg IP • akiaik -11;•::,r.,:: r...��.• .r. P:. J -V efinishin etlnishlpg,Fu'irnituri cabinet king • Painting"` r { } 5 y ' . [Exterior/Interlori } >•4 ,40 bs :•}..:}x?• r t•}: : {r: • ?:F •`. ^,7, . rr: ;, ••;`::HS? vax::r',:r:SS , •.,.'s ' .di tii'�ti <;:$ Sv�2 ,.�:f i�:':7F:%}r.. ::xaan �::V,•'+...,>-:.�.. ...: ,•i{2 ;yy,,�%':::ti: :kf:+ ,.,.�..}, tkk '.:$7?'•: n:f. {L•. vV.+ ••Ah r••i}':4 •.:hl,n 'Skii:{•+:•h,.. }:,�u ."\`- . 4:31344 44,44 MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION , f For Friendly Counsel {•'Y Without Obligation `` < ' We Invite You To See ` 4. Us About The Selection _�y,' t''..:;. Of A•Family Monument. `Y` } n All Cemeteries <v:•ti Monuments Erected i:: . .,_■. it___—: __ o_.__ MacDonald r_�_t� _. nom. Ai' 4 :s r 'r tie f J . Ai .\"z INDOOR SHOWROO1�V WALKERT`ON , t .. ♦v . e `..+: .ii :'{'1.{ " • -. h4 %r. •.;<;{ :yru :?.+>•.::••"•t<4?:;+•:{:'^2`:•'.•::}.'•-:•:C4::s. �:�::f�;*::•;,.:tix::'•,::;?�f`i:;Z\?�:::`•:{��;:??': }`''?Y•:E,;.;i; Y�R:2;:Y•rhv`•;::?ti5. + --�-, :n4,;`4p;•ti\i:•<r:nv}..,Ov•.};.?p.}:•}r}:,.,.,.,\...S4.:vn•.4:::e•.•.....,,,,._.,,.. .. Y. ....,,...t ... ._.ten....... •••. 41 Electrical Contractors rthing Electric ir° FREIE ESTIMATES' Work Guaranteed Hour rterncy Service Box 92 Lcknow; _ 528314` .„44 • 3,* SS SF 4, y spa Lucknow Service Centre Used Car & Truck Sales Lucknow "Your One Stop Shop" •Tires *Batteries *Oils *Pop •Cigarettes •Chips PEIROCANAWr Howard J. Neable 528:2812 pA ys 4 ,41'tx:;a,..>,'.,'F,ir'-r.:%S•r::•`;S3:r+::?'v f.h } fy W. Adamson & Son CONTRACTING LIMITED LUCKNOW' 5252113 •HOME INSULATION *AIRLESS SPRAY PAINTING 1Yr H ninaering *Sand Blasting 'etal Roof' Coating s w Fully Insured $a; F3onded e:G.Ss. LISTED CO1'4TttACTOR