HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-19, Page 17-4 . • Ampicro =mem =gm ,compa ;ppm, p =OM OID0144 =Op casAla vsnrxim =am ems= CU= 06194010 *paw 31. CARS of thanks .41.110,1110.21...IP V.11I. IWO. 0111,= Gsesalkarawc a,egFiFs1=211;01410114W101,wmpeip spRzin spow..p sum upp..#4,044Fouga memo =am 1.744,4.A.IRog, 48.00 1101.0.0*'s t 32,..Coming events apame. Ma.,14 ..sas# MOO 0.6100,MIRIM larl, Oa* "aga *mu al= THOPOSUN CHRISTIAN FARMERS PUBLIC MEETING The family of the late Frank F. Thompson , :.., wish to extend their sincere appretiation to WednesdayApril 2, 1 30 pmLucknow C. relatives, friends and neighbours for their and District Community entreSpeaker; Torn Oegerna, CFFO President, St. Thomas. expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, - memorial donations, cards and food at this Topic: Charting our course into the 90s. For time of sorrow. SpeFial thanks to the VON infmnatim' can 374688' 7-1233 Nurses and Home Care Helpers- to Dr Knox and his Associates for their care at home and KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION • ' in hospital, the' kind and wonderful Nurses t Lucknow and District Christian School, and Staif at Kincardine General Hospital; to Wednesday. March 26, 11 a.m. Birth ,56 RevDrNorman Perry and RevClarence certiOcatea and immunization recOrds are . . . . McClenaghan for their con-dm:ring message required—12ai and prayers; to Ken 1...,.of Davey -Link- - later Funeral 'Wine $W JAL *kindness and 90111 BIRTHDAY . • -. ,• . _.. _ least, im 90th birthday by receiving friends for.ltia:On moor, Mrs. Fred Herd and the U.C.W. - • ill iii: :..--• Ladies of the- kineardine United Church who ''SaturdaY''. is4411c4 4'. 2,,, 7' ' 4 P -r -n° *t'.:0-9''tk - .- , ., , Kinless ‘,Chureh. Let your'„preSerice ,be'yOur, u to Norm Duns- Mrs. Annie MacIntyre will' celebrate- her concern Last • LuelmOw Sentinel, Wednesibsy, Ms 191 19864,Page 17 ouucii adopts The regular meeting, of Kinloss Council was held on March 3 at 1:00 p.m. with Reeve Barry Johnston and all council members present. AproTdheuildfoinrgvibpeertim2Bitragaipt9licationWa s vconstruct new residence at Silver Lake.. • • Council adopted the reads maintenance budget of $236,000,00 and a , roads construction budgerof $332,350.00. Part of the constructionbudget is conditional upon the approval of the Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communications of $180 000.00 being eligible for supplementary grants for monies toward a new grader and resurfae- . ing of the South Line west of county road number 1. A motion was -subsequently .passed to apply ato the TC for the siipplementary funding. .., •• ,.. General accounts for 124.962,59 And road accoriptS•for $13.36327•were;appraY- ed. , Twenty-five building permit applications .wete.:-issued in 1985 fora total permit value• _ Of $256,100.00- compared with 27 applica- tions issued in 1984 with apermit value of , $189,700.00. . • served lunch to family and friends' fritoWing .. :. - : . 1 ' ft12 ' " ' ' • ' ' ' • - ' the service. • • ., .- , .- :- .... . ,....,..., - • ' • ..' • -- '`'' . ' . ':' '.7""" • • 7 -2„: .• :::, .. p#*Toitiiitoori 00 Family - " —12x • CONINV. GET READY! .. —'''' -,'''-- '-'-'----••',', Hoipital Auxiliary •Runitna.0.54•11,e; Apri.tA- .7777....,:...,,...,..:,,. ,...-,:...,:, . , ,.,, Contributions . very , appreciate .. 32. Codling. OVentk-..1.: ,:, ..*; . , ':: .-.. - . ....... Ism or. 011.11.1saii107%rririls,171..•11110 amoola.. ' ';''.,-.Z '.1 *alai 44 further information. --t12 , t• -,,,"..:, THE PROIAG,4,:. - ' , • . • '''''''REGULAR MEETING Friday, March 21, 8 p.m., at .-Madill ' Of the iiicl4kOiii,AtiiiCUltUraI,'SOciety,:TneS-' ;-.., Secondary School, Victoria Street, 'Wing- " , day-,-Mareh.2k 8:30. p.m., Y ttieknow9tri"- •,- ham.. $3.00 aie 16 +; $2:* Age, .16 15;: niimily•.eentie, PrizeliSts•wilt-hreVised: $1,00 under 10 years old. —11;12ar __________________r_-_—:„,,,--..,--,-- .........,.2,,L_ ____,;:-. -• ,..,_,.., ., •-•.„:„.,f, - --_,..... - _J____ DINNER AND ANNUAL MEETING • • . 4.,AS'rER S1VIORGASHORD: , f The- Children's Aid Society, County of. Sponsored b wilt. Workers,; -on T ,y , mg • ' hurs- Bruce Friday March 21 .1986 ' at 6:30 p in " ' ' - ' ' day, March 27, at Dungannon United at ,Chesley Community Centre. Entertain - Church. Sittings at 5 and 7 P.m. - Adults' ;,netityrovided. All welcome to attend. -,--12 -- . $6 DO, 12 . and uncle', $100, pre-schoolers. .____ _ free. For- tickets call - Arlene: Curran - PI;EASIXES;PRBLEmS AND4" ..-- 529-7637 or-Pennyl-Odge 529-7932. --12 • PRESCHOOLERS , 1 : , Presented by the Huron County Health Unit, a series of 3 Parenting Classes for parpnfs-, of ; ' , - children aged 1 -5 years. Classes will `- , IA, commence Wednesday. April 9, 1986 and „ will be held at R.N.A. School, VirMgliam. For -9,4f.. ,,..6........,...........,. wow siew imam . pre -registration or further information, A. For sale - .. .. rimers• . • • • • please, call the Health Unit Office in your '... , .. . -'• . .-- . . ,..,area at 357-2264' .. --12 13;144r- . " , '-'• `,, :,' '''': ' '' • . - ' - . •.'-' • ' ... . , - :' ""'. •"- " 300 .?400 BIG ROUND BALES of hay,,, Phone ". .'': - --- - 395,5255. --12115,- , , ' '',,,,, ----. , ' :"-:::".,:, • . '..',:;"; '`.--.. -,..LEGIONDANCE ,,• ,: , t •• , $0ur44:Y.;,,. r 22 ••,-.r. , •-.Lueknowlegion „ „ -9.vvit';0118'*817,t9s9- ..ot:oig4;$09:xici.Loileh . $10;06,0erg000e ,. --12ar ,. By0onttaf,Johnitim The fifth Meeting of the .,Holyrood; Bone Builders-wa„sheld • on March::3 at 3" Mae:E. *OS.: The club started thOtineeting with the.40Pledge-led by Joanne Murray. - , The .minutOv-of the'last meeting With 110 mistakes werer e d. • . The roilcall Was anSwered. by all merribers..Members,yFentthraugh, meeting " five and 'fionie activities. The club to do some more about the achievement for the. next Meeting; „Mrs. Macgwan'dtold the group to have books, all \ caught aft: for • OPEN HOUSE For Sherry Stewart and bcinglas flaMilton March 22 from 1:30 p.tn. - 4:30 p.m.' at the home • of Douglas Hamilton, „ Lneknow, c. Wanted. ,.. LUCICNOVir LADIES SLOPITCII • Any teams or ladies interested in playing in the -1,1.1eknoW• League ,-please call 528-2172, WANTED TO • RENT A FARROW TO Possibly with option to purchase.Phone 519,-357-3597; .7-12 Set -4. • 1'. ow 00 ACRES with barn, , IN% Lot 20, concession 14, West Wawanosh Township. 0 CRE Ashfield tattoo bank bar/I,' upright silo, $45,000. • IROILER FARM, 12,500 quota, 4 bedroom, 75 acres, Kinloss Township. :INLOSS, 150 acre dairy, .70 tie ups, pipeline, stable cleaner, 2 imp. sheds, -largio automatic feeder barn, 4 bedroom home, inground swimming poet and another 100 acres available. , 210 LEVEL ACR, 4 ipecir011In brick, 41 acres hardwood bush, give us an offer„ KINLO$S TOWNSHIP, 100 *bees, 22 ares hardwood r bush. 55 workable; $45,000. 1141.DSS, 100 acie hog falmi'll9,wotitable, 3 kietiroont 1)0/74'4e, lame barn, 2 sheds, 9 1-2 r` cent financing, asidni:'4#5;066, • , KINLOS$ Tvyt-o • 100 acres, 94 workable, 68 acres wheat; barn. Asking S72,000. 7 UNIT A pA R ale xoeileti! emnot mortgage at on iiI4veestinerit. EL,T building, ucicrouvv, jcKNow. 3 bedro9m home, low down PaY al _CI ieaY, Askingsun e c deck, asking LUC1CNOVV. storeY 3 bedroom paved. drive attached ga s $38,0()O. TflItEE BEDROOM brick home, riew fainily room 7 acres new drilled 11 2039 barn. Asking .$48,500. YJAR OU) briik biingalow, 1 acro lot, .pav&d rod. and dnv., 3 bcdroorn, whirlpool ath. cent ita . ASE ma raen A A 111111i t iaraarlfrialVirkiNi -414eUtP111141"'" J117.4"1 VA'" $ 24 3 the next meeting. Sherry. Murray and Betty .Ann 'Murray •„. = ,"made the whole • wheat,yogiirt-pancakes and maple butter, gonna Johnston made milk shakes,”; Steven' ''SicEwan and Joanne Murray 'Made theice 'up and Sang the 4-1-1- grace -and then sat down to •enjoy the meal. Then there were dishes to be done. Donna IiihnStort_WaS1101. ., and Joanne Murray, dried and Stephen .pirt • , them away and , the meeting was closed by Betty Anne, seconded by Steven ,MacEw- , an, - • •• FA. or. sale Fir! 11410 • or.7* mom. u.00,,p7. cam !re reee. .re eee.., • • For sale •• • • A "!1Ilio - IMO/ OWN • ; , • re d o ora via ower of LOCATION: On a° gravel road' ',3,1iille`s• sou LEGAL DESC: W.1/2 and of Lof2' Concession 9, Township. of West Nira , LAND: 250 acres of 'i4/11e11 PS 'mixes we 111.4DGS: .Older bulldlngs. Boulf4.Oru and toffees: es. Luekilow .„, !moat simile 4ind W.% of Lot 26, .NOTES14. Offers may be submitted on the above parcel. • • • • - i ' eitiown,insimetlen and l'ilil,r4edge of the ferill and not en - e erbally:Or In *vrIellifibi or on . behalf Of 4116 FOrnk Credit FPO ascertain thafthc'PropellY ' he, ttirditialid..dmeimellillePipesif'f7rguieti: ,. i . lifters should he mode on'a form obtainable from any Office: of the CorPora*,* and , must ,be 7cei,veti by colotb 1986 at 41, Field Offl cP"11te d below. ,. - . „,,,,,, , • sed ' aeeePtanee unless ''' the offer. ,,;' ilfepr,'-eese,in't,a''fiini;emlleuinssietglttetihshe'ereorlmeatcla:rireety*gaf°e'Iremthen:insaktsm7,stre7sgtslnmbeu°tiuiudff17ir,uy:SPres'hledIv'rg1"':hulltipet .,:nh' n°erin.C°A., _adl,r1R)7Yrtill"111".'ed711:'08,se, .,.__Paftii7esalidrit: of$7,000.00. , . , , • i ' , . ' ' . • , , ' ,,' , The . higt hiti,eitit 'olrireilrl-61Yt date,'o°pitree'r-Ilwase111.4tentitynteehesaliosarillyeYin'beendlieeorief011ted'7:1111fe:4(74"alirP°edrlinue71°""ssr7 Porel5etiehesasers will 0and all assesonlento, ' . improve/0014, die 10ans, or OtherWlie charged Or *We . be resiionalbli for elltax a 'sat iigaost the sald property . • „ whether ii,eni. . from it.?tieof closing subject to the usual adjuattneuta; :. ' :.• ' ' r- - . , - . ' a In tarlett allo, he. ,. , - .. . ' . , ,, • . „‘ ,-, ' All offera ...to purelase nap OFFICE A , ..•* ' ' ettipricttRrOliATIOriCAN , aboPurevhe,aosreanis Y!'itoutShtereir,.IPYart°ne.lico can anon. Berore /nowt an ,th, ties mooed In Wars or rePresintatioilla made v, ffer, those intents, ted accordance with "Provineal Legls a on A 21uutleDistSteve sato 203 Gadertels, Outlide N7A 3Z3 Telephone:(519142443111. answer, telephone [519) 81114490..Plesmosi 'refer to file nuieberi 281724264 '-ar;gys mook — tamvoti, iimoci.pro foga. C. wanted mem woos 411111‘0 OEM !Mi. ./09/114 OM,* AMON MWINAT OWNS Omeleso Amin asmerfit More Mao LYNN .LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTft, NO, 1-Kinearcline; OntariO, For all, your ruapt.tre;, ioed:„.y and grain handling require-- tnents calf 308.5286' or sec us Amberley. We. handle ,-eiketsithiltig 7'4 BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT.'.: Harp P trianiire•purops, VertiCaf.'horiitirital.::: , 15; 0.1.-rinetile...Cow and calf tie staltrtit'.:-.p5oSe ;feeders; Ritchie heated' Water"' ,bows. Farrowing :•••• . crates. Caner deekt.- FiaStic 'slates and also; 51q-""A0.1C,Ontac,.t johriston .R.3. , - ficilyrood,',Ontario. •Phone 395$300, ..!-t:120eir • ANTED TO BUY- barb -'cue pigs, - ruptures, thinitis poor doers, any size; also sows and boars fit to butcher. -Call 1514els MOM 410Mtiki/hft WIN 0019„)rell6 6111.11110.1:111M0 'Orb 11MINIMO.. F. For rent - NOM NM, 100110101,12! firetes 'ftgro, 100 ACRES FARM LAN') for rent. Phone 529-7, a 100 oR169 ACRES for rent, Or shares, fall •: ,. ploughed, Ashfield Township. Phone •529- , 7427. ,;--42,1,3' •_35 ACRES :-21/2 Miles west Of ,VVinghdin, on • Highway $6. Phone 357,1746, —.12 , -4- I , I