HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-19, Page 16Page 16 Lucknow 'Sentinel, Wednesday, Mar h 19, 1916 Will.:•“ImRo,q:i.ae. r m-rmzm MORD 0®.8. a 661Rigi NM12909 63=61111111140,1FROW,1911 ie. Serwricos ovailablo .�.e!aT:lamAwasq, Man OEM 4146W0,41111MIZONERAMPOPPOO.M69,304,...0.10 INCOME TAX SERVICE Personal and confidential, reasonable rates. Call Jane Cere 528.-6945_,9tif Ag.A10 maw:npo/gta m.p.....Raa. ing.um a m amps e®R mow 1 . fervices available +�wh ar,:gip:.f°�1�. �,s �s a�,pge�*�■pr�. REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE :SER- VICE rebuilt..appliances; cash for your used appliances.Call' jucknow Appliance Centre, S . .2946. - .....:....auemu.w. ..•.r•.rte . a•. ! ,•.a•.n= uction Sales, AUCTION SALE. Of tractors, tarucks'& farm equipment • BENAMIS FARMS Lot 34, con, 3, Kuiloss Twp.,: iiiOrsty Hrt ice 2 mil. lit, of Whitechwrel Off #86highway FRIDAY, *4.01121.01M See,last week's paper for full listing; : AfTCTIi'll�i' EItS,. Barry,Kii& Keith Gray,ierris to n [I 519. 338-3722 44:343-3607 , •: or< 3RD A N MU.� (Prewiewat non) .at -the Highway Westof Hanover. FOR THE LADIES: Several Royal Doulton figurines, various 10 Kt gold: ringswlfith.rcaubiess diamonds -etc., coat rack, . glass, ,• china, brass, collector's Plates, wnnd, p airoas `stamarble tables,. .._ .... .� , fancy prints and. pictures, pair' . of Ono china lamps, clocks, oriental rug, . press.; back rocker, ' Ol_s & EQUIPMENT INCLUDE: 12'°' , able saw ..(cast imn ); air corepressor, +, press, 14 band saw, 6" wood jointer and air tools including air hose, sanders, impact guns and sockets, hammers, various lien sets, : oo�mb nation Wrenches; forcing wrench- es, welding and wood clamps,': -porta power, assorted screwdriver sets, and airless paint guns, come alongsdills.. . etsvice: and rruuter`bits,-,tap and die s ,, grips, channel locks, pry bars; ,ket seems prow,b _ars, • ' .. spring bark pipe wrenches , soc..:, . , ic g electrrinder, trouble lights, elei ri , cian's wire strippers, gear pullers, leather punches, air hamtnets," bolt M tape, cutters, p TERMS; Cash, MC, :.'Ursa, Cheque Auctio 1ted 527-18/17. SAFORT'H !9l ,l.b !ffi1P .....doles R@.. ®!dl!9 P S k 1, Personal ea 1 reg.. 'kEG I,, NT' and °,seed Delp?, Exec; Positive contidlentitl. su ort. Brrthri hta Call 35'7'- 1006 3 -1769 or li oiado 432 9197 ` eollcc :.; HAYING ;A DRINKING P OUL1 . help. phare; Goderich 524-60001. or 88143655: - .4t39kf AA can slkerton 58 West Street Neustad,t 151,9) 6:6 5.7118 Godorich (5 19 ). 524 -0 $ * 4).1C, Wile 0-265-1413 • 17. Auction Salee. Zot,10, Con,: 6, Huron ;T� QF Merci f nes twnkyeu i er fwi des from lo Easter f1401.605 5e41 1(46 Sprit, ySOCi€iy,OJT .'O C, nada Auaion Sales • MIPIPP4.00. ern -.R.. M...,..0 low o 1. own REMINDER 1 aringxt Sale 1980. Buick car,truck' with hoist,.; three' tractors 314640, ,ICH 3688, ICH 674 with loader,`'modern ,farm:. Macl inery, }tay, straw, miscella�seours,:mete, To be A held three biles south' of Lucknow :to Belfast,'.hen. two miles 'west,' for, • Douglas aitperm, Mon;c ,ai' aic See last week'sat paper fo Auctioneers Xtic Itlntoul,. Clinton -? 2 fill. , listing. land Bflan 'ION SALE Itinery, Livestock and,Feed will be held JOHN, GAMBLE on• Con.6. TH D. MACHINERY `+ 11M 35 ,F.`, tractor with cab, like new ;tires.' Deals` 20. ,m 8. stmt mount o•atic loader, .prox. 950 hrs; 7700 taiird traci 34;. the Triple :1OK#adjustable°24" - 8 '; 5 sf w au furrow adjustable plow, autoratic reset; 2i' Glencoe "j 21',- Busting !rlisc wlth .wings; 38 plate Kraus ,.014,c; harrows; 6 section of diamond'', harrows; 12'; Turnea'land packer': heavy 1duty Pony harrows; 8350 John Deere 21 run seed drill w fertllizer'boxes; 250 gallon George' White'slruyerswith 28' boom; auger feed, ed anal Ydl harge, fully hydrauilc , 1R t ►n N.I. ``manure wheels with top baa ran ��' a ' $t.e 'SChb d dr - t• tz imam e sreswat er- with hay' conditioner, battand pkup "reels; 270 New „H, of automatic stocker; 24' Skeleton hay, elevator; 48' Skeleton; elevator $nn w, motor; 48' Affil d b" -grain; auger on °wheels with la'T '• 2 rubber tired wagons --tacksgr� !i►ith agons;1 grain box with t?, lana fort wuu d 9 r +ill P; , I y ,,* sgo .:, slim a [ b �, 9� 1, ;,? � n .. � ,,. ,. . ,. �.: �� � r+vnr•-. usonslde �e• A� . ,> with y ,',� c R drams foist �Vin+ro enexator 1 r eIr u f So auger; A►rt. Hetirsr double uge�r owbio r� TG riding>,laLwn' tower, es sou uron 1 es a as1 r wit .#.2250 18.4: erand w>lb'. MISCELLANEOUS .4' `, 26',` 4" grain au gers with motor; ,tractor chalns forloderaracter;, slit, pi;for LIVESTOCK p- foa$a bloser 'I e8... 1811folste n boll calves, approx.` 600 pounds; 4 Holsteiin'bull calves,"approx. suu• u+u ,,, +sends; ,21 Hereford.: heifers ' a root. 500 pounds; 2; °crossbred heifers, : approx, $50, pounds; 3 ire , -..., , 52;. -Her+ ford,''1 roan, approx. 300.350 unds; ;12 Holstein heifers . bred to. artiflclalA unit from ,a--frep'list ed herd . " : e t: E eF.D TAE'rox 2000 *ales 'of h ayaa Proa 120'b aleEs of et:raw. ATHERAITICLES'T4 NUMOU►T(vI: ENTi?1 : IMS CASH:DAYOF SALE FARMSOLD � ` .. ; .. C.14 O OTH CLERK:' BOB GILCHRIS'T' , .... ACICTIONEEIts: •' Grant McDon d Rl Ie hone 395- . al: ,.�. p y��� 583 ,(lace B,allagh', Teeswater,,Phone 395.6170 t 8, TMCtoHINEY i1351' F, tr for wth ea;• 6745 Zeto 4WD tractorwloader and h drau lic bucket; Kad us , e 14"' '18a 5 furrow plo;Ford bottoms;3eft( Kongskilde cultivator; 9' land packer; Int. 1.1'00.18' plate disc, pull -'type; hay stroke';' 103 Ve0;atlle 10'`°swathes with ha conditioner• 3 OM International mower; 424 +1:F. bslur; e w Idea 3b' elevator :ort `wheels;" dump wagon, with ,ho1st;'32' 2:' Skeleton 4.110motor• 'H.fealillzer is reader;,300,M.F.'d a l eonmbine, with cab, straw chopper, pick ► ►' and : reels; , 640- 'Brandt 40'.6" grew auger on wheels with `O; wagon wlth flat roc 2 w ons w th' trco;... rOlt bins; H354 New Hollacld anklll with anger ;teed.' It S�CELLANEf iG AUCTION SALE Af Farm Msaehlnery will be herd for- I:ETER VAN (IAM l o Tw ur._n « 2 . � ir�essoa�hof Ri leherr 1 p. o . �!, air , p.. ,i'. t tin Cora. 4. Huron .Township SAT RDA Y, ARC;LI,22'at 10:30 A. .. " nrilie; East 2, 4 gra4ln au . ers; aerators wi. h rratrtori :3 "PTH 6" seraper blade -Fold t . ho digger; New ' Idea" manure sp ' ser; 180 :oil), Lincoln A.C. -welder. 12" IV.Ita,: reh ith ,fast and hoses e sestet, is foract .:� '� H c iiia .. , _ _ _ 3 .. aki ��. w ste � ��p+a lis e. � to . ,'w R Q amid . rtable we der run.b "' ' der 1leuts:e dleael eu fines, 000ied .lith 100'. - o+tle 'cable and si .< t ro d tI e d s�o..t '?� +i1 100' gest®1h1el tii;idi; new steel' tebiog`for wing erietest lumber;: sr l ! post i; '21. cu. foot Zenith deepfreeze . OTFIER ART' ;GES TOO DAY f iF U R S` TO TERMS ASH . S E AIiM S�LH CL R BQB GILCHRIST ey, bone 395-S sr t Mc ee 'Ar arra agh, Te ,'Phone 3 I. BOOTH: 20. P'ablio notices mg=0 maga =KM OW WNW IOW MOM PEOPLE'S MISSION We ire urgently in need of coathangers and . your patronage. As a non denominational Christian Society, , we are open tai :all. All proceeds go to ;help needy :Canadians. 528-3717, behind Lucknow Sentinelbuild. iog.---10-13.ar Q N'S FLOWERS AND GK'S NOTICE Anyone having ''outstanding gift certificates with Quinn's ,Flowers and. Gifts, .Lucknow, please redeem them by Saturday; March 29, 1986. -= 12,13ar. Ci,ER.K TREASURER; OFFICE Notice is hereby.given that on behalf of `the Corporation of the County of Huron, application will ` be . Made to the Legislative Assembly o;f the. Province, of` Ontario 'at. its: next :regular n ,Sessio "commencing in 1986 for an;Act: 1 Dissolving the: Huron County l_tbrary Board 'on thefirst`day °of January ''1'987 and: ali•the assets and Ilabiltties- thereof be declared to have vested'on 'th'at date°'n the'Corporatior . - 2, Deeming the Council of `the r Cor-' poration for the purposes .,of the Public Libraries Act to be a Board of.;: • to Lib . me o a I1ty racy. and be,,;dee d s as'of the first,day of Jansiary, T : `is .. lic. io ' w h app scat.. n b Standing Committee of tl;it'r agisl' Assembly Any person ' who 'has anin terest;in the application and`. wishes - to, Make. subrrtission's'for*or against the ap- plication to the Standing .Committee should notify inwriting the Cler#c of the Legislative Assembly,, yQ een„s Parrlc, Toronto, Ontarro, M7 1 -al Goderich, Ontario e a f e tat • 28. Engagements: m!Q s7th day 0 al; HAMILTON ' STEA►ET Mr and.Mrs,'EricStewart, R ;113, Holyrood, are pleased.F to announce the forthcoming marriage of their fdaught'er,Sh erryEileen, Douglas,:Alan Hamilton, son of1V1r. and Mrs,: William';Lucknow.: The 'wedding will: take place on ,Saturday, March 29, 1986, at 7P .m. in the, Lucknow United, Church. 11,12x. ..,......� ,r .....,....� M - «.....:Mi. M.... 30. In memoriam � _ eir..n`+• psis pass _ R� i...; - n.Y....!4 ..�.. w... — +1A +M: ..., SLOET,IES In loving meirory,of a dear wife and mother, Tamrny, Sadly missed T ' `� Jr`• -tom 'NYm, JNFA3Y ,{G.. !1 H� Y i cords':of .thtt Ma4•KINNOIsi, .F. ' ,_.. .. We Wish to cxPr'css , our sincere thanks. to friends and relatives for their kindness at,the tulleoI the death of sour ”:sister, , Alrn4`, MacKinnon, ttx «.,, Lorisa Button :Jim and"`Isabel''Hun:ter MelONALTi e. .': ;�f� the .:1st `M Murdoch M .1 The family t .,, ur would like .to "express. thei1sincere tit, Dr. Gergovich,, assisting, Doctors a Nursing Staff: P f KincardineHospital, for: fheir efficient `are, Our relatives. neigh- ,. he manyacts':,`o : 'lours and fi,rs�tls fort their ., kindness:, and expressions of .sympati %icniorial donations lowers, casaid fd sent to aur homes at the ;Chile cifrds death til dear liusbarid, ,at", atindfather brother. Spec sal 1I beamu �s' gi'to' l cv aar McDa all,. Rev. Robert' Stokes, Lucknow ii:C W. `ladies for the luneh+ reatl appreciated leaf which was greatly alp a l Evelyn, Brant AirrA vvaIFI.A FF u, ti Mrs. Mayntc Heniders'n Mrs EIkn -12ar a