HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-19, Page 15AT • • G't Luc1now Sentinel'., We a ay, Mamh 19x 1.986 --.Page 15 <.5•�i�h: `C`rf7;ii:1•S+:Fr�i;<:,i •:r'it r`rv.•: .... v... .:'fir .:.... i'v:•:... ... 13, r.� w,asMame 1. Articles for sale a.4.a.t akar FRESH MAPLE SYRUP now available at Robinson Maple Products. • Sty Au ustin'e, .529-7857.. 11,12 4- . M1CROFURNACE - Cut high sPiliao heatin g costs with an effective selective zone. heater. Demonstration and trials availbie on request. Phone .395-5010.=.12-.17. naw FURNITURE, e. n u,. TRI C & E U I IJRE and used,. Dial + oderi ch, 524-7231.. --40tf' BUSINES'S CARDS, STAGAND DOE TICK- ETS, rubber stamps, decals, wedding .sta- tionery, magnetic . signs, office supplies, specialty, advertising - pens, key tags, etc. harry Cowan, .`Lucknow, 528-273k -4'8tf Exeetllent,fox Eat Suprere ffor. • Fancy tushe' - Half B,utshell .-*S440 _5 ,Cooking Bushel- $5.O0- ANDREWS.ORCHA g,~ c .198411.ORQNCCQt3l! •1115TOR1CAL ATLAS_ SpecsaS:Narntiered,;Cop : 7.7 etch- • first-Come..Fi:ra erase .as. Reg. Copies r. 5.50 each Apply at office o1 B.C. Hyanle .. . Clerk-Tre surer Admin .fit County of Hur�oa, Court: Goderi , Orrin a , A t100, { mom Immo, a1.�.r I.� aa.,M..ra. saw. S.MALL E IPMENT-RENTALS:'.. lawn and ga. t. f utnno ta r mOv ieg ,rde panting, cleaning, sanders, pavi�or tools, *cis more Tlottpes Equiipinent Ltd., 3 Miles East of Kincardine on 1/9 hi, hway. 395.2685.` --42tfa>r. AMIOND #111111.1i 4,. Articles.':-von,e i. wvs • "Mala MS, I.1 .�+ . -tea w.— Owl 411111.1 /MO NW",.. 7. Real estate Or wale FARM FOR SALE $28,000.00. 100 acres' bareland. 45 acres workable, balance rollingr. and bush I,ot. Good buildingsite. bots. 31 and 32, Concession 1, Kinloss Township, ..Bruce County. Approximately; ' nt 'lea . east, of Lucknow and .1 Mile north. :Contact Art McGahey, Farm, ,Credit , or ivrataoi , �taele phone, 519-8811.4.90. � 12,13 : • 9. Accommodatlon to r+ea 4 TWO BEDROOM apartment lir Lueknow, .at Glennhaven Apartmeir ts• an . 4ngiis Street,, available February '1, Phone. 52977630, THREE BEDROOM HOUSE:, in/10,01ugfl available April 1. Phone. 529-7095. —1132,13 ONE BEDROOM , apartment fora ;relit Lucknow. Phone 528.224.6 - 12,13x ,.... r r....«., 'rn. ?-.TI�;R -.awl -M11; .� . ,•....,, 10, wanted to rehl eras l . ,w...weR■ •,i.�:.n�i r 0,• . '. "ter 'mom anew WANTED TO'RENTa'3 bedroo n farrnhouse with shed,: Phone 1-669-1746 after fi p an.t. [quer • maw ram imetvairms__sir MOW s..a ...:... sari.:... a.. �,...1. : WANTED: VENDORS WANT D for.. Blue- NateMarket, ',corner:, Hwy... j `and 87, Produce, crafts, 'homebak'ing .arid, antiques. Contact Kim Cowan, 272 Blackhorne Drive, 1Citchener, or 19.4727: -12 15•x WANTED A. MAYTAG WRINGER washer in good:condition, Contact ; viii Slaetier, R. 1, Lucknow, X12,13 5., . Cars, trucks for sal 1983',1 km. Phone 12x 9 Mus Phone,.5283 a. +.. :— mom .ra'46w► imp "Fee am, lap' I pp. .rw-- — — wAiwa —.w!R ice.—'—.www; 12. 'help , erarrtec i..:off wanted — MOM #..1. w... —+w. 4.1 ai,'— r*r•M.w r� 1.w2C 1 Elio. tom•► • w+rt. �. rtwrF.!w R �!' . ! w... �r12°l•2 ..a . a 3 L U E . •`WI H SOME. ER Eli E . , T . � , .. _ . .; S, � � : 1 °�r s f r HO.. R Il S � .. �� SUNS AR B'IQD�TR;� �Rv � ba , esiatential construction, Wilt COnSt ..r p . sort ttme�;;em l� me�t�, ni . h.. w.':4,,:00.*. h g; hFerguson.' 395- PNS' ..., 8.'nsot 'o prenticesh�ip,. P one '• Clark chickens,, trav�ellin ;;nlvnlved, lila , p . a i nil . 5454 evenings.,.-7-12tf supplied, for fit atnd ,hard :work pg people, .. _' � .:. a cE `,e`nf 'to' foreman� ava�.i... . ' �;TC�1�No claaia.ce arty ii in ,, A CAREER IN`TR, able.:ICA' Mr Clinton', . t. n� 39278191. =5.tf a a oFi Transport drivers needed. Now is. the tin*,:to .. ,�....,,. ,,,.:.7 _.,. ..;._..."„_... ..... train _:'for your Class. , ' licence ...., Roil, , P. � ; r ;.:e ��en r help • during..,, .. ,-• .�: • w .,; z f�%S�ITIQN:S a .e , P fp . Iti dt#r g,�o T O. prescreeninga'"anterview ,,and lob. placement riu son Class'D license an ,asset °information;" contact: Mery =Orr s ,,,Tran'sport . A :.,. li cation' forrnr; : a:�re ..avail ble at f Abe ,:i- $00,,26 2 t ; -.D f. xve; "f'raa. •i ' ;�: L ..ndon '1 5 >l. r . , � r' { � ng Lucknoyr A:tsticict Co. operattive--11.12ar. 4l.tfa , A Iocall nsura nce Company eandldate' must be 4 certlfied the general ';public. A kcnowlea would be aerial aset. f e cam, luxes will con'sl4e,91 the;, Furor, Bruce, Perth and''Well 'age :anis '6:0006.,0004. requires ,a less ;Preventlon�Of#Icer. The successful electrician who.;is able 'tomeet as nd'get along with e •of bu1$ ;values and boll dla�ig.construction , • us 'so: be, bondable. • BUSH LOTs:Ok. C'fD TREES . ICRAIG 52b-722-.:.. 52 E26_.R 7S1x JOHN SC WAR . 4 r,.. % 6571 ` NAERS; ,plainly marked. be-receilvect by eitheroffthe<rinderali 4otll':5;O0:Prm, MO N 1986 for the crushinv appr'itOma•ttely • 20,000 cualric ytl gatan err .. inate1ri cl on Towns i sand", anpproxlmantely 500 eau bic atocite.:: Approximately 10 yards ,will• required 0 ro. IS#h, the relinain,rietwhen 're .. tion ie complete [September must be s >ubim ltted on . a 'aUnhk sit the a lji 40400;0 e ' li y Cali $24ej will ned I.: west 0 aeceptea� +v oder 5 en a by Jame construe - enders Ponos, nd be for lot neje 'PEO EH 4 y R n !I t JOA T '1 R� A.R11+ Clerk. S ft.R. Lucknow.< S Bulk ' Stlnulaetad SU _ °endeirs wi raenplve by the: .nn, W ` Cry ,o enod oath 4.4 ,, , ► � �1oi' the count of >w.. Iluton.,f�p , f�obtn"- �aelllang . aeri+tl [,1 ;� 00d `sf "'tt'4a 'Snider'. CoIumbla�l,, '�St� •ro avails • • :4 18. "Seer'ices a callable swim. ..."..s..—.:_— F—...m..am. . w.r.211!1}�.4.. DOES YOUR PET .:, EED`:GROQTO? Bathing, nail ,clipping, ears cleaned, and, de flea'. Very reasonable, Phone 529 -7278- 1.10,i1,12 29 -7278T; '!0,11,12 oilIs1 >piair e til;:,Clack: 4 MUR AY'Si AUTO BODY ill. and insurance work; gas tank � ttmatesOpen S a,rii • . 6 2 503 anytime. Highway, 86' new---9-i2ar•. AND APPLIANCE SERVICE i epairs to TVs and appliances, smail applia Wiili•a u rices, vacBelt, u uric. cleane3619rs, razl1orsr,,' etc. Phone; 528 12 TION'EER SERVICE, Grant ;Mctonald, iple' Wallace 0allagb; Teeswater. ai# Aictionee rsr ''Sales—,' ofn ..Phone. k 395-5353, Teeswater. 39261.70; w42trar P'iIL; 5, FRIGEPATIOi' & `; ;f'IJAC;ES . 'SERV CE, Depe idable repairs to all makes' 'anti models; of ' raaja r ; appliances, Phone 1 ' -9C_ 2,--•42tf DON Saks:aa latrons, 2tf Y 1 OMPSON -. Y . APPLIANCES -y Service,• Tower and antenna instal efrigeratton ::iserrvi4e, satellite sys;,' Meand- "service. 1143164 ' 395,3466, •