HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1986-03-19, Page 10l'tt , c It Luteknow Rtlnel'r 'Weduesd ►y; !Ward* 19; 11986 T ie 1Iai To See Ips LUCKNOW DUPLEX loented`close to.stor�er i asking $29,000. ' LUCKNOW 4� bedroom spacious :and. Im nae HOLYROOD remodelled 3:bedroom ho iqe, nes workshopon 3 .cies.. UCfNOV3 beti on with added iem.: il roo,: m ri to I #QII"'lOt. F ced' 'se I. ��anaintained. , o e:.�be •home .etA n. LUCKI�i Wy 4 •�k om' ,' �.. �,. Immediate..' -possession r KLUINCL£ id VR des.� tral a bu.',%glot owner ner has.redu'ced p rice, � r li m� e oc., a, ti o nd,:" ' •Ki\>OSS TWF.638. workable,; balance li wood cedar us IM10S 100acres,'Qwofkable; balancerollin Ids 400'00* ro e� ;rodwce to349 . r OSS TWP,; 54.acres,tIe1d sfAue home cittle barn ',llenent'shedx, lrwet o ho sere e: •r h x 'ri l:' m fa' "lee tate n �atl' LiTC�NOW � SALES : �d►RirT Nfinauc al ,a e $.. >. ASHFIELD .. 200 'acres : a coslmetel 170 workable well tiled ;balance ` ho 'd wood, cedar°614111- bush 4 edro•om home barn 40 a: 110 ft. 1;;811 • workable . 0 ACR{E�- $rt. Helens area- �I y .t ti 8. <pf,a ;A aa'X,5' m. "; ,, at a':f a a.;Ya:.B•1 Y :rov;1°' m• ' re; mlt{O*e,,bDi tion w. s`pte dac • and elect cheat; we1l`insulated size own. f ced .,right,, lwood ash.: Rl ce 100 ACRES, West Waiwanosle cash cro _ el'�, __. 179 ACRES, Weal Waanoil, ., r proved dwelli,:beefpast 89.5 ACRES, Ae s ' ood ` syrstem tmatic isle .beef'fee . all . workable; highway location. , utre. 50= ACRES, .Ashfield; good . buildings, : � y meq .. ARREN ZINN, 528-3710 AIXptROBB, 395'41 4 ; For Me r &Wormer. TWSM arc t�flJ�li�i�y�►�►� fir. ri :00 VittO 'MUSE T81.4411484 l{glel iAltlft' �0'-" WHOLE FARM SCENE FROM TIiA Lunch Available GUST SPEAKER Ken Kelly are istratton limited to Ail 395.5874,, Diane lanes 39548 i rnsor, Olt TO CHEIVIIC, 's: a ays the o ter ' o .register ° Imomle 1Vi u, Druce County 'ins. Safety a anpower,'• :Local rtif►tamemit,Ilickett Pam Service; C.A. Beater ita v 0: • immelzwaan itioui, . Centisallar College, o ff' Reavis Earn- , - lie t, . . 1'Sales� ' ' Dish 4, ,The RA:solutions m;eetingQf Whitechurch WI was' held •at the home of. Mrs, Rena Fisher on March 12 with President Mrs.. Helen Currie conducting the opening exer eises., • 6 ' Ass;istant,glg veto., Mr No n a Falcotm- er Tread 'the minutes . and called `the roll,,,''' answered by all telling if they had a will. All had a will. ' " 4`M"The motto on Vornen was given by Mr:s. ,. Metcalfe. who.told how.in the"old day's the women were to obey. thein' husbands, and -a-days they run' their'' own show: e topic Wills was.'given ,by ',lawyer Aiden Mills who told ;of the,, new`fami<ly+taw or<m March 1, which will affect a, iet> rof people's ?orbs. It was all `very interesting Irish .music was presented on a tape ` made by Mrs.Jean Ross, ,wk s4+away to, Florida'. A dessert euchre bus trip was planned for ch vya s sup lied by Mrs $eta , Fisher s: �f�.e =r Mc•a.ire, l 's :,' °e"an` 'iffau",'an X24 e� eF Milkateers• W a, o � rdr .Po pened 'vrY r answered . !} Y y7 ti l+tirs,.. sEll fir vat aottvitrias" . \ chdeolate, saute., f c 'he' Ieir�h+ tasted 'the. izzaG S eam a1G�id �� � �er ` : � n�Cade sic los hstn ' r a e � s"'> � �<�+?m< airs ;b��n lliott. The eetit °cictsedwith.the Creed Meetiif si was:: 'eld . at Whitechurch :, '1. l �h Cornmunt .e. o a Iia l at:S43.0, 3Q.'M� r - � Y �.�, e a ...� '� This _ was' s a x ar17L�{JJ, eetin .. ;Each; member invited a " uest an {�£oui` members: hit" hre iii. were .. iinv ted. •of"the V� x ec u lm . .. „ i ...� The ;tables Were set With, a white .,candle." in tbe.centre. Each person'had a `place`card st' their seat with a,"cow on its':dirawh aren Elliott Everyone also received a hag .' goodies .collected by .Alison Wardrop. 'I"he:liuffel table had. two.. white 'candles on, it rith a'' floww,r' . centerpiece 'l"he.imeeting;:opened with the;4, H Grace played by Cathy • Dow. Thein all enjoyed the 4-11 lkatee itechurc rcl 8 #Fat9 -' iii. :the; ,v:.tiled e g .. e xbers t llcalI ;:. was 5. 1e, Icew ed' ce' 'A� ,. ;tore bought Ice utrient. values 'of tads • rice cream, a beverages and:: home Y airdrop :demons ra ted'" supper of herb vegetable dip, with carrrots, celeiry and cauliflower, mushrooms, ,;p'ep pers, tromps nachos, ' pork paprika;,; 'creamy pasta and me'i:can salada baguette ail ;,fromage. ° For . dessert there was ` ice cream pizza, clecry.;cbeesecakes and for beverages there were hat +cocoa, ' coffee; M teak: water A get .acquainted game has played and' lnnie BHutchison was ,the !""first one. to get natures, on `; her, queatiotiraaire ..` Canyon t'9 iiiinOV for hers piano solo,• . follorve by k Dow thanked ,,the speaker and presented her witli'''.a cheese basket'to show apprecia tion . Cathy Dow . played Always `. on My Mind as :a piano solo. Helen Currie thanked the 4-H members for .invitmng her and the oilier 'Institute members.-. The. meeting , closed with t%e Creed "J On Marci` °i4, the ' M`llkateers went to . Teeswater to tsar the Teeswater creamtery. TheyT, were shown ,whtere,, they: previously made cheese. and *here: they _make, skim' rkm lk powder. 'Members. were: also shown Trow to 7.44 butter" but '4, were having troublehat day with e butter At 'eesi►atet " down Hail Iuzch w, eaten. 'Kathy atu a or ion; Dow'both'won a draw.' . 0 ,•..it h a LT 'SIX e lr • l'l r; ch Mslkatees� `e at Mrs ' Wardrop's ern bers Opened with call'.was answered.by a .,B , r SM S 1�' m �r � tr explained 'ii X •:-� o a tie ;the �i t r` set v s ci' o reViewed mew►ed the food y 4if 4 � '' The members,:corrmpleted.the activity. and heir book cover`s. The mneetin closed wi h the 'Creed. irm People report o,, '. of. :. r 'Cassie �atr Fale nerSarnia and -Mrs. Ca... s r� the,..' ee' en at. her home . ,dwb a � s.. ent ,;� ked M yP re rnin to -Sarnia ow CSui°ri a` oin " a . ei m athy. is c rn nsty extends h sy p „,Y lm andMrs.. 'Amos:-� art ;" in_:the .o;, Mr: � _ M xri #r r ofi ; father ,C ,:r•.s. :. oh Thursday . s assm Q ?` .0b u a� Martin, age 83, ; at yh'is"4'me, in F'loradale, Theyal extend m 1 o e d s :std► s. x a>th ,..., Y P 'she sin " their t, :.*...a s of and 1:.; a -lfuneralse ice was he ,• : ..,. row + ,,� or its.. e .?I.wB ttv{:era wS». ?`»; f J✓wM,.: Y -.. ;..: bu al A dloining... c"e etc en Sinnamoii 'of jWmg a>~nr v sited; Sunday'with: Mr.,and Mr E .V Beecroft: On Friday evening Mr an Boer of.`Highway"86 visited with Mr.-ainCd: Mrs.John de``Boer. ' �' M Sy : d �; r of 40. fix± in` a e family. ri a On Sun a rs. mon a oe L icknov�► visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. ; and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of Dorchester brought;: Michelle; and .Jason up,to -.spend de Boer: • the winter _ break .:with; their. grandparents ' Mr. and, Mrs' Walter Elliott and Mr. and Mrs Elroy Laidlaw▪ ` :Leslie and Matthew" Elliott, of Brussels spent -' spring break with Mr`. and . Mrs. Walter. Elliott.' ' Congratulations to Mr. and J Mrs. Paul Elliott' of Brussels. lin- thew arrival of a baby girl at St Joseph's ,Hospital; Landolt;;; last ow the , played minuet in D. week. another ,gave wort by °Helen urrrie. Alison Wardro ,welcomed everyone and thanked them i � a ng. The O: mutes of the ,•last meetinad by. Cathy'Dow. wren l iliott plaintter Scene for her piano Alison-;Wardrom introduced .the' guest ape "ker'.Paula`Blagr-aye, dietary`nutrionist, at. .Winghatri ospttal. ,:She.: spoke on osteoporosis. l'wentY five per cent r,,of all Canadian `- women. 50+eats ori' Over :are ' affectedb: ;The person is' in constant :pain becausc.their back is'huritped an l their rib cage sits on 1•iip°bonies. iThe'health Care cost per year is's .00,000 000 'A person with. a smaller bone•frarne is at`ahigher risk than a. iargcr+bone; fraziie who lias more' bone to be =taken awayr -There ,is,6 S rieight loss acid if they have'a hip .fraeto e they•usually ;die in. one'`,; year. AS,tronauts ';get, oterperosis . gnckly when their are Tri s ace because of, the non , use 'of their lior;es: 'i'hirty per cent 'of the calciitr a,. 'is:: ,cinovvcd ..before it A 624.111be :` detected on '"''x-rays: V'ayS. .to:. preveimt osteo erosis are to drink ilk and"set et your calciurmm..You should also .do: Moderate Xercises, t stco ,`' rosis''Joes not have°t() haptieti�.it may be ptevt ntcd and is'trea.tablc - Maryon On Builds+ Mr aind'Mrs 'Walter Elliott and i aren . took Michelle and ''Jason- Laid- law to :t�hcmr hone at;'Dotrchester .and visited: with Mrs Paul .Elliott:; and baby at St. d`oseph's Hospital,London ' Mr. and Mrs Bill Shepherd and sen of Forest and N1 r. and Mrs. Kerr Laidlaw of LuelFrAOW 'visited& recently with Mr. and Mrs Elroy Laidlaw: Ivlrs. I'Nornia Rintoul Who. accormtpanied and.. Mrs Gordons Campbell and H ather, ol` Richmond Hill to ,Florida for two Br weeks arrived' horufe : on Friday . • evening. ' Mrs- Rintotil visited:with r. and Mrs. Jinni ., , Reed. of : Zephyr Hills; Florida while the others .; ;visited various . .places.: eMrs. l{intoul, and Mrs Reed . are sisters -n -law; Mr, and 4, Mrs Campbell and ',Heather • returned home oil .Saturday "to Richmond Dill. `r. aitd Mira: John Ciirric' attended sora I?aul's grandtation cereanony at Radio College. Canada 'in. electronics . engineering' held at the Grand Ball Rootrm. in 'Sheraton Gallie iia 11orotito ori Friday er ening. , Paul also'received` an honors scholarship award. lie returned Norrie with his parents to spend a 'few days; "she co`mtnunity 'extends their" congratulations to Panl on passinarm& waning a scholarsl"mip a:Ward.